Aug. 15, 2008

  • Saeima adopted a document condemning Russias military activities in Georgia
  • Chas prints an interview with the Director of Department of Ethnic Minorities of the IUMSILS Irina Vinnika about the reasons why she leaves the post
Yesterday, the Saeima adopted a document condemning Russia’s military activities in Georgia. However, MPs from oppositional parties the Concord Centre and the For Human Rights in United Latvia condemned the document and refused to support it.

Yesterday, the Saeima adopted a document condemning Russias military activities in Georgia. However, MPs from oppositional parties the Concord Centre and the For Human Rights in United Latvia condemned the document and refused to support it. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Diena, Latvijas Avize, NRA

Chas prints an interview with the Director of Department of Ethnic Minorities of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration (IUMSILS) Irina Vinnika about the reasons why she leaves the post. According to Mrs. Vinnika, one of the reasons is tiredness of being criticized from side of so-called pro-Russian political parties and from ethnic Latvian nationalists. Irina Vinnika states that Russian politicians are dissatisfied that the IUMSILS conducts policy which is based mostly on cultural support for ethnic minorities, while, Latvian nationalists consider that activities of the Secretariat undermine foundations of national Latvian state.

Aug. 14, 2008

  • State Language Centre will not punish anyone for a poster with inscription in Russian Only a pig has the great right, to dump garbage anywhere
  • Several hundreds of people came for meeting in Riga in support for Russias activities in Georgia

Diena reports that the State Language Centre (SLC) will not punish anyone for a poster with inscription in Russian Only a pig has the great right, to dump garbage anywhere placed inside the apartment house yard. As reported, resident of the house has appealed to the Ombudsmans Office and the SLC finding such poster discriminating on the ground of ethnic origin because it implies that Russians are pigs. The resident also believed that the poster was placed by the house administrator, however, the administrator denied it, therefore, he was not punished.

Yesterday, several hundreds of people mostly activists of Russian NGOs in Latvia came for meeting in Riga in support for Russia’s activities in Georgia. The participants of the meeting expressed their disagreement with official position of Latvian officials who support Georgia and condemn Russia for its military activities.

Yesterday, several hundreds of people mostly activists of Russian NGOs in Latvia came for meeting in Riga in support for Russias activities in Georgia. The participants of the meeting expressed their disagreement with official position of Latvian officials who support Georgia and condemn Russia for its military activities. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize

Aug. 13, 2008

  • Head of the Russian Community in Latvia Valerijs Kravcovs: there are doubts about the security of Russians and other ethnic minorities in Latvia
The head of the Russian Community in Latvia Valerijs Kravcovs in an interview with

The head of the Russian Community in Latvia Valerijs Kravcovs in an interview with Chas has stated that the fact that Latvian officials provide unquestioning support to Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili who is responsible for suffering of South Ossetians raises doubts about the security of Russians and other ethnic minorities in Latvia

Aug. 12, 2008

  • Political scientist Peteris Vinkelis: war in Georgia split Latvian society
  • Newspapers report about reaction of Latvian residents and state officials towards war in Georgia
According to political scientist Peteris Vinkelis, war in Georgia split Latvian society because majority of ethnic Russian residents support South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Russia, while ethnic Latvians support Georgia. Therefore, Mr.Vinkelis considers that state authorities should be very careful in their actions regarding the war in Georgia to prevent aggravation of the situation in Latvian society.

According to political scientist Peteris Vinkelis, war in Georgia split Latvian society because majority of ethnic Russian residents support South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Russia, while ethnic Latvians support Georgia. Therefore, Mr.Vinkelis considers that state authorities should be very careful in their actions regarding the war in Georgia to prevent aggravation of the situation in Latvian society. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Newspapers report about reaction of Latvian residents and state officials towards war in Georgia. The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins and other high officials condemn Russia’s military aggression in South Ossetia and Georgia and voices support for Georgian authorities. Also, several hundred of Latvian residents yesterday held a procession in Riga in support of Georgia and condemnation of Russia. In the meantime, the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) and biggest Russian NGOs protested against Latvia’s official position expressed by various high state officials. The FHRUL and Russian NGOs consider that the official position does not reflect the position of all Latvian residents and express their support and condolences to South Ossetians and Russians who suffered from Georgian military intervention into South Ossetia. Tomorrow, an NGO People’s Patriotic Union “Motherland” is planning to hold in Riga a picket in support of Russia’s activities in South Ossetia. 

Newspapers report about reaction of Latvian residents and state officials towards war in Georgia. The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins and other high officials condemn Russias military aggression in South Ossetia and Georgia and voices support for Georgian authorities. Also, several hundred of Latvian residents yesterday held a procession in Riga in support of Georgia and condemnation of Russia. In the meantime, the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) and biggest Russian NGOs protested against Latvias official position expressed by various high state officials. The FHRUL and Russian NGOs consider that the official position does not reflect the position of all Latvian residents and express their support and condolences to South Ossetians and Russians who suffered from Georgian military intervention into South Ossetia. Tomorrow, an NGO Peoples Patriotic Union Motherland is planning to hold in Riga a picket in support of Russias activities in South Ossetia. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Diena, Latvijas Avize, NRA

Aug. 11, 2008

  • Centre of Curriculum Development and Examinations did not support the LAShORs proposal to introduce mandatory exam on native language and literature for graduates of minority education programmes
The Centre of Curriculum Development and Examinations of the Ministry of Education (CCDE) did not support the proposal of the Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian Language of Instruction (LAShOR in its Russian acronym) to introduce mandatory exam on native language and literature for graduates of minority education programmes. The proposals were forwarded for revision to the meeting of the state secretaries, however, the Minister of Education Tatjana Koke has recalled the proposals from the meeting’s agenda.

The Centre of Curriculum Development and Examinations of the Ministry of Education (CCDE) did not support the proposal of the Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian Language of Instruction (LAShOR in its Russian acronym) to introduce mandatory exam on native language and literature for graduates of minority education programmes. The proposals were forwarded for revision to the meeting of the state secretaries, however, the Minister of Education Tatjana Koke has recalled the proposals from the meetings agenda. Telegraf

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