Sept. 11, 2008

  • Diena: working group on issues concerning restitution of Jewish properties in Latvia was formed in order to stop claims of the World Jewish Restitution Organisation
  • Chas prints an article by the MP Vladimirs Buzajevs on 10 arguments why Latvian non-citizens should be granted voting rights in municipal elections
According to

According to Diena, the Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis has issued on order to form a working group on issues concerning restitution of Jewish properties in Latvia in order to stop claims of the World Jewish Restitution Organisation. However, the working group is not likely to come up with a solution soon, allegedly because of disagreements among politicians who should decide whether to return the real estate lost by Jews during the Holocaust or to grant money compensation. The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins in an interview with Diena has stated that denationalisation process implemented in Latvia should not bet revised and it is very important to comply with principles of law and equality without any exceptions.

Chas prints an article by the MP Vladimirs Buzajevs (For Human Rights in United Latvia) on 10 arguments why Latvian non-citizens should be granted voting rights in municipal elections. According to Mr. Buzajevs, non-citizens should have voting rights because: they had these rights until 1992; they were promised that their political rights will be preserved after return of Latvian independence; they are honest taxpayers; they have close ties with Latvia; it is recommended by the international institutions; this is international practice; non-citizenship in Latvia is a long-term problem; deprivation of rights has no historical justification; allegations concerning pro-Russian municipalities are groundless; such initiative would benefit those governing parties that would support the initiative as well as the whole society because it would help to overcome split between the state and Russian speakers.

Sept. 10, 2008

  • Telegraf reports about restructuring of Russias state institutions dealing with its compatriots affairs

Telegraf reports that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs liquidates the Russias Foreign Centre which dealt with affairs concerning Russian compatriots abroad and assigns its functions to the Federal Agency which further will be called Federal Agency for CIS, Compatriots Living Abroad and Humanitarian Co-operation Affairs. According to Latvian MP Boriss Cilevics, Russia is interested in strong Russian compatriots, therefore, such restructuring is one more step on granting stronger support to Russians living abroad. During 2008 Russia started elaboration of draft amendments to the Law on Compatriots and established foundation Russian World.

Sept. 9, 2008

  • On 11 September the Saeima will review a draft law on granting all permanent residents of Latvia voting rights in municipal election
  • State Border Guard Service has detained members of a criminal grouping who organised illegal transportation of Chinese to Latvia
On 11 September, the Saeima will review a draft law elaborated by the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia (FRHUL) on granting all permanent residents of Latvia voting rights in municipal elections. The FRHUL will forward the results of the Saeima’s voting on the draft law to the EP’s Committee on Petitions which is planning to resume the review of situation concerning rights of Latvian non-citizens.

On 11 September, the Saeima will review a draft law elaborated by the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia (FRHUL) on granting all permanent residents of Latvia voting rights in municipal elections. The FRHUL will forward the results of the Saeimas voting on the draft law to the EPs Committee on Petitions which is planning to resume the review of situation concerning rights of Latvian non-citizens. Chas

The State Border Guard Service has detained members of a criminal grouping who organised illegal transportation of Chinese to Latvia. The Border Guard also has detained three citizens of China without any documents allowing their arrival and stay in Latvia.

The State Border Guard Service has detained members of a criminal grouping who organised illegal transportation of Chinese to Latvia. The Border Guard also has detained three citizens of China without any documents allowing their arrival and stay in Latvia. Telegraf, Chas

Sept. 8, 2008

  • Vesti Segodnya reports about a forum Intercultural Dialogue of Russian Speaking Ethnic Minorities in Baltic States held in Druskinikai

Vesti Segodnya reports about a forum Intercultural Dialogue of Russian Speaking Ethnic Minorities in Baltic States held in Druskinikai (Lithuania). Students from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have discussed issues concerning ethnic integration in their countries. According to representatives of Latvia, integration in the country is hindered by the luck of intercultural dialogue between ethnic Latvians and Russians and by unwillingness of government to promote consolidation of the society.

Sept. 6, 2008

  • Historians interviewed by Diena criticize the documentary film Victory Day – Our Festivity
Two Latvian historians interviewed by

Two Latvian historians interviewed by Diena criticize the documentary film Victory Day – Our Festivity presented by the members of the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) Jakovs Pliners and Valerijs Buhvalovs to several Russian language schools as a teaching aid about the main battles of the WWII. Two historians believe that documentary cannot be used as teaching aid in schools because it is subjective and materials are of low quality.

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