jūnijs 30, 2008

  • Latvijas Avize reports about intermediate results of a study Attitude towards Guest Workers in Latvia
  • Ministry of Interior has elaborated and forwarded to the Cabinet of Ministers the draft amendments stipulating lowering of required state language proficiency level at work for firemen and boarder guards
  • Telegraf and Latvijas Avize reports about a first conference of Russias compatriots organisations in Latvia Russian World in Latvia in the First Decade of XXI Century: Course for Consolidation

Latvijas Avize reports about intermediate results of a study Attitude towards Guest Workers in Latvia conducted by the State Language Agency and public opinion research centre SKDS. According to the study, 36 % of Latvian residents consider that there is shortage of labour force in the country, while, 51 % consider that domestic labour force is in sufficient number. 28% of respondents support attraction of guest workers to Latvia. 35% of residents consider that more acceptable guest workers are from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. 50 % of respondents consider that guest workers should learn Latvian language after their arrival to Latvia.

The Ministry of Interior has elaborated and forwarded to the Cabinet of Ministers the draft amendments stipulating lowering of required state language proficiency level at work for firemen and boarder guards. The Ministry of Interior considers that at present the language requirements for representatives of these professions are too high.

The Ministry of Interior has elaborated and forwarded to the Cabinet of Ministers the draft amendments stipulating lowering of required state language proficiency level at work for firemen and boarder guards. The Ministry of Interior considers that at present the language requirements for representatives of these professions are too high. Telegraf

Telegraf and Latvijas Avize reports about a first conference of Russias compatriots organisations in Latvia Russian World in Latvia in the First Decade of XXI Century: Course for Consolidation held on 28 June in Riga. Participants of the conference have discussed problems of Russians in Latvia, legal rights of Russian citizens residing in Latvia, establishment of civil society, and preservation of Russian culture and education.

jūnijs 28, 2008

  • Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy decided to withdraw its membership in the Employers Confederation of Latvia because of disagreements regarding state language issues
The Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (RTTEMA) decided to withdraw its membership in the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia because of disagreements regarding state language issues. The RTTEMA disagrees with the Employers’ Confederation’s objections against widening of list of posts and professions which would require obligatory Latvian language proficiency and usage.

The Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (RTTEMA) decided to withdraw its membership in the Employers Confederation of Latvia because of disagreements regarding state language issues. The RTTEMA disagrees with the Employers Confederations objections against widening of list of posts and professions which would require obligatory Latvian language proficiency and usage. Latvijas Avize

jūnijs 27, 2008

  • Newspapers report that the MP Nikolajs Kabanovs has discontinued membership in the FHRUL
  • Latvian lawyer Andris Grutups: Latvia belongs to ethnic Latvians and only they have rights over this state
Newspapers report that the MP Nikolajs Kabanovs has discontinued membership in the party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) and is planning to join the political union the Concord Centre. According to Mr. Kabanovs, the present situation does not permit one to concentrate only on ethnic issues as the FHRUL does; instead, politicians should direct their efforts towards concord within the society.”

Newspapers report that the MP Nikolajs Kabanovs has discontinued membership in the party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) and is planning to join the political union the Concord Centre. According to Mr. Kabanovs, the present situation does not permit one to concentrate only on ethnic issues as the FHRUL does; instead, politicians should direct their efforts towards concord within the society. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Diena

NRA prints an interview with prominent Latvian lawyer Andris Grutups. Mr. Grutups states that Latvia belongs to ethnic Latvians and only they have rights over this state because they have established it. According to Andris Grutups, Latvia is not multicultural but historically ethnic Latvian territory, therefore, everybody who lives in the country should respect Latvian traditions, language and law.

jūnijs 26, 2008

  • Russian National Bolsheviks have poured tomato juice over the Latvian Ambassador to Russia Andris Teikmanis during his press conference in Moscow
  • Vesti Segodnya reports that the European Court of Human Rights has adopted a ruling in favour of a former ‘Red Partisan Vasilijs Kononovs
  • Latvias Association for Support of Schools with Russian Language of Instruction handed to the Advisory Committee of the Council of Europe its comments on implementation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Latvia
Newspapers report that Russian National Bolsheviks have poured tomato juice over the Latvian Ambassador to Russia Andris Teikmanis during his press conference in Moscow. In such way National Bolsheviks tried to draw attention at discrimination of Russian speakers in Latvia and imprisonment of one of the leader of National Bolsheviks Vladimir Linderman. After the accident the Ambassador continued the press conference where stated that Russia’s decision to cancel visa requirements for non-citizens entering Russia is discriminating towards majority of Russian residents of Latvia who are Latvian citizens. Andris Teikmanis believes that because of such decision non-citizens will lose motivation to naturalise.

Newspapers report that Russian National Bolsheviks have poured tomato juice over the Latvian Ambassador to Russia Andris Teikmanis during his press conference in Moscow. In such way National Bolsheviks tried to draw attention at discrimination of Russian speakers in Latvia and imprisonment of one of the leader of National Bolsheviks Vladimir Linderman. After the accident the Ambassador continued the press conference where stated that Russias decision to cancel visa requirements for non-citizens entering Russia is discriminating towards majority of Russian residents of Latvia who are Latvian citizens. Andris Teikmanis believes that because of such decision non-citizens will lose motivation to naturalise. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Diena

Vesti Segodnya reports that the European Court of Human Rights has adopted a ruling in favour of a former ‘Red Partisan Vasilijs Kononovs in his case against Latvia. As reported, in 2004, the Supreme Court of Latvia has found guilty Vasilijs Kononovs of committing war crimes in 1944. The court sentenced him to 1 year and 8 months imprisonment, which was equivalent to the time he has already spent in prison during the pre-trial investigation. 84-years-old Vasilijs Kononovs complained that he was sentenced for offences which were not unlawful during the time they were made. Mr. Kononovs argued that the characterisation of his acts by the Latvian courts was based on an erroneous assumption that Latvia was at the time occupied by the USSR and that he was a representative of the occupation forces. He also complained about the length and unfairness of his trial and that his detention pending trial harmed his state of health. The official ruling of the European Court of Human Rights will be announced in July.

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Latvias Association for Support of Schools with Russian Language of Instruction (LASHOR in its Russian acronym) has handed to the Advisory Committee of the Council of Europe its comments on implementation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Latvia. The comments emphasize implementation of the Convention regarding ethnic minority education in Latvia. According to the comments, possibilities of studying in Russian language has significantly decreased during the last 12 years not only due to demographic reasons but also because ethnic Latvians have more opportunities for establishment of a school than ethnic minorities. Full text of the LASHORs comments is available at http://www.lashor.lv/eng/index.php

jūnijs 25, 2008

  • State Language Centre appeals to consumers to boycott shops selling imported goods without usage instruction translated into Latvian
The State Language Centre appeals to consumers to boycott shops selling imported goods without usage instruction translated into Latvian. According to legal acts, marking, usage instruction and guarantee for imported goods should be fully translated into Latvian language.  

The State Language Centre appeals to consumers to boycott shops selling imported goods without usage instruction translated into Latvian. According to legal acts, marking, usage instruction and guarantee for imported goods should be fully translated into Latvian language. Chas

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