Oct. 2, 2008

  • Chas prints an article about 83 year-old woman who is forced to attend Latvian language courses in order to receive permanent residency permit in Latvia
  • Draft guidelines for society integration programme will be submitted to the Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis on 15 December

Chas prints an article about 83 year-old woman who is forced to attend Latvian language courses in order to receive permanent residency permit in Latvia. The woman lives in Latvia since 1945, but after return of Latvian independence she received Russian citizenship and moved to Russia in 1993. In 2001 the woman returned to Latvia to live with her son. However, she resides in the country with temporary residency permit which has to be reissued every year going trough long and costly procedure. Because of her status, she also does not receive state subsidised healthcare, such as access to family doctor and discounts for medicines. According to representative of the Citizenship and Migration Affairs Board, presently there are no age limits for those taking language exams in order to receive permanent residency permits. However, new draft regulations, which might envisage easier examination requirements for certain health status or age groups, are being elaborated.

The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens has stated that the draft guidelines for society integration programme will be submitted to the Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis on 15 December. As reported, the Secretariat has entrusted elaboration of the guidelines to a private company, alleging that this decision is justified by the fact that draft guidelines initially elaborated by the Secretariat itself were heavily criticised.

The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens has stated that the draft guidelines for society integration programme will be submitted to the Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis on 15 December. As reported, the Secretariat has entrusted elaboration of the guidelines to a private company, alleging that this decision is justified by the fact that draft guidelines initially elaborated by the Secretariat itself were heavily criticised. Latvijas Avize

Sept. 30, 2008

  • Telegraf writes about possible easing of naturalisation exams
Eizenija Aldermane, the head of Naturalisation Board, believes that current difficulty level of naturalisation exams is optimal. However, following a meeting of the leadership of naturalisation authorities of the three Baltic States, scheduled for November 2008, Latvia’s Naturalisation Board might propose changes to naturalisation exams.

Eizenija Aldermane, the head of Naturalisation Board, believes that current difficulty level of naturalisation exams is optimal. However, following a meeting of the leadership of naturalisation authorities of the three Baltic States, scheduled for November 2008, Latvias Naturalisation Board might propose changes to naturalisation exams. Telegraf

Sept. 29, 2008

  • FF/LNIMs head Roberts Zile has stated that ethnic Latvian parties should prevent victory of what he calls Russian parties in upcoming municipal elections
  • Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with academician Nils Muiznieks about a book Manufacturing Enemy Images? Russian Media Portrayal of Latvia
  • State Border Guard Service detained three Chinese and one Russian citizen for illegal crossing of Latvian border
  • Jevgenijs Osipovs established a new political party Osipovs Party
  • Most popular parties in Latvia in September: the Concord Centre, the Union of Greens and Farmers and the New Era

Newspapers report about a meeting of the members of right-wing political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. Partys head Roberts Zile has stated that ethnic Latvian parties should coordinate their activities in municipal elections to prevent victory of what he calls Russian parties. Mr. Zile believes that possible accession of Russian parties to power in Riga city council in the context of present aggressive external Russias policy is a threat for Latvian statehood. Members of the FF/LNIM also consider that Latvia should pay more attention to the growth of number of Russian citizens in Latvia and on Russias statements that it is ready to protect its citizens abroad. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with academician Nils Muiznieks, who edited a book Manufacturing Enemy Images? Russian Media Portrayal of Latvia issued by the University of Latvia. According to Mr. Muiznieks, Russia cannot forgive Latvia and other Baltic states their unwillingness to integrate into the post-Soviet space after collapse of the USSR. Therefore, nearly every time Russian mass media covers events in Latvia, the country is portrayed as an enemy by mentioning violation of rights of Russian speaking residents.

The State Border Guard Service has detained three Chinese and one Russian citizen for illegal crossing of Latvian border. All the detained persons did not have personal identification documents, visas or permits for stay in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

The State Border Guard Service has detained three Chinese and one Russian citizen for illegal crossing of Latvian border. All the detained persons did not have personal identification documents, visas or permits for stay in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

Leader of former nationalistic party “Latvian National Democratic Party” (LNDP) (which was refused re-registration on the grounds of falsification of documents) Jevgenijs Osipovs has established a new political party “Osipovs’ Party.” According to the statement of Jevgenijs Osipovs, the new party will continue activities of the LNDP, which include recognition of Russian speaking residents’ equality to ethnic Latvians and recognition of Russian language as official state language.

Leader of former nationalistic party Latvian National Democratic Party (LNDP) (which was refused re-registration on the grounds of falsification of documents) Jevgenijs Osipovs has established a new political party Osipovs Party. According to the statement of Jevgenijs Osipovs, the new party will continue activities of the LNDP, which include recognition of Russian speaking residents equality to ethnic Latvians and recognition of Russian language as official state language. Latvijas Avize

According to the latest public opinion survey held by the market and social research company “Latvijas fakti”, the Concord Centre is the most popular party in Latvia – 10,9% of Latvian citizens would vote for it if the Saeima elections are held in September. The Union of Greens and Farmers is supported by 5,3 %, the New Era by 5.1%. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of Latvian citizens. However, 34.4 % of respondents are not decided whom to vote for yet, while 17.8% of respondents would not participate the elections.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by the market and social research company Latvijas fakti, the Concord Centre is the most popular party in Latvia – 10,9% of Latvian citizens would vote for it if the Saeima elections are held in September. The Union of Greens and Farmers is supported by 5,3 %, the New Era by 5.1%. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of Latvian citizens. However, 34.4 % of respondents are not decided whom to vote for yet, while 17.8% of respondents would not participate the elections. Diena

Sept. 26, 2008

  • Saeima repeatedly refused proposal to grant Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires special status
Yesterday, the Saeima repeatedly refused proposal of the faction for Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM to grant Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires special status equal with the status of members of the National resistance movement, which would grant them special benefits.

Yesterday, the Saeima repeatedly refused proposal of the faction for Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM to grant Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires special status equal with the status of members of the National resistance movement, which would grant them special benefits. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Sept. 25, 2008

  • MP Sandra Kalniete: there is too much Russian language on Latvian TV channels
  • Vesti Segodnya reports about a seminar on perspectives of self-organisation of Russians in Latvia
  • Russian NGOs and survivors of the Nazi concentration camp in Salaspils object against placement of a memorial for German soldiers on the territory of memorial to the victims of the concentration camp

Telegraf reports that the MP Sandra Kalniete has stated that there is too much Russian language on Latvian TV channels. Therefore, the MP considers that the law on Radio and Television should include norms regulating proportion of Latvian and other languages in the content of TV broadcasts. Such norm was already abolished following the decision of the Constitutional Court, which found it discriminatory.

Vesti Segodnya reports about a seminar on perspectives of self-organisation of Russians in Latvia. Participants, mostly members of Russian NGOs, have discussed issues which hinder unity of Russian NGOs.

Vesti Segodnya reports about plans to place on the territory of former Nazi concentration camp in Salaspils (presently memorial to the victims of the concentration camp) a memorial for German soldiers died in the WWII. Several Russian NGOs and survivors of the concentration camp object against such plans arguing that it is sacrilege towards hundreds of thousands people tortured to death in the camp and insult to those who survived in the Nazi camp. According to the director of the Salaspils memorial, a number of German soldiers, who died as prisoners of war were buried on the territory of the present Salaspils memorial, therefore, German side wants to take care of these burials and place its memorial as well.

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