jūnijs 6, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Yesterday EU Commissioner on Enlargement Guenter Verheugen stated that in general the EU member states are fulfilling their promises given to the EU. On Wednesday the European Commission adopted an overview of the progress made by candidate countries. The overview avoids any specific criticism and assessment of individual candidate countries. The overview notes that several countries, including Latvia, should continue to improve the work of the institutions responsible for human rights and minority issues, in particular concerning social integration.

Yesterday EU Commissioner on Enlargement Guenter Verheugen stated that in general the EU member states are fulfilling their promises given to the EU. On Wednesday the European Commission adopted an overview of the progress made by candidate countries. The overview avoids any specific criticism and assessment of individual candidate countries. The overview notes that several countries, including Latvia, should continue to improve the work of the institutions responsible for human rights and minority issues, in particular concerning social integration. Diena


interviews vice speaker of the Russian Federation State Duma Lyubova Sliska. She stresses that Russia wants to have good relations with Latvia. She suggests that Latvia should look at their non-citizens from a different point of view and speed up amendments to legislation concerning granting Latvian citizenship. interviews vice speaker of the Russian Federation State Duma Lyubova Sliska. She stresses that Russia wants to have good relations with Latvia. She suggests that Latvia should look at their non-citizens from a different point of view and “speed up amendments to legislation concerning granting Latvian citizenship.”

Lauku Avize

investigates the recent publication in the newspaper investigates the recent publication in the newspaper Panorama LatviiPanorama Latvii in which a Dutch NGO called Stichting Integratie called on Latvian non-citizens and Russian-speakers to fill in a special form stating that their rights are discriminated in Latvia. in which a Dutch NGO called “Stichting Integratie” called on Latvian non-citizens and Russian-speakers to fill in a special form stating that their rights are discriminated in Latvia. Lauku AvizeLauku Avize discovered that this NGO is formed only of two members and the leading human rights NGOs in the Netherlands have not heard either the name of Stichting Integratie or about its activities and members. discovered that this NGO is formed only of two members and the leading human rights NGOs in the Netherlands have not heard either the name of “Stichting Integratie” or about its activities and members.

Vecernaya Riga

interviews MP of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Victor Alksnis. He states that Russia is giving empty promises to Russians residing abroad and Russia will never exert any pressure on Latvia. interviews MP of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Victor Alksnis. He states that Russia is giving empty promises to Russians residing abroad and Russia will never exert any pressure on Latvia.


talks to Prime Minister, chairperson of Latvias Way Andris Berzins. He stresses that his party is not placing people into categories according to their ethnic backgrounds. talks to Prime Minister, chairperson of Latvia’s Way Andris Berzins. He stresses that his party is not placing people into categories according to their ethnic backgrounds. Today the Saeima will review in the final reading amendments to the Law on Local Governments, which stipulate that “the working language in local governments and their institutions shall be the Latvian language.”

Today the Saeima will review in the final reading amendments to the Law on Local Governments, which stipulate that the working language in local governments and their institutions shall be the Latvian language. BNS

The European Union of Arts will award the gold medal to Latvian historian and writer Leonid Koval about his contribution to the study of the Holocaust.

The European Union of Arts will award the gold medal to Latvian historian and writer Leonid Koval about his contribution to the study of the Holocaust. Panorama Latvii, Telegraf, Chas

jūnijs 5, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Dienas columnist Aivars Ozolins comments on the Baltic Forum. He writes the forum was organised by Nikolay Neilands, paid by the Russian company Itera and run by FHRUL. It was not at all the best opportunity to build a Russian Latvian dialogue. He believes that the decision of Latvias top officials and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs not to take part in the Forum was reasonable and justified.


publishes the statement released by spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vilmars Henins concerning the Baltic Forum. Henins states that the Ministry has always highly appreciated co-operation of Latvian political parties with their partners from the West and the East. However, the Baltic Forum is not the key mechanism to promote relations between Latvia and Russia. publishes the statement released by spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vilmars Henins concerning the Baltic Forum. Henins states that the Ministry has always highly appreciated co-operation of Latvian political parties with their partners from the West and the East. However, “the Baltic Forum is not the key mechanism to promote relations between Latvia and Russia.” TelegrafTelegraf

Panorama Latvii

talks to FHRUL chairperson Janis Jurkans and other participants of the Baltic Forum about Russian Latvian relations. The opinion of the politicians surveyed is that Latvias security depends not only on NATO membership, but also on good relations with Russia. talks to FHRUL chairperson Janis Jurkans and other participants of the Baltic Forum about Russian Latvian relations. The opinion of the politicians surveyed is that Latvia’s security depends not only on NATO membership, but also on good relations with Russia.

Diena and Panorama Latvii

write about regulations adopted on June 5, 2001, which exempt graduates of national minority secondary schools who have passed the centralised examination in the Latvian language from the Latvian language exam for naturalisation. The first such centralised examinations are now being administered. write about regulations adopted on June 5, 2001, which exempt graduates of national minority secondary schools who have passed the centralised examination in the Latvian language from the Latvian language exam for naturalisation. The first such centralised examinations are now being administered.

Panorama Latvii

reports that yesterday speaker of the Council of the Russian Federation Sergey Mironov discussed with UN Secretary General Kofi Anon a very wide range of issues, including the observance of the rights of Russians in Baltic countries. reports that yesterday speaker of the Council of the Russian Federation Sergey Mironov discussed with UN Secretary General Kofi Anon a very wide range of issues, including the observance of the rights of Russians in Baltic countries.

Vesti Segodnja

writes that MPs of the State Duma of the Russian Federation do not want to continue to tolerate the discrimination of Russian-speakers in Latvia and will start using more active political measures. writes that MPs of the State Duma of the Russian Federation do not want to continue to tolerate the discrimination of Russian-speakers in Latvia and will start using “more active political measures.”

Vesti Segodnja

interviews president of the Foundation established by Russian businessman Boriss Berezovsky Alex Goldfarb. He says that the Foundation decided to launch its activities in Latvia at this particular moment because several politicians in the Russian Federation try to use Russian-speakers residing in Latvia in their interests. In his opinion Latvia is a democratic country. interviews president of the Foundation established by Russian businessman Boriss Berezovsky Alex Goldfarb. He says that the Foundation decided to launch its activities in Latvia at this particular moment because several politicians in the Russian Federation try to use Russian-speakers residing in Latvia in their interests. In his opinion Latvia is a democratic country.

Vesti Segodnja

reports about possibilities to study the Russian language in the University of Latvia. The faculty of the Russian language department is planning to open a Russian Culture and Language Centre. reports about possibilities to study the Russian language in the University of Latvia. The faculty of the Russian language department is planning to open a Russian Culture and Language Centre. Yesterday the Museum of the Occupation in Latvia presented the new issue of a book “The Museum of the Occupation of Latvia. Latvia under the Regimes of the USSR and National Socialistic Germany. 1940-1991” in the English language.

Yesterday the Museum of the Occupation in Latvia presented the new issue of a book The Museum of the Occupation of Latvia. Latvia under the Regimes of the USSR and National Socialistic Germany. 1940-1991 in the English language. Latvijas Vestnesis

jūnijs 4, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

FF/LNNK has repeatedly brought up the issue concerning the suitability of head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane for her position. Prime Minister Andris Berzins stated that the General Prosecutor’s Office has initiated an investigation and during the investigation this issue should not be discussed by the Coalition Council.

FF/LNNK has repeatedly brought up the issue concerning the suitability of head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane for her position. Prime Minister Andris Berzins stated that the General Prosecutors Office has initiated an investigation and during the investigation this issue should not be discussed by the Coalition Council. Diena


talks to president of the Nixon Foundation Dmitry Simes about relations between Latvians and Russian-speakers in the country. Dmitry Simes believes that both Latvians and Russians feel offended in different ways and in both cases these feelings are based on some facts. However, both parties should understand that co-operation is in the interests of both parties. talks to president of the Nixon Foundation Dmitry Simes about relations between Latvians and Russian-speakers in the country. Dmitry Simes believes that both Latvians and Russians feel offended in different ways and in both cases these feelings are based on some facts. However, both parties should understand that co-operation is in the interests of both parties. A group of members of the Committee of International Affairs of the Russian State Duma has submitted a draft law On Discriminatory Policy Implemented by Latvian Authorities towards Russian Residents in Latvia. The draft bill states that the situation of Russian has dramatically changed for worse after the amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language were adopted.

A group of members of the Committee of International Affairs of the Russian State Duma has submitted a draft law On Discriminatory Policy Implemented by Latvian Authorities towards Russian Residents in Latvia. The draft bill states that the situation of Russian has dramatically changed for worse after the amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language were adopted. Neatkariga, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnja

FHRUL submitted amendments to the Rules of Order of the Saeima. FHRUL proposes to lift the norm, which stipulates that the mandate of an MP should be annulled if he/she does not speak the Latvian language.

FHRUL submitted amendments to the Rules of Order of the Saeima. FHRUL proposes to lift the norm, which stipulates that the mandate of an MP should be annulled if he/she does not speak the Latvian language. Chas


provides more in-depth information about the future plans of the Foundation of Civic Freedoms established by Russian businessman Boriss Berezovsky to support Russians in Latvia. provides more in-depth information about the future plans of the Foundation of Civic Freedoms established by Russian businessman Boriss Berezovsky to support Russians in Latvia. Diena, Telegraf, Lauku Avize, Vesti SegodnjaDiena, Telegraf, Lauku Avize, Vesti Segodnja


editorial is about social integration in Latvia. The columnist believes that social integration is not taking place because Russians themselves are not involved in the process and no Russians are represented among the Latvian state authorities responsible for social integration in Latvia.


writes about the language situation in the country. The newspaper believes that taking into consideration the actual situation in the country in a few years the Russian language will be granted official language status in Latvia. writes about the language situation in the country. The newspaper believes that taking into consideration the actual situation in the country in a few years the Russian language will be granted official language status in Latvia. Associated professor of the University of Vidzeme Artis Pabriks writes about Latvia on the threshold of the EU membership. He compares the current situation and the historical period when Latvia became part of Christian Western Europe in the 13th century. He writes that granting all requested rights to national minorities would not necesserily ensure greater stability and security in the country. He writes that recommendations of individual international experts to Latvia concerning the observance of the rights of national minorities some times have had a negative influence on building a unified society. However, Pabriks concludes that the EU membership ensures greater security for small countries, including Latvia.

Associated professor of the University of Vidzeme Artis Pabriks writes about Latvia on the threshold of the EU membership. He compares the current situation and the historical period when Latvia became part of Christian Western Europe in the 13th century. He writes that granting all requested rights to national minorities would not necesserily ensure greater stability and security in the country. He writes that recommendations of individual international experts to Latvia concerning the observance of the rights of national minorities some times have had a negative influence on building a unified society. However, Pabriks concludes that the EU membership ensures greater security for small countries, including Latvia. Diena

Several members of the Riga City Council from FHRUL have decided to leave the party and consider the possibility to join Daugavpils Mayor Rihards Eigims’ party Latgales Gaisma.

Several members of the Riga City Council from FHRUL have decided to leave the party and consider the possibility to join Daugavpils Mayor Rihards Eigims party Latgales Gaisma. Neatkariga comments that in order to succeed in the 8th Saeima Eigims has to succeed in splitting FHRUL. Diena

Panorama Latvii

reports that Russian president Vladimir Putin stated that Russia needs its Russian compatriots residing abroad in order to solve various issues, including economic problems. reports that Russian president Vladimir Putin stated that Russia needs its Russian compatriots residing abroad in order to solve various issues, including economic problems.

Panorama Latvii

publishes opinions of several ethnically Latvian and Russian politicians about the situation of Russians in Latvia after Latvia joins the EU and NATO. All of them agree that neither NATO nor the EU will be able to protect the interests of Russians in Latvia. publishes opinions of several ethnically Latvian and Russian politicians about the situation of Russians in Latvia after Latvia joins the EU and NATO. All of them agree that neither NATO nor the EU will be able to protect the interests of Russians in Latvia.

Panorama Latvii

talks to member of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry Tatyana Poloskova about the features and future of the Russian community in the world. talks to member of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry Tatyana Poloskova about the features and future of the Russian community in the world.

Panorama Latvii

publishes its supplement about national minorities in Latvia. Todays issue is devoted to Belorussians in Latvia. publishes its supplement about national minorities in Latvia. Today’s issue is devoted to Belorussians in Latvia.

Lauku Avize

interviews Russian actress Yevgeniya Soldatova who lives in Latvia. Her daughter Maria Naumova recently won the Eurovision song festival and was called the best example for social integration in Latvia. The actress shares her opinion and positive feelings about Latvia and her life as a Russian and non-citizen in the country. interviews Russian actress Yevgeniya Soldatova who lives in Latvia. Her daughter Maria Naumova recently won the Eurovision song festival and was called the best example for social integration in Latvia. The actress shares her opinion and positive feelings about Latvia and her life as a Russian and non-citizen in the country.

Vesti Segodnja

writes about its visit to a Roma camp in Jurmala. The newspaper stresses that almost all of Roma speak fluent Latvian and hold Latvian citizenship. However, their economic situation is very bad. Many of them stated that they have experienced discrimination when applying for jobs. writes about its visit to a Roma camp in Jurmala. The newspaper stresses that almost all of Roma speak fluent Latvian and hold Latvian citizenship. However, their economic situation is very bad. Many of them stated that they have experienced discrimination when applying for jobs.

jūnijs 1, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Next Tuesday the government and the EU Delegation to Latvia have to reach final agreement on an institution which will be responsible for implementation of Phare national project Civic Society Development Programme Access 2000. Latvia wanted to assign this function to the Integration Foundation, but the delegation did not agree.

Next Tuesday the government and the EU Delegation to Latvia have to reach final agreement on an institution which will be responsible for implementation of Phare national project Civic Society Development Programme Access 2000. Latvia wanted to assign this function to the Integration Foundation, but the delegation did not agree. Diena

Press reports on the first day of the Baltic Forum.

Press reports on the first day of the Baltic Forum.

Lauku Avize

talks to president of the foundation Politika Vyacheslav Tihonov and professor of the Foreign Affairs Institute of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry Sergey Shahray. Tihonov states that relations between the USA and Russia have no impact on Latvian-Russian relations and the key problem is that neither Russia nor Latvia truly wants to build serious relations between the countries. Shahray says that former relations between Latvia and Russia were full of emotions and ideology and believes that the stress in these relations should be placed on co-operation in the economy. talks to president of the foundation “Politika” Vyacheslav Tihonov and professor of the Foreign Affairs Institute of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry Sergey Shahray. Tihonov states that relations between the USA and Russia have no impact on Latvian-Russian relations and “the key problem is that neither Russia nor Latvia truly wants to build serious relations between the countries.” Shahray says that former relations between Latvia and Russia were full of emotions and ideology and believes that the stress in these relations should be placed on co-operation in the economy.

Vesti Segodnja

stresses that the Latvian government has once again ignored the forum and quotes Dmitry Simes, president of the Nixon Foundation, that neither the USA nor Europe wants to see Baltic countries as a buffer zone between Russia and the USA It is crucially important for the USA that Latvia improves its relations with Russia. According to Simes, Latvia has to observe all rights of national minorities to achieve this goal. Other high officials from the Russian Federation also stressed that Latvia has to improve the situation of non-citizens and Russian-speakers. stresses that the Latvian government has once again ignored the forum and quotes Dmitry Simes, president of the Nixon Foundation, that “neither the USA nor Europe wants to see Baltic countries as a buffer zone between Russia and the USA It is crucially important for the USA that Latvia improves its relations with Russia.” According to Simes, Latvia has to observe all rights of national minorities to achieve this goal. Other high officials from the Russian Federation also stressed that Latvia has to improve the situation of non-citizens and Russian-speakers.

Vesti Segodnja

writes about the court proceedings on the case of Russian language teacher Valentina Demidova. Demidova was fired after a state language inspector examined her state language skills and established that her Latvian proficiency was insufficient, although Valentina Demidova had a state language certificate proving her Latvian language proficiency. writes about the court proceedings on the case of Russian language teacher Valentina Demidova. Demidova was fired after a state language inspector examined her state language skills and established that her Latvian proficiency was insufficient, although Valentina Demidova had a state language certificate proving her Latvian language proficiency.

Lauku Avize

reports that another NGO The Movement of Latvian Non-citizens for Human Rights has launched its activities in Latvia. The key goals of the movement is to grant the Russian language the status of the second state language and provide Russians the rights to have dual – Latvian and Russian – citizenship. reports that another NGO “The Movement of Latvian Non-citizens for Human Rights” has launched its activities in Latvia. The key goals of the movement is to grant the Russian language the status of the second state language and provide Russians the rights to have dual – Latvian and Russian – citizenship.

Panorama Latvii

continues to report on the activities of Dutch organisation Stichting Integratie 2000 which has called Latvian non-citizens to fill in a special form which states that Russians are discriminated in Latvia. The newspaper writes that the organisation has received the first applications from Latvia. continues to report on the activities of Dutch organisation “Stichting Integratie 2000” which has called Latvian non-citizens to fill in a special form which states that Russians are discriminated in Latvia. The newspaper writes that the organisation has received the first applications from Latvia. On Friday night a bomb explosion occurred at the building on Burtnieku street. The building houses several state institutions, including the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs. The representative of the DCMA believes that the explosion has no relation with the DCMA as it has not received any threat letters or warnings before the explosion.

On Friday night a bomb explosion occurred at the building on Burtnieku street. The building houses several state institutions, including the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs. The representative of the DCMA believes that the explosion has no relation with the DCMA as it has not received any threat letters or warnings before the explosion. Diena, Vesti Segodnja, Chas, Panorama Latvii

maijs 31, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Yesterday President Vaira Vike-Freiberga met with vice speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Ljubov Sliska. The key discussion subject was relation among NATO, Russia and Latvia and the great number of non-citizens in Latvia. Ljubov Sliska stressed that Russia should not be considered a threat to any country.

Yesterday President Vaira Vike-Freiberga met with vice speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Ljubov Sliska. The key discussion subject was relation among NATO, Russia and Latvia and the great number of non-citizens in Latvia. Ljubov Sliska stressed that Russia should not be considered a threat to any country. Neatkariga, Chas, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnja interviews Ljubov Sliska. She states that during 11 years of independence Latvia should have resolved non-citizen issues and ratified the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

Vesti Segodnja interviews Ljubov Sliska. She states that during 11 years of independence Latvia should have resolved non-citizen issues and ratified the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

May 30 the Saeima accepted in the first reading the draft amendments to the Law on Local Governments. The draft amendments are developed by the Saeima Committee on State and Local Government Administration and stipulate that “the working language in local governments and institutions and organisations founded by local governments shall be the Latvian language.”

May 30 the Saeima accepted in the first reading the draft amendments to the Law on Local Governments. The draft amendments are developed by the Saeima Committee on State and Local Government Administration and stipulate that the working language in local governments and institutions and organisations founded by local governments shall be the Latvian language. BNS


talks to head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane who recently announced that she has joined Latvias Way. She says that she will run for the 8th Saeima elections because she wants to participate in decision making regarding not only citizenship, but also language and education issues. talks to head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane who recently announced that she has joined Latvia’s Way. She says that she will run for the 8th Saeima elections because she wants to participate in decision making regarding not only citizenship, but also language and education issues. The embassies of the EU countries have invited head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane to participate in the weekly ambassadors meeting to inform them about issues concerning naturalisation.

The embassies of the EU countries have invited head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane to participate in the weekly ambassadors meeting to inform them about issues concerning naturalisation. BNS

During the official opening of the exhibition Riga Expo 2002 in Moscow national bolshevik Dmitry Nechayev chained himself with handcuffs to Riga City Mayor Gundars Bojars protesting against the prosecution of Soviet Army veterans in Latvia.

During the official opening of the exhibition Riga Expo 2002 in Moscow national bolshevik Dmitry Nechayev chained himself with handcuffs to Riga City Mayor Gundars Bojars protesting against the prosecution of Soviet Army veterans in Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii


interviews recently elected director general of National TV Uldis Grava. He states that he understands that TV programmes should be aired in different languages to unify a society. According to Grava the term integration is misinterpreted in Latvia - he would call it segregation. Regarding the language quota requirements stipulated by the Law on TV and Radio, Grava says that he has to familiarise himself with the situation in greater depth to be able to take a clear stance on the issue. interviews recently elected director general of National TV Uldis Grava. He states that he understands that TV programmes should be aired in different languages to unify a society. According to Grava the term “integration” is misinterpreted in Latvia - he would call it “segregation.” Regarding the language quota requirements stipulated by the Law on TV and Radio, Grava says that he has to familiarise himself with the situation in greater depth to be able to take a clear stance on the issue.

Vesti Segodnja

quotes the representative of Latvia in the Eurovision song festival Maria Naumova who won the first prize in the festival. I represent Latvia and it does not matter whether I am a Roma, Jew, Latvian or Russian. I do not feel affiliated to any nationality but the country. I decided to become a citizen because it is easier to get a visa when travelling to Europe. quotes the representative of Latvia in the Eurovision song festival Maria Naumova who won the first prize in the festival. “I represent Latvia and it does not matter whether I am a Roma, Jew, Latvian or Russian. I do not feel affiliated to any nationality but the country. I decided to become a citizen because it is easier to get a visa when travelling to Europe.”


interviews leader of the New Era Einars Repse. He is convinced that his party will capture votes of other parties electorates, including FHRUL because many progressively thinking Russians and other non-Latvians and non-citizens will vote for us. Einars Repse categorically denies a possibility that his party could co-operate with Jurkans party in the 8th Saeima. interviews leader of the New Era Einars Repse. He is convinced that his party will capture votes of other parties’ electorates, including FHRUL because “many progressively thinking Russians and other non-Latvians and non-citizens will vote for us.” Einars Repse categorically denies a possibility that his party could co-operate with Jurkans’ party in the 8th Saeima.

Vesti Segodnja

reports that after a re-organisation, one of Jekabpils Russian schools has been closed. The administration of the school believes this is discrimination against the rights of Russian students and their parents. reports that after a re-organisation, one of Jekabpils Russian schools has been closed. The administration of the school believes this is discrimination against the rights of Russian students and their parents.

Vesti Segodnja

interviews Daugavpils Mayor Rihards Eigims. He is very convinced that his party will be represented in the 8th Saeima as Riga, Jurmala and Daugavpils support his party Latgales Gaisma. interviews Daugavpils Mayor Rihards Eigims. He is very convinced that his party will be represented in the 8th Saeima as Riga, Jurmala and Daugavpils support his party Latgales Gaisma. In the framework of the Baltic Forum the embassy of the Russian Federation will launch a unique exhibition about the diplomacy of the Russian Federation.

In the framework of the Baltic Forum the embassy of the Russian Federation will launch a unique exhibition about the diplomacy of the Russian Federation. Vesti Segodnja

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