jūnijs 11, 2004

  • Party New Era demanded resignation of the government
  • Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics discusses education reform with the representatives of the expert group formed by the Peoples Harmony Party
  • Russia State Council accuses Latvia and Estonia of Russian-speakers rights violations
  • Unapproved protest action against the education reform
  • Administrative Court cancels ban on organising a protest action against the education reform at Ratslaukums, Maris Tralmaks plans to appeal
  • Interview with the ambassador of Russia to Latvia Igor Stoudennikov
  • Boris Tsilevitch about his plans in case he gets elected to the European Parliament
  • Sweden newspaper Dagens Nyheter about non-citizens rights in Latvia
Party New Era has demanded resignation of the government of Indulis Emsis. According to the New Era, Saeima’s yesterday decision not to pass proposal for the budget amendments, prepared by opposition, was the reason behind it. Proposed amendments stipulate raise of teachers’ salaries and pension index. Prime minister has said to the press that government is planning to evaluate budget amendments in September.

Party New Era has demanded resignation of the government of Indulis Emsis. According to the New Era, Saeimas yesterday decision not to pass proposal for the budget amendments, prepared by opposition, was the reason behind it. Proposed amendments stipulate raise of teachers salaries and pension index. Prime minister has said to the press that government is planning to evaluate budget amendments in September. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas

Following initiative of the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis, yesterday Minister for Education and Science Juris Radzevics met with the representatives of the expert group formed by the People’s Harmony Party (PHP). During discussion on the education reform, representative of the PHP group Vladilens Dozorcevs has pointed to the necessity of amending the Law on Education, stipulating that the instruction in the state schools take place in the state language or in minorities’ languages. Party representatives believe that if the law cannot be opened, then a moratorium on the reform should be established. According to the PHP, the state should control only the quality of Latvian language instruction at minority schools, but the minorities’ schools should be able to choose educational programmes.

Following initiative of the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis, yesterday Minister for Education and Science Juris Radzevics met with the representatives of the expert group formed by the Peoples Harmony Party (PHP). During discussion on the education reform, representative of the PHP group Vladilens Dozorcevs has pointed to the necessity of amending the Law on Education, stipulating that the instruction in the state schools take place in the state language or in minorities languages. Party representatives believe that if the law cannot be opened, then a moratorium on the reform should be established. According to the PHP, the state should control only the quality of Latvian language instruction at minority schools, but the minorities schools should be able to choose educational programmes. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Statement to the European Parliament, adopted by the Russia State Council, accuses Latvia and Estonia of violations of the Russian-speakers rights. The statement points to the fact that half a million of Latvian residents cannot participate in the European Parliament elections. It also says that there is obvious ethnic discrimination in Latvia, because while 99,6% of ethnic Latvians are citizens, only 47,4%  of Russians, 27,3% of Belarussians and 16,3% of  Ukrainians living in Latvia possess Latvian citizenship.

Statement to the European Parliament, adopted by the Russia State Council, accuses Latvia and Estonia of violations of the Russian-speakers rights. The statement points to the fact that half a million of Latvian residents cannot participate in the European Parliament elections. It also says that there is obvious ethnic discrimination in Latvia, because while 99,6% of ethnic Latvians are citizens, only 47,4% of Russians, 27,3% of Belarussians and 16,3% of Ukrainians living in Latvia possess Latvian citizenship. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Yesterday representatives of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) organised a protest action against the education reform despite refusal of the executive director of the Riga City Council Maris Tralmaks to authorise this event. One of the leaders of the union Tatjana Zdanoka says that FHRUL is planning to challenge Maris Tralmaks’s decision at the court.

Yesterday representatives of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) organised a protest action against the education reform despite refusal of the executive director of the Riga City Council Maris Tralmaks to authorise this event. One of the leaders of the union Tatjana Zdanoka says that FHRUL is planning to challenge Maris Tralmakss decision at the court. Rigas Balss, Chas

Administrative Court cancelled the ban on organising a protest action against the education reform on 1 June at Ratslaukums.  Executive director of the Riga City Council Maris Tralmaks has previously refused to authorise the meeting on the grounds that Ratslaukums is not suitable for the events with the large numbers of participants. Maris Tralmaks is planning to appeal.

Administrative Court cancelled the ban on organising a protest action against the education reform on 1 June at Ratslaukums. Executive director of the Riga City Council Maris Tralmaks has previously refused to authorise the meeting on the grounds that Ratslaukums is not suitable for the events with the large numbers of participants. Maris Tralmaks is planning to appeal. Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the ambassador of Russia to Latvia Igor Stoudennikov. Ambassador believes that expulsion of the Russian diplomat and refusal to issue an entry visa to Latvia to another Russian diplomat, Mikhail Demurin, do not promote good relations between the two states.

Chas prints an interview with the European Parliament candidate Boris Tsilevitch (Peoples Harmony Party) about his plans in case of being elected. According to Boris Tsilevitch, PHP wants to ask the European Commission to deal with minority rights ‘not only on the level of political decisions, which Latvia tends to ignore, but on the level of legal acts, which would guarantee rights for minorities.

Diena reprints fragments of the article about the non-citizens rights in Latvia, published by the Sweden newspaper Dagens Nyheter. Newspaper stresses that 481,000 Russian-speakers have no rights to participate at the European Parliament election. Dagens Nyheter also interviews two Latvian non-citizens about their attitude towards naturalisation. Diena

jūnijs 10, 2004

  • Society Integration Foundation allocates more than 150,000 lats to ethnic integration projects
  • 500, 000 euro per year from the European Fund for Refugees will be available for Latvia from 2005 till 2007
  • Prime Minister Indulis Emsis condemns attempts of political parties to use education issues in selfish interests
  • Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks informs Brussels about society integration process in Latvia
  • Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics discusses the education reform implementation with the representatives of the For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM parliamentary group
  • Saeima Legal Affairs Committee rejects amendments to the Constitution of Latvia, which stipulate additional rights for non-citizens
  • Newspapers write about discussion at Saeima Legal Affairs Committee on opening of the files of the former agents of the State Security Committee
  • Parliamentary secretary of the Special Tasks Ministers for Society Integration Secretariat Aleksandrs Brandavs on society integration issues
  • Leader of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis gets fined for organisation of the unapproved protest action against the education reform
  • Russia plans to submit statement about violations of the Russian-speakers rights in the Baltic States to the European Parliament
  • Memorial wall dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust and Gulag was unveiled yesterday in Liepaja
  • Interview with the former Minister for Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis
  • Interview with the Russia State Councils deputy Viktor Alksnis about Russian policy towards Latvia
Society Integration Foundation (SIF) has allocated more than 150,000 lats to forty-five different projects in the area of ethnic integration.

Society Integration Foundation (SIF) has allocated more than 150,000 lats to forty-five different projects in the area of ethnic integration. Telegraf

EU interior ministers decided that  500,000 euro per year from the European Fund for Refugees will be available for Latvia from 2005 until 2007. This financial assistance is provided for activities aimed at improvement of the living conditions of refugees in the host countries, as well as for their integration into society, and repatriation to the native country. Latvia is obliged to provide co-financing in the amount of 125,000 euro.

EU interior ministers decided that 500,000 euro per year from the European Fund for Refugees will be available for Latvia from 2005 until 2007. This financial assistance is provided for activities aimed at improvement of the living conditions of refugees in the host countries, as well as for their integration into society, and repatriation to the native country. Latvia is obliged to provide co-financing in the amount of 125,000 euro. Diena

Prime Minister Indulis Emsis expressed incomprehension and indignation about  attempts of several political parties to use education issues in their own selfish interests. According to Indulis Emsis, one of the leaders of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) Tatjana Zdanoka is doing all possible to prevent development of a constructive dialogue between the government and minorities in the area of the education reform.

Prime Minister Indulis Emsis expressed incomprehension and indignation about attempts of several political parties to use education issues in their own selfish interests. According to Indulis Emsis, one of the leaders of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) Tatjana Zdanoka is doing all possible to prevent development of a constructive dialogue between the government and minorities in the area of the education reform. Latvijas Avize, Chas

Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks has been informing the EU officials about society integration process in Latvia during his visit to Brussels. He has met with the Commissioner for Justice and Home Affairs Antonio Vitorino, Director-General for Employment and Social Affairs Odile Quintin, and  diplomats responsible for relations with Russia.

Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks has been informing the EU officials about society integration process in Latvia during his visit to Brussels. He has met with the Commissioner for Justice and Home Affairs Antonio Vitorino, Director-General for Employment and Social Affairs Odile Quintin, and diplomats responsible for relations with Russia. Diena

Newspapers write about the meeting of the Minister for Education and Science Juris Radzevics with representatives of the For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM parliamentary group in order to discuss implementation of the education reform. Minister confirmed that there are no plans to open the Law on Education for changes in the process of the reform implementation. Juris Radzevics also recognized that several minority schools are not ready for reform implementation, and stressed that  they will get additional support from the ministry.

Newspapers write about the meeting of the Minister for Education and Science Juris Radzevics with representatives of the For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM parliamentary group in order to discuss implementation of the education reform. Minister confirmed that there are no plans to open the Law on Education for changes in the process of the reform implementation. Juris Radzevics also recognized that several minority schools are not ready for reform implementation, and stressed that they will get additional support from the ministry. Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Chas, Telegraf

Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has rejected proposal, submitted by MP Jurijs Sokolovskis (FHRUL), to amend the Constitution of Latvia stipulating rights for non-citizens to participate at the municipal elections and rights not to be extradited to a foreign country.

Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has rejected proposal, submitted by MP Jurijs Sokolovskis (FHRUL), to amend the Constitution of Latvia stipulating rights for non-citizens to participate at the municipal elections and rights not to be extradited to a foreign country. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Newspapers write about discussion at the Saeima Legal Affairs Committee on  making files on former agents of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia publicly available, and inform that MPs were not able to agree on the possible mechanism of opening the files.

Newspapers write about discussion at the Saeima Legal Affairs Committee on making files on former agents of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia publicly available, and inform that MPs were not able to agree on the possible mechanism of opening the files. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya

Vetsi Segodnya features opinion of the parliamentary secretary of the Special Tasks Ministers for Society Integration Secretariat Aleksandrs Brandavs on society integration issues and activities of the education reforms opponents.

Riga Central Court imposed a 150 lats fine on the leader of the Headquarters for the Defences of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis for organising an unapproved protest action against the education reform. Jurijs Petropavlovskis has not pleaded guilty, arguing that he was  only accompanying his under-aged daughter, who participated in the protest action.

Riga Central Court imposed a 150 lats fine on the leader of the Headquarters for the Defences of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis for organising an unapproved protest action against the education reform. Jurijs Petropavlovskis has not pleaded guilty, arguing that he was only accompanying his under-aged daughter, who participated in the protest action. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Russia is planning to submit  a statement on violations of the Russian-speakers’ rights in the Baltic States to the European Parliament,  said representative of the Russia State Council’s parliamentary group Yedinaya Rossiya (United Russia) Konstantin Zatulin. Russian official has pointed to the fact that, although Russian-speakers constitute one third of Latvian residents, and fifteen percents of Estonian residents, they are deprived of the right to participate in the European Union elections, and therefore to be represented in the European Parliament.

Russia is planning to submit a statement on violations of the Russian-speakers rights in the Baltic States to the European Parliament, said representative of the Russia State Councils parliamentary group Yedinaya Rossiya (United Russia) Konstantin Zatulin. Russian official has pointed to the fact that, although Russian-speakers constitute one third of Latvian residents, and fifteen percents of Estonian residents, they are deprived of the right to participate in the European Union elections, and therefore to be represented in the European Parliament. Neatkariga Rita Avize

Memorial wall, dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust and Gulag, was unveiled yesterday in  Liepaja, in the Western part of Latvia. More than 6,400 victims’ names  are engraved upon the wall. Only three percents of Liepaja’s Jews have survived through the Soviet and Hitler occupations and the World War II.

Memorial wall, dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust and Gulag, was unveiled yesterday in Liepaja, in the Western part of Latvia. More than 6,400 victims names are engraved upon the wall. Only three percents of Liepajas Jews have survived through the Soviet and Hitler occupations and the World War II. Latvijas Vestnesis, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf

Chas features an interview with the former Minister for Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis about implementation of the education reform and activities of the reforms opponents.

Chas prints an interview with the deputy of the Russia State Council Viktor Alksnis about relations between Russia and Latvia. Russian MP believes that Russia should have her own ‘tough policy towards Latvia, and that there is no need in coordinating this policy with the European Union.


jūnijs 9, 2004

  • Protest action against the education reform in Riga
  • Peoples Harmony Party challenges amendments to the law On the Status of Former USSR Citizens Who are not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State
  • Chairperson of the board of the Latvian Integration Movement ‘Runa Marina Romanenko criticises FHRUL activities
  • Interview with the leader of the Jewish Survivors of Latvia George Schwab
  • Newspapers write about establishment of the European Unions Russian Party
Newspapers write about the protest action against the education reform in Riga, which, according to the representatives of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language schools, will continue until 12 June, the day of the European Parliament elections. In the course of the protest action, young representatives of the Headquarters are inviting all interested persons to join the Headquarters’ Guard and to register with the Russian community in Latvia.

Newspapers write about the protest action against the education reform in Riga, which, according to the representatives of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language schools, will continue until 12 June, the day of the European Parliament elections. In the course of the protest action, young representatives of the Headquarters are inviting all interested persons to join the Headquarters Guard and to register with the Russian community in Latvia. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

People’s Harmony Party (PHP) has submitted a claim to the Constitutional Court, challenging amendments to the law ‘On the Status of Former USSR Citizens Who are not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State’. The amendments stipulate that persons, who have obtained a residence permit in another country after 1 May 2004, can be deprived of their non-citizen status in Latvia. PHP representatives believe that the amendments violate the Constitution of Latvia, as well as the European conventions.

Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) has submitted a claim to the Constitutional Court, challenging amendments to the law ‘On the Status of Former USSR Citizens Who are not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State. The amendments stipulate that persons, who have obtained a residence permit in another country after 1 May 2004, can be deprived of their non-citizen status in Latvia. PHP representatives believe that the amendments violate the Constitution of Latvia, as well as the European conventions. Vesti Segodnya

Leader of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) Tatjana Zdanoka exploits national and patriotic feelings of Russians living in Latvia in order to achieve selfish political goals, which have nothing to do with the defence of Russians’ interests, says the chairperson of the board of the Latvian Integration Movement ‘Runa’ (The Speech) Marina Romanenko. “We understand that education problems should be solved by a dialogue, not at the barricades, as Zdanoka suggests,” stresses Marina Romanenko.

Leader of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) Tatjana Zdanoka exploits national and patriotic feelings of Russians living in Latvia in order to achieve selfish political goals, which have nothing to do with the defence of Russians interests, says the chairperson of the board of the Latvian Integration Movement ‘Runa (The Speech) Marina Romanenko. We understand that education problems should be solved by a dialogue, not at the barricades, as Zdanoka suggests, stresses Marina Romanenko. Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize features an interview with Prof. George Schwab, Holocaust survivor from Latvia and one of the leaders of the US-based organisation Jewish Survivors of Latvia. Prof. Schwab speaks about activities of his organisation, about the Holocaust past and the present situation of Jews in Latvia, as well as about society integration aspects.

Newspapers write about establishment of the European Union’s Russian Party. Commentator of

Newspapers write about establishment of the European Unions Russian Party. Commentator of Latvijas Avize Aija Calite, referring to the Latvian representative of this party Tatjana Zdanoka, names the main tasks of the party as achieving status of the official language for Russian in the EU, and developing the idea of establishing the EU Committee of Minority Nationalities, so that Russians and other minorities could be directly represented in the EU. Vesti Segodnya, referring to the other representative from Latvia, Jurijs Sokolovskis, writes that the main tasks of the movement are to maintain education in the native language, to support Russian culture and Russian-language mass media, and to ensure the legal status of Russians, who are residents of the EU countries. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

jūnijs 8, 2004

  • 354 children born in Latvia after 21 August 1991 are registered as Latvian citizens during May
  • Discussion on the study about intolerance in Latvian and Russian-language media
  • Approximately 200 people participate in the unapproved protest walk against the education reform
  • Interview with the Minister for Interior Eriks Jekabsons
  • Director of the Sociological Institute of the Russia Academy of Science Renald Simonyan about the situation of Russians in Latvia
  • Commentary on the expressions of the Foreign Affairs Minister Rihards Piks that not all Russian-speakers living in Latvia can be regarded as a minority
  • Celebration of the Africa Day in Latvia
354 children born in Latvia after 21 August 1991 were registered as Latvian citizens in May, following the appeal of the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks and the Special Task Minister for Children and Family Affairs Ainars Bastiks.  Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks regards it as a good result, because only 356 children were registered during the twelve months of the last year.

354 children born in Latvia after 21 August 1991 were registered as Latvian citizens in May, following the appeal of the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks and the Special Task Minister for Children and Family Affairs Ainars Bastiks. Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks regards it as a good result, because only 356 children were registered during the twelve months of the last year. Diena, Latvijas Vestnesis, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize features discussion on the study about intolerance in Latvian- and Russian-language media, conducted by the PR agency Mediju Tilts. According to the study, Russian-language newspapers frequently stress that economic situation of the non-citizens is worse than that of the citizens. The researchers have also found that both Latvian- and Russian-language media reflect a lack of trust between Russians and Latvians. While Russian-language media frequently express negative attitude towards the Latvian politicians, naming them ‘representatives of the titular nation, Latvian-language newspapers use such expressions as ‘Russian chauvinists, ‘occupants, ‘the forces of Russia and ‘descendants of our torturers. Intolerance most frequently manifests itself when newspapers write about the society integration, naturalisation and education reform.

Yesterday approximately 200 persons participated in the unapproved protest walk against the education reform.

Yesterday approximately 200 persons participated in the unapproved protest walk against the education reform. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Crisis in the Latvian society has ripened, and the main cause of it is the education reform implementation, says Minister for Interior Eriks Jekabsons in the interview to

Crisis in the Latvian society has ripened, and the main cause of it is the education reform implementation, says Minister for Interior Eriks Jekabsons in the interview to Vesti Segodnya. Minister has pointed to the necessity of the dialogue with the opponents of the education reform, stressing that political disagreements cannot be solved by the Ministry of Interior. Commenting on the Peoples Party proposal to expel Aleksandrs Kazakovs, organiser of the protest actions against the education reform, the minister states that the ministry will act in line with the law. According to Eriks Jekabsons, Aleksandrs Kazakovs, as well as the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools leader Jurijs Pertopavlovskis, have placed themselves on a very dangerous path of confrontation inciting children to the mass protest actions.

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the director of the Sociological Institute of the Russia Academy of Science Renald Simonyan about the situation of Russians in Latvia.

Latvijas Avize features an article by the commentator Maris Antonevics about the statement of the Foreign Affairs Minister Rihards Piks, expressed during his meeting with the honorary consuls of Latvia. Rihards Piks has stated that not all so-called Russian-speakers living in Latvia can be viewed as a minority, as a big part of them came to Latvia because of the Russification policy of the USSR. Maris Antonevics points to the necessity of introducing a legal definition of the term ‘minority in Latvia.

Vesti Segodnya writes about the celebration of the Africa Day in Latvia.

jūnijs 7, 2004

  • Approximately 250 people participated in the working meeting of the United Congresss of the Russian community in Latvia
  • MP from Peoples Party Anta Rugate about the dual citizenship and state highest positions
  • Interview with the mayor of Ventspils Aivars Lembergs
  • Telegraf writes about agreement on establishment of the European Unions Russian Party
  • Reunion of the World Latvian Jewry
Approximately 250 people have participated in the working meeting of the United Congress’s of the Russian community in Latvia. The goals of the upcoming congress are to ensure cultural, social, political and economical interests of the Russian community. In order to attain these goals, several tasks have been formulated: to achieve the full-fledged participation of the Russian-speaking community in the state administration, to maintain and develop education in the Russian language, to resolve the situation of non-citizenship, to ensure status of the official language for the Russian language.

Approximately 250 people have participated in the working meeting of the United Congresss of the Russian community in Latvia. The goals of the upcoming congress are to ensure cultural, social, political and economical interests of the Russian community. In order to attain these goals, several tasks have been formulated: to achieve the full-fledged participation of the Russian-speaking community in the state administration, to maintain and develop education in the Russian language, to resolve the situation of non-citizenship, to ensure status of the official language for the Russian language. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Diena features an article by the MP from the Peoples Party Anta Rugate about the draft law, which stipulates prohibition for the dual citizens to occupy highest positions in the state.

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the mayor of Ventspils Aivars Lembergs about the education reform implementation. He believes that individual approach to each school is important, and points to the fact that while the Ministry of Education and Science has mostly used purely administrative, commanding approach to the reforms implementation, many important aspects, like publishing of textbooks and methodological aids, and training of teachers, were neglected.

Telegraf writes about the agreement of the Russian minority representatives from the six European countries about establishment of the European Unions Russian Party.

Latvijas Avize writes about the Reunion of the World Latvian Jewry, which closes in Riga this week. Reunion is organised by the Latvian Jewish Community and the organisation Jewish Survivors of Latvia.

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