jūnijs 13, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Many politicians inquired by

Many politicians inquired by Diena consider the establishment of a new right centric party possible. The former Riga City Council Mayor A.Argalis (the member of FF/LNNK) and former state president G.Ulmanis are named as possible leaders of the party. A.Argalis and G.Ulmanis themselves neither have denied nor approved the rumours. Diena

The number of eurosceptics keeps growing in Latvia, according to the latest public opinion poll. If the referendum about joining the European Union (EU) was held in May, 37.6 percent of Latvia's population would vote in favour of the EU membership and 37.4 percent against it. The undecided made up one-fourth or 25.1 percent of respondents, the European Integration Office (EIO) director Edvards Kusners told reporters Tuesday. The comparison between results obtained in polls in February and May showed a 3.8 percent reduction in number of euroenthusiasts and a 4.7 percent increase in number of eurosceptics. About two-thirds of Latvia's residents said they were ready to take part in the referendum. Kusners said it was the first time since the polling about the EU membership began when the number of people, having positive opinion of the EU, has reduced. Moreover, among non-citizens negative attitude is found 1.5 times more frequently than among Latvian citizens.

The number of eurosceptics keeps growing in Latvia, according to the latest public opinion poll. If the referendum about joining the European Union (EU) was held in May, 37.6 percent of Latvia's population would vote in favour of the EU membership and 37.4 percent against it. The undecided made up one-fourth or 25.1 percent of respondents, the European Integration Office (EIO) director Edvards Kusners told reporters Tuesday. The comparison between results obtained in polls in February and May showed a 3.8 percent reduction in number of euroenthusiasts and a 4.7 percent increase in number of eurosceptics. About two-thirds of Latvia's residents said they were ready to take part in the referendum. Kusners said it was the first time since the polling about the EU membership began when the number of people, having positive opinion of the EU, has reduced. Moreover, among non-citizens negative attitude is found 1.5 times more frequently than among Latvian citizens. Diena, Jauna, Rigas Balss, Chas, Respublika

In the absence of Riga City Council Mayor G.Bojars his deputy S.Dolgopolovs (FHRUL) did not let I.Vaidere (FF/LNNK) who is also a deputy mayor to head a council meeting as it was promised by Mayor G.Bojars.

In the absence of Riga City Council Mayor G.Bojars his deputy S.Dolgopolovs (FHRUL) did not let I.Vaidere (FF/LNNK) who is also a deputy mayor to head a council meeting as it was promised by Mayor G.Bojars. Diena

Latvian transport minister A.Gorbunovs left for St.Petersburg to make presentation at the economic forum. Also the minister of agriculture A.Slakters these days is visiting Russia and today he opens the exhibition “Made in Latvia” in Moscow.

Latvian transport minister A.Gorbunovs left for St.Petersburg to make presentation at the economic forum. Also the minister of agriculture A.Slakters these days is visiting Russia and today he opens the exhibition Made in Latvia in Moscow. Chas

Yesterday the Government postponed the decision about the possibility for 9 graders of non-Latvian schools to use the results of the exam in the Latvian language for naturalisation purposes again. The decision was postponed because of the objections of ministers representing FF/LNNK. FHRUL deputy Mitrofanovs says that most likely it has economic explanation – ministers who denied the students the possibility want to provide work for the State Language Centre.

Yesterday the Government postponed the decision about the possibility for 9 graders of non-Latvian schools to use the results of the exam in the Latvian language for naturalisation purposes again. The decision was postponed because of the objections of ministers representing FF/LNNK. FHRUL deputy Mitrofanovs says that most likely it has economic explanation – ministers who denied the students the possibility want to provide work for the State Language Centre. Chas

jūnijs 11, 2001

Press Report

The OSCE's mandate in Latvia will be extended by six months because the mission has not accomplished all goals under its mandate yet, OSCE mission's official representative in Latvia said. Peter Semneby did not rule out the mission in Latvia could be closed at the end of this year adding though "it is premature to discuss it as yet". Extension of the mandate which expires June 30 will be considered at the OSCE Permanent Council forum June 14 when Semneby will report on OSCE mission's work in Latvia, head of the Latvian delegation to OSCE, Edgars Skuja, told BNS. Skuja said the mission can be closed when most of the OSCE member countries approve that the mandate has been accomplished. "The fact that discussions on the mission closure in Latvia have began indicates the situation in Latvia has improved significantly," he said. It is not possible though to state concrete term for the mission closure yet. Semneby underscored that Latvia shows very positive development noting specifically that amendments to naturalisation regulations adopted recently indicate of "positive signals". Nevertheless, to accomplish the OSCE mandate "some things still should be completed". OSCE mission is focussing on naturalisation and citizenship issues and at this point also has taken involvement in the ombudsman institution formation process and strengthening of other human rights institutions, said Semneby. The mission head added that the mission's task currently also is monitoring introduction of the state language law in the country. Latvia hopes that in the wake of amendments to the naturalisation regulations, adopted last week envisaging lowering naturalisation fee, the OSCE mission will complete its work in Latvia at the end of this year together with OSCE mission in Estonia, Foreign Ministry state secretary Maris Riekstins told BNS. Currently the OSCE's presiding country is Romania. BNS has obtained information it is planned to close OSCE mission in Estonia at the end of this year too and this would coincide with expiry of Romania's presidency on the OSCE.

The OSCE's mandate in Latvia will be extended by six months because the mission has not accomplished all goals under its mandate yet, OSCE mission's official representative in Latvia said. Peter Semneby did not rule out the mission in Latvia could be closed at the end of this year adding though "it is premature to discuss it as yet". Extension of the mandate which expires June 30 will be considered at the OSCE Permanent Council forum June 14 when Semneby will report on OSCE mission's work in Latvia, head of the Latvian delegation to OSCE, Edgars Skuja, told BNS. Skuja said the mission can be closed when most of the OSCE member countries approve that the mandate has been accomplished. "The fact that discussions on the mission closure in Latvia have began indicates the situation in Latvia has improved significantly," he said. It is not possible though to state concrete term for the mission closure yet. Semneby underscored that Latvia shows very positive development noting specifically that amendments to naturalisation regulations adopted recently indicate of "positive signals". Nevertheless, to accomplish the OSCE mandate "some things still should be completed". OSCE mission is focussing on naturalisation and citizenship issues and at this point also has taken involvement in the ombudsman institution formation process and strengthening of other human rights institutions, said Semneby. The mission head added that the mission's task currently also is monitoring introduction of the state language law in the country. Latvia hopes that in the wake of amendments to the naturalisation regulations, adopted last week envisaging lowering naturalisation fee, the OSCE mission will complete its work in Latvia at the end of this year together with OSCE mission in Estonia, Foreign Ministry state secretary Maris Riekstins told BNS. Currently the OSCE's presiding country is Romania. BNS has obtained information it is planned to close OSCE mission in Estonia at the end of this year too and this would coincide with expiry of Romania's presidency on the OSCE. BNS, Diena, Vesti Segodnja

Diena publishes an article by political scientist A.Pabriks on civic integration. A.Pabriks gives an explanation to the terms “civic society” and “multi-cultural society” and what role integration has in them. In regard to the situation in Latvia he says “in Latvia the term “multi-culture” is more associated with alienated ethnic groups” and “what regards political integration in the context of the article the only thing is to invite Latvian non-citizens to be more active and exploit the possibilities provided by Latvian legislation to obtain citizenship”.

Diena publishes an article by political scientist A.Pabriks on civic integration. A.Pabriks gives an explanation to the terms civic society and multi-cultural society and what role integration has in them. In regard to the situation in Latvia he says in Latvia the term multi-culture is more associated with alienated ethnic groups and what regards political integration in the context of the article the only thing is to invite Latvian non-citizens to be more active and exploit the possibilities provided by Latvian legislation to obtain citizenship.

Last weekend the conference “Securing and Developing of Economic Relations among Latvia, Byelorussia and Russia under the Influence of Integration Processes of the Baltic States into the European Union and Byelorussia and Russia” organised by NGO Baltic Forum took place in Jurmala. Riga City Council deputy mayor S.Dolgopolovs, Jurmala mayor D.Urbanovich, Saeima deputy J.Urbanovich and V.Birkavs, Saeima vice-speaker R.Piks and a group of Latvian businesspeople represented Latvia, however, there were no representatives from Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Russia and Byelorussia were represented by their ambassadors to Latvia and big delegations of entrepreneurs, as well as deputies from Russian State Duma.

Last weekend the conference Securing and Developing of Economic Relations among Latvia, Byelorussia and Russia under the Influence of Integration Processes of the Baltic States into the European Union and Byelorussia and Russia organised by NGO Baltic Forum took place in Jurmala. Riga City Council deputy mayor S.Dolgopolovs, Jurmala mayor D.Urbanovich, Saeima deputy J.Urbanovich and V.Birkavs, Saeima vice-speaker R.Piks and a group of Latvian businesspeople represented Latvia, however, there were no representatives from Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Russia and Byelorussia were represented by their ambassadors to Latvia and big delegations of entrepreneurs, as well as deputies from Russian State Duma. Jauna, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii, Respublika

Rigas Balss

introduces the readers with the main facts from the biography of Riga City Council deputy mayor S.Dolgopolovs. Other politicians characterise him as completely different from his union members – he is very smart, never talks nonsense and is able to take decisions. Some of the City Council deputies even said that at the beginning it looked like the real head of Riga was Dolgopolovs and not G.Bojars. introduces the readers with the main facts from the biography of Riga City Council deputy mayor S.Dolgopolovs. Other politicians characterise him as completely different from his union members – “he is very smart, never talks nonsense and is able to take decisions”. Some of the City Council deputies even said that at the beginning it looked like the real head of Riga was Dolgopolovs and not G.Bojars.


interviews Latvias Way Saeima faction chairperson K.Libane. In her opinion the work of the current Government could be scored 4 out of 5. The same evaluation could be given to the relations between the Latvias Way and Peoples Party. The poor performance of her party at municipal election in her opinion will help the party to get ready for the next Saeima election. K.Libane does not exclude the possibility that a new party will be founded before 8th Saeima election, however, most likely that Social Democrats will try to play the main role. When asked about the situation in regard to FF/LNNK – in City Council they are in coalition with Social Democrats, but in Saeima they are in opposition - she says if political will of FF/LNNK grows into desire to overthrow the Government together with Social Democrats, they would succeed, however, we are doing our best to make FF/LNNK feel comfortable in this Government. interviews Latvia’s Way Saeima faction chairperson K.Libane. In her opinion the work of the current Government could be scored 4 out of 5. The same evaluation could be given to the relations between the Latvia’s Way and People’s Party. The poor performance of her party at municipal election in her opinion will help the party to get ready for the next Saeima election. K.Libane does not exclude the possibility that a new party will be founded before 8th Saeima election, however, most likely that Social Democrats will try to play the main role. When asked about the situation in regard to FF/LNNK – in City Council they are in coalition with Social Democrats, but in Saeima they are in opposition - she says “if political will of FF/LNNK grows into desire to overthrow the Government together with Social Democrats, they would succeed, however, we are doing our best to make FF/LNNK feel comfortable in this Government”. FHRUL deputies in City Council sent a letter to the State Language Centre, and letter’s main point was that “first, try to catch us and then you could examine us”. The administration of the Centre is preparing the response, which says “just give us a chance to examine your language and we will find mistakes anyway”.

FHRUL deputies in City Council sent a letter to the State Language Centre, and letters main point was that first, try to catch us and then you could examine us. The administration of the Centre is preparing the response, which says just give us a chance to examine your language and we will find mistakes anyway. Chas

The State Language Centre has established that during Hansa Days the organisers of the venue have violated the Law on the State Language – first, the names of Hansa cities were given in their original languages, second – the information on the uniforms of service people were written only in the English language.

The State Language Centre has established that during Hansa Days the organisers of the venue have violated the Law on the State Language – first, the names of Hansa cities were given in their original languages, second – the information on the uniforms of service people were written only in the English language. Respublika

jūnijs 9, 2001

Press Report

Press Report


publishes an analytical article on the relations between Latvia and Russia written by the member of USA programme Fulbright A.Gutmanis. In the authors opinion Russia is not a military threat to Latvia anymore, however, a dialogue on a political level is only apparent. About Russias attitude toward its compatriots in the Baltic countries the author writes Up till now Russia has not fostered the integration of Russians into Latvian society. Russia has not identified itself with the positive evaluation of public integration in Latvia given by the OSCE. Russia preserves its choice to use Latvia as an instrument in its policy. A.Gutmanis admits the attitude of the Latvian state changes toward Russians in Latvia and tolerance of society is high, which gives a privilege to be slow in improving a dialogue with national minorities. publishes an analytical article on the relations between Latvia and Russia written by the member of USA programme Fulbright A.Gutmanis. In the author’s opinion Russia is not a military threat to Latvia anymore, however, a dialogue on a political level is only apparent. About Russia’s attitude toward its compatriots in the Baltic countries the author writes “Up till now Russia has not fostered the integration of Russians into Latvian society. Russia has not identified itself with the positive evaluation of public integration in Latvia given by the OSCE. Russia preserves its choice to use Latvia as an instrument in its policy”. A.Gutmanis admits “the attitude of the Latvian state changes toward Russians in Latvia and tolerance of society is high, which gives a privilege to be slow in improving a dialogue with national minorities.” Thursday Latvian President V. Vike-Freiberga met with the teachers of the Latvian language who teach at Russian schools. The President and teachers together examined the written examination works in the Latvian language of 12 graders. The newspaper states that this venue has a political meaning because it is the first year when 12 graders of non-Latvian schools are able to use the results of the centralised examination in the state language for naturalisation purposes. And secondly, “the President demonstrated that she partly fulfils promises given to her Russian colleague at the meeting in Alps”.

Thursday Latvian President V. Vike-Freiberga met with the teachers of the Latvian language who teach at Russian schools. The President and teachers together examined the written examination works in the Latvian language of 12 graders. The newspaper states that this venue has a political meaning because it is the first year when 12 graders of non-Latvian schools are able to use the results of the centralised examination in the state language for naturalisation purposes. And secondly, the President demonstrated that she partly fulfils promises given to her Russian colleague at the meeting in Alps. Vesti Segodnja

jūnijs 8, 2001

 Press Report

Press Report

The European Court of Human Rights has accepted for hearing the complaint by a former banker, currently on trial in Latvia for large-scale embezzlement, and will now offer the Latvian government and the complainant to try to agree on a settlement.

The European Court of Human Rights has accepted for hearing the complaint by a former banker, currently on trial in Latvia for large-scale embezzlement, and will now offer the Latvian government and the complainant to try to agree on a settlement.

The court found the complaint by Alexander Lavent, the former head of Banka Baltija, as substantiated, saying that, among other things, his rights to independent and unbiased trial as well as to be presume innocent until proven guilty had been violated..

The court found the complaint by Alexander Lavent, the former head of Banka Baltija, as substantiated, saying that, among other things, his rights to independent and unbiased trial as well as to be presume innocent until proven guilty had been violated.. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja, Chas, Respublika

Thursday Russia took over the chairmanship in the Council of the Baltic Sea States and official Moscow has set two priorities for its activities – first, provide support to the region of Kaliningrad, and second, deal with the situation of Russian-speakers in the Baltic Countries.

Thursday Russia took over the chairmanship in the Council of the Baltic Sea States and official Moscow has set two priorities for its activities – first, provide support to the region of Kaliningrad, and second, deal with the situation of Russian-speakers in the Baltic Countries. Vesti Segodnja reminds that one of the former CBSS commissioners Ole Espersen was very active in protecting the rights of national minorities in Latvia and that was the reason for his dismissal from the post. His successor is Helen Degn who was the representative of Denmark in the OSCE for years and it is possible, that she will manage that the decision to expend the mandate of the OSCE Mission in Riga is taken.

According to the survey carried out by Russian Independent Institute of Social and National Problems and published by Russia’s

According to the survey carried out by Russian Independent Institute of Social and National Problems and published by Russias Nezavisimaja Gazeta a half of Russian experts consider that the Baltic States are unfriendly towards Russia, the same number of experts also see the States and Afghanistan unfriendly in relations with Russia. 36,2% of the surveyed are against the expansion of NATO. Neatkariga.

Vesti Segodnja

publishes an article about the possibilities for people residing in Latvia who want to return to their ethnic motherland Russia. According to the Federal Migration Department to Latvia, every year they move to Russia about one and a half thousand people. The article tells what assistance and information they are entitled to receive. publishes an article about the possibilities for people residing in Latvia who want to return to their ethnic motherland Russia. According to the Federal Migration Department to Latvia, every year they move to Russia about one and a half thousand people. The article tells what assistance and information they are entitled to receive.  

Press Report


writes about the problems which Russian speaking people face when learning the Latvian language. The lack of Latvian language environment and the lack of language courses free of charge are named as the main problems. The newspaper also gives the opinion of the Latvian Language Institute professor I.Druviete on the language issues. I.Druviete says that the ideal language model is when people speak many languages and to achieve that it is necessary to have strong legislation for the language and good education system. She also emphasised that visual usage of the language is very important and fosters language learning. The most difficult situation regarding language matters is in big cities – for example, in Daugavpils even at some big public events the Latvian language is not spoken. However, according to the data 74% young people who belong to other nationalities know the Latvian language well. Because of the lack of information or political manipulations, non-Latvians fear the time when secondary education for non-Latvians will be provided only in the state language. The possible solutions could be that 60% of the subjects are taught in the state language, as it is in Estonia, or a special position – an assistant of a teacher – which observes if students can follow and assists them if necessary is introduced.

Lauku Avize

interviews Russian ambassador to Latvia I. Studennikov. The ambassador sees positive although slow changes after the meeting of the presidents – the countries pay more attention to solving social issues, such as pension system, recognition of diplomas of another state, etc. I.Studennikov states that although Latvian foreign minister I.Berzins has not set relations with Russia as a priority in Latvias foreign policy, the Baltic states will always be the priority for Russia.
Today 9 graders of non-Latvians schools have the exam in the Latvian language, however, the Government still has not decided if the results of school examination can be used for naturalisation purposes. The decision will be taken today and according to unofficial information it will be in the advantage for students.

Today 9 graders of non-Latvians schools have the exam in the Latvian language, however, the Government still has not decided if the results of school examination can be used for naturalisation purposes. The decision will be taken today and according to unofficial information it will be in the advantage for students. Chas

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I. Berzins believes that the Irish referendum, refusing the Nice treaty on European Union structural reform, could slow the EU expansion process. Minister Berzins emphasised that the Irish referendum, in which only 33 percent of voters took part, being 53 percent against expansion, was a vote against the government and that the result was the consequence of Irish internal politics.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I. Berzins believes that the Irish referendum, refusing the Nice treaty on European Union structural reform, could slow the EU expansion process. Minister Berzins emphasised that the Irish referendum, in which only 33 percent of voters took part, being 53 percent against expansion, was a vote against the government and that the result was the consequence of Irish internal politics. Diena, Chas

Deputy Head of Russia’s State Duma International Affairs K.Kosachov gives his opinion on Russian Latvian relations. He voices that Russia has to define its foreign policy for each Baltic country individually and in regard to Latvia the main issue is the vast number of non-citizens. K.Kosachov says that if the EU had the same stance as Russia does Riga had given citizenship to everybody, however, he says that during last months the EU has changed its position and has started to make pressing on official Riga. Another issue, which has to be dealt with in order to have good relations between the countries, is NATO enlargement.

Deputy Head of Russias State Duma International Affairs K.Kosachov gives his opinion on Russian Latvian relations. He voices that Russia has to define its foreign policy for each Baltic country individually and in regard to Latvia the main issue is the vast number of non-citizens. K.Kosachov says that if the EU had the same stance as Russia does Riga had given citizenship to everybody, however, he says that during last months the EU has changed its position and has started to make pressing on official Riga. Another issue, which has to be dealt with in order to have good relations between the countries, is NATO enlargement. Vesti Segodnja

The Latvian government regulations about reducing the naturalisation fee is an important pre-condition for closing of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) mission in Latvia already this year, the Latvian foreign minister said. Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins told BNS he was certain that OSCE missions in both Latvia and Estonia will be closed simultaneously at the end of this year. "For Latvia the closing of the OSCE mission will be like breaking a bottle of champagne against the hull of a new ship about to be put into sea," said the minister. The OSCE mission closing will be a culmination of continued and successful efforts, said Berzins. All major tasks have been carried out, only the National Human Rights Office (NHRO) director had to be appointed yet. On June 14 the OSCE Permanent Council forum will decide about extending the mandate for the OSCE mission in Latvia which is to expire June 30.

The Latvian government regulations about reducing the naturalisation fee is an important pre-condition for closing of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) mission in Latvia already this year, the Latvian foreign minister said. Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins told BNS he was certain that OSCE missions in both Latvia and Estonia will be closed simultaneously at the end of this year. "For Latvia the closing of the OSCE mission will be like breaking a bottle of champagne against the hull of a new ship about to be put into sea," said the minister. The OSCE mission closing will be a culmination of continued and successful efforts, said Berzins. All major tasks have been carried out, only the National Human Rights Office (NHRO) director had to be appointed yet. On June 14 the OSCE Permanent Council forum will decide about extending the mandate for the OSCE mission in Latvia which is to expire June 30. BNS, Vesti Segodnja

jūnijs 7, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

During the last months Latvian authorities have started turbulent activities pretending to integrate non-citizens. But the real goal of this action is not so much integration but to mange to close the OSCE Mission to Latvia. As Prime Minister A.Berzins said yesterday at the meeting with journalists, the government hoped the Mission to be closed at the end of this year. Thus the authorities would kill two birds with one stone – there will be no place for unsatisfied people to come with their complains and persuade EU that everything is OK with human rights in Latvia. By closing of this Mission they will be able to present it as acknowledgement by this important human rights organization the fact of the progress made by Latvia in the human rights field. But all the latest activities are just cosmetic improvements, sooner or later the authorities will have to agree to “0” version that was the demand of the Russian speakers from the very beginning.

During the last months Latvian authorities have started turbulent activities pretending to integrate non-citizens. But the real goal of this action is not so much integration but to mange to close the OSCE Mission to Latvia. As Prime Minister A.Berzins said yesterday at the meeting with journalists, the government hoped the Mission to be closed at the end of this year. Thus the authorities would kill two birds with one stone – there will be no place for unsatisfied people to come with their complains and persuade EU that everything is OK with human rights in Latvia. By closing of this Mission they will be able to present it as acknowledgement by this important human rights organization the fact of the progress made by Latvia in the human rights field. But all the latest activities are just cosmetic improvements, sooner or later the authorities will have to agree to 0 version that was the demand of the Russian speakers from the very beginning. Vesti Segodnya

The Latvian parliament may not approve of re-appointing the Latvian Human Rights Office (HRO) leader, Olafs Bruvers, in a vote on Thursday. The parliament's center People's Party faction will be voting against Bruvers' candidacy, while center Latvian Way and the social democrats are apparently open to choice on the vote. The People's Party faction has claimed that they decided to vote against approving Bruvers for another term at the HRO, as the parliament members doubt his ability to improve anything in the work of the human rights office. Nevertheless, the party has no other candidate for now. The Latvian Way faction chairperson Kristiana Libane claimed that the faction's parliament members have quite differed opinions on the issue and that the voting will take place to their own discretion.

The Latvian parliament may not approve of re-appointing the Latvian Human Rights Office (HRO) leader, Olafs Bruvers, in a vote on Thursday. The parliament's center People's Party faction will be voting against Bruvers' candidacy, while center Latvian Way and the social democrats are apparently open to choice on the vote. The People's Party faction has claimed that they decided to vote against approving Bruvers for another term at the HRO, as the parliament members doubt his ability to improve anything in the work of the human rights office. Nevertheless, the party has no other candidate for now. The Latvian Way faction chairperson Kristiana Libane claimed that the faction's parliament members have quite differed opinions on the issue and that the voting will take place to their own discretion. BNS

The first interactive CD-ROM containing information about Soviet atrocities in Latvia following its occupation in 1940 has been released in Latvia. The CD-ROM dealing with Soviet crimes against humanity, the Latvian people and the Latvian state during the period of repression following Latvia's occupation by the Soviet Union was Wednesday presented in the Occupation Museum in the Latvian capital Riga.

The first interactive CD-ROM containing information about Soviet atrocities in Latvia following its occupation in 1940 has been released in Latvia. The CD-ROM dealing with Soviet crimes against humanity, the Latvian people and the Latvian state during the period of repression following Latvia's occupation by the Soviet Union was Wednesday presented in the Occupation Museum in the Latvian capital Riga. BNS

Latvian foreign minister next week will head for a one day working visit in the Netherlands to meet Dutch lawmakers and European affairs state minister as well as join discussions with business and academic people, a spokeswoman said. On agenda of Indulis Berzins visit on June 13 will be issues like bilateral relations between the two countries as well as European Union and NATO enlargement, said Liga Bergmane.

BNS After public reaction to the objections of human rights experts to the work of Human Rights Office, People’s Party has decided to vote against repeated appointing O.Bruveris, current Office head to this position but Latvian Way has decided for free vote, giving as the reason the doubt that O.Bruveris could carry out foreign activities planned for the Office. It shows that Bruvers could not receive support from whole coalition because only FF/LNNK and opposition parties Social Democrats and For Human Rights in United Latvia will vote for him.

After public reaction to the objections of human rights experts to the work of Human Rights Office, Peoples Party has decided to vote against repeated appointing O.Bruveris, current Office head to this position but Latvian Way has decided for free vote, giving as the reason the doubt that O.Bruveris could carry out foreign activities planned for the Office. It shows that Bruvers could not receive support from whole coalition because only FF/LNNK and opposition parties Social Democrats and For Human Rights in United Latvia will vote for him. Diena, Respublika

Jauna Avize titles this information “Parties are not interested in the post of Bruvers”

Jauna Avize titles this information Parties are not interested in the post of Bruvers

Russia as the chairing state of the BSSC plans to put for discussions a question on the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia. Sources of information in Moscow stated that Moscow did not plan to raise this issue “in spirit of confrontation” but would use the means being the Chairman.

Russia as the chairing state of the BSSC plans to put for discussions a question on the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia. Sources of information in Moscow stated that Moscow did not plan to raise this issue in spirit of confrontation but would use the means being the Chairman. Neatkariga


adds that former Commissioner on Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of CBSS O.Espersen had been tougher concerning non-citizen issues and more critical and open than his colleagues in other international organizations. And it cost him his post. His successor H.Daign now has a reduced title comparing to O.Espersen; she is the Commissioner on Democratic Development. A court in eastern Latvian town Wednesday sent four National Bolsheviks from Russia to seven months confinement for illegal entry into Latvia. The three were detained last November as they illegally crossed into Latvia, jumping off St. Petersburg -Kaliningrad train. Three of them were sentenced to seven month in jail and one of them in juvenile penitentiary. They will be expelled from Latvia after they serve their sentence.

A court in eastern Latvian town Wednesday sent four National Bolsheviks from Russia to seven months confinement for illegal entry into Latvia. The three were detained last November as they illegally crossed into Latvia, jumping off St. Petersburg -Kaliningrad train. Three of them were sentenced to seven month in jail and one of them in juvenile penitentiary. They will be expelled from Latvia after they serve their sentence. BNS

Last weekend in Liepaja took place seminar “Language policy in urban environment” organized by the Baltic Project of European Minorities Affairs Center. The goal of the seminar was to discuss language functions in large cities as well as exchange opinions on language policy in Europe Region countries.

Last weekend in Liepaja took place seminar Language policy in urban environment organized by the Baltic Project of European Minorities Affairs Center. The goal of the seminar was to discuss language functions in large cities as well as exchange opinions on language policy in Europe Region countries. Jauna Avize


Newspaper Lauku Avize interviewed the UN Representative to Latvia G.Veiss about the process of Latvia joining EU and the problems on this road. When asked about Russias pressure on EU as if for human rights violations in Latvia, the Ambassador answered that it was not in the interests of Russia itself. It is clear that EU wants good relations with Russia and wants to further political and economic stability there and it is important for Latvia to have Russia as a strong and stable neighbor. Answering to the question about the statement of N.Muiznieks about national discrimination in Latvia G.Veiss said that he had discussed these issues with N.Muiznieks and it was Muizniekss duty to point out on the existing problems, but the Ambassador thought that newspaper had reflected only one part of the things Muiznieks said. The presented information was partial. Of course, N.Muiznieks may express his opinion, and the Ambassador does not think that the situation with non-citizens is ideal, but it had changed radically during the last years. And it only serves to increase stability in this country. He would be glad if the Latvian government would do more for non-citizens.

Yesterday Russian newspaper “Nezavisimaya Gazeta wrote that if K.Kalejs, accused for WW II crimes, were extradited to Latvia, his court hearing would raise a wave of anti Russian mood in the society and would lead to new processes against former KGB officers.

Yesterday Russian newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta wrote that if K.Kalejs, accused for WW II crimes, were extradited to Latvia, his court hearing would raise a wave of anti Russian mood in the society and would lead to new processes against former KGB officers. Lauku Avize

The question is there as need for Riga City to have a Council on Non-citizen Affairs like in Vespils has been discussed for a long time. Now the Riga City Mayor G.Bojars spoke in favor of this idea. In an interview to the Latvian Radio hi supported this idea, pointing out that the Council should deal not only with of non-citizen issues as a separate social group but problems of integration in general. Chas

The question is there as need for Riga City to have a Council on Non-citizen Affairs like in Vespils has been discussed for a long time. Now the Riga City Mayor G.Bojars spoke in favor of this idea. In an interview to the Latvian Radio hi supported this idea, pointing out that the Council should deal not only with of non-citizen issues as a separate social group but problems of integration in general. Chas

Just the Cabinet of Ministers postponed consideration the regulations on centralized state language exams for 9th graders to be considered as a naturalization test, the Parliamentary Education, Culture and Science Commission got worried – did not spoil this good idea. One should rejoice for this step of Latvian deputies to make the life of students more comfortable, but the motive for it was just the opposite – the level of the state language knowledge should be constantly increased.

Just the Cabinet of Ministers postponed consideration the regulations on centralized state language exams for 9th graders to be considered as a naturalization test, the Parliamentary Education, Culture and Science Commission got worried – did not spoil this good idea. One should rejoice for this step of Latvian deputies to make the life of students more comfortable, but the motive for it was just the opposite – the level of the state language knowledge should be constantly increased. Chas

Little competence, no control, overlapping of functions of state officials have raised a discussion on introducing Ombudsman institution in Latvia. The discussion was raised up by the Office of the State President that received too many complaints from state residents. Therefore with the Office was established a working group to work on the Ombudsman project. The opponents of the new idea say that such an institution already exists – Human Rights Office although it supervised only human rights issues therefore its efficiency should be strengthened by widening its authority charging it to consider complaints on state administration. It is planned that Ombudsman is a publicly respected, exact person nominated by the President and approved by the Saeima for 5 years. One of the major arguments for defenders of Ombudsman idea is that this institution is established by grounding it on the Human Rights Office. Similar idea is proposed also by UN and OSCE experts’ working group, only under one condition – original strengthening of Human Rights Office. But some are concerned whether “grounding it on the Human Rights Office” would not mean complete destroying of the created system. UN and OSCE experts point out that the Latvian human rights system is disintegrated and its functions overlap. Latvian Child Rights Protection Center Director I.Ielite said that it would not be so if the Human Rights Office worked and would not redirect to us people with complains. In addition due to conflicts in the present Human Rights Office administration they lost foreign financing and have to survive with 90 000 Ls from the state budget. This might be considered as an important obstacle to quality working. And it does not look like that the state could increase financing for the office.

Little competence, no control, overlapping of functions of state officials have raised a discussion on introducing Ombudsman institution in Latvia. The discussion was raised up by the Office of the State President that received too many complaints from state residents. Therefore with the Office was established a working group to work on the Ombudsman project. The opponents of the new idea say that such an institution already exists – Human Rights Office although it supervised only human rights issues therefore its efficiency should be strengthened by widening its authority charging it to consider complaints on state administration. It is planned that Ombudsman is a publicly respected, exact person nominated by the President and approved by the Saeima for 5 years. One of the major arguments for defenders of Ombudsman idea is that this institution is established by grounding it on the Human Rights Office. Similar idea is proposed also by UN and OSCE experts working group, only under one condition – original strengthening of Human Rights Office. But some are concerned whether grounding it on the Human Rights Office would not mean complete destroying of the created system. UN and OSCE experts point out that the Latvian human rights system is disintegrated and its functions overlap. Latvian Child Rights Protection Center Director I.Ielite said that it would not be so if the Human Rights Office worked and would not redirect to us people with complains. In addition due to conflicts in the present Human Rights Office administration they lost foreign financing and have to survive with 90 000 Ls from the state budget. This might be considered as an important obstacle to quality working. And it does not look like that the state could increase financing for the office. Diena

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