Dec. 12, 2008

  • Political scientist Nils Muiznieks: economic crisis will increase split between non-Latvians and ethnic Latvians
  • Legal Committee supported increase of fines for insufficient usage of state language
  • Citizenship Law Implementation Committee discussed the draft guidelines for integration policy 2009-2013
  • Saeima refused a proposal to recognize all Latvian non-citizens as Latvian citizens
  • Vesti Segodnya prints article about the first and the only mosque in Latvia
In an interview with

In an interview with Chas, political scientist Nils Muiznieks has stated that economic crisis will increase split between non-Latvians and ethnic Latvians. According to Mr. Muiznieks, competition for vacancies will be much bigger and issue of ethnicity will play a part.

The Saeima’s Legal Committee supported increase of fines for insufficient usage of state language. Insufficient usage of state language at work will be punished with LVL 50 instead of LVL 25, while, fine for failure to translate public events into Latvian will be raised from LVL 100 to LVL 200.

The Saeimas Legal Committee supported increase of fines for insufficient usage of state language. Insufficient usage of state language at work will be punished with LVL 50 instead of LVL 25, while, fine for failure to translate public events into Latvian will be raised from LVL 100 to LVL 200. Chas

Latvijas Avize reports that the Saeimas Citizenship Law Implementation Committee discussed the draft guidelines for integration policy 2009-2013. The Committees head Peteris Tabuns (FF/LNIM) praised the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration for elaboration of the guidelines in general, arguing that the document puts integration on the right basis of Latvianness, while so far integration was based on multiculturalism and internationalism.

Yesterday, the Saeima refused a proposal of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia to recognize all Latvian non-citizens as Latvian citizens.

Yesterday, the Saeima refused a proposal of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia to recognize all Latvian non-citizens as Latvian citizens. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya prints article about the first and the only mosque in Latvia located in Riga. In an interview with the newspaper Latvias Imam Mamun Said states that there are more than 10,000 Muslims in Latvia and 95% of them live in Riga. According to Imam, number of Muslims in Latvia has grown during past few years and the number continues to grow.

Dec. 11, 2008

  • Eurostat: Latvia recorded the highest ratio of acquisition of citizenship in Europe
  • State Language Centre fined with Rigas Circus for failure to translate performance of the Chinese circus into Latvian
  • Ex-head of the Ethnic Minorities Department of the Secretariat of the IUMSILS Irina Vinnika criticizes existing policy and management of the IUMSILS
According to “Eurostat”, the number of acquisitions of citizenship as a share of the total population in the country, Latvia recorded the highest ratio in Europe, with more than 8 acquisitions of citizenship in 2006 per thousand of inhabitants. Latvia's high ratio is caused by a large number of Latvian non-citizens applying for Latvian citizenship.

According to Eurostat, the number of acquisitions of citizenship as a share of the total population in the country, Latvia recorded the highest ratio in Europe, with more than 8 acquisitions of citizenship in 2006 per thousand of inhabitants. Latvia's high ratio is caused by a large number of Latvian non-citizens applying for Latvian citizenship. Latvijas Avize

The State Language Centre has fined with LVL 25 (EUR 36) Riga’s Circus for failure to translate performance of the Chinese circus into Latvian. Latvian legal acts stipulate translation of such events into state language.

The State Language Centre has fined with LVL 25 (EUR 36) Rigas Circus for failure to translate performance of the Chinese circus into Latvian. Latvian legal acts stipulate translation of such events into state language. Latvijas Avize

Chas prints an interview with ex-head of the Ethnic Minorities Department of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration (IUMSILS) Irina Vinnika. Mrs. Vinnika criticizes existing policy and management of the IUMSILS, especially in field of ethnic integration. According to Mrs. Vinnika, the Minister of Integration Oskars Kastens and the Head of the IUMSILS Juris Asars suddenly changed priorities of the Secretariat; they criticize everything that has been done in the field of ethnic policy and deny principles of multiculturalism despite the fact that the year 2008 was declared as a year of interethnic dialogue in Latvia.

Dec. 10, 2008

  • Orthodox Christmas could be included in the calendar as a public holiday but not as a bank holiday
  • Newspapers report about the FF/LNIMs election campaign Suuports Ours
The Saeima’s Human Rights and Social Affairs Committee considers that the Orthodox Christmas could be included in the calendar as a public holiday but not as a bank holiday.

The Saeimas Human Rights and Social Affairs Committee considers that the Orthodox Christmas could be included in the calendar as a public holiday but not as a bank holiday. Vesti Segodnya

Newspapers report that the political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has launched its election campaign TV commercial called “Support Ours” and aimed at support of Latvian goods and entrepreneurs and promotion of patriotism. The commercial shows ethnic Latvian mother and son shopping for a Christmas tree and witnessing a Russian-speaking couple, who refuse to buy a tree grown in Latvia. Ethnic Latvian mother and son choose the tree just refused by the Russian-speakers. The commercial ends with logo of the party and the call to “support ours”. In an interview with

Newspapers report that the political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has launched its election campaign TV commercial called Support Ours and aimed at support of Latvian goods and entrepreneurs and promotion of patriotism. The commercial shows ethnic Latvian mother and son shopping for a Christmas tree and witnessing a Russian-speaking couple, who refuse to buy a tree grown in Latvia. Ethnic Latvian mother and son choose the tree just refused by the Russian-speakers. The commercial ends with logo of the party and the call to support ours. In an interview with Diena researcher of the public policy centre Providus Marija Golubeva states that the clip reproduces stereotype about Russian residents of Latvia that they do not support domestic goods. Mrs. Golubeva believes that image of enemy during economical crises has a tendency to strengthen. Political scientist Nils Muiznieks also criticizes the clip arguing that it portrays Russians as non-patriotic and not willing to speak Latvian. Vesti Segodnya, Diena

Dec. 9, 2008

  • LAShOR and FHRUL are criticizing plan of the Ministry of Education and Science to close more than 100 schools
  • Leaders of nationalistic organisations appeal to all right wing ethnic Latvian parties to form united election list for upcoming municipal elections
The Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian Language of Instruction (LAShOR) and the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) issued a statement criticizing plans of the Ministry of Education and Science to close more than 100 schools with insufficient number of students in order to economise state funds. If the plan is accepted, small countryside schools and some Russian language schools in Riga will be closed. The LAShOR and FHRUL consider that it is inappropriate to economise state funds at the expense of schools because the school is a cultural centre, especially in the countryside.

The Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian Language of Instruction (LAShOR) and the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) issued a statement criticizing plans of the Ministry of Education and Science to close more than 100 schools with insufficient number of students in order to economise state funds. If the plan is accepted, small countryside schools and some Russian language schools in Riga will be closed. The LAShOR and FHRUL consider that it is inappropriate to economise state funds at the expense of schools because the school is a cultural centre, especially in the countryside. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Leaders of nationalistic organisations “Daugava’s Hawks” and “Club 415” appealed to all right wing ethnic Latvian parties to form united election list for upcoming municipal elections and the European Parliament’s elections in order to prevent so-called “Russian” parties’ accession to power.

Leaders of nationalistic organisations Daugavas Hawks and Club 415 appealed to all right wing ethnic Latvian parties to form united election list for upcoming municipal elections and the European Parliaments elections in order to prevent so-called Russian parties accession to power. Vesti Segodnya

Dec. 8, 2008

  • State Border Guard Service detained a citizen of Uzbekistan who resided in Latvia illegally since 2007
  • Latvijas Avize prints an article about asylum seekers in Europe and Latvia

Vesti Segodnya reports that the State Border Guard Service has detained a citizen of Uzbekistan who resided in Latvia illegally since June 2007. The detained man is placed in the Olaine Camp for illegal immigrants.

Latvijas Avize prints an article about asylum seekers in Europe and Latvia. According to representative of the Latvian Citizenship and Migration Affairs Office, number of asylum seekers in Latvia has grown since the country joined the Schengen treaty. 251 persons (mostly from Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somali, and Belarus) have appealed for asylum in Latvia from 2000 until 1 December of 2008. Status of refugee was granted to 17 persons and 21 persons were granted alternative status.

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