jūnijs 25, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Chas and Vesti Segodnja give more in-depth analysis of the pre-election campaign clip of the Freedom Party, which according to National Television kindles racial hatred. The running text of the clip says The Freedom Party is warning! In the next 10 years 20 million economical refugees from Asia and Africa will search for asylum in the EU countries. How many of them will choose Latvia? Do you feel safe about your work? The clip shows dark skinned person dressed in the uniform of the Latvian army who guards the Freedom Monument. The voice says Today he guards the motherland, tomorrow he could become your son-in-law. The leadership of the Freedom Party believes that there is no base for such accusations. The clips only demonstrate problems, which Latvia will face when becomes a member state of the EU. Vesti Segodnja

Panorama Latvii

publishes its weekly supplement Our Latvia. This issue publishes articles in Ukrainian and about the situation in Ukraine. publishes its weekly supplement “Our Latvia.” This issue publishes articles in Ukrainian and about the situation in Ukraine. The supplement reports on the first years of activities of the Uzbek Association in Latvia “Nur”.

The supplement reports on the first years of activities of the Uzbek Association in Latvia Nur.

The supplement also reports on the seminar held in the Russian language for leaders and members of national minority NGOs on June 18-19. The seminar provided training on how to write projects and win tenders.

The supplement also reports on the seminar held in the Russian language for leaders and members of national minority NGOs on June 18-19. The seminar provided training on how to write projects and win tenders.

Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja and Telegraf

report on the press conference held by Russian president Vladimir Putin and highlight his statement that he does not object the membership of three Baltic States to NATO. report on the press conference held by Russian president Vladimir Putin and highlight his statement that he does not object the membership of three Baltic States to NATO. The Baltic Russian Institute celebrates its 10th anniversary. The Institute is the biggest private university in Baltic states.

The Baltic Russian Institute celebrates its 10th anniversary. The Institute is the biggest private university in Baltic states.

jūnijs 22, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Chas reports on the press conference organised by the Naturalisation Board. The Board released the data concerning citizenship issues for the last half a year. In comparison to the data of the last year, the speed of naturalisation has increased by 20-25%. The newspaper voices concern about another tendency – parents non-citizens do not apply for Latvian citizenship for their children. Parents of only 856 children have applied for Latvian citizenship for their children, although 24,000-25,000 children of parents non-citizens are entitled to receive Latvian citizenship. The newspaper also reports on the planned activities of the Naturalisation Board and the donors of these activities. The Board will re-launch toll-free phone line which will provide information about citizenship issues (funded by the USA); organise information booths in the whole territory of Latvia (funded by Great Britain); organise the contest On the Way to the Civic Society for pupils and organise missionary service which would tour around Latvia in order to provide Latvian language courses for non-Latvians. Panorama Latvii

Pre-election campaign of the Freedom Party against the EU membership has drawn the attention of National Television. The administration of National Television suspects that the clip kindles national hatred. The clip shows that after the EU membership economical refugees from Asia and Africa will look for jobs in the EU countries and then the jobs of local residents are in danger. The party promised to change the content of the clip.

Pre-election campaign of the Freedom Party against the EU membership has drawn the attention of National Television. The administration of National Television suspects that the clip kindles national hatred. The clip shows that after the EU membership economical refugees from Asia and Africa will look for jobs in the EU countries and then the jobs of local residents are in danger. The party promised to change the content of the clip. Diena


writes that also other nationalities, in particular Russians, will celebrate the Latvian national Midsummer holiday Jani Day. writes that also other nationalities, in particular Russians, will celebrate the Latvian national Midsummer holiday Jani Day.


and and ChasChas report on the 5th anniversary of FF/LNNK. Members of FF/LNNK reassures that FF/LNNK will continue to present the idea of nationalism in the Parliament. FF/LNNK deputy Juris Dobelis states that the party is not experiencing any crisis and will be presented in the next Saeima. report on the 5th anniversary of FF/LNNK. Members of FF/LNNK reassures that FF/LNNK will continue to present the idea of nationalism in the Parliament. FF/LNNK deputy Juris Dobelis states that the party is not experiencing any crisis and will be presented in the next Saeima.

jūnijs 21, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies


briefly analyses the speech of President Vaira Vike-Freiberga held yesterday on the occasion of the 3-year anniversary in office. The President stressed that the adoption of the amendments to Latvian election laws was the greatest achievement of this Parliament. However, the President also noted another difficult legislative problem – the switch of minority secondary school to the Latvian language in 2004. According to the President, education reform will be a headache for the next Saeima members. briefly analyses the speech of President Vaira Vike-Freiberga held yesterday on the occasion of the 3-year anniversary in office. The President stressed that the adoption of the amendments to Latvian election laws was the greatest achievement of this Parliament. However, the President also noted another difficult legislative problem – the switch of minority secondary school to the Latvian language in 2004. According to the President, education reform will be a “headache” for the next Saeima members. Vesti Segodnja Vesti Segodnja

Panorama Latvii

publishes comments of FHRUL MP Boris Tsilevich on the speech of the President. He says that the key points of Presidents speech are not the key concerns of Latvian residents, especially of non-citizens. publishes comments of FHRUL MP Boris Tsilevich on the speech of the President. He says that the key points of President’s speech are not the key concerns of Latvian residents, especially of non-citizens.

Latvijas Vestnesis

publishes the full version of the speech of President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. publishes the full version of the speech of President Vaira Vike-Freiberga.


interviews speaker of the Saeima Janis Straume. He admits that he was more radical at the beginning of his career, but now realises that all successes are based on compromise. Regarding his patriotic speech held on May 4, Janis Straume says that he had rather difficult feelings about the pressure concerning lifting the language requirement from Latvian election laws, therefore, he wanted to talk openly about some issues, so the diplomatic community also understands them. He notes that several diplomats voiced a positive response to his speech. Janis Straume is rather concerned about the division of political forces in the next Saeima. In his opinion the New Era party could form a coalition with FHRUL regardless of its current statements. interviews speaker of the Saeima Janis Straume. He admits that he was more radical at the beginning of his career, but now realises that all successes are based on compromise. Regarding his patriotic speech held on May 4, Janis Straume says that he had rather difficult feelings about the pressure concerning lifting the language requirement from Latvian election laws, therefore, he wanted to talk openly about some issues, so the diplomatic community also understands them. He notes that several diplomats voiced a positive response to his speech. Janis Straume is rather concerned about the division of political forces in the next Saeima. In his opinion the New Era party could form a coalition with FHRUL regardless of its current statements. According to the data polled by the company “Latvijas fakti”, the New Era party was still the most popular party among Latvian citizens in May, while the rating of its leader Einars Repse has decreased by 10 points and now he comes only in fourth place after President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, speaker of the Saeima Janis Straume and Latvia’s Way Saeima faction chairperson Kristiana Libane. The popularity rating of the left wing union FHRUL has grown (from 9.9% to 12.1%) and the party is in second place, followed by Latvia’s Way, the People’s Party and FF/LNNK. The Latvian Social Democrats Party has experienced a decrease and now has only about 5% support.

According to the data polled by the company Latvijas fakti, the New Era party was still the most popular party among Latvian citizens in May, while the rating of its leader Einars Repse has decreased by 10 points and now he comes only in fourth place after President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, speaker of the Saeima Janis Straume and Latvias Way Saeima faction chairperson Kristiana Libane. The popularity rating of the left wing union FHRUL has grown (from 9.9% to 12.1%) and the party is in second place, followed by Latvias Way, the Peoples Party and FF/LNNK. The Latvian Social Democrats Party has experienced a decrease and now has only about 5% support. Diena, Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii


publishes an article by Resident Representative of the UNDP Jan Sand Sorensen about the United Nations and Latvia. This week about 100 top officials of the UN have arrived in Riga for a regional meeting of UN representatives in Europe and the CIS countries. The goal of this meeting is to assess the results of the work of the UN in the region. Jan Sand Sorensen writes that the UNDP has assisted Latvia in solving such complicated issues as the promotion of social integration, development of state language teaching system for ethnic minorities, implementation of human rights mechanisms and others. He stresses that Latvia has achieved a lot, in particular, he praises, integration policy implemented by Latvia. Sorensen met with President Vaira Vike-Freiberga and discussed Latvias readiness to become a donor country. publishes an article by Resident Representative of the UNDP Jan Sand Sorensen about the United Nations and Latvia. This week about 100 top officials of the UN have arrived in Riga for a regional meeting of UN representatives in Europe and the CIS countries. The goal of this meeting is to assess the results of the work of the UN in the region. Jan Sand Sorensen writes that the UNDP has assisted Latvia in solving such complicated issues as the promotion of social integration, development of state language teaching system for ethnic minorities, implementation of human rights mechanisms and others. He stresses that Latvia has achieved a lot, in particular, he praises, integration policy implemented by Latvia. Sorensen met with President Vaira Vike-Freiberga and discussed Latvia’s readiness to become a donor country.  The Latvian nationalist youth organisation “Klubs 415” has turned to the Security Police, the Constitution Protection Office and the General Prosecutor’s Office requesting an evaluation of the legality of measures implemented by the Latvian President and government aimed at achieving Latvia’s membership in the EU.

The Latvian nationalist youth organisation Klubs 415 has turned to the Security Police, the Constitution Protection Office and the General Prosecutors Office requesting an evaluation of the legality of measures implemented by the Latvian President and government aimed at achieving Latvias membership in the EU. Vesti Segodnja, Chas

jūnijs 20, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Chas reports on a 2-day conference organised in the framework of the 8th session of the joint EU and Latvian Committee. The newspaper asked chairperson of the EU Committee of Foreign Affairs Alfred Gomolka whether the great number of non-citizens would not hamper Latvias way towards the EU. Alfred Gomolka replied that it is the problem of Latvia and not the EU. He also noted that there is a high number of qualified Latvian teachers and Latvian language courses at the disposal of Russian-speakers to learn the language and naturalise. EU officials also praised the active implementation of the integration programme.


editorial is about the situation of non-citizens in Latvia. The columnist stresses that Russians are all the time reminded that Latvia is not their country. Second, non-citizens are excluded from the history of Latvia. Third, the education system in Russian will be eliminated in 2004. Therefore Russians should take an active part in political processes in the country to influence the situation. editorial is about the situation of non-citizens in Latvia. The columnist stresses that Russians are all the time reminded that Latvia is not their country. Second, non-citizens are “excluded from the history of Latvia.” Third, the education system in Russian will be eliminated in 2004. Therefore Russians should take an active part in political processes in the country to influence the situation.

Vechernaya Riga, Panorama Latvii

and and TelegrafTelegraf report on the official ceremony of granting Latvian citizenship in Rigas Latgale district. Yesterday 88 residents of Riga received Latvian citizenship. Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane took part in the ceremony. report on the official ceremony of granting Latvian citizenship in Riga’s Latgale district. Yesterday 88 residents of Riga received Latvian citizenship. Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane took part in the ceremony.

Lauku Avize

interviews advisor to the president of the Russian-U.S. oil Company Sidanko Vladimir Averchev, a former member of the Russian Parliament. The key discussion subjects concerned relations between Russia and Latvia and the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia. Averchev states that Estonia has solved its problems with Russians by letting non-citizens participate in municipal elections. He states that the people in Russia are not so much concerned about the situation of Russians in the Baltic region, but it is the foreign policy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to state that the rights of Russians are discriminated in Latvia. He believes that Russians should learn Latvian. However, non-citizens should have the right to participate in municipal elections. interviews advisor to the president of the Russian-U.S. oil Company “Sidanko” Vladimir Averchev, a former member of the Russian Parliament. The key discussion subjects concerned relations between Russia and Latvia and the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia. Averchev states that Estonia has solved its problems with Russians by letting non-citizens participate in municipal elections. He states that the people in Russia are not so much concerned about the situation of Russians in the Baltic region, but it is the foreign policy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to state that the rights of Russians are discriminated in Latvia. He believes that Russians should learn Latvian. However, non-citizens should have the right to participate in municipal elections.

Vechernaya Riga

writes about the migration of Russians from Latvia to Russia. According the data of the Migration Service of the Russian Federation 8,500 people have emigrated from Latvia to Russia since 1997. An official of the Russian Migration Service to Latvia gives information on the assistance the Migration Service provides to Russians. writes about the migration of Russians from Latvia to Russia. According the data of the Migration Service of the Russian Federation 8,500 people have emigrated from Latvia to Russia since 1997. An official of the Russian Migration Service to Latvia gives information on the assistance the Migration Service provides to Russians. After lengthy debates the Saeima turned down the call of the social democrats demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Andris Berzins. Only the Social democrats, FHRUL and FF/LNNK deputy Andrejs Pozharnovs supported the resignation of the Prime Minister.

After lengthy debates the Saeima turned down the call of the social democrats demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Andris Berzins. Only the Social democrats, FHRUL and FF/LNNK deputy Andrejs Pozharnovs supported the resignation of the Prime Minister. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas

By signing an agreement with the party headed by Daugavpils ex-mayor Aleksey Vidavskis, chairperson of FHRUL Janis Jurkans hopes to reduce the chances of current Daugavpils mayor Rihards Eigims party “Latgales gaisma” in the 8th Saeima elections.

By signing an agreement with the party headed by Daugavpils ex-mayor Aleksey Vidavskis, chairperson of FHRUL Janis Jurkans hopes to reduce the chances of current Daugavpils mayor Rihards Eigims party Latgales gaisma in the 8th Saeima elections. Diena, Chas, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnja

jūnijs 19, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Today the Society Integration Foundation will announce the names of organisations and municipalities, which have won in the integration projects tender. The total amount for all projects is LVL 104,000. Director of the Secretariat of the Society Integration Foundation Nils Sakss reports about projects, which are being implemented now. Eight of 22 projects are implemented in the field of education.

Today the Society Integration Foundation will announce the names of organisations and municipalities, which have won in the integration projects tender. The total amount for all projects is LVL 104,000. Director of the Secretariat of the Society Integration Foundation Nils Sakss reports about projects, which are being implemented now. Eight of 22 projects are implemented in the field of education. Chas concludes that serious amounts of money are allotted for integration projects, however, Latvian society remains a two-community society.

As of the next academic years all Russians schools should implement one of four bilingual education models.

Chas reports on the experience of one Russian school where the first model of bilingual education, that is, all subjects but the classes of the native tongue and literature, are taught in the state language. Several years ago it was an initiative of parents to introduce bilingual education at this school and now all parents are satisfied with the quality of education and the possibility to preserve their culture and language.

Vesti Segodnja

reports on the meeting of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus with high officials of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The key discussion subject was the situation of Russian-speakers in the Baltic countries. Russian officials praised the achievements of Estonia in the field of the protection of the rights of Russian-speakers and stressed that in comparison to Estonia, Latvia looks bad. HCNM Rolf Ekeus agreed that, first, the premature switch of Russian secondary schools to education in Latvian could be ineffective… Second, the Commissioner agreed that Russian should be used as a language of communication on the municipal level. Ekeus admitted that the closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia does not mean anything and his office continues monitoring and communication with all Saeima factions. Panorama Latvii

The Department of Citizenship and Migration reports that it will start issuing the new form of citizen and non-citizen passports as of July 1 and not as of September 1 as reported before.

Neatkariga, Rigas Balss, Telegraf


reports about a study conducted by the USA Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis about NATO enlargement in the Baltic Region. The Institute concluded that the USA would benefit from the membership of Baltic states. However, NATO expects further improvement of military capacity of three countries and better relations with Russia.

Vesti Segodnja

interviews Daugavpils City Mayor Rihards Eigims. The key questions concern the social and economic situation in Daugavpils.

Vesti Segodnja

comments on the recent supplement of the New York Times about the Baltic countries. Columnist Alexandr Voyevodin notes that when Latvian politicians talk with foreign countries they use the brand Latvia with Russians, while for domestic purposes they use a completely different slogan: Latvia for Latvians.
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