maijs 6, 2010

  • 700 persons were not allowed entrance to Latvia in 2009
  • President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers will proclaim the draft amendments to the Immigration Law
700 persons were not allowed entrance to Latvia in 2009. There were various reasons for prohibitions, including expired visas or unclear aim of visit to Latvia.

700 persons were not allowed entrance to Latvia in 2009. There were various reasons for prohibitions, including expired visas or unclear aim of visit to Latvia. Chas

The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers decided to proclaim the draft amendments to the Immigration Law approved by the Saeima. The draft amendments stipulate granting permanent residence permits to foreign investors. As reported, the President did not proclaim previous version of the amendments arguing that it might bring to Latvia undesired persons and attract financial resources of unknown origin.

The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers decided to proclaim the draft amendments to the Immigration Law approved by the Saeima. The draft amendments stipulate granting permanent residence permits to foreign investors. As reported, the President did not proclaim previous version of the amendments arguing that it might bring to Latvia undesired persons and attract financial resources of unknown origin. Neatkariga

aprīlis 30, 2010

  • Saeima supported draft amendments stipulating that only those doctorate papers which study development of particular language can be written and defended in non-EU languages
  • Saeima refused proposal to proclaim 9 May as Victory day in Latvia
The Saeima supported draft amendments to the Law on Scientific Activity proposed by the MP Ina Druviete (Civic Union) stipulating that usage of non-EU language in defending doctorate papers is only allowed if the paper is in philology and is directly dealing with the development of that language. The amendments do not apply to other fields such as studies of literature or folklore. The author of the amendment, Mrs.Druviete, stated that unless the restriction is supported, the “self-sufficiency of Russian language in Latvia will grow”. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

The Saeima supported draft amendments to the Law on Scientific Activity proposed by the MP Ina Druviete (Civic Union) stipulating that usage of non-EU language in defending doctorate papers is only allowed if the paper is in philology and is directly dealing with the development of that language. The amendments do not apply to other fields such as studies of literature or folklore. The author of the amendment, Mrs.Druviete, stated that unless the restriction is supported, the self-sufficiency of Russian language in Latvia will grow. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Yesterday, the Saeima repeatedly refused proposal of the For Human Rights in United Latvia to proclaim 9 May as anti-Hitler coalition’s Victory Day in WWII.

Yesterday, the Saeima repeatedly refused proposal of the For Human Rights in United Latvia to proclaim 9 May as anti-Hitler coalitions Victory Day in WWII. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

aprīlis 29, 2010

  • All May 9 events will take place in Riga
  • Proposal to amend Law on Scientific Activity

    On May 8 political party "All for Latvia" will organize event "to raise
    awareness on unsolved question concerning deoccupation and decolonization of
    Latvia". Event will take place near Occupation museum in Riga. Meanwhile
    organization "May 9" will organize celebration marathon near Victory monument
    to commemorate end of the Second World War. Lather that night there will also
    be a march from Occupation museum to Monument of Freedom organized by Gustavs
    Celmins centre. Mayor of Riga already agreed to take part in the Victory
    celebration on the May 9. Latvijas Avize, Vesty Segodnya

    Vesty Segodnya reports that member the Parliamentary Committee on Education,
    Culture and Science Ms. Ina Druviete (Civic Union) proposed to amend the Law on
    Scientific Activity. The amendment would determine that only those scientific
    papers could be defended in non-EU languages which are directly dealing with
    the development of those languages. The proposal was declined.

aprīlis 28, 2010

  • Population decline due to long-term migration intensified in Latvia during 2009
According to the data of the Central Statistical Bureau, population decline due to long-term migration intensified in Latvia during 2009: 2688 persons immigrated (22.4% fewer than in 2008), while 7388 persons emigrated (23% more than in 2008). As a result of migration, the number of ethnic Latvians declined by 1950, ethnic Rusians by 1826, Ukrainians by 348 and Byelorussians by 181, while the number of Romanians increased by 60, Swedes by 47, Germans by 40. Among emigrants in 2009, Latvian citizens constituted 53%, Latvian non-citizens – 13.5%, other EU nationals – 10.6%, foreigners – 22.9%. Among immigrants in 2009, Latvian citizens constituted 19.4%, Latvian non-citizens – 0.2%, other EU nationals – 40.4%, foreigners - 40%. Comparing to 2008 data, migration increased to the UK (twice) and Russia (1.3 times), while declined to Ireland (2.1 times). The data is based on information regarding persons who declared their place of residence.

According to the data of the Central Statistical Bureau, population decline due to long-term migration intensified in Latvia during 2009: 2688 persons immigrated (22.4% fewer than in 2008), while 7388 persons emigrated (23% more than in 2008). As a result of migration, the number of ethnic Latvians declined by 1950, ethnic Rusians by 1826, Ukrainians by 348 and Byelorussians by 181, while the number of Romanians increased by 60, Swedes by 47, Germans by 40. Among emigrants in 2009, Latvian citizens constituted 53%, Latvian non-citizens – 13.5%, other EU nationals – 10.6%, foreigners – 22.9%. Among immigrants in 2009, Latvian citizens constituted 19.4%, Latvian non-citizens – 0.2%, other EU nationals – 40.4%, foreigners - 40%. Comparing to 2008 data, migration increased to the UK (twice) and Russia (1.3 times), while declined to Ireland (2.1 times). The data is based on information regarding persons who declared their place of residence. NRA, Chas, Vesti-Segodnya

aprīlis 27, 2010

  • NGO Russian Community of Latvia adopted recommendations for parties running in parliamentary elections
Annual council of NGO “Russian Community of Latvia” (ROL) representing 22 sections and 7,000 members adopted recommendations addressed to political parties running in parliamentary elections this year. ROL priorities include: recognition of Latvian citizenship of all persons permanently residing in Latvia before 1991; spelling Russian names and surnames without distortions; free usage of Russian language in businesses, education, court proceedings and in public information in areas with Russian population; inclusion into the work of public bodies; state and municipal support for Russian culture. The president of ROL expressed his conviction that these measures will ensure long-term existence of independent democratic Latvia.

Annual council of NGO Russian Community of Latvia (ROL) representing 22 sections and 7,000 members adopted recommendations addressed to political parties running in parliamentary elections this year. ROL priorities include: recognition of Latvian citizenship of all persons permanently residing in Latvia before 1991; spelling Russian names and surnames without distortions; free usage of Russian language in businesses, education, court proceedings and in public information in areas with Russian population; inclusion into the work of public bodies; state and municipal support for Russian culture. The president of ROL expressed his conviction that these measures will ensure long-term existence of independent democratic Latvia. Chas

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