Feb. 20, 2009

  • Russian Ambassador to Latvia Aleksandr Veshnyakov: good-neighbourly relations between Latvia and Russia are hindered by problem of non-citizens and Latvias attempts to rewrite history
  • Russian NGOs in Jelgava complain that the City Council ignores them
The Russian Ambassador to Latvia Aleksandr Veshnyakov at a meeting with students of the University of Latvia stated that good-neighbourly relations between Latvia and Russia are hindered by two problems – problem of non-citizens and violation of rights of Russian compatriots and Latvia’s attempts to rewrite history and to lay on Russia liability for activities of non-existent Soviet state. The Ambassador believed that if Latvia eliminates those problems relation between two countries would considerably improve.

The Russian Ambassador to Latvia Aleksandr Veshnyakov at a meeting with students of the University of Latvia stated that good-neighbourly relations between Latvia and Russia are hindered by two problems – problem of non-citizens and violation of rights of Russian compatriots and Latvias attempts to rewrite history and to lay on Russia liability for activities of non-existent Soviet state. The Ambassador believed that if Latvia eliminates those problems relation between two countries would considerably improve. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya reports that Russian NGOs in Jelgava (city in the central part of Latvia) complain that the City Council ignores their submitted projects as well as their requests to grant them a building where they could base their activities.

Feb. 19, 2009

  • Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights adopted a ruling in favour of a Latvian pensioner, non-citizen Natalija Andrejeva
  • State Language Centre and Translation and Terminology Centre could be merged
Yesterday, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights adopted a ruling in favour of a Latvian pensioner, non-citizen Natalija Andrejeva in her case against Latvia and obliged Latvia to pay to Mrs. Andrejeva EUR 5,000 as compensation of damages and EUR 1,500 as compensation of legal expenses. As reported, Natalija Andrejeva objected the fact that the years of her employment during the Soviet times at an enterprise located in Latvia but subordinated to lead organisations in Moscow and Kiev is not included in the total length of service on the ground that she does not have Latvian citizenship. The judgment of the Grand Chamber is not appealable. Lawyer Aleksejs Dimitrovs involved in the case believes that this precedent should have far-reaching legal consequences such as amendments to the Law on State Pensions.

Yesterday, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights adopted a ruling in favour of a Latvian pensioner, non-citizen Natalija Andrejeva in her case against Latvia and obliged Latvia to pay to Mrs. Andrejeva EUR 5,000 as compensation of damages and EUR 1,500 as compensation of legal expenses. As reported, Natalija Andrejeva objected the fact that the years of her employment during the Soviet times at an enterprise located in Latvia but subordinated to lead organisations in Moscow and Kiev is not included in the total length of service on the ground that she does not have Latvian citizenship. The judgment of the Grand Chamber is not appealable. Lawyer Aleksejs Dimitrovs involved in the case believes that this precedent should have far-reaching legal consequences such as amendments to the Law on State Pensions. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins arranged with the directors of the State Language Centre and the Translation and Terminology Centre that the two structures will be merged. The Minister believes that merger of two structures will establish stronger language institution.

The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins arranged with the directors of the State Language Centre and the Translation and Terminology Centre that the two structures will be merged. The Minister believes that merger of two structures will establish stronger language institution. Chas

Feb. 18, 2009

  • Riga Regional Court sentenced four skinheads who attacked two Roma girls and an Armenian couple to five years of suspended imprisonment
  • President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers: discrimination of Roma in Latvia is not a problem
  • Vesti Segodnya reports on a case of Anatolijs Zuravlovs who recently was deprived of Latvian citizenship
The Riga Regional Court sentenced four skinheads for incitement to racial hatred to five years of suspended imprisonment and three years of probation period. As reported, the four men attacked two Roma girls in October 2007 and an Armenian couple in February 2008. The skinheads stated that they regret attacking the girls, but claim that they wanted to attack those who sell drugs. The Armenians were attacked because the skinheads mistakenly thought they were Roma. Suspended imprisonment was applied because the defendants pleaded guilty. The convicted persons also will have to pay compensation to two Roma girls in amount of LVL 12,000 (EUR 17,000) and LVL 8,000 (EUR 11,382). Mother of one of the girls in an interview with

The Riga Regional Court sentenced four skinheads for incitement to racial hatred to five years of suspended imprisonment and three years of probation period. As reported, the four men attacked two Roma girls in October 2007 and an Armenian couple in February 2008. The skinheads stated that they regret attacking the girls, but claim that they wanted to attack those who sell drugs. The Armenians were attacked because the skinheads mistakenly thought they were Roma. Suspended imprisonment was applied because the defendants pleaded guilty. The convicted persons also will have to pay compensation to two Roma girls in amount of LVL 12,000 (EUR 17,000) and LVL 8,000 (EUR 11,382). Mother of one of the girls in an interview with Telegraf said that suspended imprisonment is inadequate punishment and probably it will be appealed. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize, Diena

NRA reports that the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers at a meeting with students during his visit to Ventspils (city in the North-western part of the country) stated that discrimination of Roma in Latvia is not a problem. According to Mr. Zatlers, Latvia does not have Roma problem, they just live here and that is all.

Vesti Segodnya reports on a case of Anatolijs Zuravlovs who recently was deprived of Latvian citizenship by the decision of the Zemgale Regional Court. According to the newspaper, Mr. Zuravlovs was granted Latvian citizenship in 2000 on the basis that his step-father was ethnic Latvian. The fact that Mr. Zuravlevs was adopted by his stepfather was confirmed by a court decision in Russia. However, the Naturalisation Board submitted a claim to deprive Anatolijs Zuravlevs of Latvian citizenship arguing that the Russias courts decision is invalid. Mr. Zuravlovs already appealed the decision in the Supreme Court and sent open letters to the Presidents of Latvia and Russia and other state officials in both countries.

Feb. 17, 2009

  • Today, the Riga Regional Court will announce its ruling in a case of four skinheads who attacked two Roma girls and an Armenian couple
  • Cabinet of Ministers refused the draft amendments stipulating that labour contract should specify level of state language proficiency required for a post or profession
  • Register of Enterprises registered Osipovs Party
  • Finnish and Estonian anti-fascists are planning to take part in the protest action against procession of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires on 16 March

Today, the Riga Regional Court will announce its ruling in a case of four skinheads accused of incitement to racial hatred. As reported, the four men attacked two Roma girls in October 2007 and an Armenian couple in February 2008. The Prosecutor asked the Court to sentence the defendants to five years of suspended imprisonment and three years of probation period. The defendants pleaded guilty. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Yesterday, the Cabinet of Ministers refused the draft amendments to the Labour Law proposed by the Ministry of Justice stipulating that labour contract should specify level of state language proficiency required for a post or profession. The Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis criticized the draft amendments arguing that those would create additional bureaucracy and difficulties. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday, the Register of Enterprises registered Osipovs Party headed by the ex-leader of the Latvian National Democratic Party Jevgenijs Osipovs. According to Chas, the main task of the Osipovs Party is to achieve equality of Russian speaking residents with ethnic Latvians and grant Russian language the status of second official language in Latvia. Chas, Latvijas Avize

Yesterday, a group of Finnish and Estonian anti-fascists visited Riga by invitation of Latvian Anti-Fascist Committee. Finnish and Estonian anti-fascists are planning to take part in the protest action against procession of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires on 16 March in Riga (unofficial commemoration day of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires.) Chas

Feb. 16, 2009

  • Cabinet of Ministers reviews the draft amendments which stipulate that labour contract should specify level of state language proficiency
  • Roma teachers assistants will start work in inclusion classes
Today, the Cabinet of Ministers reviews the draft amendments to the Labour Law proposed by the Ministry of Justice which stipulate that labour contract should specify level of state language proficiency required for a post or profession.

Today, the Cabinet of Ministers reviews the draft amendments to the Labour Law proposed by the Ministry of Justice which stipulate that labour contract should specify level of state language proficiency required for a post or profession. Chas

Diena reports that this year, eight ethnic Roma teachers assistants will start work in inclusion classes in Latvian pre-schools and elementary schools, where Roma children study together with children of other ethnicities. The Ministry of Children, Family and Social Integration Affairs will search for funding for four more teachers assistants who could start work in September 2009.

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