jūnijs 18, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies


launches a new series of articles in which professor Dr.iur. Ineta Ziemele analyses rulings of the European Court of Human Rights which concern Latvia. The first article is about the ruling of the ECHR on the case of Ingrida Podkolzina. launches a new series of articles in which professor Dr.iur. Ineta Ziemele analyses rulings of the European Court of Human Rights which concern Latvia. The first article is about the ruling of the ECHR on the case of Ingrida Podkolzina. Yesterday, on the commemoration day of the victims of the Soviet regime, several national bolsheviks organised a picket against NATO in front of the Cabinet of Ministers. People’s Party and FF/LNNK Riga Council factions ask for the resignation of the responsible person who issued the permit to the national bolsheviks.

Yesterday, on the commemoration day of the victims of the Soviet regime, several national bolsheviks organised a picket against NATO in front of the Cabinet of Ministers. Peoples Party and FF/LNNK Riga Council factions ask for the resignation of the responsible person who issued the permit to the national bolsheviks. Diena, Lauku Avize, Rigas Balss, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii, Telegraf

The Russian press – Chas, Vesti Segodnja – reports on another demonstration which took place yesterday organised by the Latvian nationalist youth groups “Klubs 415” and “All for Latvia!” These groups organised a march from the Freedom Monument to the embassy of the Russian Federation demanding the deoccupation of Latvia.

The Russian press – Chas, Vesti Segodnja – reports on another demonstration which took place yesterday organised by the Latvian nationalist youth groups Klubs 415 and All for Latvia! These groups organised a march from the Freedom Monument to the embassy of the Russian Federation demanding the deoccupation of Latvia.


columnist Viktors Avotins comments on the recent congress of FHRUL. He states that FHRUL has rather good chances in the 8th Saeima elections. However, the party probably will not get the planned number of the seats in the next Saeima (20) because it does not offer any new ideas and solutions to problems. columnist Viktors Avotins comments on the recent congress of FHRUL. He states that FHRUL has rather good chances in the 8th Saeima elections. However, the party probably will not get the planned number of the seats in the next Saeima (20) because it does not offer any new ideas and solutions to problems.

Lauku Avize

interviews ambassador of the United Kingdom Andrew Tesoriere. The ambassador states his key goals in Latvia are welfare, security, transparency and social cohesion. Ambassador Tesoriere says that the embassy of Great Britain understands that the goal of the Latvian government is to achieve integration and the embassy provides practical support for achieving this goal. The embassy supports different programmes and projects aimed at fostering naturalisation. interviews ambassador of the United Kingdom Andrew Tesoriere. The ambassador states his key goals in Latvia are welfare, security, transparency and social cohesion. Ambassador Tesoriere says that the embassy of Great Britain understands that the goal of the Latvian government is to achieve integration and the embassy provides practical support for achieving this goal. The embassy supports different programmes and projects aimed at fostering naturalisation. Chairperson of the Roma Association MP Normunds Rudevics comments on the intention of the Union of Zemgale’s Roma to shoot a documentary about the discrimination of Roma in Latvia. Normunds Rudevics states that in comparison to all other countries there is no discrimination against Roma in Latvia. He agrees that Roma have problems in Latvia. However, these problems are mainly of an economic character. He stresses that the Union of Zemgale’s Roma has been created very recently and is “a pre-election tool in the hands of the social democrats.”

Chairperson of the Roma Association MP Normunds Rudevics comments on the intention of the Union of Zemgales Roma to shoot a documentary about the discrimination of Roma in Latvia. Normunds Rudevics states that in comparison to all other countries there is no discrimination against Roma in Latvia. He agrees that Roma have problems in Latvia. However, these problems are mainly of an economic character. He stresses that the Union of Zemgales Roma has been created very recently and is a pre-election tool in the hands of the social democrats.

Lauku Avize

publishes an article which discusses the interpretation of the term a national minority in Latvia. Author of the article Vladimir Chepurov states that the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities does not provide a definition for the term, because every state has the right to choose which definition best suits the particular situation of the country. According to political scientist Artis Pabriks, the status of a national minority in Latvia should be granted only to Latvian citizens, while political scientist Nils Muiznieks believes that citizenship should not be a crucial factor - more important is a persons longstanding tie with the state and [sic!] state language skills. According to Muiznieks, Russians, Jews, Roma, Lithuanians, Estonians and Poles should be considered minorities in Latvia. FF/LNNK deputy Dzintars Rasnachs thinks that the term should cover only Russians and Jews, but considering the current situation, Roma and Livs as well. [ publishes an article which discusses the interpretation of the term “a national minority” in Latvia. Author of the article Vladimir Chepurov states that the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities does not provide a definition for the term, because every state has the right to choose which definition best suits the particular situation of the country. According to political scientist Artis Pabriks, the status of a national minority in Latvia should be granted only to Latvian citizens, while political scientist Nils Muiznieks believes that citizenship should not be a crucial factor - more important is a person’s longstanding tie with the state and [sic!] state language skills. According to Muiznieks, Russians, Jews, Roma, Lithuanians, Estonians and Poles should be considered minorities in Latvia. FF/LNNK deputy Dzintars Rasnachs thinks that the term should cover only Russians and Jews, but considering the current situation, Roma and Livs as well. [Lauku AvizeLauku Avize did not reflect Muiznieks views completely accurately – the primary criteria are numerical size (less than ˝ of the population), non-dominant position, long-standing ties to the state, cultural distinctiveness and a desire to maintain and develop that distinct identity. By this standard, there are probably few Belarussian and Ukrainian persons belonging to their respective national minorities in Latvia, as most are not culturally or linguistically distinctive from Russians.] did not reflect Muiznieks’ views completely accurately – the primary criteria are numerical size (less than ˝ of the population), non-dominant position, long-standing ties to the state, cultural distinctiveness and a desire to maintain and develop that distinct identity. By this standard, there are probably few Belarussian and Ukrainian persons belonging to their respective national minorities in Latvia, as most are not culturally or linguistically distinctive from Russians.]


columnist Leonid Fedoseyev writes about the future of the Russian school after 2004. He states that the Latvian authorities and officials are cheating people stating that the reform will be the reorganisation of the Russian schools, while the columnist believes that the reform implies a closure of the Russian schools. columnist Leonid Fedoseyev writes about the future of the Russian school after 2004. He states that the Latvian authorities and officials are cheating people stating that the reform will be the reorganisation of the Russian schools, while the columnist believes that the reform implies a closure of the Russian schools.

Panorama Latvii

publishes its weekly supplement Our Latvia. This issue is devoted to Georgians in Latvia. publishes its weekly supplement “Our Latvia.” This issue is devoted to Georgians in Latvia.

Panorama Latvii

reports about the roundtable discussion on the draft of the EU Accession Monitoring Program, which focussed on the Society Integration Foundation and took place yesterday. The newspaper calls on national minority NGOs to contact the author of the draft to give their contribution to the report. reports about the roundtable discussion on the draft of the EU Accession Monitoring Program, which focussed on the Society Integration Foundation and took place yesterday. The newspaper calls on national minority NGOs to contact the author of the draft to give their contribution to the report.

jūnijs 17, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

The left wing union FHRUL held its party conference on Saturday. The union hopes to get at least 20% seats in the 8th Saeima and participate in forming the next government. The conference adopted a programme which declares that it stands for granting Latvian citizenship to all non-citizens who have expressed such a wish, Russian should have the status of an official language in those municipalities where the share of Russian-speaking residents exceeds 20% and non-citizens should be granted the right to participate in municipal elections. The programme does not mention Latvia’s potential membership in NATO. However, the Union is not against this foreign policy goal, but disagrees with the amount to be allotted for security purposes from the state budget.

The left wing union FHRUL held its party conference on Saturday. The union hopes to get at least 20% seats in the 8th Saeima and participate in forming the next government. The conference adopted a programme which declares that it stands for granting Latvian citizenship to all non-citizens who have expressed such a wish, Russian should have the status of an official language in those municipalities where the share of Russian-speaking residents exceeds 20% and non-citizens should be granted the right to participate in municipal elections. The programme does not mention Latvias potential membership in NATO. However, the Union is not against this foreign policy goal, but disagrees with the amount to be allotted for security purposes from the state budget. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

Head of the Committee of International Affairs of the Russian State Duma Dmitry Rogozin attended the FHRUL’s conference in Riga on Saturday.

Head of the Committee of International Affairs of the Russian State Duma Dmitry Rogozin attended the FHRULs conference in Riga on Saturday. Chas, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnja and

Vesti Segodnja and Panorama Latvii publish an interview with Dmitry Rogozin. He states that the closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia was a stupidity and will discuss this issue with the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus on June 17.

Diena publishes an article by political scientist Artis Pabriks about the existing interpretations and attitudes towards June 17, 1940 – the date when the Soviet Union occupied Latvia. He argues that when discussing this event there are two communities in Latvia – Latvians believe that Latvia was occupied, while a majority of Russians would say that the fact should not be interpreted so superficially and that it was Latvia’s own decision to join the USSR. Artis Pabriks believes that neither language nor citizenship, but political legitimacy divides Latvians and Russians in Latvia. Artis Pabriks is convinced that international institutions and politicians from Europe, the USA and, of course, Russia could be of great support in eliminating the alienation between two communities. However, he admits that this potential has not been exploited to the full extent. Pabriks concludes that Latvian citizens and non-citizens should come to an agreement – non-citizens should naturalise and Latvians should “give a hand to them.”

Diena publishes an article by political scientist Artis Pabriks about the existing interpretations and attitudes towards June 17, 1940 – the date when the Soviet Union occupied Latvia. He argues that when discussing this event there are two communities in Latvia – Latvians believe that Latvia was occupied, while a majority of Russians would say that the fact should not be interpreted so superficially and that it was Latvias own decision to join the USSR. Artis Pabriks believes that neither language nor citizenship, but political legitimacy divides Latvians and Russians in Latvia. Artis Pabriks is convinced that international institutions and politicians from Europe, the USA and, of course, Russia could be of great support in eliminating the alienation between two communities. However, he admits that this potential has not been exploited to the full extent. Pabriks concludes that Latvian citizens and non-citizens should come to an agreement – non-citizens should naturalise and Latvians should give a hand to them.


columnist Viktors Avotins comments critically on the policy of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The columnist states that the Ministry represents only the policies and views of the governing parties and not a synthesis of the views of all political parties represented in the 8th Saeima. columnist Viktors Avotins comments critically on the policy of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The columnist states that the Ministry represents only the policies and views of the governing parties and not a synthesis of the views of all political parties represented in the 8th Saeima.

Panorama Latvii

reports that the Russian newspapers and the Embassy of the Russian Federation received a threat letter which states that no Russian organisation is safe on June 17. reports that the Russian newspapers and the Embassy of the Russian Federation received a threat letter which states that “no Russian organisation is safe on June 17.”

jūnijs 15, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Chas editorial is about the rights of citizens and non-citizens in Latvia. Columnist Leonid Fedoseyev refers to the statements of the Latvian nationalist extremist Aivars Garda about the deoccupation of Latvia from Russians and notes that the response of the Latvian government to these statements was so vague and weak that it could be concluded that they share one opinion.

Vechernaya Riga

journalist Yelena Slushareva talks to rector of the Academy of Culture Peteris Lakis who was also in the working group which developed the Law on Education several years ago. Peteris Lakis believes that the problem of all Latvian laws lies in their implementation. He doubts whether a sufficient number of qualified teachers will be prepared for the switch of minority schools to the Latvian language in 2004. He agrees with parents of Russian students that at this moment schools are not ready for the switch. He states that the quality of primary and secondary education in Russian and Latvian does not differ. journalist Yelena Slushareva talks to rector of the Academy of Culture Peteris Lakis who was also in the working group which developed the Law on Education several years ago. Peteris Lakis believes that the problem of all Latvian laws lies in their implementation. He doubts whether a sufficient number of qualified teachers will be prepared for the switch of minority schools to the Latvian language in 2004. He agrees with parents of Russian students that at this moment schools are not ready for the switch. He states that the quality of primary and secondary education in Russian and Latvian does not differ.


talks to chairperson of FHRUL Janis Jurkans. The chairperson ascertains that there is no split within the party and there will be only one list of candidates from FHRUL for the 8th Saeima elections. talks to chairperson of FHRUL Janis Jurkans. The chairperson ascertains that there is no split within the party and there will be only one list of candidates from FHRUL for the 8th Saeima elections.


introduces its readers to the Tatar Association in Latvia. Tatars have lived in Latvia for a comparatively short period of time of about 100 years and in total there are about 3,000 Tatars in Latvia. This weekend Tatars are organising their national festival Sabuntuj in the Open Air Museum. introduces its readers to the Tatar Association in Latvia. Tatars have lived in Latvia for a comparatively short period of time of about 100 years and in total there are about 3,000 Tatars in Latvia. This weekend Tatars are organising their national festival Sabuntuj in the Open Air Museum.

Vesti Segodnja

and and Panorama LatviiPanorama Latvii comment on the Day of the Commemoration of the Victims of the Soviet Regime on June 14. The newspapers stress that not only Latvians but also other nationalities, including Russians, suffered under the Soviet Regime and were sent to Siberia 61 years ago. The newspapers state that this date was used for fomenting national hatred towards other nationalities. comment on the Day of the Commemoration of the Victims of the Soviet Regime on June 14. The newspapers stress that not only Latvians but also other nationalities, including Russians, suffered under the Soviet Regime and were sent to Siberia 61 years ago. The newspapers state that “this date was used for fomenting national hatred towards other nationalities.”

jūnijs 14, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Leading journalists from the Russian Federation visited Latvia for three days in a project run by the Latvian Institute and the American NGO Freedom House. The journalists studied the naturalisation process in Latvia, met with head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane, minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins, new citizens, journalists from Latvia, and visited Ventspils.

Leading journalists from the Russian Federation visited Latvia for three days in a project run by the Latvian Institute and the American NGO Freedom House. The journalists studied the naturalisation process in Latvia, met with head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane, minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins, new citizens, journalists from Latvia, and visited Ventspils. Telegraf

The Russian Ministry of Education has allotted funding for the Russian Assistance Programme to Russians Residing Abroad. The Programme will award 5 scholarships to students from Latvia and pay their tuition fees at a university selected by thestudent

The Russian Ministry of Education has allotted funding for the Russian Assistance Programme to Russians Residing Abroad. The Programme will award 5 scholarships to students from Latvia and pay their tuition fees at a university selected by thestudent.Vesti Segodnja

Latvijas Vestnesis publishes an interview with Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins. The Prime Minister comments on his meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mihail Kasyanov. Andris Berzins states that now everything in Latvian-Russian relations depends on Russia.

Latvijas Vestnesis publishes an interview with Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins. The Prime Minister comments on his meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mihail Kasyanov. Andris Berzins states that now everything in Latvian-Russian relations depends on Russia.

Representatives of the Liepaja branch of FF/LNNK have planned to visit the Consulate of the Russian Federation in Liepaja and submit a petition to Russia to recognise the occupation of Latvia.

Representatives of the Liepaja branch of FF/LNNK have planned to visit the Consulate of the Russian Federation in Liepaja and submit a petition to Russia to recognise the occupation of Latvia. Neatkariga

Latvijas Vestnesis

reports on the meeting of Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien on June 12 in Ottawa. The officials discussed the latest developments in NATO and European Union enlargement, Latvia's future within these organisations, and Latvian-Canadian bilateral contacts, topical issues of the domestic policy of Canada and the activities of the Latvian government in legislation, domestic policy, social integration and education. The Canadian Prime Minister showed an interest in language policy in Latvia. reports on the meeting of Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien on June 12 in Ottawa. The officials discussed the latest developments in NATO and European Union enlargement, Latvia's future within these organisations, and Latvian-Canadian bilateral contacts, topical issues of the domestic policy of Canada and the activities of the Latvian government in legislation, domestic policy, social integration and education. The Canadian Prime Minister showed an interest in language policy in Latvia. Famous Latvian rock singer Ainars Mielavs released his solo album. For the second time the singer released his album in the Russian language as well. Other leading Latvian singers agree that it is “an interesting experiment” and would not mind singing in Russian.

Famous Latvian rock singer Ainars Mielavs released his solo album. For the second time the singer released his album in the Russian language as well. Other leading Latvian singers agree that it is an interesting experiment and would not mind singing in Russian. Chas

The Saeima will close its spring session on June 21, and will start the fall session on September 3.

The Saeima will close its spring session on June 21, and will start the fall session on September 3. BNS

jūnijs 13, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Lauku Avize talks to Latvian language professor Ina Druviete and head of the International Migration Office in Riga Ilmars Mezs who have developed the chapter on ethnic policy in the programme of the New Era party. Druviete stresses that the programme is targeted not only at Latvians but also at all residents of Latvia. She states that all nationalities who live in Latvia should be responsible for the preservation of the Latvian language and culture, while Latvians should be responsible for the preservation of cultures and languages of different national minorities residing in Latvia. Both Ina Druviete and Ilmars Mezs admit that Latvians should be more open and tolerant in accepting people of different ethnic backgrounds. Concerning naturalisation, Ina Druviete says that the New Era supports naturalisation. However, it should be a qualitative process and Latvia should not listen to any ultimatums from foreign countries concerning citizenship. Ina Druviete believes that the term a national minority does not have a practical meaning and all nationalities, including Russians, residing in Latvia, except for Latvians, should be called minorities. She states that Latvia could ratify the Framework Convention if Latvia adopts pre-texts for Articles 9, 10 and 11.


editorial comments on the latest FHRUL activities - the Baltic Forum and funding the rights to broadcast the World Cup on Latvian TV. Commentator Aivars Ozolins calls both activities pilot projects of partys pre-election campaign. Ozolins states that both activities required a serious amount of money and that it comes from Russia. Columnist notes that FHRUL attempts to be as one of European parties, however, it remains pro-Russian. Ozolins warns right wing and centric parties that they should seriously consider a policy, which would be acceptable alternative for those voters who could give their votes for football. editorial comments on the latest FHRUL activities - the Baltic Forum and funding the rights to broadcast the World Cup on Latvian TV. Commentator Aivars Ozolins calls both activities pilot projects of party’s pre-election campaign. Ozolins states that both activities required a serious amount of money and that it comes from Russia. Columnist notes that “FHRUL attempts to be as one of European parties, however, it remains pro-Russian.” Ozolins warns right wing and centric parties that they should seriously consider a policy, which would be acceptable alternative for those voters who could give their votes for football.

Lauku Avize

provides in-depth information on the results of the Public Awareness and Citizenship Promotion Campaign. The newspaper critically comments the assessment report on the results of the Campaign developed by independent researcher Ilze Brands Kehris. provides in-depth information on the results of the Public Awareness and Citizenship Promotion Campaign. The newspaper critically comments the assessment report on the results of the Campaign developed by independent researcher Ilze Brands Kehris. Yesterday the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs organised a press conference about the situation concerning immigrants and refugees in Latvia. In total 14 persons asked for asylum in Latvia last year and only one person this year.

Yesterday the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs organised a press conference about the situation concerning immigrants and refugees in Latvia. In total 14 persons asked for asylum in Latvia last year and only one person this year. Latvijas Vestnesis, Chas

Vechernaya Riga reports that the last week the Saeima reviewed in the first reading the new Immigration Law. Lawyer of the Latvian Human Rights Committee Denis Gorba explains what new the law will bring.

Vechernaya Riga reports that the last week the Saeima reviewed in the first reading the new Immigration Law. Lawyer of the Latvian Human Rights Committee Denis Gorba explains what new the law will bring.

Yesterday the Chancery of the President and the Saeima Committee on Education received an open letter signed by 3,5 thousand residents of Daugavpils. Parents of Russian students protest against the switch of minority secondary schools to the Latvian language.

Yesterday the Chancery of the President and the Saeima Committee on Education received an open letter signed by 3,5 thousand residents of Daugavpils. Parents of Russian students protest against the switch of minority secondary schools to the Latvian language. Chas, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnja


reports on the unofficial meeting of Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins and Russian Prime Minister Mihail Kasyanov. The spokesperson of the Latvian Prime Minister states that the results of the meeting could have been better. The countries repeatedly did not succeed in signing the agreement on social security, which would stipulate that the years till 1991 worked in Russia should be considered when calculating pensions for pensioners who are Latvian non-citizens as well. The Latvian party says that Russia is lingering with signing, while Russia claims that Latvia should consider the years till 1991 worked not only in Russia but also other territories of the former USSR. reports on the unofficial meeting of Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins and Russian Prime Minister Mihail Kasyanov. The spokesperson of the Latvian Prime Minister states that the results of the meeting could have been better. The countries repeatedly did not succeed in signing the agreement on social security, which would stipulate that the years till 1991 worked in Russia should be considered when calculating pensions for pensioners who are Latvian non-citizens as well. The Latvian party says that Russia is lingering with signing, while Russia claims that Latvia should consider the years till 1991 worked not only in Russia but also other territories of the former USSR. Prime Minister Andris Berzins stated that he is not going to submit the resignation letter, as was demanded by the Social Democrats. The Prime Minister called on the Social Democrats not to interfere in the coalition's matters but to better "bring their marriage in order" with the political union For Human Rights In A United Latvia (FHRUL).

Prime Minister Andris Berzins stated that he is not going to submit the resignation letter, as was demanded by the Social Democrats. The Prime Minister called on the Social Democrats not to interfere in the coalition's matters but to better "bring their marriage in order" with the political union For Human Rights In A United Latvia (FHRUL). Diena, LETA

Head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center Efraim Zurof announced about launching of a new project for all three Baltic countries which will “finally encourage criminally charge nazi war criminals.”

Head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center Efraim Zurof announced about launching of a new project for all three Baltic countries which will finally encourage criminally charge nazi war criminals. Diena

The Latvian State Archive will create a database on the losses which were caused by the 50 years of the Soviet occupation.

The Latvian State Archive will create a database on the losses which were caused by the 50 years of the Soviet occupation. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas

Lauku Avize

interviews famous Russian journalist Alexandr Bovin. The journalist states that the people in Russia are not so concerned about the NATO expansion to Baltic countries, but about the situation of Russian speakers in these three countries. He agrees that the Soviet Union occupied Latvia. However, he believes that this fact should not be used in todays political games. interviews famous Russian journalist Alexandr Bovin. The journalist states that the people in Russia are not so concerned about the NATO expansion to Baltic countries, but about the situation of Russian speakers in these three countries. He agrees that the Soviet Union occupied Latvia. However, he believes that this fact should not be used in today’s political games. On next Saturday about 500 Roma will come together in Jelgava to form the Organisation of Zemgale’s Roma. The organisers criticise leader of the Roma Association in Latvia Normunds Rudevics, because he has claimed himself as the only representative of the interests of Roma in the Saeima. The NGO is also planning to shoot a documentary about the situation of Roma and their discrimination in Latvia.

On next Saturday about 500 Roma will come together in Jelgava to form the Organisation of Zemgales Roma. The organisers criticise leader of the Roma Association in Latvia Normunds Rudevics, because he has claimed himself as the only representative of the interests of Roma in the Saeima. The NGO is also planning to shoot a documentary about the situation of Roma and their discrimination in Latvia. Panorama Latvii

Vesti Segodnja

reports about the official reception organised by the Russian ambassador to Latvia Igor Studennikov in honour of the Day of Russia. reports about the official reception organised by the Russian ambassador to Latvia Igor Studennikov in honour of the Day of Russia.
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