Sept. 17, 2008

  • Functions of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration will be hand over to the Ministry for Children and Family Affairs
The Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis decided to close the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration (IUMSILS), the Secretariat for Administration of the EU Funds and the Secretariat for Electronic Government Affairs in order to economise state funds. Functions of the IUMSILS will be hand over to the Ministry for Children and Family Affairs. 

The Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis decided to close the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration (IUMSILS), the Secretariat for Administration of the EU Funds and the Secretariat for Electronic Government Affairs in order to economise state funds. Functions of the IUMSILS will be hand over to the Ministry for Children and Family Affairs. Chas, Latvijas Avize, Diena

Sept. 16, 2008

  • State Employment Agency has approved invitations for work in Latvia for 1715 foreigners from non-EU countries during the first half of 2008
  • Latvijas Avize prints an article about the Ombudsmans Office
The State Employment Agency has approved invitations for work in Latvia for 1715 foreigners from non-EU countries during the first half of 2008 which is for 17% less as compared with first half of 2007. The majority of guest workers arrived from Ukraine (654), Moldova (308), Thailand (191), Uzbekistan (146), Russia (86), and Belarus (77).

The State Employment Agency has approved invitations for work in Latvia for 1715 foreigners from non-EU countries during the first half of 2008 which is for 17% less as compared with first half of 2007. The majority of guest workers arrived from Ukraine (654), Moldova (308), Thailand (191), Uzbekistan (146), Russia (86), and Belarus (77). Chas

Latvijas Avize prints an article about the Ombudsmans Office. The institution has received 186 complaints concerning discrimination during the first half of 2008. According to the Ombudsman Romans Apsitis, the Ombudsmans Office encountered several cases regarding discriminative advertisements and it seems that because of the Offices work the advertisers became more cautious and tolerant, however, desirable result are not achieved yet.

Sept. 15, 2008

  • Telegraf: more parents are sending their Russian speaking children to Latvian language schools
  • Cabinet of Ministers is planning to review the draft rules of internal regulations of the State Border Guards accomodation centre for detained foreigners

Telegraf reports that more parents are sending their Russian speaking children to Latvian language schools. However, according to the article, such parents predominantly choose Latvian language schools with high education quality.

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Cabinet of Ministers at its next session is planning to review the draft rules of internal regulations of the State Border Guards accomodation centre for detained foreigners. The draft rules contain description of procedure of reception of foreigners, sanitary and medical inspections, and rules of stay in the facility.

Sept. 13, 2008

  • Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration has entrusted elaboration of the guidelines for social integration policy to a public relations company

Diena reports that the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration (IUMSILS in its Latvian acronym) has entrusted elaboration of the guidelines for social integration policy to a public relations company. Experts interviewed by Diena criticize this decision arguing that elaboration of political documents is one of the main responsibilities and jobs of the IUMSILS officials. According to the director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilze Brands-Kehre, instead of ordering someone to write something in haste, this should be serious and well-grounded document, and its elaboration should involve specific experts.

Sept. 12, 2008

  • President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers calls for consolidation of society
  • Saeima again has refused the draft law on granting non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections
  • Salesperson of a shop Narvesen who refused to speak Russian to a costumer appeals to all ethnic Latvian service sector workers to speak with clients only in Latvian language
  • Ukrainian citizen appealed for asylum in Latvia

Telegraf reports that yesterday, in an interview with Latvian national radio station, the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers has called for consolidation of society. Commenting the split in the society demonstrated by different views of Latvian and Russian speaking residents on the events in Georgia, the President has stated that it is necessary to reverse the situation and to do everything to make Russian residents of Latvia believe they belong to the state. Sociologist Arnis Kaktins in an interview with the newspaper has stated that course for consolidation of society could only make sense if political elite sets long-term tasks such as ensuring economic stability, raising welfare level, decreasing crime rate. According to Mr. Kaktins, split in the society is much more beneficial for Latvian politicians, because, presently, they are interested only in short-term gains such as victory in elections.

Yesterday, the Saeima again has refused the draft law on granting non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections proposed by the party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL). During the Saeima’s session about 50 persons held a picket near the Saeima building in support of the proposals.

Yesterday, the Saeima again has refused the draft law on granting non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections proposed by the party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL). During the Saeimas session about 50 persons held a picket near the Saeima building in support of the proposals. Chas, Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya reports that a woman, salesperson of a shop Narvesen who refused to speak Russian to a costumer (reported on 9 August) appeals to all ethnic Latvian service sector workers to speak with clients who are permanent residents of Latvia only in Latvian language. The woman also states that the names of employers who do not agree with such attitude of their employees will be published on the internet site of nationalistic party All for Latvia!

Latvijas Avize reports that the Border Guard Service in Liepaja (city in the Western part of Latvia) has received an application for asylum from Ukrainian citizen.

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