Oct. 28, 2008

  • Diena prints an article about plans on reorganisation of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration

Diena prints an article about plans on reorganisation of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration. Experts interviewed by the newspaper consider that transfer of the Secretariats functions to the Family and Children Affairs Ministry is not rational but political decision because both institutions are managed by the Latvias First Party/Latvias Way. Politicians interviewed by the newspaper also agree to such assertion. Dienas experts believe that it would be more rational to split the Secretariats functions among various institutions such as the Ministry of Welfare, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Justice, and the State Chancellery.

Oct. 27, 2008

  • The Association of Russian Culture, Education and Science ARKONA has elaborated a project Mathematics in Russian School
  • State Border Guard Service detained five citizens of Turkey illegally attempting to enter Latvia
  • Latvijas Avize reports about a study Impact of Migration on Language Environment in Latvia
The Association of Russian Culture, Education and Science “ARKONA” has elaborated a project “Mathematics in Russian School” funded by the foundation “Russian World.”  According to the project’s authors, knowledge in mathematics among students in Russian language schools has noticeably dropped since the implementation of minority school language reform in 2004. Number of negative marks in mathematics of students in Russian language schools is 6 times higher as compared with students in Latvian language schools.  Therefore, the aim of the project is to improve quality of teaching of mathematics in Russian schools, taking into account specific features of these schools.

The Association of Russian Culture, Education and Science ARKONA has elaborated a project Mathematics in Russian School funded by the foundation Russian World. According to the projects authors, knowledge in mathematics among students in Russian language schools has noticeably dropped since the implementation of minority school language reform in 2004. Number of negative marks in mathematics of students in Russian language schools is 6 times higher as compared with students in Latvian language schools. Therefore, the aim of the project is to improve quality of teaching of mathematics in Russian schools, taking into account specific features of these schools. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

On 25 October, the State Border Guard Service has detained five citizens of Turkey illegally attempting to enter Latvia through border with Russia.

On 25 October, the State Border Guard Service has detained five citizens of Turkey illegally attempting to enter Latvia through border with Russia. Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize reports about a study Impact of Migration on Language Environment in Latvia held by the State Language Agency. According to the study, the majority of guest workers employed in Latvia use Russian language in communication with local residents. The study also reveals that guest workers would be ready to learn Latvian language if the state grants such opportunity.

Oct. 24, 2008

  • Leader of the Peoples Party Mareks Seglins: the Concord Centre could be granted three minister posts in the government
  • Latvijas Avize reports about the Saeimas Human Rights and Social Affairs Committees meeting with representatives of NGOs regarding reorganisation of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration
  • Ex-Integration Minister Karina Petersone: the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration should remain
  • Woman from Kenya granted status of asylum seeker in Latvia.
New leader of the People’s Party Mareks Seglins has stated that the oppositional party Concord Centre proved its skills to work professionally and it could be granted three minister posts in the government. Member of the Concord Centre Boriss Cilevics in an interview with

New leader of the Peoples Party Mareks Seglins has stated that the oppositional party Concord Centre proved its skills to work professionally and it could be granted three minister posts in the government. Member of the Concord Centre Boriss Cilevics in an interview with Chas stated that such statement shows that there are considerable disagreements among the coalitions parties, however, the Concord Centre does not evaluate it as invitation to the government. Mr. Cilevics also stated that the Concord Centre will not refuse its priorities such as protection of human rights and Russian speaking residents. Chas, NRA

Latvijas Avize reports about the Saeimas Human Rights and Social Affairs Committees meeting with representatives of NGOs regarding reorganisation of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration (IUMSILS). Members of the Committee presented a draft plan for the Secretariats reorganisation stipulating establishment of the Society and Family Affairs Ministry which would include three units: unit of the optimised Family and Children Affairs Ministry; unit composed of several IUMSILSs departments; and administrative unit. In addition, it is planed to establish Agency on Society Integration Affairs whichs main task would be allocation of grants for ethnic minority NGOs. According to the article, NGOs invited to the meeting were only those who support the IUMSILS and object its closure. While, couple of NGOs, including the Latvian Centre for Human Rights who was not invited officially, proposed to hold evaluation of the IUMSILS work before reorganisation.

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the ex-Integration Minister Karina Petersone on situation around the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration (IUMSILS). Mrs. Petersone believes that economy of state funds at the cost of closure of the IUMSILS would be too low. Mrs. Petersone believes that the IMUSILS should remain because it has established dialog with representatives of ethnic minorities and this dialog should not lost.

Diena reports that a woman from Kenya and her child were granted status of asylum seekers in Latvia.

Oct. 23, 2008

  • Telegraf prints an article on why non-citizens still are not granted voting rights in municipal elections
  • Latvijas Avize reports that representatives of several NGOs propose to establish competent ministry instead of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration
  • Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the head of the NGO Russian Community in Latvia Tatjana Favorska

Telegraf prints an article on why non-citizens still are not granted voting rights in municipal elections. Head of the Saeimas faction Latvias Fist Party/Latvias Way Andris Berzins states that it is not proper time yet to raise this question because number of non-citizens in Latvia is too high and there is a danger that granting of voting rights would completely stop naturalisation process. Experts interviewed by the newspaper believe that the only reason why officials are slow in granting non-citizens voting rights is fear of stereotypes and fear to lose their traditional electorate. Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilze Brads-Kehre considers that opportunity to take part in municipal elections would stimulate non-citizens to receive Latvian citizenship because they would finally feel needed for this state. Social Scientist Aigars Freimanis believes that if a number of EU citizens residing in Latvia who do not speak Latvian language and not familiar with Latvian history, anthem and political parties will take part in municipal elections in 2009 it will be a serious precedent to launch large-scale discussions on granting the same rights to non-citizens.

Latvijas Avize reports that yesterday, at the Saeimas Human Rights and Social Affairs Committees meeting, representatives of several NGOs objected closure of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration and proposed to establish competent ministry instead of the Secretariat.

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the head of the NGO Russian Community in Latvia Tatjana Favorska. Mrs. Favorska believes that if Russian speakers as a community want to develop and become influential they must establish various NGOs which would work with various issues. Therefore, Mrs. Favorska states that it is wrong to criticize the fact that there are too many Russian NGOs in Latvia.

Oct. 22, 2008

  • State Border Guard Service detained two citizens of Georgia attempting to get to Spain trough Latvia illegally
The State Border Guard Service has detained two citizens of Georgia who attempt to get to Spain trough Latvia illegally. Both persons are placed in the centre for illegal immigrants in Olaine.

The State Border Guard Service has detained two citizens of Georgia who attempt to get to Spain trough Latvia illegally. Both persons are placed in the centre for illegal immigrants in Olaine. Vesti Segodnya

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