jūnijs 19, 2001

 Press Report

Press Report

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, currently on visit to Austria, met with Simon

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, currently on visit to Austria, met with Simon

Wiesenthal, the man after whom a Nazi-hunting centre has been named. At the talks with the 92-year-old man Monday the Latvian president told Wiesenthal that a Latvian-language edition of his book, The Sunflower, has been published in Latvia recently. The Sunflower is the first book by Wiesenthal translated into the Latvian.

Wiesenthal, the man after whom a Nazi-hunting centre has been named. At the talks with the 92-year-old man Monday the Latvian president told Wiesenthal that a Latvian-language edition of his book, The Sunflower, has been published in Latvia recently. The Sunflower is the first book by Wiesenthal translated into the Latvian. BNS, Jauna Avize, Neatkariga

Europarliament foreign, human rights, common security and defence committee will soon visit Latvia for the first time. The Europarliament committee will make a get-acquainted visit to Latvia from June 20 to 22, said a spokeswoman for the Latvian parliament's EU Information Center. During this visit Europarliament delegates will examine Latvia's integration in the European Union (EU) and NATO.

Europarliament foreign, human rights, common security and defence committee will soon visit Latvia for the first time. The Europarliament committee will make a get-acquainted visit to Latvia from June 20 to 22, said a spokeswoman for the Latvian parliament's EU Information Center. During this visit Europarliament delegates will examine Latvia's integration in the European Union (EU) and NATO. BNS

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed surprise over the claims made by Russian President Putin on violations of human rights in Latvia during his meeting with US President Bush. The Latvian Foreign Ministry believes that Putin may not have been informed well enough of the situation in Latvia. Russian President Vladimir Putin met US President George W Bush in Slovenia on Saturday and while discussing the situation in the Balkans, Putin criticised the non-citizen situation in the Baltics, mentioning Latvia as an example. "In Latvia, for example, 40 percent Russian speaking population, an enormous number of non-citizens have not managed to get citizenship until this day,' said Putin. "But we do not send weapons there, we do not support or expand on terrorism there, we do not encourage people to solve issues of national identity and religious identity with the help of weapons."

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed surprise over the claims made by Russian President Putin on violations of human rights in Latvia during his meeting with US President Bush. The Latvian Foreign Ministry believes that Putin may not have been informed well enough of the situation in Latvia. Russian President Vladimir Putin met US President George W Bush in Slovenia on Saturday and while discussing the situation in the Balkans, Putin criticised the non-citizen situation in the Baltics, mentioning Latvia as an example. "In Latvia, for example, 40 percent Russian speaking population, an enormous number of non-citizens have not managed to get citizenship until this day,' said Putin. "But we do not send weapons there, we do not support or expand on terrorism there, we do not encourage people to solve issues of national identity and religious identity with the help of weapons." BNS, Neatkariga

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga upon meeting the Austrian National Council president Heinz Fischer spoke of mutual co-operation, as well as of a united Europe and the current discussions on the theme. The President's office reported that during their meeting Fischer has said that the referendum in Ireland on EU expansion is a signal showing the need for tighter negotiations with member state societies on what EU expansion expects, and also points to the need for more information on candidate countries.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga upon meeting the Austrian National Council president Heinz Fischer spoke of mutual co-operation, as well as of a united Europe and the current discussions on the theme. The President's office reported that during their meeting Fischer has said that the referendum in Ireland on EU expansion is a signal showing the need for tighter negotiations with member state societies on what EU expansion expects, and also points to the need for more information on candidate countries. BNS, Latvijas Vestnesis


Newspaper Latvijas Vestnesis published Expert Review Mission on Latvian Human Rights Office and Ombudsman Functions in Latvia.

A.Krieva, student of Riga Graduate School of Law continues the discussion on national minorities in Latvia. She analyses the definition of a national minority given by the Framework Convention on National Minorities, compares it with other definitions, also the one given by the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel “I recognise a national minority when I see one.

A.Krieva, student of Riga Graduate School of Law continues the discussion on national minorities in Latvia. She analyses the definition of a national minority given by the Framework Convention on National Minorities, compares it with other definitions, also the one given by the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel I recognise a national minority when I see one. Latvijas Vestnesis

Lauku Avize

interviewed some MPs about the spread rumours on a possibility to establish a new political party under leadership of such prominent persons as former Latvian president G.Ulmanis, former Riga mayor A.Argalis and Z.Cevers. M.Grinblats (FF/LNNK) thinks that no real action is taking place, A.Skele (Peoples Party) said that he had not heard Mr.Ulmanis promising to organise a new party, and he did not see any serious politicians ready to join this party. K.Leiskals (Latvian Way) would not wonder if a new party was established. interviewed some MPs about the spread rumours on a possibility to establish a new political party under leadership of such prominent persons as former Latvian president G.Ulmanis, former Riga mayor A.Argalis and Z.Cevers. M.Grinblats (FF/LNNK) thinks that no real action is taking place, A.Skele (People’s Party) said that he had not heard Mr.Ulmanis promising to organise a new party, and he did not see any serious politicians ready to join this party. K.Leiskals (Latvian Way) would not wonder if a new party was established. Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Center Director N.Muiznieks visited the newspaper

Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Center Director N.Muiznieks visited the newspaper Lauku Avize and explained his statements about national minority discrimination in Latvia published by the Russian speaking newspaper Vesti Segodnya. He said that Vesti Segodnya had misinterpreted his words about the situation in Latvia. N.Muiznieks based his statements on the sociological research where 24% of population said that they were discriminated, both Latvians and Russians. And among Russians in Latvia is very explicit stratification – they are the poorest and richest. And Muizniekss task was not to accuse anybody neither the government nor Latvians, but to pay attention to this fact.

So far being busy with arranging political affairs at the Riga City Council, leaders of FF/LNNK remembered that they had a special mission and ideology that distinguished them among other parties. M.Grinblats asked party members not to forget it and not to move to the sector belonging to other parties. He acknowledged that manoeuvring after the local government election of March 11 had taken too long thus indirectly pointing to the fact that party members should not get involved in close co-operation with Social Democrats in Riga City Council.

So far being busy with arranging political affairs at the Riga City Council, leaders of FF/LNNK remembered that they had a special mission and ideology that distinguished them among other parties. M.Grinblats asked party members not to forget it and not to move to the sector belonging to other parties. He acknowledged that manoeuvring after the local government election of March 11 had taken too long thus indirectly pointing to the fact that party members should not get involved in close co-operation with Social Democrats in Riga City Council. Lauku Avize

MP I.Udre from New Party in her interview to the newspaper Vesti Segodnya stated that deputies had turned into marionettes, nobody paid attention to the opposition’s opinions and all most important decisions were taken by a small group of persons naming themselves “coalition council”. In reality the parliament has lost any meaning.

MP I.Udre from New Party in her interview to the newspaper Vesti Segodnya stated that deputies had turned into marionettes, nobody paid attention to the oppositions opinions and all most important decisions were taken by a small group of persons naming themselves coalition council. In reality the parliament has lost any meaning. Vesti Segodnya

A few days ago Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga read the compositions of Russian speaking students sent to the newspaper Chas for the competition “Why I love Latvia and consider it to be my Fatherland”. The President was of a high opinion about this initiative of

A few days ago Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga read the compositions of Russian speaking students sent to the newspaper Chas for the competition Why I love Latvia and consider it to be my Fatherland. The President was of a high opinion about this initiative of Chas and pointed out that it was not in interests of Latvia to have two separated communities, two information areas. Chas

jūnijs 18, 2001

Press Report

One of the leading FF/LNNK politicians R.Zile considers that it is not possible to form a new party in Latvia if no political party is interested in it. On Saturday’s party council meeting he said that the most interested political force to support such a process before the election of the 8th Saeima could be People’s Party which otherwise risked to stay outside the ruling coalition failing to find new allies.

One of the leading FF/LNNK politicians R.Zile considers that it is not possible to form a new party in Latvia if no political party is interested in it. On Saturdays party council meeting he said that the most interested political force to support such a process before the election of the 8th Saeima could be Peoples Party which otherwise risked to stay outside the ruling coalition failing to find new allies. Diena

FF/LNNK Liepaja Section organised two actions to attract public attention to the still existing consequences of Soviet occupation. The first action was a picket at the Russian Consulate General in Liepaja and the second was at the Monument to Defenders of Liepaja where members of Socialist Party Liepaja Section usually gather.

FF/LNNK Liepaja Section organised two actions to attract public attention to the still existing consequences of Soviet occupation. The first action was a picket at the Russian Consulate General in Liepaja and the second was at the Monument to Defenders of Liepaja where members of Socialist Party Liepaja Section usually gather. Neatkariga, Chas, Respublika

The largest program of the Soros Foundation in Latvia “Changes in education” is working for seven years utilising about 1.5 million USD per year. During the last 3 months 300 000 USD have been spent to assists Russian schools. Director of the Program G.Catlaks is sure that abolishing of Russian education in Latvia is not possible in principle unless Russians themselves do not want it. Three years ago the project “Open School” was started and were selected 37 schools and 25 kindergartens with bilingual education and an unofficial university created for them. People from these institutions come together for seminars on bilingual education, run by foreign experts, and select useful information and do homework during sessions.

The largest program of the Soros Foundation in Latvia Changes in education is working for seven years utilising about 1.5 million USD per year. During the last 3 months 300 000 USD have been spent to assists Russian schools. Director of the Program G.Catlaks is sure that abolishing of Russian education in Latvia is not possible in principle unless Russians themselves do not want it. Three years ago the project Open School was started and were selected 37 schools and 25 kindergartens with bilingual education and an unofficial university created for them. People from these institutions come together for seminars on bilingual education, run by foreign experts, and select useful information and do homework during sessions. Rigas Balss (Russian version)

A.Stroy from the newspaper

A.Stroy from the newspaper Chas interviewed the US Ambassador to Latvia J.Holmes about his open letter to this newspaper where he wrote about the situation of Russian speaking population in Latvia and interest of these people in EU problems. He would like to start a public dialog on what Russian speakers are afraid of concerning Latvias joining NATO, is there any danger to the interests of Russia if Latvia joins this organisation, is lingering with signing Latvian – Russian border agreement in interests of this part of population. The stimulus for Ambassadors letter was the Victory concert organised with the support of Russian Embassy. Answering to the question about the problems with WW II veterans in Latvia J.Holmes said that everybody who fought against Fascism should be honoured for this servicing, but he could not accept that Russian government and major part of Russian population held the opinion that service in the Soviet Army automatically took off responsibility for any criminal action. American government considers that Latvia had to trial Kononov and Farbtuh for their criminal offences during WW II. Speaking about public integration in Latvia the Ambassador said that Latvia should approach this process very creatively by trying to find new methods to encourage people. And American government participates in many projects together with such international organisations as OSCE, CoE, EU, and UNDP to further this process in Latvia.

Russian Community in Latvia published an announcement in the newspaper

Russian Community in Latvia published an announcement in the newspaper Vesti Segodnya concerning the fact of vandalism having taken place on the Soviet built Victory Monument. They state that this time was very vividly demonstrated unbreakable unity of Nationalism and Fascism. And it is no surprise when you see groups of drunken youngsters walking along the streets of Riga in front of policemen shouting Hail; selling Nazi symbols in antique shops. These people feel safe and get ready for Riga 800 festivity to demonstrate visitors their opinion. So Russian Community in Latvia warns that the collapse of Russian spirit is over and it is dangerous to test patience of Russian people.

Official representative of Russian MFA A.Jakovlenko was positive when speaking about the latest step of the Latvian government aimed to ease the procedure of naturalisation – reduce the naturalisation fee.

Official representative of Russian MFA A.Jakovlenko was positive when speaking about the latest step of the Latvian government aimed to ease the procedure of naturalisation – reduce the naturalisation fee. Vesti Segodnya


Newspaper Vesti Segodnya interviewed V.Sokolov the leader of the Union of citizens and non-citizens about the process if integration. V.Sokolov stated that the assumption that integration would be the final solution of Russian problem was wrong and a dangerous illusion. He pointed out that non-citizens still did not have any influence on political processes in Latvia because of no right of vote. Of course, there is some co-operation – Non-citizen Council in Venspils, similar institutions created in Rezekne and Daugavpils. But nothing like that is happening in Riga where the majority of Latvian aliens reside. Already in last November the Union sent an official letter to Riga City Council asking all deputies to express their opinion on a possibility to establish such a council. There was no response.

The Belarus Foreign Ministry has summoned its ambassador to Latvia, Mihail Marinich, in relation to his candidacy for the Belarus presidential elections, reported the Belarus Foreign Ministry on Monday. Ambassador Marinich, who recently applied for becoming a candidate in the coming Belarus presidential elections, was invited to a meeting with Belarus Foreign Minister Mihail Hostov on June 15, were he was informed of the decision. The Belarus embassy advisor, Vladimir Gromiko, has for now been appointed Ambassador in charge in Latvia.

The Belarus Foreign Ministry has summoned its ambassador to Latvia, Mihail Marinich, in relation to his candidacy for the Belarus presidential elections, reported the Belarus Foreign Ministry on Monday. Ambassador Marinich, who recently applied for becoming a candidate in the coming Belarus presidential elections, was invited to a meeting with Belarus Foreign Minister Mihail Hostov on June 15, were he was informed of the decision. The Belarus embassy advisor, Vladimir Gromiko, has for now been appointed Ambassador in charge in Latvia. BNS

Russian President V.Putin in the final press conference in Lublin reminded about the violations of rights of Russian speaking population in Latvia. Journalist A.Riskin thinks that it was Russia’s “homework” because Russia would never agree to Latvia joining NATO but the USA never listens to Russian opinion on this subject.

Russian President V.Putin in the final press conference in Lublin reminded about the violations of rights of Russian speaking population in Latvia. Journalist A.Riskin thinks that it was Russias homework because Russia would never agree to Latvia joining NATO but the USA never listens to Russian opinion on this subject. Panorama Latvii

jūnijs 16, 2001

 Press Report

Press Report

Latvian and Lithuanian presidents at the talks on Friday in Vilnius said that solidarity and joint efforts by the three Baltic states were crucial at the historical moment when decisions are being made about NATO enlargement and the future of the Baltic states within the alliance. The talks focused on latest developments concerning integration into NATO and the European Union (EU) enlargement, reported a spokeswoman for the Latvian president.

Latvian and Lithuanian presidents at the talks on Friday in Vilnius said that solidarity and joint efforts by the three Baltic states were crucial at the historical moment when decisions are being made about NATO enlargement and the future of the Baltic states within the alliance. The talks focused on latest developments concerning integration into NATO and the European Union (EU) enlargement, reported a spokeswoman for the Latvian president. BNS

The Russian embassy in Riga has expressed its dismay over the vandalism having taken place on the Soviet built Victory Monument in Riga On June 14, Remembrance Day for victims of communist terror, the Soviet built Victory Monument was seen to have graffiti resembling swastika and words in Latvian saying "Russians out".

The Russian embassy in Riga has expressed its dismay over the vandalism having taken place on the Soviet built Victory Monument in Riga On June 14, Remembrance Day for victims of communist terror, the Soviet built Victory Monument was seen to have graffiti resembling swastika and words in Latvian saying "Russians out". BNS, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Jauna Avize (18.06)

In a very short time the Supreme Court in Strasbourg accepted for consideration 10 claims against the Latvian State. The member of European Court on Human rights E.Levits confirmed this fact during his visit to Latvia. He explained the procedure of filing a claim with this court and the results of this court decisions on national legislation.

In a very short time the Supreme Court in Strasbourg accepted for consideration 10 claims against the Latvian State. The member of European Court on Human rights E.Levits confirmed this fact during his visit to Latvia. He explained the procedure of filing a claim with this court and the results of this court decisions on national legislation. Vesti Segodnya

Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre Director N.Muiznieks published an open letter in the newspaper

Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre Director N.Muiznieks published an open letter in the newspaper Vesti Segodnya explaining his position concerning his statements in mass media about the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia. He does not think that with the help of Latvian language a whole group of Latvian population was ousted from the labour market, but it was evident that for people with little knowledge of the Latvian language it was difficult to compete in the labour market and in the system of education, as well as participate international political life of the country. N.Muiznieks considers that this problem should be solved by joined effort – both the government and Latvian society should assist Russian speaking population, but persons who do not speak the state language should mobilise their effort and resources for mastering this language.

In a TV show N.Muiznieks said that human right violations in Latvia would stop with Latvia’s joining EU and NATO.

In a TV show N.Muiznieks said that human right violations in Latvia would stop with Latvias joining EU and NATO. Chas

One of the major problems in Latvia according to N.Muiznieks is national minority rights and problems with the state language. The new Citizenship law is certainly a step forwards but one can see some problems and inaccuracies there.

One of the major problems in Latvia according to N.Muiznieks is national minority rights and problems with the state language. The new Citizenship law is certainly a step forwards but one can see some problems and inaccuracies there. Panorama Latvii (18.06)

jūnijs 15, 2001

Press Report

The EU Praises Latvia’s Achievements in Society Integration. In the response to the report of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby on the situation concerning human rights in Latvia, the EU issued the statement where it congratulates Latvia with the achieved results in the field of integration and indicates the tasks still to be fulfilled. However, in the statement it is emphasised that the decision about the closing of the Mission, which could take place at the end of the year, should be based only and exclusively on the fulfilment of the OSCE guidelines. The EU totally agrees with the Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia that the establishment of Society Integration Fund cannot be postponed anymore. The EU finds the work invested in the creation of ombudsman institution important, as well as “congratulates the report on the activities that should be performed to strengthen National Human Rights Office, including proposals on how to improve the procedure on the appointment of a new director of NHRO”. The EU provides a positive assessment to the decisions of the Government to foster naturalisation – to recognise validity of school graduation exams for naturalisation purposes, reduce state fee for naturalisation and expand the number of categories which have to pay reduced state fee. Positive evaluation was also given to the amendments to the Administrative Violations Code, where many of the suggestions of the OSCE High Commissioner were taken into consideration.”

The EU Praises Latvias Achievements in Society Integration. In the response to the report of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby on the situation concerning human rights in Latvia, the EU issued the statement where it congratulates Latvia with the achieved results in the field of integration and indicates the tasks still to be fulfilled. However, in the statement it is emphasised that the decision about the closing of the Mission, which could take place at the end of the year, should be based only and exclusively on the fulfilment of the OSCE guidelines. The EU totally agrees with the Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia that the establishment of Society Integration Fund cannot be postponed anymore. The EU finds the work invested in the creation of ombudsman institution important, as well as congratulates the report on the activities that should be performed to strengthen National Human Rights Office, including proposals on how to improve the procedure on the appointment of a new director of NHRO. The EU provides a positive assessment to the decisions of the Government to foster naturalisation – to recognise validity of school graduation exams for naturalisation purposes, reduce state fee for naturalisation and expand the number of categories which have to pay reduced state fee. Positive evaluation was also given to the amendments to the Administrative Violations Code, where many of the suggestions of the OSCE High Commissioner were taken into consideration. Diena

Although at the Riga City Council Social Democrats are in the coalition with FF/LNNK they also rather openly consider the second biggest political power FHRUL. FF/LNNK leader M.Grinblats says that Social Democrats play dual politic games and that in the future it could cause problems. It is known that both vice mayors – I.Vaidere FF/LNNK and S. Dolgopolovs FHRUL – want to apply for two posts - the Head of Monument Council and Executive Director of Privatisation Fund.

Although at the Riga City Council Social Democrats are in the coalition with FF/LNNK they also rather openly consider the second biggest political power FHRUL. FF/LNNK leader M.Grinblats says that Social Democrats play dual politic games and that in the future it could cause problems. It is known that both vice mayors – I.Vaidere FF/LNNK and S. Dolgopolovs FHRUL – want to apply for two posts - the Head of Monument Council and Executive Director of Privatisation Fund. Diena

Yesterday the Saeima passed the amendments to the Administrative Violation Code. The amendments stipulates the fines for not using state language in the written communication at public or governmental establishments or for hiring employees with insufficient knowledge of the Latvian language. Amendments to the law foresee that the management of mainly public organisations and governmental establishments can be fined for between 50 and 100 lats (USD 78 - 156) for not ensuring the use of Latvian in written communication and documentation. If the violation occurs within a year's time again, a fine of 100 - 150 lats may be applied. Employees will be penalised between 50 and 250 lats for employing people without abilities or certification of state language ability sufficient for the profession he is employed for. The legislative amendments also foresee fines of 100 - 200 lats for those responsible in broadcasting radio or television shows without translations in the state language or for the public demonstration of films without translation in Latvian. The officials will not be penalised for accepting complaints or applications not in the state language from the residents. “In practice it will depend on the good will of each individual official”, said FHRUL deputy Mitrafanov.

Yesterday the Saeima passed the amendments to the Administrative Violation Code. The amendments stipulates the fines for not using state language in the written communication at public or governmental establishments or for hiring employees with insufficient knowledge of the Latvian language. Amendments to the law foresee that the management of mainly public organisations and governmental establishments can be fined for between 50 and 100 lats (USD 78 - 156) for not ensuring the use of Latvian in written communication and documentation. If the violation occurs within a year's time again, a fine of 100 - 150 lats may be applied. Employees will be penalised between 50 and 250 lats for employing people without abilities or certification of state language ability sufficient for the profession he is employed for. The legislative amendments also foresee fines of 100 - 200 lats for those responsible in broadcasting radio or television shows without translations in the state language or for the public demonstration of films without translation in Latvian. The officials will not be penalised for accepting complaints or applications not in the state language from the residents. In practice it will depend on the good will of each individual official, said FHRUL deputy Mitrafanov. Chas, Panorama Latvii, Respublika

The compromise was reached in the case of Jelgava school No 1 which was planned to undergo re-organisation in accordance with school optimisation plan. The students of Russian school will stay at their building, however, some classes of Latvian students will be located at the building.

The compromise was reached in the case of Jelgava school No 1 which was planned to undergo re-organisation in accordance with school optimisation plan. The students of Russian school will stay at their building, however, some classes of Latvian students will be located at the building. Chas, Vesti Segodnja.

Yesterday the meeting took place at the building of Russian embassy. 14 people came to the embassy to commemorate the deportations of Stalin’s regime in 14 June, 1941.

Yesterday the meeting took place at the building of Russian embassy. 14 people came to the embassy to commemorate the deportations of Stalins regime in 14 June, 1941. Respublika

Yesterday the State Language Centre sent a letter to Riga City Council with the request to review the ability of I.Grigule to hold the post of the director of Hansa Day Office as the staff of Hansa Days Office did not prevent the established Language Law violations.

Yesterday the State Language Centre sent a letter to Riga City Council with the request to review the ability of I.Grigule to hold the post of the director of Hansa Day Office as the staff of Hansa Days Office did not prevent the established Language Law violations. Respublika


interviews Latvian foreign affairs minister I.Berzins about the relations of Russia and Latvia in regard to the expansion of NATO – the relations are constructive, but not active, because of Latvias plans to join NATO after all. When asked about the situation regarding national minorities in Latvia I.Berzins stresses again that our language and citizenship legislation meets the EU and OSCE standards. interviews Latvian foreign affairs minister I.Berzins about the relations of Russia and Latvia in regard to the expansion of NATO – “the relations are constructive, but not active, because of Latvia’s plans to join NATO after all”. When asked about the situation regarding national minorities in Latvia I.Berzins stresses again that “our language and citizenship legislation meets the EU and OSCE standards”. The State Language Centre has sent the second letter to 6 Riga City Council FHRUL deputies with the repeated request to set the time for language examination.

The State Language Centre has sent the second letter to 6 Riga City Council FHRUL deputies with the repeated request to set the time for language examination. Respublika

Today the President V.Vike-Freiberga left for Lithuania for one-day visit. On Monday the President is scheduled to go to Austria.

Today the President V.Vike-Freiberga left for Lithuania for one-day visit. On Monday the President is scheduled to go to Austria. Respublika

jūnijs 14, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga believes that Latvia's admission to NATO will simplify Latvian-Russian relations. "I only hope that a positive decision about admitting us will be adopted already November next year in Prague. I think it will solve a lot of issues, make many things simpler, including our relations with Russia," the president said in the interview for Lauku Avize. Vike-Freiberga said that Latvian-Russian relations were also influenced by relations between the United States and Russia. "Our relations with Russia are to a certain extent affected by the relations between Russia and the US. Our relations is not independent of relations Russia has with the European Union members." She said Russia's negative attitude towards the movement of Latvia and the Baltic States to the EU and NATO was understandable. Nevertheless, things are going to change after admission of the Baltic States to these organisations as Russia simply will have to respond in a different manner. "While we are still outside the EU and NATO, it is clear that Russia will try to block our admission. But as soon as we become members, Russia will have to reconcile itself to this new fact and react differently," said Vike-Freiberga. Several countries, including Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, hope to be invited to join NATO at the alliance's summit in Prague in late 2002. In regard to integration issues the President said out of 10 thousand letters received at Chancellery during a year only one letter was a complaint letter from non-Latvian who considered himself to be discriminated. In her opinion the situation regarding integration is very stable in Latvia.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga believes that Latvia's admission to NATO will simplify Latvian-Russian relations. "I only hope that a positive decision about admitting us will be adopted already November next year in Prague. I think it will solve a lot of issues, make many things simpler, including our relations with Russia," the president said in the interview for Lauku Avize. Vike-Freiberga said that Latvian-Russian relations were also influenced by relations between the United States and Russia. "Our relations with Russia are to a certain extent affected by the relations between Russia and the US. Our relations is not independent of relations Russia has with the European Union members." She said Russia's negative attitude towards the movement of Latvia and the Baltic States to the EU and NATO was understandable. Nevertheless, things are going to change after admission of the Baltic States to these organisations as Russia simply will have to respond in a different manner. "While we are still outside the EU and NATO, it is clear that Russia will try to block our admission. But as soon as we become members, Russia will have to reconcile itself to this new fact and react differently," said Vike-Freiberga. Several countries, including Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, hope to be invited to join NATO at the alliance's summit in Prague in late 2002. In regard to integration issues the President said out of 10 thousand letters received at Chancellery during a year only one letter was a complaint letter from non-Latvian who considered himself to be discriminated. In her opinion the situation regarding integration is very stable in Latvia.

Latvian National Human Rights Office (NHRO) director is surprised over his repeated appointment to the post and in the future would turn more to international contacts and building of NHRO's image. The parliament Wednesday appointed the previous NHRO director Olafs Bruvers for the second term in office although support to his candidacy was swaying ahead of the vote. Bruvers who was the only candidate officially nominated for the post was elected with 47 votes against eight and 28 abstentions. Bruvers told BNS that as part of his future activities he is committed to step up contacts with officials pointing less attention to consideration of complaints from the people. Bruvers reported to BNS about his "strategic future plans" that will include strengthening ties with non-governmental organisations, especially outside Riga. He said he also is committed to devote more time to relations with local authorities putting more emphasis on requests to solve human rights problems there, if possible, and turn to the NHRO for help only in desperate situations. He called on the local authorities to set up commissions dealing with human rights issues. Bruvers said he regards as his next goal building contacts with international institutions, especially Baltic states ombudsmen and other international partners. He also has decided to work more on fund raising for the NHRO because this issue has become under the sharpest criticism. He voiced an opinion though that reproaches over attracting of insufficient funds are partly groundless because "the NHRO is a state institution and the state should take care of its financing". Bruvers told BNS he did not know until the last minute what the outcome of the parliament vote will be like and was very much afraid he would not be appointed repeatedly because he "likes the job a lot". "It would be sad to leave because a well started work would stay". He voiced regret that media are covering work of the NHRO less than could be expected "therefore an impression is created that NHRO is doing nothing". Bruvers added though he does not want to blame the media.

Latvian National Human Rights Office (NHRO) director is surprised over his repeated appointment to the post and in the future would turn more to international contacts and building of NHRO's image. The parliament Wednesday appointed the previous NHRO director Olafs Bruvers for the second term in office although support to his candidacy was swaying ahead of the vote. Bruvers who was the only candidate officially nominated for the post was elected with 47 votes against eight and 28 abstentions. Bruvers told BNS that as part of his future activities he is committed to step up contacts with officials pointing less attention to consideration of complaints from the people. Bruvers reported to BNS about his "strategic future plans" that will include strengthening ties with non-governmental organisations, especially outside Riga. He said he also is committed to devote more time to relations with local authorities putting more emphasis on requests to solve human rights problems there, if possible, and turn to the NHRO for help only in desperate situations. He called on the local authorities to set up commissions dealing with human rights issues. Bruvers said he regards as his next goal building contacts with international institutions, especially Baltic states ombudsmen and other international partners. He also has decided to work more on fund raising for the NHRO because this issue has become under the sharpest criticism. He voiced an opinion though that reproaches over attracting of insufficient funds are partly groundless because "the NHRO is a state institution and the state should take care of its financing". Bruvers told BNS he did not know until the last minute what the outcome of the parliament vote will be like and was very much afraid he would not be appointed repeatedly because he "likes the job a lot". "It would be sad to leave because a well started work would stay". He voiced regret that media are covering work of the NHRO less than could be expected "therefore an impression is created that NHRO is doing nothing". Bruvers added though he does not want to blame the media. BNS, Jauna, Lauku Avize

Diena writes “the vote of the parliament for Bruvers, despite the fact that he was sharply criticised, has proved the assumptions that politicians do not care about human rights in the country, they are only interested to have a weak control mechanism”.

Diena writes the vote of the parliament for Bruvers, despite the fact that he was sharply criticised, has proved the assumptions that politicians do not care about human rights in the country, they are only interested to have a weak control mechanism.


publishes the article Latvia Needs an Ombudsman by professor J.Dreifelds who was the head of presidential working group, which developed conceptual paper on the role of ombudsman in Latvia. J.Dreifelds provides rather detailed explanation what the term ombudsman means and what funtions the institution performs in democratic countries and what would be the gains for Latvia if such an institution is established in our country. publishes the article “Latvia Needs an Ombudsman” by professor J.Dreifelds who was the head of presidential working group, which developed conceptual paper on the role of ombudsman in Latvia. J.Dreifelds provides rather detailed explanation what the term “ombudsman” means and what funtions the institution performs in democratic countries and what would be the gains for Latvia if such an institution is established in our country. Winners of a Latvian essay contest organised by a publishing company and criticised by Russia were awarded Wednesday in Riga in a ceremony joined by two parliament members. Nationalist Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK member of parliament Roberts Jurdzs who also is parliament repatriation support group member said in a presentation of the book comprised of best of the essays and called "We Don't Give Latvia to Anyone" that the group MPs were pleasantly surprised over the contest results and the idea. Head of the contest organiser Vieda publishing company Aivars Garda said: "If the Cabinet, president and parliament are not solving the most acute problems of Latvians then we should do it by ourselves. There are 700,000 colonists in Latvia who should return to their ethnic native land". The contest was sharply criticised by Russian Foreign Ministry while a local Russian language newspaper Chas asked the law enforcement authorities to check out if the contest should not be seen as inciting to national hatred. National security agency Constitution Protection Office believed there are no grounds to launch a criminal case because Latvia pursues freedom of speech. The book of essays is expected to be presented to country's top officials and will also be on sale. The edition is 3000 copies.

Winners of a Latvian essay contest organised by a publishing company and criticised by Russia were awarded Wednesday in Riga in a ceremony joined by two parliament members. Nationalist Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK member of parliament Roberts Jurdzs who also is parliament repatriation support group member said in a presentation of the book comprised of best of the essays and called "We Don't Give Latvia to Anyone" that the group MPs were pleasantly surprised over the contest results and the idea. Head of the contest organiser Vieda publishing company Aivars Garda said: "If the Cabinet, president and parliament are not solving the most acute problems of Latvians then we should do it by ourselves. There are 700,000 colonists in Latvia who should return to their ethnic native land". The contest was sharply criticised by Russian Foreign Ministry while a local Russian language newspaper Chas asked the law enforcement authorities to check out if the contest should not be seen as inciting to national hatred. National security agency Constitution Protection Office believed there are no grounds to launch a criminal case because Latvia pursues freedom of speech. The book of essays is expected to be presented to country's top officials and will also be on sale. The edition is 3000 copies. Diena, Jauna, Lauku Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

Latvian Minister of Agriculture Atis Slakteris and Minister of Economy fell victim

Latvian Minister of Agriculture Atis Slakteris and Minister of Economy fell victim

to Russian national bolshevik extremists on Wednesday, who threw eggs at them during the opening of the Made in Latvia exhibition in Moscow. "Even so the exhibition is doing its task. The result can be seen: Moscow has many Latvian goods. Prices are levelling out, in general everything is fine in this sense. And we will keep working," said Slakteris. The younger of the two turns out to be the son of the Russian national bolshevik movement's Moscow group, and basically the second ranked leader of the Russian national bolshevik organisation.

to Russian national bolshevik extremists on Wednesday, who threw eggs at them during the opening of the Made in Latvia exhibition in Moscow. "Even so the exhibition is doing its task. The result can be seen: Moscow has many Latvian goods. Prices are levelling out, in general everything is fine in this sense. And we will keep working," said Slakteris. The younger of the two turns out to be the son of the Russian national bolshevik movement's Moscow group, and basically the second ranked leader of the Russian national bolshevik organisation. Lauku Avize, Chas, Respublika, Panorama Latvii

4th session of the Associated Council of Latvia and the EC took place in Riga. The scope of discussed matters ranged from society integration to the case of the Swedish ship.

4th session of the Associated Council of Latvia and the EC took place in Riga. The scope of discussed matters ranged from society integration to the case of the Swedish ship. Vesti Segodnja

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