jūnijs 6, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

After the statements of Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Center Director N.Muiznieks about national discrimination in Latvia the newspaper

After the statements of Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Center Director N.Muiznieks about national discrimination in Latvia the newspaper Lauku Avize (02.06.01) interviewed several deputies about this. K.Leiskalns (Latvian Way) thinks that the fact that N.Muiznieks was raised as a national minority representative in the USA had influenced his thinking and now he saw discrimination everywhere. Saeima Human rights Committee Head A.Seiksts said that Mr.Muiznieks just lacked Latvian vision in its historical context and poverty was not only the deal of Russian speakers. What concerns the suggestion to grant the Russian language the status of the state language, A.Seiksts said that Muiznieks was running ahead of time. It might be possible when this generation was gone. N.Rudevis (Latvian Way, Romany himself) assured that there was no national discrimination in Latvia. J.Dobelis suggested to look into the list of 150 millionaires of Latvia – most of them were non-Latvians. And it is typical for N.Muiznieks to speak without any deep analysis. … It seems that he says what somebody needs. J.Urbanovics (For Human Rights in United Latvia) explains that N.Muizniekss statements were based on a scientific research and he agreed to them. It is true that among poor people are Russian speakers who could not adapt to the new situation. But J.Urbanovics does not want to come to any tragic conclusions because there are no states without any discrimination. A.Klementjev (For Human Rights in United Latvia) agrees that discrimination exists because laws are such that it is more difficult for a Russian and non-citizen to get something, e.g. to privatize a land plot.

Some time ago President V.Vike-Freiberga announced that two things should be done in favor of non-citizens: first to ease the process of taking the state language proficiency test by considering the 9th grade graduation state language test as a naturalization examination, and second – to decrease the amount of naturalization state fee. The officials did the first thing immediately and now intend through an urgent procedure to fulfil the second suggestion. Ministry of Justice has submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers a new draft regulation “On state fee for submitting a naturalization application” where it is envisaged to establish the amount of 20 Ls instead of former 30 Ls. Although the institution submitting it is the Ministry of Justice but the real author of it the Naturalization Board. The Head of Naturalization Board Juridical Department V.Rutkovskis explained it was done taking into consideration the real life - people were not able to pay the whole sum. -MFA Press Secretary L.Bergmane said that Latvian MFA supported this step. The draft is also agreed with the Ministry of Education and Science but the Ministry of Finances that has to loose quite a sum due to these amendments, has not given its answer.

Some time ago President V.Vike-Freiberga announced that two things should be done in favor of non-citizens: first to ease the process of taking the state language proficiency test by considering the 9th grade graduation state language test as a naturalization examination, and second – to decrease the amount of naturalization state fee. The officials did the first thing immediately and now intend through an urgent procedure to fulfil the second suggestion. Ministry of Justice has submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers a new draft regulation On state fee for submitting a naturalization application where it is envisaged to establish the amount of 20 Ls instead of former 30 Ls. Although the institution submitting it is the Ministry of Justice but the real author of it the Naturalization Board. The Head of Naturalization Board Juridical Department V.Rutkovskis explained it was done taking into consideration the real life - people were not able to pay the whole sum. -MFA Press Secretary L.Bergmane said that Latvian MFA supported this step. The draft is also agreed with the Ministry of Education and Science but the Ministry of Finances that has to loose quite a sum due to these amendments, has not given its answer. Lauku Avize (05.06.01)

Next week in Latvia is set to see a number of events commemorating the 60th anniversary of the 1941 Soviet deportations. Latvian Minister of Culture Karina Petersone said at a press conference on Tuesday that events would take place not only on June 14, the day of remembrance, but also throughout the week in order to remember the "tragic event in the history of our people."

BNS The Riga City Council has finally completed appointing the council's office Tuesday by electing the second deputy mayor, three months after the elections. Inese Vaidere, council member from the center-right party For Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK party was elected as the second deputy Riga Council chairman by a majority of 34 votes in the 60-strong council. Vaidere will be responsible for social, utility and economic issues.

The Riga City Council has finally completed appointing the council's office Tuesday by electing the second deputy mayor, three months after the elections. Inese Vaidere, council member from the center-right party For Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK party was elected as the second deputy Riga Council chairman by a majority of 34 votes in the 60-strong council. Vaidere will be responsible for social, utility and economic issues. BNS, Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas, Respublika, Panorama Latvii

A.Brauna in

A.Brauna in Diena editorial writes that some energetic people have started to advertise the idea on introducing Ombudsman institution in Latvia not noticing that this new idea has been implemented long time ago. It is just have a different name – Human Rights Office but in its functions it even exceeds the classical Ombudsman. And, if this institution is currently not effective in protection of public interests, all things should be done to make it such but not to establish a new institution.

The state made a step towards the applicants for naturalization, especially to specific groups: pensioners, students and handicapped people by reducing the naturalization fee. The basic fee now is 20 Ls.

The state made a step towards the applicants for naturalization, especially to specific groups: pensioners, students and handicapped people by reducing the naturalization fee. The basic fee now is 20 Ls. Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, Respublika

A Latvian parliamentary committee will ask the government to introduce obligatory centralized state language examination for non-Latvian students of junior high schools in order to strengthen the position of the Latvian language in the country. The parliamentary committee for education, culture and science at the meeting Wednesday also urged the government to turn attention to increasing number of junior high students relieved from taking exams. Committee chairman Dzintars Abikis said that the state language positions had to be strengthened in Latvia therefore the government should find the way to introduce already next year the obligatory centralized Latvian language exam for graduates of non-Latvian junior high schools. This exam would serve as a proof of state language proficiency by these youngsters. The Education Contents and Examination Center head Marcis Krastins said it will hardly be possible to organize the centralized Latvian language exam for non-Latvian junior high students next year as the move would require extra costs of 20,000 lats (USD 31,000). BNS

A Latvian parliamentary committee will ask the government to introduce obligatory centralized state language examination for non-Latvian students of junior high schools in order to strengthen the position of the Latvian language in the country. The parliamentary committee for education, culture and science at the meeting Wednesday also urged the government to turn attention to increasing number of junior high students relieved from taking exams. Committee chairman Dzintars Abikis said that the state language positions had to be strengthened in Latvia therefore the government should find the way to introduce already next year the obligatory centralized Latvian language exam for graduates of non-Latvian junior high schools. This exam would serve as a proof of state language proficiency by these youngsters. The Education Contents and Examination Center head Marcis Krastins said it will hardly be possible to organize the centralized Latvian language exam for non-Latvian junior high students next year as the move would require extra costs of 20,000 lats (USD 31,000). BNS

Some schools that are under supervision of Ministry of Welfare, Culture and Agriculture were dissatisfied the proposal discussed at the Saeima in the second reading within two years to bring all higher and secondary vocational schools under supervision of the Ministry of Education and Science. This idea is carried out without any proper public discussion.

Some schools that are under supervision of Ministry of Welfare, Culture and Agriculture were dissatisfied the proposal discussed at the Saeima in the second reading within two years to bring all higher and secondary vocational schools under supervision of the Ministry of Education and Science. This idea is carried out without any proper public discussion. Diena

Riga City Mayor J.Bojars thinks that it is not useful to establish a Non-citizen Consultative Council within the Riga City Council but a Public Integration Council. Mr.Bojars considers that public should not be divided into citizens and non-citizens. “We have to take care for all the society, not just for non-citizens.”

Riga City Mayor J.Bojars thinks that it is not useful to establish a Non-citizen Consultative Council within the Riga City Council but a Public Integration Council. Mr.Bojars considers that public should not be divided into citizens and non-citizens. We have to take care for all the society, not just for non-citizens. Rigas Balss

Chairman of Riga City Council faction For Human Rights in United Latvia L.Kurdjumov sent a letter to the State Language Center to linger a repeated language proficiency test for those faction deputies who were accused of not knowing the language. Deputy Director of State Language Center A.Timuska called this letter “a letter for letter’s sake”.

Chairman of Riga City Council faction For Human Rights in United Latvia L.Kurdjumov sent a letter to the State Language Center to linger a repeated language proficiency test for those faction deputies who were accused of not knowing the language. Deputy Director of State Language Center A.Timuska called this letter a letter for letters sake. Rigas Balss

According to statistical data the number of non-citizens in Latvia reduces for 3000 every month; 1800 of them die, 1200 - naturalize. After ten years this problem would disappear itself. Bur specialists acknowledge that “thanks” to the state national policy the Russian speaking population of Latvia increases the stratum of declassed elements. Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Center Director N.Muiznieks after analyzing the latest data came to a conclusion that public integration did not favor Latvian society. He is worried about the situation because majority of changes had turned to be negative. E.g. within two years has increased the number of those Russian speakers who support the idea of two state languages, also has increased the number of those non-citizens who can not find a job where they have to know the state language and they do not feel comfortable in Latvia. Even fewer non-citizens think that they should know the Latvian language. When asked about any positive changes, N.Muznieks answered that judging from the speed of naturalization there were none.

According to statistical data the number of non-citizens in Latvia reduces for 3000 every month; 1800 of them die, 1200 - naturalize. After ten years this problem would disappear itself. Bur specialists acknowledge that thanks to the state national policy the Russian speaking population of Latvia increases the stratum of declassed elements. Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Center Director N.Muiznieks after analyzing the latest data came to a conclusion that public integration did not favor Latvian society. He is worried about the situation because majority of changes had turned to be negative. E.g. within two years has increased the number of those Russian speakers who support the idea of two state languages, also has increased the number of those non-citizens who can not find a job where they have to know the state language and they do not feel comfortable in Latvia. Even fewer non-citizens think that they should know the Latvian language. When asked about any positive changes, N.Muznieks answered that judging from the speed of naturalization there were none. Rigas Balss

The Russian version of the newspaper

Rigas Balss interviewed the Head of the State Language Center Dz.Hirsa about the situation of the Latvian language. Ms.Hirsa said that the Latvian language should be dominating, but Article 21 of the State language law permits entrepreneurs to make signs in some other language. The Center may prove that thus they violate legitimate public interests but it may be achieved only by proving it. The previous law was more logical. Now a private businessman may argue, and an inspector has to prove that the Latvian language should be used. It seems obvious that employees service sector have to know the state language on the second level, and managers on the third level. Everybody agreed to it, but now inspectors sometimes have to prove that a shop assistant has to know the language. The statements on the new Riga City Council deputies: Now we are the masters of this City make Centers people to prick up their ears and to wonder about the possible changes.

jūnijs 5, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The ruling coalition council decided on Monday not to impose any punishment on their coalition partner Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK party over violating a coalition agreement while voting on amendments to the pension law proposed by the opposition, because FF/LNNK pledged to stick by the coalition agreement in the future. Prime Minister Andris Berzins told BNS the coalition's task is not to punish anybody but find out "what's going on". Explaining why the New faction was kicked out of the government for a similar violations, the premier said the New faction violated the coalition agreement over 20 times in two months while the violations by FF/LNNK "has incidental nature".

The ruling coalition council decided on Monday not to impose any punishment on their coalition partner Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK party over violating a coalition agreement while voting on amendments to the pension law proposed by the opposition, because FF/LNNK pledged to stick by the coalition agreement in the future. Prime Minister Andris Berzins told BNS the coalition's task is not to punish anybody but find out "what's going on". Explaining why the New faction was kicked out of the government for a similar violations, the premier said the New faction violated the coalition agreement over 20 times in two months while the violations by FF/LNNK "has incidental nature". BNS, Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Latvia's top officials Monday joined opening of the Jewish community library, presentation of Elie Wiesel's book "Night" and opening of the third reunion of Jews residing outside Latvia but having links to this Baltic country. Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga said in one of her addresses that it is great honor for her to join opening of the Jewish library and voiced a hope the library will provide deeper understanding in Judaism, the dramatic fate of the Jewish people and simultaneously the beautiful history so people become more understanding, wiser and humane.

Latvia's top officials Monday joined opening of the Jewish community library, presentation of Elie Wiesel's book "Night" and opening of the third reunion of Jews residing outside Latvia but having links to this Baltic country. Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga said in one of her addresses that it is great honor for her to join opening of the Jewish library and voiced a hope the library will provide deeper understanding in Judaism, the dramatic fate of the Jewish people and simultaneously the beautiful history so people become more understanding, wiser and humane. BNS, Diena, Neatkariga, Latvijas Vestnesis

The Latvian security police decided not to open a criminal case over reaction and remarks by National Bolsheviks after a court passed judgement in Russia's National Bolshevik case, sending them to jail for 5-15 years for terrorism, the security police reported to

The Latvian security police decided not to open a criminal case over reaction and remarks by National Bolsheviks after a court passed judgement in Russia's National Bolshevik case, sending them to jail for 5-15 years for terrorism, the security police reported to BNS, Neatkariga, Chas

Latvia's top security agency, the Constitution Protection Office (CPO), Monday declined, due to the lack of corpus delicti, opening of a criminal case over youth essay contest held by Vieda publishing house which was sharply criticized by Russian Foreign Ministry and was not unequivocally valued in Latvia as well. The CPO said that under the Latvian constitution every one in Latvia is entitled to freedom of speech although the opinions voiced may be disliked by a part of society.

Latvia's top security agency, the Constitution Protection Office (CPO), Monday declined, due to the lack of corpus delicti, opening of a criminal case over youth essay contest held by Vieda publishing house which was sharply criticized by Russian Foreign Ministry and was not unequivocally valued in Latvia as well. The CPO said that under the Latvian constitution every one in Latvia is entitled to freedom of speech although the opinions voiced may be disliked by a part of society. BNS

The vote on the candidate for the post of the second deputy of the Riga Mayor I.Vaidere will be a test to the coalition strength in the Riga City Council. The FF/LNNK leader M.Grinblats said that if this vote would be unsuccessful then one might start doubting the future of the existing coalition.

The vote on the candidate for the post of the second deputy of the Riga Mayor I.Vaidere will be a test to the coalition strength in the Riga City Council. The FF/LNNK leader M.Grinblats said that if this vote would be unsuccessful then one might start doubting the future of the existing coalition. Diena

The official exchange of Latvian Ambassador to Moscow I.Daudiss could take place in September, now both ambassadors the present and the future one, plan to return to Latvia at the beginning of summer for some rest.

The official exchange of Latvian Ambassador to Moscow I.Daudiss could take place in September, now both ambassadors the present and the future one, plan to return to Latvia at the beginning of summer for some rest. Diena, Rigas Balss

A group of experts will start working on a project allowing borders crossings among the Baltic States with an ID card. This was agreed upon at the meeting of Interior Ministers of the three Baltic States that took place in Riga on Monday. Latvian Minister of Interior M.Seglins reminded at a briefing that Latvia had not adopted the very concept of ID. Issuance of IDs in Latvia should be started from 2002 and completed by 2005 but the government, depending from the financial possibilities, may change the terms of preparation and issuance.

A group of experts will start working on a project allowing borders crossings among the Baltic States with an ID card. This was agreed upon at the meeting of Interior Ministers of the three Baltic States that took place in Riga on Monday. Latvian Minister of Interior M.Seglins reminded at a briefing that Latvia had not adopted the very concept of ID. Issuance of IDs in Latvia should be started from 2002 and completed by 2005 but the government, depending from the financial possibilities, may change the terms of preparation and issuance. Diena

The newspaper

The newspaper Latvijas Vestnesis continues publishing materials of the conference On the Road to a Civic Society. This time there are published the speeches of President V.Vike-Freiberga and Presidents Office Amnesty Service Head R.Aksenoka.

Some time ago the newspaper

Some time ago the newspaper Vesti Segodnya started a discussion on the future of the domicile registration or propiska system because the responsible Saeima Commission planed to exchange the existing one for something else. The newspaper published letters of its readers where they wondered why there was a need for any system at all. They find this system ridiculous.

At the beginning of this year the deputies from the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia filed a case with the Constitutional Court on noncompliance of the “Law on Pensions” with the Latvian constitution and international standards. The deputies considered that the law contained a norm discriminating Latvian non-citizens, i.e. when calculating retirement pensions were not taken into account the years that those people had worked outside the territory of Latvia. But for Latvian citizens there is no such limitation. Now the deputies received an answer that the hearing was planned for June 10.

At the beginning of this year the deputies from the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia filed a case with the Constitutional Court on noncompliance of the Law on Pensions with the Latvian constitution and international standards. The deputies considered that the law contained a norm discriminating Latvian non-citizens, i.e. when calculating retirement pensions were not taken into account the years that those people had worked outside the territory of Latvia. But for Latvian citizens there is no such limitation. Now the deputies received an answer that the hearing was planned for June 10. Panorama Latvii

jūnijs 4, 2001

Press Report

On June 9 –10 in Jurmala will take place and international conference “Preservation and development of Latvian, Russian and Byelorussian economical ties within the context of integration processes of the Baltic States and Russia – Byelorussia”. It will be the forth conference of the Baltic Forum.

On June 9 –10 in Jurmala will take place and international conference Preservation and development of Latvian, Russian and Byelorussian economical ties within the context of integration processes of the Baltic States and Russia – Byelorussia. It will be the forth conference of the Baltic Forum. Neatkariga

Latvian Ambassador to Moscow soon will leave his post and will be posted in London as Latvian Ambassador to GB. Most likely he will be replaced by the present Latvian Ambassador to GB N.Penke.

Latvian Ambassador to Moscow soon will leave his post and will be posted in London as Latvian Ambassador to GB. Most likely he will be replaced by the present Latvian Ambassador to GB N.Penke.

Participants of the conference "Establishment of Ombudsmanship in Latvia" expressed an opinion that the role of Ombudsman might be appraised only by a socially and politically active society. Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga said that when reading thousands of letters from residents of Latvia one had to make a conclusion that protection of the rights of residents off Latvia demanded a special attention. Ombudsman would be an effective instrument also in the hands of the Saeima but it should not be a politicized post. Former Head of Latvian Human Rights office O.Bruveris said that politicians had to take a decision on the necessity of Ombudsman in Latvia. So far about the necessity of such an institution is discussed only theoretically and no practical action to establish such a thing had been taken.

Participants of the conference "Establishment of Ombudsmanship in Latvia" expressed an opinion that the role of Ombudsman might be appraised only by a socially and politically active society. Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga said that when reading thousands of letters from residents of Latvia one had to make a conclusion that protection of the rights of residents off Latvia demanded a special attention. Ombudsman would be an effective instrument also in the hands of the Saeima but it should not be a politicized post. Former Head of Latvian Human Rights office O.Bruveris said that politicians had to take a decision on the necessity of Ombudsman in Latvia. So far about the necessity of such an institution is discussed only theoretically and no practical action to establish such a thing had been taken. Neatkariga

Writing about the conference "Establishment of Ombudsmanship in Latvia" and the institution of Ombudsman as such Z.Katc in

Writing about the conference "Establishment of Ombudsmanship in Latvia" and the institution of Ombudsman as such Z.Katc in Respublika says that at first people have to ask questions – what will be the authorities of the Head of Ombudsman and his office. Will they be wider that the ones of Human Rights Office? Will a new institution be created? At the same time the Parliament did not ratify the Framework Convention on National minorities. And will be implemented another CoE recommendation – to ratify European Social Chart?

Russian speaking newspaper

Russian speaking newspaper Vesti Segodnya states that the Baltic Assembly has turned into a political tourism for wandering parliamentarians who like official dinners and demarches and asks whether it is not the right time to close this banquet.

18% of Latvian citizens and every second non-citizen support the idea to join the CIS. These data were collected during the opinion poll within the program “On the Way to a Civic Society”. Most of citizens who support this idea are low-income people, residing outside Riga, as well as young people in the age group of 15 – 30.

18% of Latvian citizens and every second non-citizen support the idea to join the CIS. These data were collected during the opinion poll within the program On the Way to a Civic Society. Most of citizens who support this idea are low-income people, residing outside Riga, as well as young people in the age group of 15 – 30. Vesti Segodnya


During the next year only 20% of non-citizens plan to get naturalized, 72% do not plan anything and 8% have not thought about it. These are also the data collected by the same opinion poll.

During the next year only 20% of non-citizens plan to get naturalized, 72% do not plan anything and 8% have not thought about it. These are also the data collected by the same opinion poll. Vesti Segodnya

Latvian prime minister Andris Berzins on Tuesday will host dinner for ambassadors from European Union (EU) member and candidate states accredited in Latvia to exchange opinion about Latvia's progress in pre-accession talks during Sweden's presidency term about to end. Dinner will be attended by ambassador from the EU member and candidate states resident in Riga as well as Belgium ambassador Louis Engelen as Belgium will be the next EU presiding country, the Latvian government press service reported to

Latvian prime minister Andris Berzins on Tuesday will host dinner for ambassadors from European Union (EU) member and candidate states accredited in Latvia to exchange opinion about Latvia's progress in pre-accession talks during Sweden's presidency term about to end. Dinner will be attended by ambassador from the EU member and candidate states resident in Riga as well as Belgium ambassador Louis Engelen as Belgium will be the next EU presiding country, the Latvian government press service reported to BNS. On June 15 and 16 Latvian premier Andris Berzins and foreign minister Indulis Berzins at the invitation of Swedish premier Goran Persson will join the closing ceremony of Sweden's six-month EU presidency term in Gothenburg. BNS

NATO: citizenship to all! This is the title of article in

NATO: citizenship to all! This is the title of article in Vesti Segodnya where A.Arkadyev writes about the visit of American senator B.Jackson. He assured that Latvias joining NATO was very soon but the major problem on the way was the rights of the Russian speakers in Latvia. He repeated that the USA and other countries wanted from Latvia not just a formal integration by adopting corresponding programs, declarations, etc. but wished to see a sincere wish of state authorities to integrate national minorities. B.Jackson said that for the next 18 months they would put a special pressure on Estonia and Latvia.

N.Kabanov writes that Latvian people want them, Russians, to speak the Latvian language. Not exactly the whole nation but the majority. And they are represented at the Saeima. And this problem should be dealt with. N.Kabanov states that nobody but the intellectually disturbed minority wants to learn another language. And behind the idea that everybody should speak the Latvian language state authorities are hiding assimilation – Latvianisation.

N.Kabanov writes that Latvian people want them, Russians, to speak the Latvian language. Not exactly the whole nation but the majority. And they are represented at the Saeima. And this problem should be dealt with. N.Kabanov states that nobody but the intellectually disturbed minority wants to learn another language. And behind the idea that everybody should speak the Latvian language state authorities are hiding assimilation – Latvianisation. Vesti Segodnya

The newspaper

The newspaper Diena (01.06.01) published an interview with Russian Ambassador to Latvia I.Studennikov. The Ambassador stated that in Russias relations with Latvia there was just one priority – development of relations both in political and economic spheres. Work is being done but it is important that it would proceed at the same speed both in economic and humanitarian fields. He did not deny that priority was also protection of the rights of Russians and Russian speaking Latvian citizens, non-citizens. And it was no wonder that the Ambassador was not satisfied with the decision to start from 2004 tuition in the Latvian language in all secondary schools. When speaking about economic relations the Ambassador assured that the transit through Venspils would not decrease due to construction of ports in Russia.

maijs 31, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK party Wednesday violated the government coalition agreement by supporting a proposal of Social Democrats, its partner on the Riga city council but parliamentary opposition, concerning amendments to the pension law. The premier has denied this could be a prelude to government ousting. FF/LNNK voted in support of Social Democrat proposal after the parliament in a secret ballot turned down its candidate for a post on the National Radio and Television Council. After that vote FF/LNNK leader Maris Grinblats voiced indignation saying their candidate was turned down by coalition partners Latvia's Way and People's Party who denied the accusations though. Their votes can not be checked out because the vote was secret.

Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK party Wednesday violated the government coalition agreement by supporting a proposal of Social Democrats, its partner on the Riga city council but parliamentary opposition, concerning amendments to the pension law. The premier has denied this could be a prelude to government ousting. FF/LNNK voted in support of Social Democrat proposal after the parliament in a secret ballot turned down its candidate for a post on the National Radio and Television Council. After that vote FF/LNNK leader Maris Grinblats voiced indignation saying their candidate was turned down by coalition partners Latvia's Way and People's Party who denied the accusations though. Their votes can not be checked out because the vote was secret. BNS, Diena, Respublika, Panorama Latvii, Chas

Latvian Foreign Ministry state secretary Maris Riekstins on Tuesday met with United States NATO committee president Bruce Jackson, currently on visit to Latvia, and presented to him Latvia's progress on its way to NATO, the ministry's press service reported. Riekstins and Jackson discussed steps to be taken to strengthen support by the US and other NATO members to enlargement of the alliance. The US NATO committee president arrived in Latvia to examine the Baltic State’s progress on its way to NATO and to meet with top Latvian officials. On Wednesday the US official is expected to meet with Latvian defence minister Girts Valdis Kristovskis and speak at the conference organised by the Latvian Trans-Atlantic Organisation. BNS

Latvian Foreign Ministry state secretary Maris Riekstins on Tuesday met with United States NATO committee president Bruce Jackson, currently on visit to Latvia, and presented to him Latvia's progress on its way to NATO, the ministry's press service reported. Riekstins and Jackson discussed steps to be taken to strengthen support by the US and other NATO members to enlargement of the alliance. The US NATO committee president arrived in Latvia to examine the Baltic States progress on its way to NATO and to meet with top Latvian officials. On Wednesday the US official is expected to meet with Latvian defence minister Girts Valdis Kristovskis and speak at the conference organised by the Latvian Trans-Atlantic Organisation. BNS

United States NATO committee president Bruce Jackson, currently on visit to Latvia, called on the Baltic country to pay more attention to compliance with political criteria set forth for NATO candidates. At the talks with Latvian lawmakers Tuesday the US representative said that after excellent military success demonstrated by the Baltic in the process of integrating into NATO more attention will be paid to treatment of Russian and Jewish minorities, efforts to combat corruption and crime as well as presence of foreign secret services. Now, when military progress has been achieved, values and political criteria will become increasingly important, said Jackson. He believes that admission of the Baltic States to NATO in 2002 could be prevented only by some flop on part of the candidates or change of position among supporters. Jackson also met with a Latvian lawmaker representing the opposition left-wing bloc For Human Rights, Martijans Bekasovs, who suggested that Latvia should at first solve its social problems and only then tackle external security. The US official pointed out that it was dangerous position. One cannot hope that after the Prague summit the situation will be as favourable for Latvia as it is now, therefore the opportunity should be taken today, he added. NATO is not an end; it is a means, said Jackson. It will be cheaper to acquire partners and integrate into Trans-Atlantic structures as in that case it will become easier to solve social problems as well. The talks with the opposition lawmaker focused mostly on social problems and anti-corruption efforts. Jackson met also with Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, and they discussed mainly the US leadership in Trans-Atlantic security, noting US-Latvian co-operation within joint defence projects. Both officials agreed that Baltic membership in NATO would contribute to peace, stability and development in the region, the presidential press service reported.

United States NATO committee president Bruce Jackson, currently on visit to Latvia, called on the Baltic country to pay more attention to compliance with political criteria set forth for NATO candidates. At the talks with Latvian lawmakers Tuesday the US representative said that after excellent military success demonstrated by the Baltic in the process of integrating into NATO more attention will be paid to treatment of Russian and Jewish minorities, efforts to combat corruption and crime as well as presence of foreign secret services. Now, when military progress has been achieved, values and political criteria will become increasingly important, said Jackson. He believes that admission of the Baltic States to NATO in 2002 could be prevented only by some flop on part of the candidates or change of position among supporters. Jackson also met with a Latvian lawmaker representing the opposition left-wing bloc For Human Rights, Martijans Bekasovs, who suggested that Latvia should at first solve its social problems and only then tackle external security. The US official pointed out that it was dangerous position. One cannot hope that after the Prague summit the situation will be as favourable for Latvia as it is now, therefore the opportunity should be taken today, he added. NATO is not an end; it is a means, said Jackson. It will be cheaper to acquire partners and integrate into Trans-Atlantic structures as in that case it will become easier to solve social problems as well. The talks with the opposition lawmaker focused mostly on social problems and anti-corruption efforts. Jackson met also with Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, and they discussed mainly the US leadership in Trans-Atlantic security, noting US-Latvian co-operation within joint defence projects. Both officials agreed that Baltic membership in NATO would contribute to peace, stability and development in the region, the presidential press service reported. BNS, Chas

Yesterday in a open discussion with Mr. Jackson opposition representatives from For Human Rights in United Latvia the faction leader J.Jurkans formulated their position concerning Latvia’s joining NATO – two community society in Latvia was not stable and could not solve the questions of its defence; there was no external danger for Latvia and not from Russia; 2% of GDP for defence was too much when for health care the state spent only 3%; J.Jurkans was not against Latvia’s joining NATO but it should not be a priority. First comes EU only then NATO.

Yesterday in a open discussion with Mr. Jackson opposition representatives from For Human Rights in United Latvia the faction leader J.Jurkans formulated their position concerning Latvias joining NATO – two community society in Latvia was not stable and could not solve the questions of its defence; there was no external danger for Latvia and not from Russia; 2% of GDP for defence was too much when for health care the state spent only 3%; J.Jurkans was not against Latvias joining NATO but it should not be a priority. First comes EU only then NATO. Chas

Baltic Assembly Presidium Chairman Romualds Razuks in the joint meeting of the Baltic Assembly and Nordic Council Thursday in Riga will urge to proclaim nearing to the Nordic countries as a priority for the Baltic states. Razuks expressed the remark Thursday in an interview with Latvian State radio. He said that after the integration into the European Union and NATO the Baltic states will have to answer to a question "who and where will we be, what interests will we voice, how will we be able to use advantages provided by Northern dimension".

Baltic Assembly Presidium Chairman Romualds Razuks in the joint meeting of the Baltic Assembly and Nordic Council Thursday in Riga will urge to proclaim nearing to the Nordic countries as a priority for the Baltic states. Razuks expressed the remark Thursday in an interview with Latvian State radio. He said that after the integration into the European Union and NATO the Baltic states will have to answer to a question "who and where will we be, what interests will we voice, how will we be able to use advantages provided by Northern dimension". BNS, Neatkariga

Russian Ambassador to Latvia I.Studennikov while visiting Venspils met with the Mayor A.Lembergs and City Council members. When discussing economical relations A.Lembergs stressed that quite often administrative methods dictate the model and possibilities of co-operation between entrepreneurs of both countries thus disturbing economical development of both countries. Answering to this the Ambassador assured that Mayor’s point of view was a little bit aggravated, but it was not bad. Russia’s export through Venspils would increase but at the same time Russia was interested to construct and develop its own ports.

Russian Ambassador to Latvia I.Studennikov while visiting Venspils met with the Mayor A.Lembergs and City Council members. When discussing economical relations A.Lembergs stressed that quite often administrative methods dictate the model and possibilities of co-operation between entrepreneurs of both countries thus disturbing economical development of both countries. Answering to this the Ambassador assured that Mayors point of view was a little bit aggravated, but it was not bad. Russias export through Venspils would increase but at the same time Russia was interested to construct and develop its own ports. Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

According to unofficial information the recently established ruling coalition in Riga City Council would like to deprive the representatives of For Human Rights in United Latvia of authority in the Council. On Monday the Riga City Property and Privatisation Affairs Commission adopted a draft decision where it was envisaged to stipulate that the manager of local government privatisation fund would be the deputy chairman of the Council. For this post was named the representative of For Human Rights in United Latvia S.Dolgopolov but the position members did not like this idea because this naming would increase influence of left wingers and could result in control over privatisation fund.

According to unofficial information the recently established ruling coalition in Riga City Council would like to deprive the representatives of For Human Rights in United Latvia of authority in the Council. On Monday the Riga City Property and Privatisation Affairs Commission adopted a draft decision where it was envisaged to stipulate that the manager of local government privatisation fund would be the deputy chairman of the Council. For this post was named the representative of For Human Rights in United Latvia S.Dolgopolov but the position members did not like this idea because this naming would increase influence of left wingers and could result in control over privatisation fund. Neatkariga

An obscure organisation, calling itself the Latvian National Liberation Movement (LNLM), Wednesday sent to several media a statement, claiming responsibility for explosions in a shopping mall in Riga centre last summer. Interior Ministry spokesman Normunds Belskis told BNS that the Security Police had started investigation to find out whether this statement was substantiated and who were the authors of the document. "We assume responsibility for the explosion in the Centrs shopping mall. We fight for free Latvia," the organisation said in its statement. According to the LNLM home page at http://www.emucities.com. au/member/lnak2000/Index.htm, the organisation is fighting for free Latvia as, having got rid from the Soviet occupation, the state allowed "others to exploit us."

An obscure organisation, calling itself the Latvian National Liberation Movement (LNLM), Wednesday sent to several media a statement, claiming responsibility for explosions in a shopping mall in Riga centre last summer. Interior Ministry spokesman Normunds Belskis told BNS that the Security Police had started investigation to find out whether this statement was substantiated and who were the authors of the document. "We assume responsibility for the explosion in the Centrs shopping mall. We fight for free Latvia," the organisation said in its statement. According to the LNLM home page at http://www.emucities.com. au/member/lnak2000/Index.htm, the organisation is fighting for free Latvia as, having got rid from the Soviet occupation, the state allowed "others to exploit us." BNS, Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii

maijs 30, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski during his visit to Riga on Tuesday met with Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins and invited him to visit Poland.

Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski during his visit to Riga on Tuesday met with Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins and invited him to visit Poland. BNS, Diena, Neatkariga, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Vestnesis, Jauna Avize, Respublika, Chas

The top three of most popular Latvian politicians remained unchanged in May with president of the state Vaira Vike-Freiberga heading the list, the latest opinion poll showed. Vike-Freiberga was followed by Bank of Latvia President Einars Repse and parliament speaker Janis Straume, according to the public opinion poll conducted in May by the SKDS sociological research company. Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars likewise maintained the fourth place he took in April, and his father, Social Democrat leader Juris Bojars was in the fifth place. BNS

The top three of most popular Latvian politicians remained unchanged in May with president of the state Vaira Vike-Freiberga heading the list, the latest opinion poll showed. Vike-Freiberga was followed by Bank of Latvia President Einars Repse and parliament speaker Janis Straume, according to the public opinion poll conducted in May by the SKDS sociological research company. Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars likewise maintained the fourth place he took in April, and his father, Social Democrat leader Juris Bojars was in the fifth place. BNS

The opposition party of Social Democrats remained the most popular political party in Latvia in May, although its rating keeps falling, according to the latest opinion poll conducted by SKDS sociological research company. The People's Party from the ruling coalition was able to maintain the second place, and Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK, also from the ruling coalition, was the third most popular political party in Latvia in May. Contrary to Social Democrats, both the People's Party and FF/LNNK have been able to improve their ratings in the outgoing month.

The opposition party of Social Democrats remained the most popular political party in Latvia in May, although its rating keeps falling, according to the latest opinion poll conducted by SKDS sociological research company. The People's Party from the ruling coalition was able to maintain the second place, and Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK, also from the ruling coalition, was the third most popular political party in Latvia in May. Contrary to Social Democrats, both the People's Party and FF/LNNK have been able to improve their ratings in the outgoing month. BNS, Diena, Neatkariga,


Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre director Nils Muiznieks believes that ethnic discrimination in Latvia has transformed into social discrimination as the Latvian language had been used to oust part of population from labour market and social life. In the interview to the Russian-language newspaper Vesti Segodnya published Wednesday the human rights advocate said: "In last five years integration has been accompanied by disintegration. With the help of the Latvian language a whole group of Latvia's residents have been altogether displaced from the labour market and social life." "A group of people 'pushed overboard' is forming in Latvia recently. Mostly these are representatives of ethnic minorities left without any niche for existence whatsoever," said Muiznieks. As an example to describe this situation he referred to results of public opinion polls showing that one-third of Latvia's non-citizens will not be able to take jobs requiring Latvian language proficiency. Muiznieks said that it dramatically limited professional opportunities of these people, rendering them unable to compete. "They will be the first to lose job, the first to get evicted over failure to pay rent and the first to find themselves on the outskirts of the society," he said.

Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre director Nils Muiznieks believes that ethnic discrimination in Latvia has transformed into social discrimination as the Latvian language had been used to oust part of population from labour market and social life. In the interview to the Russian-language newspaper Vesti Segodnya published Wednesday the human rights advocate said: "In last five years integration has been accompanied by disintegration. With the help of the Latvian language a whole group of Latvia's residents have been altogether displaced from the labour market and social life." "A group of people 'pushed overboard' is forming in Latvia recently. Mostly these are representatives of ethnic minorities left without any niche for existence whatsoever," said Muiznieks. As an example to describe this situation he referred to results of public opinion polls showing that one-third of Latvia's non-citizens will not be able to take jobs requiring Latvian language proficiency. Muiznieks said that it dramatically limited professional opportunities of these people, rendering them unable to compete. "They will be the first to lose job, the first to get evicted over failure to pay rent and the first to find themselves on the outskirts of the society," he said. Vesti Segodnya, BNS


After one month all Latvian residents will be able to address the Constitutional Court with their complain in cases if the state has violated any of their rights stipulated by the Satversme. But, as pointed out the Chairman of this court A.Endzins, CC would not be the fourth level court that would review decisions of lower level courts.

After one month all Latvian residents will be able to address the Constitutional Court with their complain in cases if the state has violated any of their rights stipulated by the Satversme. But, as pointed out the Chairman of this court A.Endzins, CC would not be the fourth level court that would review decisions of lower level courts. Diena

Russian Ambassador to Latvia I.Studennikov went on an introduction visit to Liepaja. In his statement he was positive about the expansion of economic co-operation between both countries. Both for Russia and Latvia good neighbourly relations are important and the Ambassador pointed out that he had only positive impressions during his two months staying in Latvia. In the nearest future I.Studennikov plans to visit some other Latvian cities.

Russian Ambassador to Latvia I.Studennikov went on an introduction visit to Liepaja. In his statement he was positive about the expansion of economic co-operation between both countries. Both for Russia and Latvia good neighbourly relations are important and the Ambassador pointed out that he had only positive impressions during his two months staying in Latvia. In the nearest future I.Studennikov plans to visit some other Latvian cities. Neatkariga

The newspaper

The newspaper Rigas Balss, analysing the data of the New citizens opinion poll, writes that these people name the fact that they live in Latvia and wish to remain here as the main reason for receiving Latvian citizenship (96%). 90% say that they want to be related to this state and 89% assure that the status of a citizen let them feel as full-fledged Latvian citizens. 82% stated that they wanted to participate in the Saeima elections.

Latvian Foreign Ministry state secretary Maris Riekstins on Tuesday met with United States NATO committee president Bruce Jackson, currently on visit to Latvia, and presented to him Latvia's progress on its way to NATO, the ministry's press service reported. Riekstins and Jackson discussed steps to be taken to strengthen support by the US and other NATO members to enlargement of the alliance.

Latvian Foreign Ministry state secretary Maris Riekstins on Tuesday met with United States NATO committee president Bruce Jackson, currently on visit to Latvia, and presented to him Latvia's progress on its way to NATO, the ministry's press service reported. Riekstins and Jackson discussed steps to be taken to strengthen support by the US and other NATO members to enlargement of the alliance. BNS

Starting with the next school year there will be no first classes in 4 Riga schools. One of the reasons is the poor economical situation in Latvia, another – more and more Russian speaking parents decide to send their descendants to Latvian speaking schools. Such is the situation in Russian speaking schools No 42 and 57 and Brekshi Elementary School.

Starting with the next school year there will be no first classes in 4 Riga schools. One of the reasons is the poor economical situation in Latvia, another – more and more Russian speaking parents decide to send their descendants to Latvian speaking schools. Such is the situation in Russian speaking schools No 42 and 57 and Brekshi Elementary School. Vesti Segodnya

The second year is coming to an end after the new law on education was adopted. According to Article 43 schools with the Russian language of tuition have to receive a license on their national minority education program of change to tuition in the state language. But in reality there is nothing to license. In many schools there are no education programs – they are not able to develop them themselves. And the state does not provide sufficient financing and methodological aid; there are only bilingual models available. Therefore the Public Council on Education, Science and Culture of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia together with the newspaper Chas announces an action “State support to national minority education programs”. The letter with demands is addressed to the Minister of Education and Science K.Greiskalns.

The second year is coming to an end after the new law on education was adopted. According to Article 43 schools with the Russian language of tuition have to receive a license on their national minority education program of change to tuition in the state language. But in reality there is nothing to license. In many schools there are no education programs – they are not able to develop them themselves. And the state does not provide sufficient financing and methodological aid; there are only bilingual models available. Therefore the Public Council on Education, Science and Culture of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia together with the newspaper Chas announces an action State support to national minority education programs. The letter with demands is addressed to the Minister of Education and Science K.Greiskalns. Chas

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