jūnijs 25, 2004

  • Leader of Peoples Harmony Party on future support to the present government
  • Newspapers write about the call to the state officials to actively engage in supporting a compromise regarding the minority education reform
  • Vesti Segodnya features the opinion of Tatjana Zdanokas lawyer William Bowring about the implementation of the European Court of Human Right decision
  • Riga Ziemelu Court judgement in the administrative case of the MP Jakovs Pliners
  • NGO Cita Politika (Other Policy) would fuse into a political party
  • Former head of the Saeima Legal Affairs Committee Linards Mucins about the opening of the former agents of the State Security Committee files
  • World reunion of Estonians living outside the Estonia is taking place in Riga
“People’s Harmony Party (PHP) will continue to support the present government until there will be a hope that it is possible to make the education reform acceptable for all in a civilised way,” stated the PHP leader Janis Jurkans during an interview to the Russian news agency Regnum.ru.

Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) will continue to support the present government until there will be a hope that it is possible to make the education reform acceptable for all in a civilised way, stated the PHP leader Janis Jurkans during an interview to the Russian news agency Regnum.ru. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya


Newspapers write about the call, issued by a group of intellectuals and well-known individuals representing both Latvians and minorities, inviting the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre and the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis to actively engage in supporting a compromise regarding the minority education reform. While Latvijas Avize features some main statements of this document, Vesti Segodnya prints a critical article, asserting that the proposals of this document are copied from the package of proposals, repeatedly submitted to Saeima by the union For Human Rights in United Latvia. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya continues discussion on the ECHR judgement in favour of Tatjana Zdanoka, featuring the opinion of her lawyer William Bowring. According to the lawyer, the parliament of Latvia will be obliged not only to ensure the observation of Tatjana Zdanokas rights, but also to remove from law all the restrictions of the political rights for former communists.

Riga Ziemelu Court has decided to not issue administrative sanctions to the MP Jakovs Pliners (For Human Rights in the United Latvia) due to the absence of evidence. Previously representatives of the State Police drew up a report about the conduct of the MP, who allegedly organised and lead the unapproved protest action against the education reform in spite of police warnings on 16 April.

Riga Ziemelu Court has decided to not issue administrative sanctions to the MP Jakovs Pliners (For Human Rights in the United Latvia) due to the absence of evidence. Previously representatives of the State Police drew up a report about the conduct of the MP, who allegedly organised and lead the unapproved protest action against the education reform in spite of police warnings on 16 April. Latvijas Avize, Chas

NGO “Cita Politika” (Other Policy) would fuse into a political party in August or September of this year, stated member of the NGO’s board Valdis Lauskis, who also believes that “Cita Politika” would unite members with various ethnic backgrounds. The elimination of the prolonged ethnic cleavage and social stratification has been declared as the main tasks of the upcoming party.

NGO Cita Politika (Other Policy) would fuse into a political party in August or September of this year, stated member of the NGOs board Valdis Lauskis, who also believes that Cita Politika would unite members with various ethnic backgrounds. The elimination of the prolonged ethnic cleavage and social stratification has been declared as the main tasks of the upcoming party. Latvijas Avize, Chas

Latvijas Avize features an article by the former head of the Saeima Legal Affairs Committee Linards Mucins about the necessity to open the former agents of the State Security Committee of Soviet Latvia files. According to the author, Legal Affairs Committee would have to weight to what degree only the files are the evidence of the persons collaboration with the Security Committee.

A world reunion of Estonians living outside the Estonia ESTO 2004 is taking place in Riga from 26 till 30 June.

A world reunion of Estonians living outside the Estonia ESTO 2004 is taking place in Riga from 26 till 30 June. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss

jūnijs 22, 2004

  • Group of intellectuals and well-known individuals call for constructive compromise in the area of the education reform
  • Russia Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov on observation of Russian-speakers rights in the Baltic States
  • Article by the former director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa about the possible ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Latvia
  • State Language Centre will seek to identify the town, which is friendliest to Latvian language
A group of intellectuals and well-known individuals representing both Latvians and minorities have issued a call to the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre and the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis, inviting them to actively engage in supporting a compromise regarding the minority education reform. The appeal for rational discourse and compromise is based on the concern that the reform issue and polarization over it has become a threat to the cohesion of society.  The document stresses the need for strengthening the role of the Latvian language in society, while allowing discussion of the means to achieve this.  The signatories stress that the division of responsibility between the ministry of education and schools should be shifted:  minority schools should be given greater freedom in choosing teaching models without determining the proportions of language of instruction, but being fully responsible for the end result – the Latvian language proficiency of graduates, which should be attested to by final Latvian language exams for all, without which graduation is not possible.  The call is also made for direct participation by minority representatives in questions relating to minority education and the establishment of a department within the Ministry of Education that would be responsible for all minority education issues, not only the language of instruction, and calls for the elaboration of a government strategy to overcome the segregation of schools and promoting tolerance and common civic values.

A group of intellectuals and well-known individuals representing both Latvians and minorities have issued a call to the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre and the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis, inviting them to actively engage in supporting a compromise regarding the minority education reform. The appeal for rational discourse and compromise is based on the concern that the reform issue and polarization over it has become a threat to the cohesion of society. The document stresses the need for strengthening the role of the Latvian language in society, while allowing discussion of the means to achieve this. The signatories stress that the division of responsibility between the ministry of education and schools should be shifted: minority schools should be given greater freedom in choosing teaching models without determining the proportions of language of instruction, but being fully responsible for the end result – the Latvian language proficiency of graduates, which should be attested to by final Latvian language exams for all, without which graduation is not possible. The call is also made for direct participation by minority representatives in questions relating to minority education and the establishment of a department within the Ministry of Education that would be responsible for all minority education issues, not only the language of instruction, and calls for the elaboration of a government strategy to overcome the segregation of schools and promoting tolerance and common civic values. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Russia intends to defend the interests of Russian-speakers in all the Baltic States, stated the Russia Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov during the meeting of the Council of the Baltic Sea States in Estonia.

Russia intends to defend the interests of Russian-speakers in all the Baltic States, stated the Russia Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov during the meeting of the Council of the Baltic Sea States in Estonia. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features an article by the former director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa about the possible ratification of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Latvia. Dzintra Hirsa believes that Russians cannot be regarded as a national minority in Latvia because a new quasi-minority of 34 percents has been politically created during the Soviet occupation on the basis of the historical Russian minority of 8 percent. According to Hirsa, this quasi-minority is pretending to the name of the historical minority at the same time not identifying themselves as a minority. ‘There are only some humanitarian mechanisms for weakening the consequences of the occupation, i.e., education reform, language policy and not granting the various rights to those who are not entitled to them, says the author. By ratifying the Convention, Latvia would recognise that Russians are a national minority in Latvia and that the consequences of the occupation have been successfully overcome during the last 14 years, concludes Dzintra Hirsa.

State Language Centre is planning to organise an action in order to clarify the towns, which are friendliest to Latvian language. The friendliness of the town will be evaluated in several categories, for example, the linguistic quality of the language use in information, provided by the municipality, as well as the language usage on information panels and in private companies etc.

State Language Centre is planning to organise an action in order to clarify the towns, which are friendliest to Latvian language. The friendliness of the town will be evaluated in several categories, for example, the linguistic quality of the language use in information, provided by the municipality, as well as the language usage on information panels and in private companies etc. Latvijas Avize

jūnijs 21, 2004

  • Prime Minister Indulis Emsis on future steps of the government regarding ECHR judgement in favour of Tatjana Zdanoka
  • Judges Egils Levits and Giovanni Bonello about ECHR decision in the case of Tatjana Zdanoka
  • Naturalisation Boards head Eizenija Aldermane about naturalisation process in Latvia
  • Ethnologist Leo Dribins and MP Boris Tsilevitch about ethnic aspects which could have influenced results of the European Parliaments election
  • Secretariat of the Special Tasks Ministers for Society Integration has prepared a draft Programme for Supporting the Latvian Diaspora
Decision of the European Court of Human Rights in favour of the leader of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia must be carefully evaluated before deciding on any further steps, says the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis. According to the prime minister’s advisor on public relations issues Ilona Lice, the state would only appeal the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) decision if there are real chances to win. Necessary amendments to laws in line with the ECHR judgement should also be evaluated.

Decision of the European Court of Human Rights in favour of the leader of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia must be carefully evaluated before deciding on any further steps, says the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis. According to the prime ministers advisor on public relations issues Ilona Lice, the state would only appeal the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) decision if there are real chances to win. Necessary amendments to laws in line with the ECHR judgement should also be evaluated. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize continues discussion on the ECHR judgement in favour of Tatjana Zdanoka, featuring the different opinions of two judges – Egils Levits (Latvia) and Giovanni Bonello (Malta). Judge Bonello points to the fact that Tatjana Zdanoka had been fighting against democracy in Latvia, and has not expressed any regret about it until now. Judge Egils Levits believes that Latvian society and the state should themselves be able to find the right way to deal with the totalitarian regimes consequences. According to him, the old traditional democracies cannot really assist in this process, because of the lack of own experience in this particular field. Therefore, says Levits, their given advice is too superficial, and the new democratic states should look for solutions themselves.

Chas prints an interview with the head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane about naturalisation process in Latvia. According to the chairperson, it is impossible to grant citizenship to all the children born after the 1991 automatically, because of the necessity to open the Citizenship Law for this purpose. The governing coalitions agreement foresees that this law can be opened only with the consent of all coalition members. Eizenija Aldermane also mentioned that the Board in cooperation with the Ministry of Health is preparing a draft decision of the Cabinet of Ministers on simplification of the naturalisation procedure for disabled persons and pensioners.

Vesti Segodnya features opinions of ethnologist Leo Dribins and MP Boris Tsilevitch about ethnic aspects, which have possibly influenced results of the European Parliaments election. Leo Dribins regards the sceptical attitude of the minorities representatives towards Latvias EU accession, as well as the split inside the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL), as the main causes of low minorities participation in the elections. Boris Tsilevitch thinks that the slogan Russians are coming, used by the FHRUL, frightened and mobilised Latvians, at the same time failing to convince Russians. The MP points to the necessity for Peoples Harmony Party and FHRUL to sit down at the negotiating table in order to regain confidence of the electorate.

Secretariat of the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration has prepared a draft Programme for Supporting the Latvian Diaspora 2004 – 2009, which must be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers until the 1 August 2004.

Secretariat of the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration has prepared a draft Programme for Supporting the Latvian Diaspora 2004 – 2009, which must be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers until the 1 August 2004. Latvijas Avize

jūnijs 19, 2004

  • Discussion on restrictions to stand for elections for former State Security Committee agents
  • Constitutional Court of Latvia finds claim about non-compliance of the education reform to the Constitution of Latvia and the international legislation inadmissible
Newspapers continue discussion about restrictions to stand for elections for the former agents of the State Security Committee and the members of the Communist Party after January 13, 1991, after the European Court of Human (ECHR) Rights judgement in favour of Tatjana Zdanoka.

Newspapers continue discussion about restrictions to stand for elections for the former agents of the State Security Committee and the members of the Communist Party after January 13, 1991, after the European Court of Human (ECHR) Rights judgement in favour of Tatjana Zdanoka. Diena commentator Askolds Rodins believes that although neither Tatjana Zdanoka, nor her represented party For Human Rights in the United Latvia presently pose a threat to the independence of Latvia, the state must appeal the ECHR decision. The journalist believes that such an action would start a discussion on totalitarian consequences, faced by the states who have regained independence – which of those consequences can be overcome quickly, and which ask for thorough evaluation. Latvijas Avize and Chas feature opinions of the state officials on the issue. Minister of Justice Vineta Muizniece, for example, thinks that losing a case at the international court actually casts doubts on ability of Latvian representatives to this court to defend interests of their country qualitatively. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Constitutional Court of Latvia

Constitutional Court of Latvia has found claim of the MPs Boris Tsilevitch and Vitalijs Orlovs, who as private persons have challenged compliance of the education reform to the Constitution of Latvia and the international legislation, inadmissible. The MPs have previously promised to resubmit the application, getting it signed by ten MPs, and to apply to the ECHR as well, if the case would not be initiated. Diena, Chas

jūnijs 18, 2004

  • Saeima did not support resignation of the government
  • European Court of Human Rights satisfies two claims out of five in the case of Tatjana Zdanoka
  • Critical article about amendments to the Constitution of Latvia
  • Protest action in Liepaja against necessity to naturalise
  • Picketers want to remind Russia of Latvias occupation
Yesterday Saeima voted down resignation of the government of Indulis Emsis, demanded by the party New Era.

Yesterday Saeima voted down resignation of the government of Indulis Emsis, demanded by the party New Era. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has passed a judgment in the case of Tatjana Zdanoka, satisfying two out of five Zdanoka’s claims. The ECHR ruled that Latvia has violated Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights (rights to free elections) and Article 11 of the Convention (freedom of assembly and association). Latvia will be obligated to pay to Tatjana Zdanoka 3,421 EUR for pecuniary damage, 10,000 euros for non-pecuniary damage and 10,000 EUR for costs and expenses. Human rights expert Martins Mits, interviewed by

European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has passed a judgment in the case of Tatjana Zdanoka, satisfying two out of five Zdanokas claims. The ECHR ruled that Latvia has violated Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights (rights to free elections) and Article 11 of the Convention (freedom of assembly and association). Latvia will be obligated to pay to Tatjana Zdanoka 3,421 EUR for pecuniary damage, 10,000 euros for non-pecuniary damage and 10,000 EUR for costs and expenses. Human rights expert Martins Mits, interviewed by Diena, believes that restrictions to stand for elections for persons who were members of the Communist Party after January 13, 1991 must be cancelled. According to Martins Mits, such restrictions should have a legitimate basis, like, for example, threat to the state security, and there is no basis for restrictions of this kind today. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya features a critical article about amendments to the Constitution of Latvia, supported by the Saeima in the second reading. The amendments foresee a possibility to participate at the municipal elections for the European Union citizens permanently living in Latvia, but not for non-citizens of Latvia.

Yesterday approximately 30 people participated in the picket in Liepaja, next to the monument to the city defenders during the World War II. Picketers protested against necessity to naturalise and demanded ‘zero variant’ of citizenship. One of the picketers, interviewed by

Yesterday approximately 30 people participated in the picket in Liepaja, next to the monument to the city defenders during the World War II. Picketers protested against necessity to naturalise and demanded ‘zero variant of citizenship. One of the picketers, interviewed by Chas, mentioned that it is also planned to apply to the European Court of Human Rights in order to attain this goal. Chas

Yesterday eight members of the union’s For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM Liepaja’s section organised a picket near the building of the Russia Consulate General in Liepaja, in order to remind Russia of Latvia’s occupation 64 years ago. Similar picket was organised by the national extremist organisation Visu Latvijai! near the building of the Russia embassy in Riga.

Yesterday eight members of the unions For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM Liepajas section organised a picket near the building of the Russia Consulate General in Liepaja, in order to remind Russia of Latvias occupation 64 years ago. Similar picket was organised by the national extremist organisation Visu Latvijai! near the building of the Russia embassy in Riga. Diena, Latvijas Avize

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