jūnijs 12, 2006

  • FHRULs contests on a program for development of Russian culture in Latvia
  • Folk festival Slavic Crown in Vangazi
Yesterday, the party’s FHRUL Council on Education and Culture has rewarded the winners of the contests “Continuity and Development of Russian Culture in Latvia:” and “Victory Day – Our Festivity”. The participants of the contests had to elaborate a program for the development of Russian culture in Latvia.

Yesterday, the partys FHRUL Council on Education and Culture has rewarded the winners of the contests Continuity and Development of Russian Culture in Latvia: and Victory Day – Our Festivity. The participants of the contests had to elaborate a program for the development of Russian culture in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

On Saturday, representatives of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Latvian ethnic communities took part in a folk festival “Slavic Crown” in Vangazi (town in Riga region).

On Saturday, representatives of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Latvian ethnic communities took part in a folk festival Slavic Crown in Vangazi (town in Riga region). Chas, Vesti Segodnya

jūnijs 10, 2006

  • Representatives of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe discussed the situation of minorities with NGOs
  • Book on Roma people in Latvia
The representatives of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe have discussed the situation with national minorities in Latvia with members of several NGOs in Riga.

The representatives of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe have discussed the situation with national minorities in Latvia with members of several NGOs in Riga. Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features an article on a book Roma Study at My School published in the framework of the Centres for Education Initiatives PHARE project Roma in Local Society and at School. The book includes information, stories, drawings and photos gathered through the contest organized in various Latvian districts.

jūnijs 9, 2006

  • Saeima refused draft amendments to the Citizenship Law proposed by FF/LNIM
  • New Internet portal www.iecietiba.lv on tolerance issues
  • Russian Prime Minister: the situation of Russian-speaking minorities and non-citizens in Latvia prevents the Latvian-Russian dialog
  • Saeima supported the draft amendments to the Criminal Law stipulating criminal liability for taking naturalisation exams instead actual applicants
  • Article on the girl who attacked two Shri Lankans in January
Yesterday, the Saeima has refused the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law proposed by the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. As reported, FF/LNIM proposed to halt the naturalisation process and to close the Naturalisation Board.

Yesterday, the Saeima has refused the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law proposed by the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. As reported, FF/LNIM proposed to halt the naturalisation process and to close the Naturalisation Board. Chas. Telegraf

The Social Assignment Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone has opened a new Internet portal

The Social Assignment Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone has opened a new Internet portal www.iecietiba.lv on tolerance issues. NGO Dialogi.lv and the Soros Foundation in Latvia are the portals authors. Diena, Latvijas Vestnesis

Yesterday, the Prime Minister of Latvia Aigars Kalvitis has met with the Prime Minister of Russia Mihail Fradkov in the framework of the 6

Yesterday, the Prime Minister of Latvia Aigars Kalvitis has met with the Prime Minister of Russia Mihail Fradkov in the framework of the 6th Baltic Sea States Summit held in Reykjavik, Iceland. According to Mihail Fradkov, the situation of the Russian-speaking minorities and non-citizens in Latvia prevents the dialog between Latvia and Russia. Aigars Kalvitis has stated that Latvia is implementing a focused integration policy, and the government has always invited non-citizens to naturalize. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Diena, NRA

The Saeima has supported in the first reading the draft amendments to the Criminal Law developed by For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. As reported, the draft amendments stipulate that persons who take the naturalisation exams instead actual naturalisation applicants will be held criminally liable. For the offence, the draft amendments provide the penalty of two years of imprisonment, or community work or a fine up to 50 times the minimum wage.

The Saeima has supported in the first reading the draft amendments to the Criminal Law developed by For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. As reported, the draft amendments stipulate that persons who take the naturalisation exams instead actual naturalisation applicants will be held criminally liable. For the offence, the draft amendments provide the penalty of two years of imprisonment, or community work or a fine up to 50 times the minimum wage. Chas, Latvijas Avize

Chas features an article on the girl related to a skinhead organization who attacked two Shri Lankans in January.

jūnijs 8, 2006

  • National Radio and Television Council warned several TV channels about their violation of the State Language Law
The National Radio and Television Council (NRTC) has warned TV channels TV3, LNT, and LTV1 about their violation of the State Language Law. The NRTC has reviewed several TV programs translating in Latvian where many insertions in Russian were given without dubbing or translating them into Latvian. The NRTC has warned the TV channels that the insertions in other languages in Latvian language TV programs have to be titrated into Latvian.

The National Radio and Television Council (NRTC) has warned TV channels TV3, LNT, and LTV1 about their violation of the State Language Law. The NRTC has reviewed several TV programs translating in Latvian where many insertions in Russian were given without dubbing or translating them into Latvian. The NRTC has warned the TV channels that the insertions in other languages in Latvian language TV programs have to be titrated into Latvian. Latvijas Avize

jūnijs 7, 2006

  • Public discussion on the National Programme Roma in Latvia
  • OKROL has established its Legal Service
  • Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone met with Saeimas Subcommittee on Social Integration
  • Applicant for citizenship was caught cheating in naturalisation exams
Today, the Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone opens a public discussion on the National Programme “Roma in Latvia” in Tukums. In an interview with

Today, the Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone opens a public discussion on the National Programme Roma in Latvia in Tukums. In an interview with Latvijas Vestnesis, Karina Petersone has pointed to three core areas of activities included in the Programme: to elaborate a clear and easy understandable scheme of social support, to ease access of Roma children and young people to schools, and to launch a dialog with employers. According to the minister, these areas are the means to achieve the further objective: to decrease intolerance and prejudices against Roma. The public discussion will also take place in Ventspils, Jelgava, and Riga. Latvijas Vestnesis

The United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia (OKROL in its Russian acronym) has established its Legal Service (LS OKROL) last week.

The United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia (OKROL in its Russian acronym) has established its Legal Service (LS OKROL) last week. Chas features an interview with the head of the LS OKROL Yelizaveta Krivcova. According to her, OKROL has decided to broaden its activities in defending of the Russian-speaking residents rights in Latvia. Yelizaveta Krivcova said that the LS will address not only specific minority rights like the use of Russian language, the rights of parents in their relationship with schools, naturalisation and emigration, but also other concerns of Latvian residents (e.g. real estate and family disputes). Chas

Yesterday, the Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone met with the members of the Subcommittee on Social Integration of the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee. Karina Petersone has stated that the Secretariat will be open for cooperation with minority NGOs willing to preserve and develop their own identity. The Secretariat will also hold a dialog with the society, and will facilitate social inclusion of Roma people.

Yesterday, the Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone met with the members of the Subcommittee on Social Integration of the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee. Karina Petersone has stated that the Secretariat will be open for cooperation with minority NGOs willing to preserve and develop their own identity. The Secretariat will also hold a dialog with the society, and will facilitate social inclusion of Roma people. Vesti Segodnya

The Naturalisation Board reports that an applicant for citizenship was caught cheating in naturalisation exams in Riga yesterday.

The Naturalisation Board reports that an applicant for citizenship was caught cheating in naturalisation exams in Riga yesterday. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

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