marts 9, 2009

  • Central Election Commission will provide information about the European Parliaments elections in Latvia only in Latvian language
  • Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reproaches Latvia for events planned to be held on 16 March in commemoration of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires

Chasreports that the Central Election Commission will provide information about the European Parliaments elections in Latvia only in Latvian language. According to the Latvias representative in the PACE, MP Boriss Cilevics, the election observers from the OSCE and other organisations several times criticized Latvia for lack of information in minority languages because it puts ethnic minorities in unequal circumstances with ethnic Latvians.

Latvijas Avize reports that Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reproaches Latvia for heroisation of Nazism and events planned to be held on 16 March in Riga in commemoration of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers that such events compromise reputation of Latvia and all EU countries and should be forbidden.

marts 6, 2009

  • Saeima approved draft amendments on criminal liability for justification of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes
  • Concord Centre is planning to contest in the Constitutional Court several provisions stipulating penalties for insufficient usage of the state language
Yesterday, the Saeima approved in the second reading draft amendments to the Criminal Law on criminal liability for the justification of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes. The draft amendments criminalise public glorification, denial and justification of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes, and foresee a prison sentence of up to five years or community service. As reported, draft amendments initially prepared by the Ministry of Justice foresaw criminal liability for the public glorification or justification of regimes that have committed genocide or a person convicted of genocide or denial of genocide, thus attempting to include also the crimes committed by the Stalinist regime.  The current amendments are now in line with the recently adopted Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia

Yesterday, the Saeima approved in the second reading draft amendments to the Criminal Law on criminal liability for the justification of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes. The draft amendments criminalise public glorification, denial and justification of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes, and foresee a prison sentence of up to five years or community service. As reported, draft amendments initially prepared by the Ministry of Justice foresaw criminal liability for the public glorification or justification of regimes that have committed genocide or a person convicted of genocide or denial of genocide, thus attempting to include also the crimes committed by the Stalinist regime. The current amendments are now in line with the recently adopted Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia Vesti Segodnya

The Concord Centre (CC) is planning to contest in the Constitutional Court several provisions of the Administrative Offences Code which stipulate punishment for insufficient usage of state (Latvian) language as required for the fulfilment of professional dutiesand the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers on the procedure of language proficiency inspections. The CC considers that some of the provisions are in contradiction with the Constitution of Latvia.

The Concord Centre (CC) is planning to contest in the Constitutional Court several provisions of the Administrative Offences Code which stipulate punishment for insufficient usage of state (Latvian) language as required for the fulfilment of professional dutiesand the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers on the procedure of language proficiency inspections. The CC considers that some of the provisions are in contradiction with the Constitution of Latvia. Telegraf

marts 5, 2009

  • MP Karlis Sadurskis proposes to cut funding for ethnic minority schools
  • Latvijas Avize prints an article by the MP Dzintars Abikis on expected changes in Latvian school system
  • Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe has again discussed situation of non-citizens in Latvia
  • Head of the Concord Centre Janis Urbanovics: the fact that the society is split along ethnic lines makes Latvia much more vulnerable during the economic and financial crisis
During yesterday’s meeting of the Saeima Commission on Education, Science and Culture, the MP Karlis Sadurskis proposed to cut funding for ethnic minority schools arguing that they require more budgetary resources than the Latvian language schools. However, the proposal was turned down by the members of the Commission.

During yesterdays meeting of the Saeima Commission on Education, Science and Culture, the MP Karlis Sadurskis proposed to cut funding for ethnic minority schools arguing that they require more budgetary resources than the Latvian language schools. However, the proposal was turned down by the members of the Commission. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize prints an article by the MP Dzintars Abikis on expected changes in the Latvian school system when a number of schools are closed. According to Mr. Abikis, in regions with predominantly ethnic Latvian population, all children should be enrolled only in the Latvian language classes in order to promote the inclusion of non-Latvians in ethnic Latvian cultural environment. He also considers that the enrollment of minority children in Latvian language classes in small schools would not only save funds, but would also improve the quality of education as Russian language schools and students in the country side have a low record in terms of educational quality. Mr. Abikis also considers that small Latvian language schools in poorly populated regions especially in predominantly non-Latvian regions should be maintained and granted greater support.

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe has again discussed the situation of non-citizens in Latvia. The Vice-President of the Congress Jean-Claude Frécon stated that number of non-citizens in Latvia remains high, therefore, they should have the right to participate in political life at least at the municipal level.

Telegraf prints an interview with the head of the Saeimas faction Concord Centre (CC) Janis Urbanovics. Mr. Urbanovics believes that ethnic Latvian parties do not want to co-operate with the CC in the establishment of a coalition government as it would signal that the state is shifting its focus on real integration and establishment of civil society. Mr. Urbanovics also believes that the fact that society is split along the ethnic lines makes Latvia much more vulnerable during the economic and financial crisis.

marts 4, 2009

  • Riga City Council will review applications submitted for events planned to be held on 16 March in Riga
  • FHRUL: 70,000 Russian speakers might lose their jobs
  • Vesti Segodnya: childrens shop in Riga discriminates Russian customers
  • Vesti Segodnya interviews members of the Presidents Advisory Council of Ethnic Minorities about the main problems of ethnic minorities they plan to raise
This week, the Riga City Council will review applications submitted for events planned to be held on 16 March in Riga (unofficial commemoration day of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires.) According to a representative of the Council there are no reasons to ban events planned by anti-fascist organisations and supporters of legionnaires. In the meantime, members of Belgian anti-fascist Resistance Movement asked the Belgium Ministry of Foreign Affairs to appeal to the Latvian government to forbid the march of former Latvian legionnaires on 16 March. 

This week, the Riga City Council will review applications submitted for events planned to be held on 16 March in Riga (unofficial commemoration day of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires.) According to a representative of the Council there are no reasons to ban events planned by anti-fascist organisations and supporters of legionnaires. In the meantime, members of Belgian anti-fascist Resistance Movement asked the Belgium Ministry of Foreign Affairs to appeal to the Latvian government to forbid the march of former Latvian legionnaires on 16 March. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya reports that the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) has calculated that due to raised state (Latvian) language proficiency level requirements for certain posts and professions in the private sector around 70,000 Russian speakers might lose their jobs. The FHRUL considers that the requirement to undertake repeat language proficiency test should not apply to those who have already been working in a certain post.

Vesti Segodnya reports that one of the childrens shops in Riga sells a childrens game with usage instruction only in Latvian at a discount price while the same game with the instruction in Russian is sold at the original price. The newspaper claims that such action is the discrimination of Russian speaking customers.

Vesti Segodnya interviews members of the Presidents Advisory Council of Ethnic Minorities about the main problems of ethnic minorities they plan to raise in the Council. According to the head of the Latvian Association of Russian Culture Jelena Matjakubova the main problems which should be highlighted are the quality and the content of education in minority schools, vocational education in the Russian language and state support to minority-cultural NGOs. Head of the Old Believers Community Illarions Ivanovs believes that the main problem of Old Believers is preservation of culture and language. Director of the Russian Classical Gymnasium Romans Alijevs considers that the most important is the consolidation of the society.

Feb. 28, 2009

  • Vesti Segodnya reports about a study Russian Language and Culture in Mixed Families in the Baltic Countries
  • U.S. State Department report on human rights in Latvia in 2008: human rights of Latvian citizens and non-citizens are generally respected

Vesti Segodnya reports about a study Russian Language and Culture in Mixed Families in the Baltic Countries conducted with support of the foundation Russian World. According to the study, percentage of ethnically mixed families in Latvia is the highest among the Baltic countries. In 2000, there were 280 mixed marriages for every 1000 marriages in Latvia (in Lithuania there were 137 marriages and in Estonia – 175.) The biggest problem for interethnic families is choosing language of instruction for children. In Latvia, children in Russian-Latvian families where main communication language is Russian usually speak fluent Latvian, while, in families where main communication language is Latvian, children speak Russian poorly.

Vesti Segodnya reports that according to the U.S. State Department report on human rights in Latvia in 2008, human rights of Latvian citizens and non-citizens are generally respected. At the same, problems with observation of human rights remain in other fields. 2008 Human Rights Report: Latvia -

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