Aug. 9, 2008

  • Activists of nationalistic political organisation All for Latvia! are planning to raid shops, cafes, hairdressing saloons and dry-cleaners checking Latvian language proficiency of employees
  • Forum of anti-fascists organised by the Latvian Anti-fascist Committee is planned to be held in Riga
  • Latvijas Avize reports about a conflict between a costumer who spoke Russian with a salesperson of a shop Narvesen and therefore was refused service
Activists of nationalistic political organisation “All for Latvia!” are planning to raid shops, cafes, hairdressing saloons and dry-cleaner’s in different parts of Riga with an aim to check Latvian language proficiency of employees. Following the raids, “All for Latvia!” will compile a list of organisations who’s employees are using Latvian language insufficiently and publish it on the web-site, where it already collects signatures in support of full transition of all state funded schools to Latvian language starting from first grade. The State Language Centre could deal with the list after publication.

Activists of nationalistic political organisation All for Latvia! are planning to raid shops, cafes, hairdressing saloons and dry-cleaners in different parts of Riga with an aim to check Latvian language proficiency of employees. Following the raids, All for Latvia! will compile a list of organisations whos employees are using Latvian language insufficiently and publish it on the web-site, where it already collects signatures in support of full transition of all state funded schools to Latvian language starting from first grade. The State Language Centre could deal with the list after publication. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya reports that a forum of anti-fascists organised by the Latvian Anti-fascist Committee is planned to be held this week in Riga. Activists and leaders of anti-fascist organisations from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and Russia will visit the forum.

Latvijas Avize reports about a conflict between a costumer who spoke Russian with a salesperson of a shop Narvesen and therefore was refused service. Salesperson asserts that she does not speak Russian and she is not obligated to speak it in Latvia because the only state language is Latvian. The salesperson admitted that she called the costumer an occupant and asked him to leave the shop. She also asserts that the costumer reacted angrily to her response and later in the day returned with his so-called advocate claiming for moral compensation from the shop. In an interview with the newspaper, legal representative of the costumer (who is neither advocate nor lawyer) states that Narvesen should apologise to the costumer because he was refused service which is violation of costumers rights.

Aug. 8, 2008

  • Vladimirs Sokolovs: the National Minorities Consultative Council of the President of Latvia has to be restored
  • Working group proposed to merge the State Language Centre and the State Language Agency

Chas interviews Vladimirs Sokolovs, leader of NGOs Union of Citizens and Non-citizens and Citizenship. Culture. Education, who recently took part in PACE conference on challenges of diversity and migration facing European democracies and measures to improve the democratic participation of migrants. Various forms of minority participation, such as voting rights in municipal elections, special minority councils, as well as representation in mainstream political parties, were proposed during the conference. Mr.Sokolovs believes that in Latvia, the work of various minority participation councils (such as councils in municipalities and the National Minorities Consultative Council of the President of Latvia) has to be renewed and its effectiveness improved. He stated that representation of minorities in Latvian political parties also needs to be addressed, including in party and election lists, leadership, party programmes and voting decisions on minority-sensitive issues.

Yesterday, a draft concept of optimisation of work of institutions responsible for language policy in Latvia was announced at the State Secretaries’ meeting. In order to optimise the usage of administrative resources, the working group of the Ministry of Justice proposed to merge the State Language Centre and the State Language Agency.

Yesterday, a draft concept of optimisation of work of institutions responsible for language policy in Latvia was announced at the State Secretaries meeting. In order to optimise the usage of administrative resources, the working group of the Ministry of Justice proposed to merge the State Language Centre and the State Language Agency. Vesti Segodnya

Aug. 7, 2008

  • General Director of the Employers Confederation of Latvia: state language policy is ineffective
  • LAShOR proposes mandatory exam on native language and literature

Chas interviews Elina Egle, the General Director the Employers Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) concerning recent decision to enlarge the list of posts and professions which require different levels of obligatory Latvian language proficiency. Mrs.Egle questions effectiveness of Latvias language policy, mentioning that 7 different state bodies in charge of its implementation have spent around 60 million Lats (85 million Euros) during the last 15 years. She associates the latest decision with the desire of the state authorities to demonstrate their power and superiority. While LDDK is interested in strengthening the positions of the state language in Latvia, the Ministry of Justice did not provide research or statistical data on specific problems concerning language usage in economy, which would justify the enlargement of the list. Mrs.Egle also believes that while around 100 thousand Latvias residents are already working abroad, tightening language requirements in private sphere is sending a negative signal for both employees and employers in Latvia.

Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian Language of Instruction (LAShOR in its Russian acronym) submitted proposal to the Ministry of Education and Science to amend the draft Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers on standards of state general secondary education and study subjects of secondary education. LAShOR proposed to introduce mandatory exam on native language and literature for graduates of minority education programmes.

Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian Language of Instruction (LAShOR in its Russian acronym) submitted proposal to the Ministry of Education and Science to amend the draft Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers on standards of state general secondary education and study subjects of secondary education. LAShOR proposed to introduce mandatory exam on native language and literature for graduates of minority education programmes. Chas

Aug. 6, 2008

  • Juris Asars appointed to the position of the Head of IUMSILS
  • Annual Baltic conference of Russias compatriots will be held in Riga
Yesterday, the Cabinet of Ministers appointed Juris Asars to the position of the Head of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Affairs (IUMSILS in its Latvian acronym). Mr.Asars has been working within IUMSILS less than two months as a director of Social Integration and Policy Department.

Yesterday, the Cabinet of Ministers appointed Juris Asars to the position of the Head of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Affairs (IUMSILS in its Latvian acronym). Mr.Asars has been working within IUMSILS less than two months as a director of Social Integration and Policy Department. Latvijas Avize

Annual Baltic conference of Russia’s compatriots will be held in Riga on 22-23 of August. The conference will discuss the role of Russia in international politics and resolution of the problems of compatriots, as well as the initiative to grant Estonia’s and Latvia’s non-citizens the right to vote in election of the EU parliament.

Annual Baltic conference of Russias compatriots will be held in Riga on 22-23 of August. The conference will discuss the role of Russia in international politics and resolution of the problems of compatriots, as well as the initiative to grant Estonias and Latvias non-citizens the right to vote in election of the EU parliament. Chas

Aug. 5, 2008

  • Diena publishes article about the relations between Latvia and Livonians
Reinis Lazda writes about the relations between Latvia and Livonians (native population of Latvia). The author believes that during inter-war years Latvia viewed activities of Livonians with suspicion, probably out of fear of Livonian separatism, although there were only 1000 ethnic Livonians at that time. Now there are fewer then 200 ethnic Livonians and only few speak Livonian as native tongue. The author believes that current Latvia’s policy towards Livonians is superficial. He views positively the fact that a Livonian Affairs Division was established at the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration (IUMSILS). However, Mr.Lazda is critical about its activities and expenditures, and suggests that some of the money could be used on development of online electronic resources, such as homepage with comprehensive information on Livonians, electronic books in Livonian, including study kits and dictionaries, as well as information about events devoted to Livonians.

Reinis Lazda writes about the relations between Latvia and Livonians (native population of Latvia). The author believes that during inter-war years Latvia viewed activities of Livonians with suspicion, probably out of fear of Livonian separatism, although there were only 1000 ethnic Livonians at that time. Now there are fewer then 200 ethnic Livonians and only few speak Livonian as native tongue. The author believes that current Latvias policy towards Livonians is superficial. He views positively the fact that a Livonian Affairs Division was established at the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration (IUMSILS). However, Mr.Lazda is critical about its activities and expenditures, and suggests that some of the money could be used on development of online electronic resources, such as homepage with comprehensive information on Livonians, electronic books in Livonian, including study kits and dictionaries, as well as information about events devoted to Livonians. Diena

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