jūnijs 17, 2006

  • ECHR has notified its judgment in the case of Shevanova vs. Latvia
On 16 June, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has notified its judgment in the case of Shevanova vs. Latvia. The Court held that that the decision of Latvian Government to deport Shevanova from Latvia was a violation of her right to respect for private and family life, guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights Article 8. Nina Shevanova is a Russian citizen who lived in Latvia for 35 years. In 1991, Mrs Shevanova was registered in Latvia on the list of permanent residents. However, in 1998 the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs decided to cancel her entry in the residents’ list and issued a deportation order. In February 2001, Mrs Shevanova was arrested and placed in a detention centre for illegal immigrants pending her deportation. The ECHR awarded the applicant with EUR 5,000 for non-pecuniary damage and EUR 1,000 for costs and expenses.

On 16 June, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has notified its judgment in the case of Shevanova vs. Latvia. The Court held that that the decision of Latvian Government to deport Shevanova from Latvia was a violation of her right to respect for private and family life, guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights Article 8. Nina Shevanova is a Russian citizen who lived in Latvia for 35 years. In 1991, Mrs Shevanova was registered in Latvia on the list of permanent residents. However, in 1998 the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs decided to cancel her entry in the residents list and issued a deportation order. In February 2001, Mrs Shevanova was arrested and placed in a detention centre for illegal immigrants pending her deportation. The ECHR awarded the applicant with EUR 5,000 for non-pecuniary damage and EUR 1,000 for costs and expenses. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

jūnijs 16, 2006

  • Book Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities – European Experience for Latvia presented yesterday
  • Experts consider that Latvia has an urgent need of guest workers
  • EU Commissar for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Vladimir Spidla discussed the situation of Latvian non-citizens and their rights with MEP Tatyana Zhdanok
  • Telegraf features an article on how political parties attract votes of Russian-speaking residents
Yesterday, the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and the Institute on Human Rights of the Faculty of Law at the University of Latvia held a presentation of a research “Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities – European Experience for Latvia”. The research provides insight into the history of the Framework Convention, analysis of its main provisions and experience and practices of European countries regarding the implementation of the Convention.

Yesterday, the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and the Institute on Human Rights of the Faculty of Law at the University of Latvia held a presentation of a research Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities – European Experience for Latvia. The research provides insight into the history of the Framework Convention, analysis of its main provisions and experience and practices of European countries regarding the implementation of the Convention. Telegraf

The “Hansabanka” has conducted a research on the lack of labour force in Latvia. The main conclusion of the study is that the country has an urgent need of guest workers. Authors of the study state that local human resources

The Hansabanka has conducted a research on the lack of labour force in Latvia. The main conclusion of the study is that the country has an urgent need of guest workers. Authors of the study state that local human resources cannot meet growing economical needs of the country. Therefore, national immigration policy should be more flexible. However, the Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis believes that no changes should be in introduced in Latvias immigration policy, arguing that non-qualified labour force will hinder development of the economy. While the Minister of Economics Aigars Stokenbergs considers that Latvia has to examine a possibility to soften its immigration regime but only regarding highly qualified workers. Telegraf, Diena (15.06)

The EU Commissar for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Vladimir Spidla held a meeting with the MEP from Latvia Tatyana Zhdanok.to discuss the situation of non-citizens in Latvia and their rights.

The EU Commissar for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Vladimir Spidla held a meeting with the MEP from Latvia Tatyana Zhdanok.to discuss the situation of non-citizens in Latvia and their rights. Vesti Segodnya

Telegraf features an article on how various political parties are planning to attract votes of Russian-speaking residents of Latvia for the upcoming Saeima elections in the fall.

jūnijs 15, 2006

  • 18-year old man found guilty for incitement to racial hatred
  • Saeimas Legal Affairs Committee refused proposed amendments to the Law on the EU Permanent Resident Status
  • European Parliament adopted a report on the EU strategy on prevention of discrimination prepared by the Latvian MEP Tatyana Zhdanok
  • Saeimas Legal Affairs Committee refused a proposal which would allow to use any language during sessions of parliamentary committees
  • Latvijas Avize features an article about skinheads and manifestations of racism and in Latvia
Yesterday, the Riga Latgale District Court sentenced an 18-year old man to a one-year suspended imprisonment for incitement to racial hatred. As reported, in February a young man burned a cross in front of the house where a dark-skinned person lives. The man admitted that he does not like dark-skinned people and burning of the cross was a protest against his dark-skinned neighbour.

Yesterday, the Riga Latgale District Court sentenced an 18-year old man to a one-year suspended imprisonment for incitement to racial hatred. As reported, in February a young man burned a cross in front of the house where a dark-skinned person lives. The man admitted that he does not like dark-skinned people and burning of the cross was a protest against his dark-skinned neighbour. Chas, Latvijas Avize, Diena

Yesterday, the Saeima’s Legal Affairs Committee refused the draft amendments to the Law on the Status of the EU Permanent Resident developed by the opposition party which provided that Latvian non-citizens should be granted the status without any requirements. As reported, the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga returned the Law back to the Saeima for its repeated revision arguing that Latvian non-citizens should not be included in one category of third country nationals as according to effective Latvian legal norms they have specific rights. The current version of the Law stipulates that in order to receive the status of the EU permanent resident applicants, including Latvian non-citizens, shall be subjected to several requirements, in particular demonstrate Latvian language skills, prove that they are permanent residents of Latvia, and pay the state fee.

Yesterday, the Saeimas Legal Affairs Committee refused the draft amendments to the Law on the Status of the EU Permanent Resident developed by the opposition party which provided that Latvian non-citizens should be granted the status without any requirements. As reported, the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga returned the Law back to the Saeima for its repeated revision arguing that Latvian non-citizens should not be included in one category of third country nationals as according to effective Latvian legal norms they have specific rights. The current version of the Law stipulates that in order to receive the status of the EU permanent resident applicants, including Latvian non-citizens, shall be subjected to several requirements, in particular demonstrate Latvian language skills, prove that they are permanent residents of Latvia, and pay the state fee. Chas, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday, the European Parliament adopted a report on the EU strategy on prevention of discrimination prepared by the Latvian MEP Tatyana Zhdanok. However, the MEPs did not approve the wording which provided naming of particular groups, such as non-citizens and Roma. As reported, the report sets a strategic aim to ensure a proportional representation and participation of various groups in all spheres, including politics and state administration.

Yesterday, the European Parliament adopted a report on the EU strategy on prevention of discrimination prepared by the Latvian MEP Tatyana Zhdanok. However, the MEPs did not approve the wording which provided naming of particular groups, such as non-citizens and Roma. As reported, the report sets a strategic aim to ensure a proportional representation and participation of various groups in all spheres, including politics and state administration. Chas, Vesti Segodnya , Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Diena

The Saeima’s Legal Affairs Committee refused the draft amendments to the Saeima regulations proposed by the union For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL). FHRUL proposed that the MPs could speak any language including Russian during the sessions of parliamentary committees.

The Saeimas Legal Affairs Committee refused the draft amendments to the Saeima regulations proposed by the union For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL). FHRUL proposed that the MPs could speak any language including Russian during the sessions of parliamentary committees. Chas, Latvijas Aviz

Latvijas Avize features an article about skinheads and manifestations of racism in Latvia. The author provides a detailed story on three young men who physically assaulted a dark-skinned citizen of the United States in July 2005.

jūnijs 14, 2006

  • MEPs will vote on the draft resolution on prevention of discrimination prepared by Latvian MP Tatyana Zhdanok
  • Vesti Segodnya features opinions on the draft law stipulating Russian as the official language of ethnic minorities
  • Cabinet of Ministers signed an agreement with Riga Jewish Religious Community
Today, the members of the European Parliament will vote on the resolution on prevention of discrimination prepared by the Latvian MP Tatyana Zhdanok. As reported, Latvian and Estonian non-citizens are mentioned as a groups being discriminated against together with other groups in Europe.

Today, the members of the European Parliament will vote on the resolution on prevention of discrimination prepared by the Latvian MP Tatyana Zhdanok. As reported, Latvian and Estonian non-citizens are mentioned as a groups being discriminated against together with other groups in Europe. Chas, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya features various opinions on the partys The Concord Centre elaborated draft law stipulating that the Russian language should be granted the status of the official language of ethnic minorities in Latvia. According to the member of the party Janis Adamsons, the government should take into account the fact that Russian language is used by a large part of Latvian residents. The director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilze Brands Kehris believes that minority languages and their status should be determined in the law. According to her, however it does not mean that Russian will be the only minority language since we have also other minorities. According to the co-chairman of the United Congress of Russian Community on Latvia Aleksandrs Gaponenko, Latvia is a multinational state were Russians are not ethnic minorities but one of the core nations: that is why Russian language must be granted the status of the second state language.

Yesterday, the

Yesterday, the Cabinet of Ministers has signed an agreement with Riga Jewish Religious Community. The agreement regulates relations between the state and the community. Chas, Diena

jūnijs 13, 2006

  • Dark-skinned man was physically assaulted by two skinheads in Riga
On Saturday, a dark-skinned man, member of the AfroLat Association, was physically assaulted by two young men, skinheads, in Riga. The police arrested two persons shortly after the attack and initiated a criminal case on the grounds of hooliganism. According to

On Saturday, a dark-skinned man, member of the AfroLat Association, was physically assaulted by two young men, skinheads, in Riga. The police arrested two persons shortly after the attack and initiated a criminal case on the grounds of hooliganism. According to Diena and Latvijas Avize, the police have reclassified the charge as incitement to racial hatred according to Section 78 of the Criminal Law. The head of AfroLat Christopher Ejugbo has stated that dark-skinned people have suffered from skinhead groupings already before and the number of attacks has recently increased. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss

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