jūnijs 15, 2007

  • Russian Federations MPs discuss non-citizens rights at Riga City Council
  • FHRUL MPs announced the results of a survey of Russian language secondary schools students

Chas reports about a discussion between the Russian Federations MPs and representatives of Riga City Council. The Russian delegation believed that granting non-citizens voting rights at municipal elections would help to narrow a gap between the communities and pointed to similar European Parliament recommendations. According to the Riga mayor deputy Janis Dinevics, the residents of Riga are split roughly in two. However, Janis Dinevics has also insisted that Russian-speakers should know the state language and history while non-citizens should naturalize if they wish to acquire voting rights.

Vesti Segodnya reports on the results of a survey commissioned by opposition MPs Jakovs Pliners and Valerijs Buhvalovs (FHRUL) on minority education. 292 students of Russian language secondary schools from grades 10 and 11 of 10 schools throughout Latvia were surveyed. Majority of the surveyed students noted that they did not have at their disposal bilingual books or workbooks and they spent between 2,5 to 5 hours a day to prepare their homework. 30% were not aware of any events within the school curricula aimed at familiarising the students with their native culture.

jūnijs 14, 2007

  • The European Court of Human Rights received over 2000 complaints from residents of Latvia during the last 9 years
  • Delegation of Russian MPs visit Latvia

Latvias residents filed 2047 human rights violations complaints to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) during the last 9 years. 1276 complaints have been declared admissible. 20 ECHR judgements have entered into force so far and in 18 cases Latvia was found in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights. Most often, Latvias residents complaints were related to the length of pre-trial detention and trial proceedings.NRA

Newspapers report on the visit of the delegation of the Russian Federation’s MPs to Latvia. The delegation has met with the Ombudsman and Latvian MP’s to discuss situation of Russian speaking minorities. The Russian Ambassador to Latvia Viktor Kalyuzhny has pointed to Latvia’s adopted reservations to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities concerning minority language use with administrative authorities and topographical and street signs. He has also noted that the definition of minorities applied to citizens only. Anita Kovalevska representing the Ombudsman’s Office has emphasized the importance of the Convention’s ratification, even with the reservations. According to the Ombudsman Romans Apsitis, granting non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections would their decrease motivation to naturalize. Dainis Turlais, the head of the Saeima group for cooperation with the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (Latvian First Party/Latvian Way), has admitted that the procedure registration of non-citizens’ children born after 1991 as Latvia citizens could be simplified.

Newspapers report on the visit of the delegation of the Russian Federations MPs to Latvia. The delegation has met with the Ombudsman and Latvian MPs to discuss situation of Russian speaking minorities. The Russian Ambassador to Latvia Viktor Kalyuzhny has pointed to Latvias adopted reservations to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities concerning minority language use with administrative authorities and topographical and street signs. He has also noted that the definition of minorities applied to citizens only. Anita Kovalevska representing the Ombudsmans Office has emphasized the importance of the Conventions ratification, even with the reservations. According to the Ombudsman Romans Apsitis, granting non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections would their decrease motivation to naturalize. Dainis Turlais, the head of the Saeima group for cooperation with the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (Latvian First Party/Latvian Way), has admitted that the procedure registration of non-citizens children born after 1991 as Latvia citizens could be simplified. Latvijas Avize reports on the delegations visit to a Riga Russian language school in order to discuss minority education reform, state exams, and the situation of minority language in education. Some the schools representatives expressed their concern that the education process and graduation have become more difficult as the result of the education reform. Chas, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize

jūnijs 13, 2007

  • Newspapers report on celebration of the Day of Russia in Latvia
Newspapers report on social and cultural events held in Latvia on the “Day of Russia”, the 12th of June.

Newspapers report on social and cultural events held in Latvia on the Day of Russia, the 12th of June. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

jūnijs 12, 2007

  • Newspapers report on draft amendments to several laws regulating the work of Ombudsman.
  • Chas reports on petition calling European Parliament to recommend Latvian government to grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections
  • FHRUL is concerned about the plans to implement unified standards and state exams on Latvian language in minority and Latvian – language schools
Newspapers report on draft amendments to several laws regulating the work of Ombudsman. According to the draft amendments made to the Law on Ombudsman, in the future Ombudsman will be appointed for a term of five years (instead of present four) and the support of 2/3 MPs will be necessary for his dismissal. The draft amendments to the Law on State Secrets entitle the Ombudsman with the access to the state secrets, while amendments to the Administrative Code stipulate administrative liability for refusal to provide information requested by Ombudsman. A discussion about the necessity to establish the status of Ombudsman in the Constitution of Latvia, launched by the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga is still opened.

Newspapers report on draft amendments to several laws regulating the work of Ombudsman. According to the draft amendments made to the Law on Ombudsman, in the future Ombudsman will be appointed for a term of five years (instead of present four) and the support of 2/3 MPs will be necessary for his dismissal. The draft amendments to the Law on State Secrets entitle the Ombudsman with the access to the state secrets, while amendments to the Administrative Code stipulate administrative liability for refusal to provide information requested by Ombudsman. A discussion about the necessity to establish the status of Ombudsman in the Constitution of Latvia, launched by the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga is still opened.

Chas reports on petition calling European Parliament to recommend Latvian government to grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections. The petition is signed by 15,805 persons.

Vesti Segodnya prints a statement of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia concerning the plans of the Ministry of Education and Science to implement unified standards and state exams on Latvian language in minority and Latvian – language schools by school year 2010/2011. The authors of the statement regard this initiative as discriminative regarding the non-Latvian students.

jūnijs 11, 2007

  • Celebration of the Day of Russia
Russian language newspapers report on celebration of the Day of Russia in Latvia.

Russian language newspapers report on celebration of the Day of Russia in Latvia. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

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