jūnijs 5, 2004

  • Agreement on establishment of the European Unions Russian Party
  • Discussion Decision-making and participation in the minority education policy
  • Vesti Segodnya writes about proposal of the Peoples Party to expel Aleksandrs Kazakovs, organiser of the protest actions against the education reform
  • Minister for Education and Science Juris Radzevics about the education reform
  • Historian Leo Dribins about the situation of ethnic minorities in the EU and the necessity to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Latvia
  • Sociologist Aleksejs Snitnikovs on the future of Russians in Latvia
  • Internet portal providing information about minority rights issues
  • Commentary about the Saeima decision to authorise incrimination of administrative charges against the deputies Andris Tolmacovs, Jakovs Pliners and Vladimirs Buzajevs
Representatives of Russian diasporas from six European countries have signed an agreement on establishing of the European Union’s Russian Party. According to the leader of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia Tatjana Zdanoka, who has also signed the agreement, the new party will be established by the Russian minority representatives from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Cyprus and Norway.

Representatives of Russian diasporas from six European countries have signed an agreement on establishing of the European Unions Russian Party. According to the leader of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia Tatjana Zdanoka, who has also signed the agreement, the new party will be established by the Russian minority representatives from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Cyprus and Norway. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize writes about discussion Decision-making and participation in the minority education policy, organised by the Public Policy Centre PROVIDUS with the support of the embassy of Norway.

Vesti Segodnya writes about proposal of the Peoples Party to expel Aleksandrs Kazakovs, organiser of the protest actions against the education reform and assistant to Dmitry Rogozin, from Latvia. The newspaper quotes Russia State Councils deputy speaker Dmitry Rogozin, who believes that Kazakovss expulsion would result in a claim to the European Human Rights Court.

Vesti Segodnya features statements of the Minister for Education and Science Juris Radzevics about the education reform during discussion at the newspaper office. Juris Radzevics says that the ministry will provide special help for minority schools which are not ready for the reform implementation, and that at present ministrys professionals are working on the idea of creating terminology dictionaries on specific subjects. According to the minister, he is also planning to initiate state budget allocation for the Latvian language studies at the kindergartens. The ministry expects to open a centre of bilingual education in September 2004.

Diena prints an article by the Dr. hist. Leo Dribins about the situation of ethnic minorities in the EU and the necessity of ratifying the Councils of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Author points to the complicated minorities situation in Latvia and Estonia, because only in these European states minority population share exceeds 20%. Leo Dribins believes that Russian diplomatic tactics of dramatising issues of minority rights in the Baltic States and making it one of the main elements of the dialogue between Russia and the EU do not reflect real minority situation in the Baltic States. The author stresses that ratification would decrease pressure from Russias side, reinforce the EU position in the dialogue with Russia, and that at the same time it would be perceived positively by 40% of Latvian residents.

Chas features an article by sociologist Aleksejs Snitnikovs about the future of Russians in Latvia. The author analyses possibilities of emigration, assimilation or formation of the new Russian diaspora in Latvia. According to Snitnikovs, majority of Latvian Russians evaluates the possibility of emigrating from Latvia as negative, and that the big numbers of Russians living in Latvia (approximately 700, 000 people) as well as extended usage of the Russian language among other Latvian ethnic groups makes possibility of their assimilation unlikely. Aleksejs Snitnikovs concludes that most likely Russians in Latvia will form a new, somehow different cultural identity.

Vesti Segodnya informs about the internet portal, created by the European Commission, which provides information on minority rights issues.

Latvijas Avize features a commentary on the Saeima decision to authorise incrimination of administrative charges against the deputies Andris Tolmacovs, Jakovs Pliners and Vladimirs Buzajevs.

jūnijs 4, 2004

  • Secretary-General of the Council of Europe Walter Schwimmer about minorities rights to get education in their native language
  • Saeima authorizes incrimination of administrative charges against the FHRUL deputies
  • MPs of the Peoples Party call to expel the organizer of the protest actions against the education reform Aleksandrs Kazakovs from Latvia
  • MPs submit proposals to the law which stipulates making files on former agents of the State Security Committee publicly available
  • Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry condemns amendments to the Latvian Constitution which allow EU citizens permanently living in Latvia to participate at municipal elections
  • Administrative Court recognizes Executive director of the Riga City Council Maris Tralmakss refusal to authorize a protest meeting against the education reform as illegitimate
Secretary-General of the Council of Europe Walter Schwimmer has stated that any ethnic minority has rights to get education in the native language, and in the state language, during the meeting with the Russian and French participants of the forum Youth Crossroads. Walter Schwimmer has stressed that these principles are binding for all EU states, including the Baltic States.

Secretary-General of the Council of Europe Walter Schwimmer has stated that any ethnic minority has rights to get education in the native language, and in the state language, during the meeting with the Russian and French participants of the forum Youth Crossroads. Walter Schwimmer has stressed that these principles are binding for all EU states, including the Baltic States. Chas, Telegraf

Saeima has authorized incrimination of administrative charges against the deputies Andris Tolmacovs, Jakovs Pliners and Vladimirs Buzajevs (For Human Rights in the United Latvia(FHRUL) for organization of the unapproved protest actions against the education reform.

Saeima has authorized incrimination of administrative charges against the deputies Andris Tolmacovs, Jakovs Pliners and Vladimirs Buzajevs (For Human Rights in the United Latvia(FHRUL) for organization of the unapproved protest actions against the education reform. Diena, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

MPs from the People’s Party have called the Minister for Interior Eriks Jekabsons to consider the possibility of expelling Aleksandrs Kazakovs, organizer of the protest actions against the education reform and assistant to the Russia State Council’s deputy speaker Dmitry Rogozin, from Latvia. MPs reason that Aleksandrs Kazakovs is engaged in activities damaging for the interests of Latvia.

MPs from the Peoples Party have called the Minister for Interior Eriks Jekabsons to consider the possibility of expelling Aleksandrs Kazakovs, organizer of the protest actions against the education reform and assistant to the Russia State Councils deputy speaker Dmitry Rogozin, from Latvia. MPs reason that Aleksandrs Kazakovs is engaged in activities damaging for the interests of Latvia. Diena, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Two parliamentary groups have submitted proposals to the law on making files of former agents of the State Security Committee’s of the Soviet Republic of Latvia publicly available. People’s Party proposes to open the files on 1 October, thus allowing the files’ keepers to make all necessary preparations. People’s Harmony Party (PHP) believes that files should stay confidential for at least another 75 years, with access granted to a limited number of officials. PHP and FHRUL have also submitted a claim to the Constitutional Court, challenging Saeima’s decision to prolong prohibitions for the ex-staff of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia to hold certain offices and naturalize for the next 10 years.

Two parliamentary groups have submitted proposals to the law on making files of former agents of the State Security Committees of the Soviet Republic of Latvia publicly available. Peoples Party proposes to open the files on 1 October, thus allowing the files keepers to make all necessary preparations. Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) believes that files should stay confidential for at least another 75 years, with access granted to a limited number of officials. PHP and FHRUL have also submitted a claim to the Constitutional Court, challenging Saeimas decision to prolong prohibitions for the ex-staff of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia to hold certain offices and naturalize for the next 10 years. Diena, Latvijas Avize

Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry has evaluated draft amendments to the Constitution of Latvia which foresee possibility for the EU citizens permanently living in Latvia to participate at the municipal elections as discriminating towards the non-citizens of Latvia.

Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry has evaluated draft amendments to the Constitution of Latvia which foresee possibility for the EU citizens permanently living in Latvia to participate at the municipal elections as discriminating towards the non-citizens of Latvia. Latvijas Avize

Administrative Court satisfied the claim of the MP Juris Sokolovskis (FHRUL) and recognized that refusal of the Executive director of the Riga City Council Maris Tralmaks to authorize a protest meeting against the education reform at  Ratslaukums on 1 June had been illegitimate.

Administrative Court satisfied the claim of the MP Juris Sokolovskis (FHRUL) and recognized that refusal of the Executive director of the Riga City Council Maris Tralmaks to authorize a protest meeting against the education reform at Ratslaukums on 1 June had been illegitimate. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

jūnijs 3, 2004

  • Right-wing parties deny statements of the Peoples Harmony Party MP Boris Tsilevitch about their aspirations to ‘freeze the naturalization process
  • Prime Minister Indulis Emsis about implementation of the education reform
  • Possible prohibitions for dual citizens to hold certain offices
  • Saeima MPs and the head of the National Program for Latvian Language Training Aija Priedite discuss society integration and the Latvian language teaching issues
  • Human rights experts comment on initiative to challenge the education reform at the Constitutional Court
  • Chairman of the Russia State Councils Defense Committee Victor Zavarzin: NATO must help to solve problems of Russian-speakers in Latvia
  • Interview with the deputy mayor of Liepaja Talivaldis Deklauss about implementation of the education reform in Liepaja
  • Conference Regional Languages in the Contemporary Europe
Right-wing parties deny statements of the People’s Harmony Party (PHP) MP Boris Tsilevitch that some representatives of Latvian right-wing parties are trying to gain European structures’ support on ‘freezing’ the naturalization process in Latvia. Representatives of the New Era and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM stated they have no such information. Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks regards Boris Tsilevitch’s statement as a part of the election campaign.

Right-wing parties deny statements of the Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) MP Boris Tsilevitch that some representatives of Latvian right-wing parties are trying to gain European structures support on ‘freezing the naturalization process in Latvia. Representatives of the New Era and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM stated they have no such information. Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks regards Boris Tsilevitchs statement as a part of the election campaign. Diena, Chas, Telegraf

Yesterday the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis once more confirmed that the education reform will not be cancelled, and stressed that by the education reform implementation the government hopes to prevent ethnic conflicts and disagreements.

Yesterday the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis once more confirmed that the education reform will not be cancelled, and stressed that by the education reform implementation the government hopes to prevent ethnic conflicts and disagreements. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas

Saeima has returned to the commissions for review the draft law which stipulates the prohibition for dual citizens to hold certain offices, including the post of the Saeima deputy, minister, prosecutor, ambassador and judge of the Supreme Court, or chief of the state security institution.

Saeima has returned to the commissions for review the draft law which stipulates the prohibition for dual citizens to hold certain offices, including the post of the Saeima deputy, minister, prosecutor, ambassador and judge of the Supreme Court, or chief of the state security institution. Diena, Rigas Balss, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas

Latvijas Avize writes about the meeting of the representatives of the Saeima Education, Culture and Science Committee and the head of the National Program for Latvian Language Training (NPLLT) Aija Priedite, during which society integration and the Latvian language teaching issues have been discussed. Aija Priedite, evaluating the Latvian language knowledge among minorities teachers, has stated that 80% of them know language ‘well or ‘very well, but others are encouraged to improve their knowledge. She has also said that the political protest actions against the education reform have negatively affected minorities students attitude towards the Latvian language teachers and the language itself.

Vesti Segodnya features opinions of the human rights experts on the step undertaken by the MPs from Peoples Harmony Party Boris Tsilevitch and Vitalijs Orlovs, who have challenged the education reform at the Constitutional Court. Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Ilze Brands-Kehris believes that it will be difficult for the court to find a violation of the Constitution of Latvia or international covenants in the paragraph of the Law on Education, which stipulates implementation of the education reform, because the EU conventions do not define ratio of subjects to be taught in a specific language. Human rights expert Martins Mits believes that this particular action is more productive than ‘dialogue in the streets or disputes among politicians. The author of the article, journalist Abiks Elkins sees the court claim as nearly the last opportunity for Russian-speakers to achieve withdrawal of the education reform in a legitimate way.

Chairman of the Russia State Council’s Defense Committee Victor Zavarzin has stated that NATO must help to solve the problems of the Russian-speakers living in Latvia.

Chairman of the Russia State Councils Defense Committee Victor Zavarzin has stated that NATO must help to solve the problems of the Russian-speakers living in Latvia. Neatkariga Rita Avize

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the deputy mayor of Liepaja Talivaldis Deklauss about implementation of the education reform in Liepaja. Talivaldis Deklauss names lack of the terminology dictionaries on specific subjects, and lack of compulsory for the bilingual education process sets of identical, Latvian-Russian textbooks.

Diena writes about the conference Regional Languages in the Contemporary Europe, organized by the Rezekne Higher Educational Institution (Latvia), Stockholm University (Sweden) and Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland). A resolution adopted during the conference calls the EU governments to ratify the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages and to support maintenance of regional languages in the process of its implementation.


jūnijs 2, 2004

  • Protest activities against the education reform in Riga and Liepaja
  • Debate on bilingual education issues at the Saeima Education, Culture and Science Committee
  • The Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has not supported draft amendments to the Criminal Law proposed by the Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK
  • For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) protests against the draft amendments to the constitution
  • An article about the Open Day organized by the National Program for the Latvian Language Training
  • Boris Tsilevitch: some representative of right-wing parties are trying to gain European structures support to ‘freezing the naturalization process
  • Policy paper Proportion of Language Use in Minority Secondary Schools: Criteria of the Schools Readiness
  • Analysis of political parties programs for the European Parliament elections
Newspapers report on the protest action against education reform held yesterday at Ratslaukums, in which about 100-150 people, mainly students and pensioners, have participated. The meeting was held despite Riga City Council’s refusal to authorize it. Several students’ groups, admitted through the back doors to the Riga City Council’s building, have met with some of the Council’s officials. The participants invited Riga City Council’s deputies to initiate moratorium on the education reform. Chairman of the Riga City Council’s Education, Youth and Sports Committee Guntars Jirgens and the Chairman of the Security and Order Committee Andrejs Vilks have called the way of organizing the meeting, and the way of getting youngsters into the building as unacceptable.  Around 150 students have also participated in the protest procession in Liepaja.

Newspapers report on the protest action against education reform held yesterday at Ratslaukums, in which about 100-150 people, mainly students and pensioners, have participated. The meeting was held despite Riga City Councils refusal to authorize it. Several students groups, admitted through the back doors to the Riga City Councils building, have met with some of the Councils officials. The participants invited Riga City Councils deputies to initiate moratorium on the education reform. Chairman of the Riga City Councils Education, Youth and Sports Committee Guntars Jirgens and the Chairman of the Security and Order Committee Andrejs Vilks have called the way of organizing the meeting, and the way of getting youngsters into the building as unacceptable. Around 150 students have also participated in the protest procession in Liepaja. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday the FHRUL MP Jakovs Pliners has demonstratively left the session of the Saeima Education, Culture and Science Committee.  During discussion on bilingual education issues, Pliners has once again tried to advocate for increasing the number of Latvian language lessons in minority schools to six lessons per week, at the same time allowing to study other subjects in the native tongue, but his proposal was met with the numerous objections, after which he has left the session. For example, director of the National Program for the Latvian Language Training (NPLLT) Aija Priedite believes that such ‘mechanical’ increase in the Latvian language lessons’ number would only discourage students.

Yesterday the FHRUL MP Jakovs Pliners has demonstratively left the session of the Saeima Education, Culture and Science Committee. During discussion on bilingual education issues, Pliners has once again tried to advocate for increasing the number of Latvian language lessons in minority schools to six lessons per week, at the same time allowing to study other subjects in the native tongue, but his proposal was met with the numerous objections, after which he has left the session. For example, director of the National Program for the Latvian Language Training (NPLLT) Aija Priedite believes that such ‘mechanical increase in the Latvian language lessons number would only discourage students. Chas

The Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has decided not to support amendments to the Criminal Law, which stipulated penalties for the public call to administrative and criminal violations. The Saeima Defense and Interior Committee will also examine the proposed amendments.

The Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has decided not to support amendments to the Criminal Law, which stipulated penalties for the public call to administrative and criminal violations. The Saeima Defense and Interior Committee will also examine the proposed amendments. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

The Coordination Council of the parliamentary group For Human Rights in the United Latvia has distributed a protest statement against the draft amendments to the constitution, which stipulate the right of the EU citizens to vote on municipal elections. The parliamentary group points to the fact that the draft amendments ignore recommendations of international organizations to grant rights to participate in municipal elections to the non-citizens. According to FHRUL, there is a contradiction between Satversme and the Framework convention on Protection of National Minorities, since constitutional provisions stipulate Latvian language as the only language of communication with the municipalities. The FHRUL statement invites Latvian residents to participate in pickets against these constitutional provisions on 12 June.

The Coordination Council of the parliamentary group For Human Rights in the United Latvia has distributed a protest statement against the draft amendments to the constitution, which stipulate the right of the EU citizens to vote on municipal elections. The parliamentary group points to the fact that the draft amendments ignore recommendations of international organizations to grant rights to participate in municipal elections to the non-citizens. According to FHRUL, there is a contradiction between Satversme and the Framework convention on Protection of National Minorities, since constitutional provisions stipulate Latvian language as the only language of communication with the municipalities. The FHRUL statement invites Latvian residents to participate in pickets against these constitutional provisions on 12 June. Vesti Segodnya prints the full text of the statement. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Vestnesis prints an article about the Open Day organized by the National Program for the Latvian Language Training (NPLLT) on 27-28 May. The newspaper points to the small overall number of visitors, and notes that except for the Minister for Education Juris Radzevics, no state officials or MPs have shown up for the opening. The head of NPLLT pedagogical and publishing department Brigita Silina pointed to the insufficient governments support of the NPLLT activities.

According to the People’s Harmony Party MP Boris Tsilevitch, some representatives of the Latvian right-wing parties are trying to test reaction of the EU community to the possible decision of Latvian government to ‘freeze’ the naturalization process. Boris Tsilevich allegedly names OSCE and European Council as his sources.

According to the Peoples Harmony Party MP Boris Tsilevitch, some representatives of the Latvian right-wing parties are trying to test reaction of the EU community to the possible decision of Latvian government to ‘freeze the naturalization process. Boris Tsilevich allegedly names OSCE and European Council as his sources. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya informs about the policy paper of the leading researcher of the Public Policy Center PROVIDUS Marija Golubeva Proportion of Language Use in Minority Secondary Schools: Criteria of the Schools Preparedness, which is published on the internet site www.politika.lv. Marija Golubeva concludes that the policy makers have not elaborated system of indicators for the midterm policy achievements evaluation.

Diena features an article of the researcher of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Sigita Zankovska-Odina who analyzes parties programs for the European Parliaments elections. Almost all political parties included ethnic issues in the programs. The researcher concludes that although opportunities for parties to raise ethnic issues in the European Parliament are very limited, the parties are generous with promises and slogans in order to gain voters support.

maijs 31, 2004

  • Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov on society integration and education reform in Latvia
  • Interview with the Minister for Education and Science Juris Radzevics
  • Planned protest action against the education reform on 1 June
  • Russian-language newspapers write about the Baltijas Forums conference
  • Head of the Russia Presidential Commission on Human Rights Ella Pamfilova comments on the meeting of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Alvaro Gil-Robles
  • President of the Nixon Centre Dimitri K. Simes about society integration in Latvia
  • Editor of The National Interest magazine John O'Sullivan about non-citizens rights in Latvia
Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov has stated that ‘everyone should be able to get education in the language given by God’ during his visit to Latvia. The Moscow mayor also thinks that the fact that one-fifth of Latvian residents is not citizens and cannot participate at the European Parliament’s election is not to Latvia’s credit. During his visit Yuri Luzhkov has discussed issues of non-citizens’ rights and implementation of the education reform with the representatives of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia.

Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov has stated that ‘everyone should be able to get education in the language given by God during his visit to Latvia. The Moscow mayor also thinks that the fact that one-fifth of Latvian residents is not citizens and cannot participate at the European Parliaments election is not to Latvias credit. During his visit Yuri Luzhkov has discussed issues of non-citizens rights and implementation of the education reform with the representatives of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Telegraf features an interview with the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics about minority schools preparedness to implementation of the education reform. The Minister positively evaluates the claim against the education reform, submitted by the Peoples Harmony Party to the Constitutional Court, saying that the court decision will allow the government to prove that all has been done correctly.

After the Riga City Council’s refusal to authorize the protest action against the education reform on 1 June at Ratslaukums, representatives of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools are planning to organize the electorate’s meeting with the Headquarters’ representatives, who also hold deputies’ offices in the City Council, at the building of the Riga City Council. According to the founder of the Headquarters and the Council deputy Gennadijs Kotovs, the alternative place for the protest action, offered by the Council, is not acceptable to the Headquarters.

After the Riga City Councils refusal to authorize the protest action against the education reform on 1 June at Ratslaukums, representatives of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools are planning to organize the electorates meeting with the Headquarters representatives, who also hold deputies offices in the City Council, at the building of the Riga City Council. According to the founder of the Headquarters and the Council deputy Gennadijs Kotovs, the alternative place for the protest action, offered by the Council, is not acceptable to the Headquarters. Diena

Russian-language newspapers write about the conference, organized by the Baltijas Forums, featuring opinions of the state officials.  Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks has pointed to differences in the attitude towards society integration in Latvia, which exist between Russia and international organizations.

Russian-language newspapers write about the conference, organized by the Baltijas Forums, featuring opinions of the state officials. Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks has pointed to differences in the attitude towards society integration in Latvia, which exist between Russia and international organizations. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the Head of the Russia Presidential Commission on Human Rights Ella Pamfilova about the meeting of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Alvaro Gil-Robles, during which observation of minorities rights in Latvia and Estonia has been discussed. According to Pamfilova, Alvaro Gil-Robles is of the same opinion as the President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Russian-speakers in Latvia should have an opportunity to become the full-fledged citizens and, knowing the state language, should be able to acquire and maintain the mother tongue and culture. First commissioner for human rights has also expressed concern about the possible confrontation in the society and lack of dialogue between the state and Russian-speaking students and their parents on the implementation of the education reform.

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the president of the Nixon Centre Dimitri K. Simes about society integration in Latvia. Dimitri K. Simes believes that the Latvian government minority policy is in accordance with the democratic principles, but that it should be implemented with more consideration and sense of tact.

Chas prints an interview with the former senior advisor to the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the editor of The National Interest magazine John O'Sullivan about society integration in Latvia. John O'Sullivan believes that Latvia should grant more rights to the non-citizens, but at the same time non-citizens, especially the youth, should manifest their loyalty towards the state.

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