Nov. 29, 2008

  • Society Integration Foundation has granted special award for promotion of tolerance to the head of the Education Initiative Centre Daiga Zake
The Society Integration Foundation has granted special award for promotion of tolerance to the head of the Education Initiative Centre Daiga Zake who was working on promotion of Roma integration and education for the past six years.

The Society Integration Foundation has granted special award for promotion of tolerance to the head of the Education Initiative Centre Daiga Zake who was working on promotion of Roma integration and education for the past six years. NRA

Nov. 28, 2008

  • Vesti Segodnya reports on a case of a woman born in Latvia and residing in the country for 35 years who does not have any documents for legal residence in Latvia
  • Members of the political party Civil Union: there should be a legal way to stop broadcasts of Russian mass media
  • Newspapers report about a festivity Days of Russian Culture and Education in Latvia Tatyanas Day planned to be held for the tenth time in Latvia

Vesti Segodnya reports on a case of a woman born in Latvia and residing in the country for 35 years who does not have any documents for legal residence in Latvia. The woman was refused registration as a Latvian permanent resident, because she lived outside of Latvia from 1989 till 1991. Presently, the only official paper she has is a document of a stateless person and does not even have a work permission. Her daughter also does not have any documents. According to the womans legal representative from the Latvian Human Rights Committee, there were several court proceedings on granting of non-citizens status to the woman, however, all claims were refused. The case will be reviewed also in the Supreme Court and if the claim will be turned down again the appeal will be submitted to the European Court of Human Rights.

Latvijas Avize reports that members of the political party Civil Union criticize the draft law on Audio and Audiovisual Mass Media arguing that it does not stipulate development of united information space in Latvia, usage of state language on Radio and TV, and formation of national identity. Partys members criticize broadcasts of Russian TV and radio channels in Latvia arguing that those channels broadcast ideology hostile towards Latvia and create stereotypes, therefore, the state should find a legal way to stop broadcasts of these channels.

Newspapers report about a festivity Days of Russian Culture and Education in Latvia “Tatyana’s Day” planned to be held for the tenth time by the Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian Language of Instruction in co-operation with the Latvian Association of Russian Language and Literature Teachers and the Association of Russian Culture in Latvia. The aim of the festivity is development and preservation of Russian culture in Latvia, raising prestige of Russian education, and promotion of creative potential of students and teachers. The festivity will start in December and finish on 24 January.

Newspapers report about a festivity Days of Russian Culture and Education in Latvia Tatyanas Day planned to be held for the tenth time by the Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian Language of Instruction in co-operation with the Latvian Association of Russian Language and Literature Teachers and the Association of Russian Culture in Latvia. The aim of the festivity is development and preservation of Russian culture in Latvia, raising prestige of Russian education, and promotion of creative potential of students and teachers. The festivity will start in December and finish on 24 January. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Nov. 27, 2008

  • Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins considers that the government should elaborate new Citizenship Law
The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins considers that the government should elaborate new Citizenship Law. The Minister believes that it is hard to make required amendments the present Citizenship Law because it has been amended too many times.  The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane considers that the work on elaboration of new Law could be started after elections to prevent manipulations on sensitive citizenship issues. Mrs. Aldermane also considers that the draft Law should be elaborated in a special order which would at least partly exclude discussions splitting the society.

The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins considers that the government should elaborate new Citizenship Law. The Minister believes that it is hard to make required amendments the present Citizenship Law because it has been amended too many times. The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane considers that the work on elaboration of new Law could be started after elections to prevent manipulations on sensitive citizenship issues. Mrs. Aldermane also considers that the draft Law should be elaborated in a special order which would at least partly exclude discussions splitting the society. Latvijas Avize

Nov. 26, 2008

  • State Language Centre again fined teacher of Russian language and literature and Deputy of Jurmala City Council Zanna Kupcika for insufficient usage of Latvian language

Vesti Segodnya reports that the inspectors of the State Language Centre again fined teacher of Russian language and literature and deputy of Jurmala City Council Zanna Kupcika for insufficient usage of Latvian language at work. According to the article, language inspectors received a complaint about Mrs. Kupcikas poor language proficiency after she gave an interview to a TV channel. Although Zanna Kupcika was interviewed as deputy, the inspectors visited her at school and arguing that she replies to inspectors questions with mistakes filled a protocol fining her with LVL 40. However, Mrs. Kupcika refused to sign the protocol. Zanna Kupcika believes that this inspection is continuation of her conflict with the State Language Centre and personally with one of the inspectors (who also filled a protocol this time). As reported, since 2004, Zanna Kupcika is challenging in the European Court for Human Rights the decision of the State Language Centre on filing an administrative protocol and imposing a fine. At that case, the inspectors of the State Language Centre filed an administrative protocol on Zanna Kupcika for refusal to speak with the inspectors. Mrs. Kupcika is confident that the inspectors did not have the right to test her language proficiency skills.

Nov. 25, 2008

  • Vesti Segodnya reports about a conference Institute of Citizenship in Baltic Countries
  • Naturalisation Board reduces its staff and closes a number of branches in order to save state funds
  • Latvijas Avize reports on public discussions of the draft project of integration guidelines for 2009-2013 held in the biggest Latvian cities

Vesti Segodnya reports about a conference Institute of Citizenship in Baltic Countries held by the Naturalisation Board in co-operation with the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities at a conference represented by Brendan Moran, the Director of the office of High Commissioner. Officials from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Denmark, Norway and Finland took part in the conference. The participants shared their experience and informed each other about naturalisation terms, requirements for applicants, structure of examination and dynamics of naturalisation figures. Mr. Moran in an interview with the newspaper stated that number of non-citizens in Latvia is disproportionate to its population, therefore, it is recommended for Latvian government to do something to improve the situation because it is not normal for any state in the world.

Telegraf reports that the Naturalisation Board (NB) reduces its staff and closes a number of branches in order to save state funds. However, according to a representative of the NB, the Ministry of Justice might assign a new function to the NB, but the final decision is not taken yet.

Latvijas Avize reports on public discussions of the draft project of integration guidelines for 2009-2013 held in the biggest Latvian cities. According to the newspaper, all the discussions were poorly attended and neither experts nor representatives of working group have considerable objections for the documents content. It is planned that the document will be submitted to the government for revision by 15 December 2008.

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