Feb. 9, 2009

  • Political scientist Iveta Kazoka: ethnic Latvian part of society is ready to accept Russian parties in the government
  • Newspapers report about a study Teaching of Contradictory XX Century History Issues in Latvian Schools. Evaluation of Situation
  • 220th anniversary of establishment of first Russian school in Latvia.
In an interview with

In an interview with Chas, political scientist Iveta Kazoka states that ethnic Latvian part of society is ready to accept Russian parties in the government. Ms. Kazoka believes that Russian parties successfully work in municipalities, while, ratings of nationalistic parties drop. Iveta Kazoka also believes participation of Russian parties in the government would increase competition among parties and promote democracy.

According to a study “Teaching of Contradictory XX Century History Issues in Latvian Schools. Evaluation of Situation” conducted with the support of the Soros Foundation –Latvia, only 26% of students of Russian language schools consider that content of history books is objective, as compared with 65% of students of Latvian language schools. 62% of students of Russian language schools positively evaluate Soviet times in Latvia, while, majority of students of Latvian language schools evaluate Soviet times negatively.  62 % of students of Latvian language schools consider that Soviet troops in 1945 occupied Latvia, while, in Russian schools only 5 % agree with such statement and 65% consider that Soviet troops liberated Latvia.

According to a study Teaching of Contradictory XX Century History Issues in Latvian Schools. Evaluation of Situation conducted with the support of the Soros Foundation –Latvia, only 26% of students of Russian language schools consider that content of history books is objective, as compared with 65% of students of Latvian language schools. 62% of students of Russian language schools positively evaluate Soviet times in Latvia, while, majority of students of Latvian language schools evaluate Soviet times negatively. 62 % of students of Latvian language schools consider that Soviet troops in 1945 occupied Latvia, while, in Russian schools only 5 % agree with such statement and 65% consider that Soviet troops liberated Latvia. Vesti Segodnya (7.02) Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya reports that the first documented Russian school in Riga was established 220 years ago, in February 1789 .

Feb. 7, 2009

  • 130,960 persons were granted Latvian citizenship through naturalisation since 1995
130,960 persons were granted Latvian citizenship through naturalisation since the procedure was launched in 1995. According to the Naturalisation Board, despite hard economic situation in the country, number of applicants for naturalisation has grown this year.

130,960 persons were granted Latvian citizenship through naturalisation since the procedure was launched in 1995. According to the Naturalisation Board, despite hard economic situation in the country, number of applicants for naturalisation has grown this year. Vesti Segodnya

Feb. 6, 2009

  • Saeima in the second reading supported inclusion of Orthodox Christmas into the list of public holidays
  • The case of a former Red Partisan Vasilijs Kononovs was admitted for reconsideration by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights
Yesterday, the Saeima in the second reading supported inclusion of Orthodox Christmas (6

Yesterday, the Saeima in the second reading supported inclusion of Orthodox Christmas (6th and 7th January) into the list of public holidays. However, the Saeima refused a proposal of the faction for Human Rights in United Latvia to include Orthodox Easter and Pentecost into the list of holidays. Telegraf, Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

The case of a former “Red Partisan” Vasilijs Kononovs was admitted for reconsideration by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). As reported, in July 2008, the ECHR adopted a ruling in favour of Vasilijs Kononovs in his case against Latvia and obliged Latvia to pay to Mr. Kononovs EUR 30,000 as moral compensation. However, Latvia appealed the ruling.

The case of a former Red Partisan Vasilijs Kononovs was admitted for reconsideration by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). As reported, in July 2008, the ECHR adopted a ruling in favour of Vasilijs Kononovs in his case against Latvia and obliged Latvia to pay to Mr. Kononovs EUR 30,000 as moral compensation. However, Latvia appealed the ruling. Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Feb. 5, 2009

  • European Parliament held debates on voting rights for non-citizens of Latvia in municipal elections
The European Parliament (EP) held debates on voting rights for non-citizens of Latvia in municipal elections during its session on 3 February. Several MEPs criticized Latvia for fact that a part of its residents has no rights to participate civil processes of society. The Vice President of the European Commission in charge of Justice, Freedom and Security Jacques Barrot stated that situation in Latvia is very peculiar, however, there should be a political will of Latvian officials to solve the problem of voting rights infringement of particular group of residents.

The European Parliament (EP) held debates on voting rights for non-citizens of Latvia in municipal elections during its session on 3 February. Several MEPs criticized Latvia for fact that a part of its residents has no rights to participate civil processes of society. The Vice President of the European Commission in charge of Justice, Freedom and Security Jacques Barrot stated that situation in Latvia is very peculiar, however, there should be a political will of Latvian officials to solve the problem of voting rights infringement of particular group of residents. Telegraf reports that the MEP from Latvia Tatjana Zdanoka (one of the initiators of the debates) says that it is a first time when problem of voting rights for non-citizens is discussed on such high level and because of that, Latvian officials will have to do something about it soon. Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilze Brands Kehris in an interview with the newspaper states that it is false to compare Latvian non-citizens with foreigners residing in European countries because non-citizens have closer ties with Latvian state. Mrs. Brands Kehris also believes that the debates in the EP are important signal for Latvia which will be heard. Telegraf, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Feb. 4, 2009

  • Telegraf prints an article about the draft Asylum Law

Telegraf prints an article about the draft Asylum Law recently adopted by the Saeima in the second reading. According to a representative of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA), the elaborated draft Law implements two European directives in Latvia which determine obligatory standards for assessment of persons who need asylum and minimum standards of procedures on granting or depriving refugee status. Lawyer Aleksejs Dimitrovs considers that Latvia will apply common EU criteria when taking decisions on asylum claims. The draft Asylum Law also stipulates that decision on granting a person or a group of persons temporary asylum in Latvia is made by the Cabinet of Ministers taking into consideration decision of the Council of the EU.

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