jūnijs 6, 2006

  • Prosecutor has fined a person for incitement to ethnic hatred
  • Security Police has closed the criminal case against the Russian-language newspaper Chas
  • Interview with the representative of the Latvian National Human Rights Office Liga Biksiniece
  • Prosecution Office has started a criminal prosecution against a girl who attacked two Sri Lankans
The prosecutor of the Riga Regional Court has fined a 15-year-old person with a LVL 450 (EUR 640) for incitement to ethnic hatred. As reported, the person published offensive statements towards Russians on the internet portal DELFI.

The prosecutor of the Riga Regional Court has fined a 15-year-old person with a LVL 450 (EUR 640) for incitement to ethnic hatred. As reported, the person published offensive statements towards Russians on the internet portal DELFI. Chas, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Diena, Latvijas Vestnesis

The Security Police has closed the criminal case against the Russian-language newspaper

The Security Police has closed the criminal case against the Russian-language newspaper Chas. In March 2005, the MP Aleksandrs Kirsteins has appealed to the Security Police to initiate a criminal case against Chas. He argued that several printed articles were aimed at incitement to ethnic hatred. However, the Security Police did not find the elements of crime in the published articles and closed the case. Chas

Latvijas Vestnesis features an interview with the head of the Latvian National Human Rights Offices (LNHRO) Discrimination Prevention Department Liga Biksiniece. Last year, the LNHRO has received 15 complaints on racial and ethnic discrimination: research data show, that Roma people face significant difficulties on the labour market … However, it is very hard to prove that a person was not hired because of his/her ethnicity.

Yesterday, the Prosecution Office has started a criminal prosecution against a girl who attacked two Sri Lankans in January. The girl is related to a skinhead organisation.

Yesterday, the Prosecution Office has started a criminal prosecution against a girl who attacked two Sri Lankans in January. The girl is related to a skinhead organisation. Latvijas Avize, Diena

jūnijs 5, 2006

  • LASHOR elaborated draft amendments to the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers on the standards of general secondary education
  • Linguist Dzintra Hirsa supports the requirement to demonstrate Latvian language skills for non-citizens willing to receive the status of the EU permanent resident
The Latvian Association for Support of Russian-Language Schools (LASHOR) has elaborated the draft amendments to the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers on the standards of the state general secondary education and on the standards of school subjects. LASHOR proposes to determine that the number of hours on minority language and literature in minority schools should not be less than the number of hours on Latvian language and literature in Latvian schools. According to the LASHOR’s proposal, graduate exams on minority language and literature should be compulsory in schools implementing minority education programs.

The Latvian Association for Support of Russian-Language Schools (LASHOR) has elaborated the draft amendments to the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers on the standards of the state general secondary education and on the standards of school subjects. LASHOR proposes to determine that the number of hours on minority language and literature in minority schools should not be less than the number of hours on Latvian language and literature in Latvian schools. According to the LASHORs proposal, graduate exams on minority language and literature should be compulsory in schools implementing minority education programs. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

A linguist and the former head of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa supports the adoption of the requirement that non-citizens willing to receive the status of the EU permanent resident have to demonstrate Latvian language skills. According to Dzintra Hirsa, this requirement would raise the prestige of the state language. As reported, the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga did not proclaim the Law on the Status of the EU Permanent Resident and returned it back to the Saeima for repeated revision. The President argued that Latvian non-citizens have specific rights and they do not fall in the category of third country nationals. Therefore, Latvian non-citizens must not prove their permanent and legal residency in Latvia and demonstrate their state language skills.

A linguist and the former head of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa supports the adoption of the requirement that non-citizens willing to receive the status of the EU permanent resident have to demonstrate Latvian language skills. According to Dzintra Hirsa, this requirement would raise the prestige of the state language. As reported, the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga did not proclaim the Law on the Status of the EU Permanent Resident and returned it back to the Saeima for repeated revision. The President argued that Latvian non-citizens have specific rights and they do not fall in the category of third country nationals. Therefore, Latvian non-citizens must not prove their permanent and legal residency in Latvia and demonstrate their state language skills. Latvijas Avize

jūnijs 3, 2006

  • New Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Thomas Hammarberg: minorities should have equal rights with majorities in each state
  • Representative of the Latvian National Human Rights Office points to several consultations on possible discrimination in employment
  • FF/LNIM submitted draft amendments to the Citizenship Law to Saeima
In an interview with the Russian news agency

In an interview with the Russian news agency ITAR-TASS, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Thomas Hammarberg has stated that the problems and situation of the Russian-speaking minorities in Latvia and Estonia will be closely examined. According to Thomas Hammarberg, minorities should have equal rights with majorities in each state. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The head of the Latvian National Human Rights Office’s (LNHRO) Discrimination Prevention Department Liga Biksiniece has stated that several people turned to the LNHRO for consultations on possible discrimination in employment. According to Liga Biksiniece, the interest on the issue has increased after the Jelgava Administrative Court ruled in favour of a plaintiff Romani woman Sanita Kozlovska suing the enterprise PALSO for refusal to hire her allegedly because of her ethnicity.

The head of the Latvian National Human Rights Offices (LNHRO) Discrimination Prevention Department Liga Biksiniece has stated that several people turned to the LNHRO for consultations on possible discrimination in employment. According to Liga Biksiniece, the interest on the issue has increased after the Jelgava Administrative Court ruled in favour of a plaintiff Romani woman Sanita Kozlovska suing the enterprise PALSO for refusal to hire her allegedly because of her ethnicity. NRA

The magazine

The magazine Sestdiena features an article about the case of Sanita Kozlovska.

Yesterday, the Saeima’s faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has submitted its elaborated draft amendments to the Citizenship Law for review to Saeima. As reported, FF/LNIM has proposed to halt the naturalisation process and to close the Naturalisation Board.

Yesterday, the Saeimas faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has submitted its elaborated draft amendments to the Citizenship Law for review to Saeima. As reported, FF/LNIM has proposed to halt the naturalisation process and to close the Naturalisation Board. Chas, Latvijas Avize

jūnijs 2, 2006

  • Concord Centre is elaborating a draft project on the grant of the official language status of ethnic minorities to the Russian language in Latvia
  • Chas features an interview with the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone
  • Chas features an article by MP Jakovs Pliners and member of the Jelgava City Council Valerijs Buhvalovs on the situation and rights of non-citizens in Latvia
  • Foundation Livonija held a discussion on preservation of the Russian culture and language
  • Head of the NGO Afrolat Christopher Ejugbo received the Society Integration Award for his contribution into consolidation of society
Party “The Concord Centre” is elaborating a draft project, according to which Russian language should be granted the status of the official language of ethnic minorities in Latvia.  Member of the party and MP Janis Urbanovics stated, “in reality, the Russian language is a second widespread language in Latvia. However, according to legal norms the Russian language in Latvia does not exit. It has the same status as any foreign language, for instance, Chinese or Hindi.”

Party The Concord Centre is elaborating a draft project, according to which Russian language should be granted the status of the official language of ethnic minorities in Latvia. Member of the party and MP Janis Urbanovics stated, in reality, the Russian language is a second widespread language in Latvia. However, according to legal norms the Russian language in Latvia does not exit. It has the same status as any foreign language, for instance, Chinese or Hindi. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Chas features an interview with the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone. The Minister considers that an integrated society is a society where everybody or a group of people has equal rights to participate in public activities and use its accomplishments. Karina Petersone argues that the problem of Latvian society lies not in a division between Latvians and Russians, but in stereotypes created and maintained by politicians and the mass media.

Chas features an article by the MP Jakovs Pliners and member of the Jelgava City Council Valerijs Buhvalovs (both from FHRUL) on the situation and rights of non-citizens in Latvia. According to them, Latvian non-citizens have to be granted voting rights in municipal elections and the naturalisation process has to be ‘softened for those applicants who have lived in Latvia for all or almost all their life. Jakovs Pliners and Valerijs Buhvalovs argue that criticism towards the government and laws are not disloyal actions, and both – citizens and non-citizens - have rights to express their views and criticism.

Politicians, teachers, historians, entrepreneurs and journalist took part in

Politicians, teachers, historians, entrepreneurs and journalist took part in a discussion on the preservation of the Russian culture and language held by the international foundation Livonija. Vesti Segodnya

The Society Integration Foundation gave its Society Harmony Award to head of the NGO “Afrolat” Christopher Ejugbo for his contribution in consolidation of society.

The Society Integration Foundation gave its Society Harmony Award to head of the NGO Afrolat Christopher Ejugbo for his contribution in consolidation of society. Telegraf

maijs 31, 2006

  • Biggest Latvian internet portals and NGOs have signed a Declaration on the Respect, Tolerance and Cooperation on the Internet
  • Working group will develop amendments to legal norms to ease legal migration of guest workers to Latvia
  • Court ruling in the first ethnic discrimination case in employment will be appealed
  • MP Peteris Tabuns received a written warning for the offensive towards Russians statements
  • Presidents Chancellery held a discussion on the Law on the EU Permanent Resident Status
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks: it is planned to open a museum of ethnic minorities in Latvia
Yesterday, representatives of the biggest Latvian Internet portals and NGOs signed a Declaration on the Respect, Tolerance and Cooperation on the Internet. The Declaration states “Our aim is to eliminate and combat intolerance and manifestations of hatred on the Internet, without imposing limitations on the freedom of speech. We stand for an open and honest and argumentative discussion.” The Declaration stipulates that intolerance is a call for violence, discrimination, threat, accusations which are addressed towards a person or a group of people on their racial or ethnic lines, religious belonging, language, citizenship, gender, sexual orientation, age, and health condition.

Yesterday, representatives of the biggest Latvian Internet portals and NGOs signed a Declaration on the Respect, Tolerance and Cooperation on the Internet. The Declaration states Our aim is to eliminate and combat intolerance and manifestations of hatred on the Internet, without imposing limitations on the freedom of speech. We stand for an open and honest and argumentative discussion. The Declaration stipulates that intolerance is a call for violence, discrimination, threat, accusations which are addressed towards a person or a group of people on their racial or ethnic lines, religious belonging, language, citizenship, gender, sexual orientation, age, and health condition. Chas, Diena, Latvijas Vestnesis

Diena features an article about Suzette Bronkhorst an expert from the Netherlands who was invited to Latvia to share with an experience on the combating of intolerance and hatred on the internet.

More about the Declaration in Latvian and Russian:

More about the Declaration in Latvian and Russian: http://www.dialogi.lv/article.php?s=393&id=2488&lang=1

The government supported formation of a working group, which will examine possible impacts of legal migration of the labour force to Latvia to solve increasing shortage of the local labour force. The working group will elaborate the draft amendments to legal norms providing easements concerning issuance visas, working and residency permits to foreigners.

The government supported formation of a working group, which will examine possible impacts of legal migration of the labour force to Latvia to solve increasing shortage of the local labour force. The working group will elaborate the draft amendments to legal norms providing easements concerning issuance visas, working and residency permits to foreigners. Diena, Latvijas Vestnesis

An enterprise PALSO is planning to appeal the ruling of the Jelgava Administrative Court. As reported, a Romani woman sued PALSO for refusal to hire her allegedly because of her ethnicity. The Court ruled in favour of the plaintiff and fined an enterprise PALSO with LVL 1,000 (EURO 1,422). However, PALSO denies that a woman was not hired because of her ethnicity.

An enterprise PALSO is planning to appeal the ruling of the Jelgava Administrative Court. As reported, a Romani woman sued PALSO for refusal to hire her allegedly because of her ethnicity. The Court ruled in favour of the plaintiff and fined an enterprise PALSO with LVL 1,000 (EURO 1,422). However, PALSO denies that a woman was not hired because of her ethnicity. NRA

The Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee issued MP  Peteris Tabuns (FF/LNIM) a written warning for making offensive statements regarding Russians during the parliamentarian session.

The Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee issued MP Peteris Tabuns (FF/LNIM) a written warning for making offensive statements regarding Russians during the parliamentarian session. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Diena, NRA

Yesterday, the President’s Chancellery and the representatives of various ministries, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, the National Human Rights Office and the MPs Boriss Cilevics (the Concord Centre) and Jurijs Sokolovskis (FHRUL) held a discussion on the Law on the EU Permanent Resident Status. As reported, the Law, which was adopted by Saeima, provides that applicants for the status have to demonstrate Latvian language skills and pay the state fee. However, the parties “the Concord Centre” and “For Human Rights in United Latvia” have appealed the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga not to proclaim the Law.

Yesterday, the Presidents Chancellery and the representatives of various ministries, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, the National Human Rights Office and the MPs Boriss Cilevics (the Concord Centre) and Jurijs Sokolovskis (FHRUL) held a discussion on the Law on the EU Permanent Resident Status. As reported, the Law, which was adopted by Saeima, provides that applicants for the status have to demonstrate Latvian language skills and pay the state fee. However, the parties the Concord Centre and For Human Rights in United Latvia have appealed the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga not to proclaim the Law. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Yesterday, during the conference “The Role of Ethnic Minorities in the History of Latvia” the Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks stated that it is planned to open a museum of ethnic minorities in Latvia.

Yesterday, during the conference The Role of Ethnic Minorities in the History of Latvia the Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks stated that it is planned to open a museum of ethnic minorities in Latvia. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

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