jūnijs 13, 2008

  • Saeima has approved in the second reading the draft amendments to the Administrative Violations Code specifying liability for violations in usage of state language
  • Telegraf reports that the Saeima is planning to review a new draft Law on Asylum on 19 June
Yesterday, the Saeima has approved in the second reading the draft amendments to the Administrative Violations Code specifying liability for violations in usage of state language. The amendments stipulate increase of fines for use of other languages in letterheads, seals and stamps alongside with Latvian (if the regulations foresee the provision of such information in Latvian only.) The amendments also stipulate liability of employers and self-employed persons if they did not set level of state language proficiency for post and professions which deals with direct communication with consumers and record keeping.

Yesterday, the Saeima has approved in the second reading the draft amendments to the Administrative Violations Code specifying liability for violations in usage of state language. The amendments stipulate increase of fines for use of other languages in letterheads, seals and stamps alongside with Latvian (if the regulations foresee the provision of such information in Latvian only.) The amendments also stipulate liability of employers and self-employed persons if they did not set level of state language proficiency for post and professions which deals with direct communication with consumers and record keeping. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Telegraf reports that the Saeima is planning to review a new draft Law on Asylum on 19 June. According to the newspaper, the aim of the draft law is to adjust domestic legal acts with the European Commissions directives regarding this field. In particular, the draft law specifies help to other countries on accommodation of refugees in Latvia in case of their massive influx to Europe.

jūnijs 12, 2008

  • Newspapers report about a visit to Latvia of the delegation from the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
Newspapers report about a visit to Latvia of the delegation from the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of Europe. At delegation’s meeting with members of the Saeima’s Citizenship Law Implementation Committee and Human Rights Committee, member of opposition party For Human Rights in United Latvia Jakovs Pliners has stated that reservations to the Framework Convention adopted by the Saeima in fact disabled its implementation in Latvia, because, for instance, Russian speakers as linguistic minority are not allowed to submit applications to municipal institutions in their native language. In the meantime, right-wing MPs stated that implementation of the Framework Convention must be viewed in Latvia’s occupation context. According to unaffiliated right-wing MP Visvaldis Lacis Russian speaking residents of Latvia are not ethnic minority group but Soviet colonists. 

Newspapers report about a visit to Latvia of the delegation from the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of Europe. At delegations meeting with members of the Saeimas Citizenship Law Implementation Committee and Human Rights Committee, member of opposition party For Human Rights in United Latvia Jakovs Pliners has stated that reservations to the Framework Convention adopted by the Saeima in fact disabled its implementation in Latvia, because, for instance, Russian speakers as linguistic minority are not allowed to submit applications to municipal institutions in their native language. In the meantime, right-wing MPs stated that implementation of the Framework Convention must be viewed in Latvias occupation context. According to unaffiliated right-wing MP Visvaldis Lacis Russian speaking residents of Latvia are not ethnic minority group but Soviet colonists. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

jūnijs 11, 2008

  • Cabinet of Ministers repeatedly did not support the draft amendments stipulating lower state language proficiency requirements for firemen and border guards
  • Latvian Ambassador to Russia Andris Teikmanis: cancelling Russian visa requirements for Latvian non-citizens would decrease their motivation for naturalisation
  • Chas reports about an action in support of a report which will be prepared by the European Parliament on problems of Latvian non-citizens
Yesterday, the Cabinet of Ministers repeatedly did not support the draft amendments prepared by the Ministry of Interior stipulating lower state language proficiency requirements for firemen and border guards. The Ministry of Interior proposed to soften language requirements for those firemen and border guards whose work does not include communication and registration of documents.

Yesterday, the Cabinet of Ministers repeatedly did not support the draft amendments prepared by the Ministry of Interior stipulating lower state language proficiency requirements for firemen and border guards. The Ministry of Interior proposed to soften language requirements for those firemen and border guards whose work does not include communication and registration of documents. Vesti Segodnya

The Latvian Ambassador to Russia Andris Teikmanis has stated that cancelling Russian visa requirements for Latvian non-citizens would decrease their motivation for naturalisation and acquisition of Latvian citizenship.

The Latvian Ambassador to Russia Andris Teikmanis has stated that cancelling Russian visa requirements for Latvian non-citizens would decrease their motivation for naturalisation and acquisition of Latvian citizenship. Chas, Telegraf

Chas reports about an action in support of a report which will be prepared by the European Parliament (EP) on problems of Latvian non-citizens. The aim of the action is to provide support for the report from all groups of the EP. As reported, decision to prepare such report was made by the Committee on Petitions of the EP as a reaction to the petition signed by Latvian residents on granting non-citizens voting rights in municipal and the EP elections.

jūnijs 10, 2008

  • Experts from the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of Europe arrived to Latvia
  • Newspapers report about a round-table discussion Non-citizens in Latvia and Estonia: Challenge to International Law and Standards in Human Rights Field held in Russias State Duma
  • MP Janis Urbanovics: new Russian speaking party might be established in the near future
  • Chas prints an article about Russians in Latvia
Yesterday, experts from the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of Europe have arrived to Latvia to monitor the implementation of the Framework Convention. The experts will meet with state officials, representatives of NGOs and mass media and visit second largest Latvian city – Daugavpils.

Yesterday, experts from the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of Europe have arrived to Latvia to monitor the implementation of the Framework Convention. The experts will meet with state officials, representatives of NGOs and mass media and visit second largest Latvian city – Daugavpils. Chas

Newspapers report about a round-table discussion “Non-citizens in Latvia and Estonia: Challenge to International Law and Standards in Human Rights Field” held in Russia’s State Duma yesterday. According to Chas, main conclusion of the discussion is that the Russian Federation must take more active measures on protection of non-citizens in Latvia and Estonia and resist attempts to re-write history of these countries.

Newspapers report about a round-table discussion Non-citizens in Latvia and Estonia: Challenge to International Law and Standards in Human Rights Field held in Russias State Duma yesterday. According to Chas, main conclusion of the discussion is that the Russian Federation must take more active measures on protection of non-citizens in Latvia and Estonia and resist attempts to re-write history of these countries. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The MP from the political party Concord Centre Janis Urbanovics supposes that a new Russian speaking party might be established in the near future. The MP considers that such party might be established with an aim to take away and disperse votes of non-Latvians from two largest pro-Russian parties – Concord Centre and For Human Rights in United Latvia.

The MP from the political party Concord Centre Janis Urbanovics supposes that a new Russian speaking party might be established in the near future. The MP considers that such party might be established with an aim to take away and disperse votes of non-Latvians from two largest pro-Russian parties – Concord Centre and For Human Rights in United Latvia. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Chas prints an article about Russians in Latvia. Columnist believes that Russians in Latvia should stop thinking of them selves as Latvian ethnic minorities because this status puts them in unequal position with ethnic Latvians as native nation. Russian residents should perceive them selves as Russian speaking Latvians thus becoming equal with ethnic Latvians in status and rights. Columnist also considers that state official are afraid to acknowledge that there is one more equal nation in the country because that mean that Latvia is two-community state and representatives of both nations must be granted equal rights.

jūnijs 9, 2008

Latvian Centre for Human Rights prepared a shadow report on the implementation of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Latvia

In order to promote discussions about the impact of the implementation of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Latvia, the Latvian Centre for Human Rights has prepared a “shadow” report, which aims at providing information on the implementation of specific articles of the Convention in Latvia. The shadow report does not provide general analysis of legislation and other normative acts, but focuses on practical aspects of the implementation of the rights enshrined in the Convention, thus providing complementary information to other reports, including the state report.

In order to promote discussions about the impact of the implementation of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Latvia, the Latvian Centre for Human Rights has prepared a shadow report, which aims at providing information on the implementation of specific articles of the Convention in Latvia. The shadow report does not provide general analysis of legislation and other normative acts, but focuses on practical aspects of the implementation of the rights enshrined in the Convention, thus providing complementary information to other reports, including the state report.

Full text of the report available at: http://www.humanrights.org.lv/html/news/29495.html?yr=2008

  • Study Integration of New Members of Society: majority of Latvian residents have negative attitude towards reception of asylum seekers in Latvia
  • Academician Leo Dribins: number of anti-Semites is growing in Latvia
  • Telegraf reports about a competition of students from Latvian and Russian language schools What Good Can I Say about Russians? and What Good Can I Say about Latvians?
  • Newspapers report about congresses of the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM
According to a study “Integration of New Members of Society”, majority of Latvian residents have negative attitude towards reception of asylum seekers in Latvia. Attitude towards Muslims and Chechens is especially negative. 35% of respondents consider that asylum seekers should be forbidden entry into Latvia, while 59% of respondents consider that asylum seekers living in Latvia should assimilate, abandoning their ethnic characteristics.

According to a study Integration of New Members of Society, majority of Latvian residents have negative attitude towards reception of asylum seekers in Latvia. Attitude towards Muslims and Chechens is especially negative. 35% of respondents consider that asylum seekers should be forbidden entry into Latvia, while 59% of respondents consider that asylum seekers living in Latvia should assimilate, abandoning their ethnic characteristics. Telegraf

In an interview with

In an interview with Telegraf, Professor Leo Dribins has stated that number of anti-Semites is growing in Latvia. Mr. Dribins believes that Latvia is not anti-Semitic country; however, there are groups of people, which disseminate anti-Semitic ideas through publications and in the Internet.

Telegraf reports about a competition of students from Latvian and Russian language schools in Jelgava (city in the Central part of Latvia) What Good Can I Say about Russians? and What Good Can I Say about Latvians?. The competition was held by Jelgavas Russian newspaper with an aim to promote consolidation of Russians and Latvians in Latvia.

Newspapers report about congresses of the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM) held on 7 June. The FHRUL has called upon the so-called pro-Russian parties to run with the FHRUL in one list for the European Parliament’s elections. In the meantime, FF/LNIM has appealed to the governing coalition to establish special unit which would be responsible for implementation of state language policy in Latvia.

Newspapers report about congresses of the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM) held on 7 June. The FHRUL has called upon the so-called pro-Russian parties to run with the FHRUL in one list for the European Parliaments elections. In the meantime, FF/LNIM has appealed to the governing coalition to establish special unit which would be responsible for implementation of state language policy in Latvia. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

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