jūnijs 26, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian Social Democrats party in the future could co-operate with Russian, Ukrainian and Belarus social democrat parties, Social Democrat Riga mayor said. Gundars Bojars said in an interview to the state radio that he discussed with Russian State Duma Speaker Genady Seleznov during the visit in Moscow last week the possible co-operation between Latvian Social Democrats and Russia's union of leftist forces Russia. Bojars said there are several forces in Russia having "social democrat moods" with which Latvian Social Democrats could co-operate. Bojars noted the good co-operation with Europe's Social Democrats and said it is "logical to look for partners in Russia, Ukraine and, possibly, also Belarus". Bojars did not specify though what forms that co-operation could take.

Latvian Social Democrats party in the future could co-operate with Russian, Ukrainian and Belarus social democrat parties, Social Democrat Riga mayor said. Gundars Bojars said in an interview to the state radio that he discussed with Russian State Duma Speaker Genady Seleznov during the visit in Moscow last week the possible co-operation between Latvian Social Democrats and Russia's union of leftist forces Russia. Bojars said there are several forces in Russia having "social democrat moods" with which Latvian Social Democrats could co-operate. Bojars noted the good co-operation with Europe's Social Democrats and said it is "logical to look for partners in Russia, Ukraine and, possibly, also Belarus". Bojars did not specify though what forms that co-operation could take. Diena, Respublika

None of Latvia's parties have experienced big changes in popularity ratings in June with only the leading three shifting places as Social Democrats retained the leading position while nationalist Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK pushed right-centrist People's Party to the third place. The fourth was centrist Latvia's Way and fifth was leftist For Human Rights in United Latvia, according to opinion poll conducted by SKDS polling centre. The sixth was Green Party which fell short of the 5 percent barrier though, needed to be elected to the parliament. Social Democrats saw their rating slightly improving in June jumping to 15.5 percent over a month from 14.3 percent in May. People's Party's rating was 11 percent in June, down 0.5 percent, FF/LNNK 10.7 percent, down 0.6 percent, Latvia's Way 10 percent, up 0.6 percent, For Human Rights in United Latvia 8.4 percent, up 0.2 percent, Green Party 4.1 percent, down 0.2 percent. For the rest of the parties the ratings were well below the 5 percent barrier -- Latvian Farmers Union 3.4 percent, Labour Party 2.7 percent, New Christian Party 2.2 percent. For others the ratings were still lower.

None of Latvia's parties have experienced big changes in popularity ratings in June with only the leading three shifting places as Social Democrats retained the leading position while nationalist Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK pushed right-centrist People's Party to the third place. The fourth was centrist Latvia's Way and fifth was leftist For Human Rights in United Latvia, according to opinion poll conducted by SKDS polling centre. The sixth was Green Party which fell short of the 5 percent barrier though, needed to be elected to the parliament. Social Democrats saw their rating slightly improving in June jumping to 15.5 percent over a month from 14.3 percent in May. People's Party's rating was 11 percent in June, down 0.5 percent, FF/LNNK 10.7 percent, down 0.6 percent, Latvia's Way 10 percent, up 0.6 percent, For Human Rights in United Latvia 8.4 percent, up 0.2 percent, Green Party 4.1 percent, down 0.2 percent. For the rest of the parties the ratings were well below the 5 percent barrier -- Latvian Farmers Union 3.4 percent, Labour Party 2.7 percent, New Christian Party 2.2 percent. For others the ratings were still lower.

The most popular politician is the President V.Vike-Freiberga (62,8) and the second is Latvian Bank president E.Repse (44.9). The most popular ministers come from Latvia’s Way – the minister of culture K.Petersone, Prime Minister A.Berzins and minister of transport A.Gorbunovs. Education minister K.Greiskalns, economy minister A.Kalvitis and welfare minister A.Pozharnovs have earned the status of the most unpopular ministers.

The most popular politician is the President V.Vike-Freiberga (62,8) and the second is Latvian Bank president E.Repse (44.9). The most popular ministers come from Latvias Way – the minister of culture K.Petersone, Prime Minister A.Berzins and minister of transport A.Gorbunovs. Education minister K.Greiskalns, economy minister A.Kalvitis and welfare minister A.Pozharnovs have earned the status of the most unpopular ministers. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Respublika


interviews M.Marinich, Byelorussian ambassador to Latvia and a president candidate. M.Marinich talks about the reasons which made him to run for election, his chances and the possible outcomes. His main goal is to re-establish democracy in the country, guarantee human rights and join the EU. interviews M.Marinich, Byelorussian ambassador to Latvia and a president candidate. M.Marinich talks about the reasons which made him to run for election, his chances and the possible outcomes. His main goal is to re-establish democracy in the country, guarantee human rights and join the EU. Russian authorities have denied an entrance visa to FF/LNNK deputy Vidinsh for the third time. J.Vidinsh planned to go to business trip to Moscow on the invitation of Russian Cinematography Federation. As a possible ground for the refusal, J.Vidinsh names his involvement in Saeima deputies working group established to help non-Latvians to return to their ethnic countries

Russian authorities have denied an entrance visa to FF/LNNK deputy Vidinsh for the third time. J.Vidinsh planned to go to business trip to Moscow on the invitation of Russian Cinematography Federation. As a possible ground for the refusal, J.Vidinsh names his involvement in Saeima deputies working group established to help non-Latvians to return to their ethnic countries. Diena, Jauna, Chas, Vesti Segodnja


interviews Carnegie Centre in Moscow deputy director D.Trenin. He talks about Russias integration in western organisations, in particular, in NATO, gives a very positive evaluation to the meeting of American and Russian presidents in Lublana, he also provides his explanation to Putins note about the Baltic States. interviews Carnegie Centre in Moscow deputy director D.Trenin. He talks about Russia’s integration in western organisations, in particular, in NATO, gives a very positive evaluation to the meeting of American and Russian presidents in Lublana, he also provides his explanation to Putin’s note about the Baltic States. Saeima deputy FHRUL faction member B.Cilevich takes part in the 6th session of PACE in Strasbourg. This time PACE the issue concerning Russian and Latvian relations is not on the agenda, however, B.Cilevich is going to collect the signatures against restrictions concerning language rights of national minorities in the field of radio and TV broadcasting.

Saeima deputy FHRUL faction member B.Cilevich takes part in the 6th session of PACE in Strasbourg. This time PACE the issue concerning Russian and Latvian relations is not on the agenda, however, B.Cilevich is going to collect the signatures against restrictions concerning language rights of national minorities in the field of radio and TV broadcasting. Vesti Segodnja

jūnijs 25, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The relationship of Latvian political enemies number 1 A.Skele, People’s Party chairman, and A.Lembergs, Ventspils City Mayor, has suddenly improved and they even have common views on some issues, such as, Commercial Law. The change in the relation has forced Latvian Way to mobilise its work, as People’s Party, which is the biggest political power represented at the Saeima, if receives support of Social Democrats and FHRUL, which sympathise A.Lembergs, is able to achieve adoption of such laws which are against the principles of Latvia’s Way, but for which LW would have to take responsibility as it is the party of Prime Minister.

The relationship of Latvian political enemies number 1 A.Skele, Peoples Party chairman, and A.Lembergs, Ventspils City Mayor, has suddenly improved and they even have common views on some issues, such as, Commercial Law. The change in the relation has forced Latvian Way to mobilise its work, as Peoples Party, which is the biggest political power represented at the Saeima, if receives support of Social Democrats and FHRUL, which sympathise A.Lembergs, is able to achieve adoption of such laws which are against the principles of Latvias Way, but for which LW would have to take responsibility as it is the party of Prime Minister. Diena


gives an article on the discussion regarding the establishment of ombudsman institution in Latvia. The necessity for such institution has been recognised by the State President and other high officials, local and foreign experts, the World Bank, UN, and OSCE. National Human Rights Office director O.Bruvers agrees with experts that ombudsman institution could be developed on the basis of NHRO but with the condition that NHRO is given a broader mandate, as well as additional funding and human resources. The current mandate allows to review only one third of the complaints received from residents. The member of Social Democrats party V.Lazo says Officials want to keep their standings and are not interested in having an additional control mechanism. Some politicians consider that several problems are going to be solved as the Administrative Violations Code has come into effect. A.Dravnieks, head of the working group, which developed the draft on Administrative Violation Code, says the main function of ombudsman institution is to review the complaints of small people, however, in most cases it is impossible to help them and these people are aware of that, but they want at least to have somebody who listens to them. J.Lagzdinsh, Peoples Party deputy, says that any deputy of the Saeima or municipality is an ombudsman, we deputies have very broad authorisation to help people. Dz.Rasnach, FF/LNNK deputy, says that NHRO has to be given broader mandate and easier access to information. gives an article on the discussion regarding the establishment of ombudsman institution in Latvia. The necessity for such institution has been recognised by the State President and other high officials, local and foreign experts, the World Bank, UN, and OSCE. National Human Rights Office director O.Bruvers agrees with experts that ombudsman institution could be developed on the basis of NHRO but with the condition that NHRO is given a broader mandate, as well as additional funding and human resources. The current mandate allows to review only one third of the complaints received from residents. The member of Social Democrats party V.Lazo says “Officials want to keep their standings and are not interested in having an additional control mechanism”. Some politicians consider that several problems are going to be solved as the Administrative Violations Code has come into effect. A.Dravnieks, head of the working group, which developed the draft on Administrative Violation Code, says “the main function of ombudsman institution is to review the complaints of “small people”, however, in most cases it is impossible to help them and these people are aware of that, but they want at least to have somebody who listens to them”. J.Lagzdinsh, People’s Party deputy, says that “any deputy of the Saeima or municipality is an ombudsman, we deputies have very broad authorisation to help people”. Dz.Rasnach, FF/LNNK deputy, says that NHRO has to be given broader mandate and easier access to information. NeatkarigaNeatkariga Today Latvian ambassador to Russia I.Daudish returns to Riga. The new ambassador will arrive in Moscow in September.

Today Latvian ambassador to Russia I.Daudish returns to Riga. The new ambassador will arrive in Moscow in September. Chas

The Russian State Duma Friday adopted an appeal to the Latvian parliament urging to promote release of former Soviet securities structures employee convicted in Latvia over involvement in Stalinist repressions against Latvian people. The Russian lawmakers said in the statement that Mikhail Farbtukh, age 84, had been fighting against Fascism for four years, currently has first category disability and is still in jail although his health condition is deteriorating daily. The State Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament, called on the Latvian lawmakers to support the request of Latvian prison administration to release Farbtukh from jail for health reasons. Latvian Supreme Court May 2001 sentenced Farbtukh to eight years in jail and, the first instance court later rejected a request to release him for health reasons.

The Russian State Duma Friday adopted an appeal to the Latvian parliament urging to promote release of former Soviet securities structures employee convicted in Latvia over involvement in Stalinist repressions against Latvian people. The Russian lawmakers said in the statement that Mikhail Farbtukh, age 84, had been fighting against Fascism for four years, currently has first category disability and is still in jail although his health condition is deteriorating daily. The State Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament, called on the Latvian lawmakers to support the request of Latvian prison administration to release Farbtukh from jail for health reasons. Latvian Supreme Court May 2001 sentenced Farbtukh to eight years in jail and, the first instance court later rejected a request to release him for health reasons. Chas

The Europarliament committee delegation on visit to Latvia was pleasantly surprised over Latvia's progress and said the Baltic state has a good chance to be admitted to the European Union in the first enlargement wave, said the committee chairman.

The Europarliament committee delegation on visit to Latvia was pleasantly surprised over Latvia's progress and said the Baltic state has a good chance to be admitted to the European Union in the first enlargement wave, said the committee chairman.

Elmar Brok, who chairs the Europarliament committee for foreign affairs, human rights, common security and defence, made this statement at a news conference in Riga on Friday. "This is my first visit to Latvia and the first visit by the committee to any candidate state, and I am positively surprised about Latvia's progress. Your country has great chances to make it to the first EU enlargement wave," said Brok. The work by the government and parliament indicated understanding of issues and problems to be handled, he noted. As regards economic development, Latvia could be at the top of the list among candidate countries as it has sufficiently high GDP growth and low inflation. This September Europarliament has to submit full report about Latvia's progress on its way to the EU. He noted that the Latvian lawmakers had not been afraid to discuss sensitive issues such as integration of non-Latvians, the area were Latvia had achieved progress in recent years.

Elmar Brok, who chairs the Europarliament committee for foreign affairs, human rights, common security and defence, made this statement at a news conference in Riga on Friday. "This is my first visit to Latvia and the first visit by the committee to any candidate state, and I am positively surprised about Latvia's progress. Your country has great chances to make it to the first EU enlargement wave," said Brok. The work by the government and parliament indicated understanding of issues and problems to be handled, he noted. As regards economic development, Latvia could be at the top of the list among candidate countries as it has sufficiently high GDP growth and low inflation. This September Europarliament has to submit full report about Latvia's progress on its way to the EU. He noted that the Latvian lawmakers had not been afraid to discuss sensitive issues such as integration of non-Latvians, the area were Latvia had achieved progress in recent years. BNS, Chas

Vesti Segodnja gives another view on the visit. The newspaper writes about the meeting of the delegation with FHRUL, where FHRUL deputy M.Mitrafanov stated that the party does not support Latvia’s integration into NATO and that the relations with Russia are still more in the form of intentions than real actions.

Vesti Segodnja gives another view on the visit. The newspaper writes about the meeting of the delegation with FHRUL, where FHRUL deputy M.Mitrafanov stated that the party does not support Latvias integration into NATO and that the relations with Russia are still more in the form of intentions than real actions. Vesti Segodnja

The State Language Centre has issued a reprimand to I.Grigule, the head of the Office, which organised Hansa Days Activities and violated the State Language Law (the names of the cities were in the original languages and the language on the uniforms of the customer serving personnel was a foreign language without translation). I.Grigule does not find herself guilty.

The State Language Centre has issued a reprimand to I.Grigule, the head of the Office, which organised Hansa Days Activities and violated the State Language Law (the names of the cities were in the original languages and the language on the uniforms of the customer serving personnel was a foreign language without translation). I.Grigule does not find herself guilty. Respublika

Chas provides the views of some participants of the conference “Influence of Baltic States’ Membership in the EU to Northern Europe”. A.Avetisyan, head of European Co-operation Department of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs says “the issue concerning rights of Russian speakers residing in the Baltic Countries turns into the problem concerning Russia and the EU and not anymore Latvia and Russia, and it has to be solved before EU enlargement”.

Chas provides the views of some participants of the conference Influence of Baltic States Membership in the EU to Northern Europe. A.Avetisyan, head of European Co-operation Department of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs says the issue concerning rights of Russian speakers residing in the Baltic Countries turns into the problem concerning Russia and the EU and not anymore Latvia and Russia, and it has to be solved before EU enlargement.

Russian State Duma deputy V.Zhirinovsky gives an interview to Chas, where he forecasts future for Latvia. He says that if the Russian language does not receive an official status and the border with Russia is not open, Latvia is going to experience economic pressure from Russia. The observance of Russian-speaking people rights will be the main card at the election of Russian President in 2004.

Russian State Duma deputy V.Zhirinovsky gives an interview to Chas, where he forecasts future for Latvia. He says that if the Russian language does not receive an official status and the border with Russia is not open, Latvia is going to experience economic pressure from Russia. The observance of Russian-speaking people rights will be the main card at the election of Russian President in 2004. Chas

One sixth of draftees (141 people) do not speak Latvian. An intensive language course is organised for these soldiers in Aluksne where all draftees receive first training.

One sixth of draftees (141 people) do not speak Latvian. An intensive language course is organised for these soldiers in Aluksne where all draftees receive first training. Vesti Segodnja

The Latvian Company Register has declined to register local branch of Russian radical organisation Russian National Unity, called also Barkhashovtsi after the name of Russian organisation’s leader. The registration was declined because the local Barkhashovtsi wanted to register their organisation under the name Russian National Unity in Latvia but it coincides with the name of the radical extremist organisation in Russia whose activities are aimed against Latvia's sovereignty, the Company Register said in a statement. Under the law on public organisations and their unions, names of organisations coinciding with names, abbreviations or symbols of foreign organisations acting against Latvia's independence and security are banned.

The Latvian Company Register has declined to register local branch of Russian radical organisation Russian National Unity, called also Barkhashovtsi after the name of Russian organisations leader. The registration was declined because the local Barkhashovtsi wanted to register their organisation under the name Russian National Unity in Latvia but it coincides with the name of the radical extremist organisation in Russia whose activities are aimed against Latvia's sovereignty, the Company Register said in a statement. Under the law on public organisations and their unions, names of organisations coinciding with names, abbreviations or symbols of foreign organisations acting against Latvia's independence and security are banned. Respublika, Panorama Latvii

According to the data provided by DCMA about 8000 or less than 1% Latvian citizens have not exchanged their old USSR passports for Latvian ones and 20 000 non-citizens still hold USSR passports.

According to the data provided by DCMA about 8000 or less than 1% Latvian citizens have not exchanged their old USSR passports for Latvian ones and 20 000 non-citizens still hold USSR passports. Respublika

jūnijs 22, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Before leaving for Moscow, Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars said that he will not be discussing cooperation, however, meeting Moscow Council Chairman Vladimir Platonov, the two agreed upon signing a cooperation protocol. Bojars met Platonov on Thursday and agreed to sign a cooperation protocol between Riga and Moscow in the near future, reported the Riga City Council. The cooperation protocol project is to be developed in the coming weeks.

Before leaving for Moscow, Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars said that he will not be discussing cooperation, however, meeting Moscow Council Chairman Vladimir Platonov, the two agreed upon signing a cooperation protocol. Bojars met Platonov on Thursday and agreed to sign a cooperation protocol between Riga and Moscow in the near future, reported the Riga City Council. The cooperation protocol project is to be developed in the coming weeks. BNS

Eight percent of the Russian population believes that Latvia is Russia's largest enemy, according to a poll published Thursday. The ROMIR poll asked people to name the countries they believe to be Russia's largest enemies and those countries believed to be their largest allies.

Eight percent of the Russian population believes that Latvia is Russia's largest enemy, according to a poll published Thursday. The ROMIR poll asked people to name the countries they believe to be Russia's largest enemies and those countries believed to be their largest allies. BNS

The mayor of western Latvian city Liepaja has asked the Lithuanian Border Guard to expedite border crossing between the two countries this summer when several culture and sports events in Liepaja are expected to draw large number of tourists. This summer several culture and sports events are planned in Liepaja likely to draw large number of Lithuanian visitors, therefore Liepaja mayor Uldis Sesks asked the Lithuanian Border Guard to find ways to expedite border crossing at Rucava checkpoint on the Latvian-Lithuanian border, reported a spokesman for the Liepaja City Council.

The mayor of western Latvian city Liepaja has asked the Lithuanian Border Guard to expedite border crossing between the two countries this summer when several culture and sports events in Liepaja are expected to draw large number of tourists. This summer several culture and sports events are planned in Liepaja likely to draw large number of Lithuanian visitors, therefore Liepaja mayor Uldis Sesks asked the Lithuanian Border Guard to find ways to expedite border crossing at Rucava checkpoint on the Latvian-Lithuanian border, reported a spokesman for the Liepaja City Council. BNS

The Europarliament committee delegation on visit to Latvia was pleasantly surprised over Latvia's progress and said the Baltic state has a good chance to be admitted to the European Union (EU) in the first enlargement wave, said the committee chairman. Elmar Brok, who chairs the Europarliament committee for foreign affairs, human rights, common security and defense, made this statement at a news conference in Riga on Friday.

The Europarliament committee delegation on visit to Latvia was pleasantly surprised over Latvia's progress and said the Baltic state has a good chance to be admitted to the European Union (EU) in the first enlargement wave, said the committee chairman. Elmar Brok, who chairs the Europarliament committee for foreign affairs, human rights, common security and defense, made this statement at a news conference in Riga on Friday. BNS

At their last spring session Saeima deputies adopted in the second reading the draft law “On Public Integration”. They are ready to adopt this law also in the final reading already this summer at one of the extraordinary sessions. The law is necessary to implement the Public Integration Program. The government will establish Public Integration Fund let by attracting foreign financing to further public integration in Latvia.

At their last spring session Saeima deputies adopted in the second reading the draft law On Public Integration. They are ready to adopt this law also in the final reading already this summer at one of the extraordinary sessions. The law is necessary to implement the Public Integration Program. The government will establish Public Integration Fund let by attracting foreign financing to further public integration in Latvia. Diena

The new improved machine-readable Latvian passports that were meant to use as travel documents will not be issued from July but only from September 1. Although the system testing with sample passports and training of employees will start next week DCMA upon a proposal of MFA will start issuing these passports only when they will be recognized by other states. Legalization of passports is mandatory before introducing new travel documents and lasts for about two months.

The new improved machine-readable Latvian passports that were meant to use as travel documents will not be issued from July but only from September 1. Although the system testing with sample passports and training of employees will start next week DCMA upon a proposal of MFA will start issuing these passports only when they will be recognized by other states. Legalization of passports is mandatory before introducing new travel documents and lasts for about two months. Diena

Latvian President V.Vike Freiberga while addressing MPs at their last spring session stressed the importance of internal security of Latvian on its way to NATO and EU. She was positive about her co-operation with the Saeima, and deputies praised the President for her achievements in foreign policy and urged her to be more active in using her legislative initiative.

Latvian President V.Vike Freiberga while addressing MPs at their last spring session stressed the importance of internal security of Latvian on its way to NATO and EU. She was positive about her co-operation with the Saeima, and deputies praised the President for her achievements in foreign policy and urged her to be more active in using her legislative initiative. Neatkariga, Latvijas Vestnesis

Speaking about a possibility of a new party to be created V.Vike Freiberga abstained from making any forecasts. It is not possible to evaluate a nonexistent party before it has started to act. Nevertheless she thought that the idea to unite right wing forces had a good chance.

Speaking about a possibility of a new party to be created V.Vike Freiberga abstained from making any forecasts. It is not possible to evaluate a nonexistent party before it has started to act. Nevertheless she thought that the idea to unite right wing forces had a good chance. Respublika

Catalonia President Georgi Puzol arrived to Latvia to study its experience in public integration. While meeting with our officials he told them about the situation concerning language and integration. He also praised Latvia’s achievements and supported its attempts to join EU.

Catalonia President Georgi Puzol arrived to Latvia to study its experience in public integration. While meeting with our officials he told them about the situation concerning language and integration. He also praised Latvias achievements and supported its attempts to join EU. Neatkariga, Latvijas Vestnesis

MFA press center published an announcement where they withdraw the application made in 1995 to candidate for the election of UN impermanent member in 2005 and postponed running for UN Security Council for some later time. It was done taking into consideration the intensive negotiations for joining EU and NATO and MFA considered it more important to concentrate its efforts on achieving these two goals.

MFA press center published an announcement where they withdraw the application made in 1995 to candidate for the election of UN impermanent member in 2005 and postponed running for UN Security Council for some later time. It was done taking into consideration the intensive negotiations for joining EU and NATO and MFA considered it more important to concentrate its efforts on achieving these two goals. Latvijas Vestnesis

Panorama Latvia

writes that within one week Latvian MFA expressed their incomprehension on the announcement of Russian President V.Putin about the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia. Putin had not had adequate information. But the paradox is that almost simultaneously with this also Latvian President spoke about the necessity to solve the problem of non-citizens. Latvian President in an interview to writes that within one week Latvian MFA expressed their incomprehension on the announcement of Russian President V.Putin about the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia. Putin had not had adequate information. But the paradox is that almost simultaneously with this also Latvian President spoke about the necessity to solve the problem of non-citizens. Latvian President in an interview to Lauku AvizeLauku Avize stated that percentage of non-citizens in Latvian was higher than in any other European country and steps should be taken to normalize the situation. Answering to the statements of Lauku Avize journalists that many demobilized Soviet military personnel had settled in Riga and that other countries did not understand the situation here, President answered we also do not understand the world. stated that percentage of non-citizens in Latvian was higher than in any other European country and steps should be taken to normalize the situation. Answering to the statements of Lauku Avize journalists that many demobilized Soviet military personnel had settled in Riga and that other countries did not understand the situation here, President answered “we also do not understand the world’. Yesterday Russian Ambassador to Latvia I.Studennikov was present at the graduation party of the Baltic Russian Institute.

Yesterday Russian Ambassador to Latvia I.Studennikov was present at the graduation party of the Baltic Russian Institute. Vesti Segodnya

jūnijs 21, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Meetings of Riga city council delegation with Moscow City government officials Wednesday in Moscow exceeded, in terms of favourable attitude and readiness to co-operate, all expectations by the Latvian delegation, Riga mayor said. Remark by Gundars Bojars came following a lunch in the Moscow City government and meetings with a number of Moscow City government officials.

Meetings of Riga city council delegation with Moscow City government officials Wednesday in Moscow exceeded, in terms of favourable attitude and readiness to co-operate, all expectations by the Latvian delegation, Riga mayor said. Remark by Gundars Bojars came following a lunch in the Moscow City government and meetings with a number of Moscow City government officials. BNS

Latvian security structures Wednesday in Grebneva border checkpoint handed over to Russian border guard three National Bolsheviks from Russia who had crossed over into Latvia illegally and convicted for it. All three youths crossed the border at 4:10 p.m., eyewitnesses to the procedure reported to

Latvian security structures Wednesday in Grebneva border checkpoint handed over to Russian border guard three National Bolsheviks from Russia who had crossed over into Latvia illegally and convicted for it. All three youths crossed the border at 4:10 p.m., eyewitnesses to the procedure reported to BNS.

Latvian foreign minister Thursday will depart for a brief working visit in Denmark, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman told reporters. In Denmark Indulis Berzins is scheduled to meet Danish Foreign Minister Mogens Lykketof, Baltic development forum chairman as well as Danish parliament European affairs committee chairman.

Latvian foreign minister Thursday will depart for a brief working visit in Denmark, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman told reporters. In Denmark Indulis Berzins is scheduled to meet Danish Foreign Minister Mogens Lykketof, Baltic development forum chairman as well as Danish parliament European affairs committee chairman. BNS

In an interview to the Austrian newspaper Die Presse Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga said that Russian President V.Putin criticising Latvia wanted to construct obstacles on its way to NATO. Latvian – Russian relations would improve with the time when Latvia joins NATO.

In an interview to the Austrian newspaper Die Presse Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga said that Russian President V.Putin criticising Latvia wanted to construct obstacles on its way to NATO. Latvian – Russian relations would improve with the time when Latvia joins NATO. Neatkariga


Newspaper Lauku Avize published a letter of Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre Director N.Muiznieks where he explained misrepresentation of his statements in the Russian speaking newspaper Vesti Segodnya. N.Muiznieks gave his interview in the Latvian language and misinterpretation happened while translating it into Russian. Editor of Lauku Avize J.Krustins writes that it was not an accident but an intentional and impudent misrepresentation let with the mouth of a political scientist of Latvian nationality, trained in the USA, to herald to Russian speakers that the Russians are discriminated in Latvia as a nation and also with the help of the language. Mr. Krustins writes that it will serve a good lesson to N.Muiznieks in his relations with certain newspapers.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga believes that in parliamentary democracies there are no guarantees a government would live on through the next general elections but all depends on politicians. "I don't see any signs that would pose threat to this government but all is in the hands of politicians whether they are able to agree," the president told reporters Thursday following her address to the parliament.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga believes that in parliamentary democracies there are no guarantees a government would live on through the next general elections but all depends on politicians. "I don't see any signs that would pose threat to this government but all is in the hands of politicians whether they are able to agree," the president told reporters Thursday following her address to the parliament. BNS

Russia will become the Chairman of CBSS, and it Prime Minister M.Kasyanov announced that within the framework of this organisation had been established the following major directions for co-operation – co-operation in development of Kaliningrad Region, development of regional infrastructure of the Baltic Region, co-operation in environment protection.

Russia will become the Chairman of CBSS, and it Prime Minister M.Kasyanov announced that within the framework of this organisation had been established the following major directions for co-operation – co-operation in development of Kaliningrad Region, development of regional infrastructure of the Baltic Region, co-operation in environment protection. Lauku Avize

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga Thursday in address to the parliament underscored role of internal security in successful movement of Latvia to the European Union and NATO. "Internal security of the country means capability to fight against corruption and organised crime so people are not cynically murdered in the light of day and the state treasury gets all the money it currently is short of," the President said.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga Thursday in address to the parliament underscored role of internal security in successful movement of Latvia to the European Union and NATO. "Internal security of the country means capability to fight against corruption and organised crime so people are not cynically murdered in the light of day and the state treasury gets all the money it currently is short of," the President said. BNS

Vesti Segodnya

published an article about the President of Latvia V.Vike-Freiberga and her two years term in the office. The President has been very active and independent, the qualities some of the ruling politicians do not like. And just recently, after a series of scandals she had realised that it was not wise to put ="" between Russia and USSR. It seems that the President wants to start relations with Russia from tabula rasa – forgetting former offences and prejudices. Without much advertising Consultative Council on National Minority Education Affairs was established at the Ministry of Education and Science. It seems that the state finally expressed a wish to consult with non-Latvians. The Council was established in February and so far had had two sittings that did not create any humanitarian overturn but at least there appeared a place where you might speak in favour of national minority education. And some people did. I.Pimenov, Chairman of Association of Russian Speaking Schools in Latvia, handed for consideration at the Council a draft alternative program for schools with the Russian language of tuition but T.Favorskaya – a draft on Russian national school. But these people once more ascertained that the law on education was solid. It is planned that from 2004 tuition in schools will be transferred to the Latvian language. And authorities do not yield to their letters, protests and pickets.

Without much advertising Consultative Council on National Minority Education Affairs was established at the Ministry of Education and Science. It seems that the state finally expressed a wish to consult with non-Latvians. The Council was established in February and so far had had two sittings that did not create any humanitarian overturn but at least there appeared a place where you might speak in favour of national minority education. And some people did. I.Pimenov, Chairman of Association of Russian Speaking Schools in Latvia, handed for consideration at the Council a draft alternative program for schools with the Russian language of tuition but T.Favorskaya – a draft on Russian national school. But these people once more ascertained that the law on education was solid. It is planned that from 2004 tuition in schools will be transferred to the Latvian language. And authorities do not yield to their letters, protests and pickets. Vesti Segodnya

jūnijs 20, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian Parliament Speaker Janis Straume and Portuguese Foreign Minister Jaime Jose Matos de Gama discussed Latvian and Portuguese bilateral relations and Latvia's movement to the European Union. The officials agreed that between the two countries has developed good co-operation, the parliament press office reported.

Latvian Parliament Speaker Janis Straume and Portuguese Foreign Minister Jaime Jose Matos de Gama discussed Latvian and Portuguese bilateral relations and Latvia's movement to the European Union. The officials agreed that between the two countries has developed good co-operation, the parliament press office reported. BNS, Panorama Latvii

The Latvian capital city mayor will Wednesday leave for Moscow at the invitation of his Russian counterpart and is also expected to meet with the Russian State Duma chairman during this visit. Riga City mayor Gundars Bojars told BNS he would make the two-day visit at the invitation of Moscow mayor, Jury Luzhkov, to present festivities marking Riga's 800th anniversary and expected to culminate in August.

The Latvian capital city mayor will Wednesday leave for Moscow at the invitation of his Russian counterpart and is also expected to meet with the Russian State Duma chairman during this visit. Riga City mayor Gundars Bojars told BNS he would make the two-day visit at the invitation of Moscow mayor, Jury Luzhkov, to present festivities marking Riga's 800th anniversary and expected to culminate in August. BNS, Vesti Segodnya, Diena, Neatkariga

A local level soldiers representative or Ombudsman shall be selected by June 20 in all units of National Armed Forces. It is stated in a decree of the Commander in Chief. In the NAF Commander’s Office has been established a position for supervising this institution, and Mayor M.Liberts is selected for this post.

A local level soldiers representative or Ombudsman shall be selected by June 20 in all units of National Armed Forces. It is stated in a decree of the Commander in Chief. In the NAF Commanders Office has been established a position for supervising this institution, and Mayor M.Liberts is selected for this post. Diena

Constitution of Latvia Satversme will celebrate its 80th anniversary but lately there is more and more discussion about the fact that it does not reflect fully the classical principles of division of power, especially analysing the legal status of the State President and pointing out that Latvia needs a popularly elected President. Dr. iur. J.Lazdins writes about this situation and states that so far nobody has found out what kind of President people want – elected by the Saeima or popularly.

Constitution of Latvia Satversme will celebrate its 80th anniversary but lately there is more and more discussion about the fact that it does not reflect fully the classical principles of division of power, especially analysing the legal status of the State President and pointing out that Latvia needs a popularly elected President. Dr. iur. J.Lazdins writes about this situation and states that so far nobody has found out what kind of President people want – elected by the Saeima or popularly. Neatkariga

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga Tuesday met Austrian government's commissioner for the European Union enlargement issues to discuss the need to launch a broad campaign to inform public about the current and future EU member countries, president's press office reported. The officials also discussed the situation in the Balkans and the Baltic Sea region. Speaking about Cupertino between the Baltic Sea countries the president noted that Latvia is interested in closer Cupertino with Russia's Europe region, including Kaliningrad region.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga Tuesday met Austrian government's commissioner for the European Union enlargement issues to discuss the need to launch a broad campaign to inform public about the current and future EU member countries, president's press office reported. The officials also discussed the situation in the Balkans and the Baltic Sea region. Speaking about Cupertino between the Baltic Sea countries the president noted that Latvia is interested in closer Cupertino with Russia's Europe region, including Kaliningrad region. BNS


Newspaper Jauna Avize found very strange the governments position when it did not allow the Human Rights Office move to the building of the Constitutional Court. So far Human Rights Office spent 51% of its yearly budget for rent (paying 7.12 Ls for mË›). But in the Court building they would have to pay 1.5 Ls for mË›. As these rooms needed renovation, Office Director O.Bruveris asked for 75 276 Ls. Human Rights Office informed the government about their wish at the beginning of this year, and the Chairman of the Constitutional Court A.Endzins also would be glad to have such neighbours. Ministers rejected this request stating that they did not have resources for the renovation.

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers decided that 9th graders of Russian speaking schools would be able to receive a language certification basing on the results of their graduation exams. There is a hope that also graduates of secondary schools of this year could get this certification. It is up to the Ministry of Education and Science to decide. Newspaper

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers decided that 9th graders of Russian speaking schools would be able to receive a language certification basing on the results of their graduation exams. There is a hope that also graduates of secondary schools of this year could get this certification. It is up to the Ministry of Education and Science to decide. Newspaper Chas comments this news saying that it came like a shock for 9th graders because different from previous years new regulations stipulate to issue certificates to students basing only on the results of centralised exams or starting from School year 2003/2004 (highest category 2b) the Ministry of Education and Science proposed to amend the regulations allowing the present 9th graders to receive the Latvian language proficiency certificates. Yesterday the government adopted these amendments but the exam took place a week ago. Now the question is whether the law will have a retroactive effect. Chas, Panorama Latvii

A journalist for the newspaper

A journalist for the newspaper Vesti Segodnya visited the Deputy mayor of Riga City Council S.Dolgopolov and saw that Mr. Dolgopolov was having frequent telephone conversations with the State Language Centre officials. And the catalyst for these conversations was an unofficial press conference for journalists of Russian speaking press organised by Committee Head S.Zaletajev. It was held in the Russian language upon a mutual agreement. Representative of Peoples Party Krastins sent a letter to the State Language Centre stating that some deputies did not have the necessary state language knowledge thus triggering all this process.

The number of non-citizens having submitted in May 2001 an application for naturalisation decreased to 569. According to the statistical data of the Naturalisation Board it is the smallest number since October 1998. And one more interesting figure - last month 18% of all non-citizens who took the state language test failed while during the whole 2000 this figure was 13%.

The number of non-citizens having submitted in May 2001 an application for naturalisation decreased to 569. According to the statistical data of the Naturalisation Board it is the smallest number since October 1998. And one more interesting figure - last month 18% of all non-citizens who took the state language test failed while during the whole 2000 this figure was 13%. Vesti Segodnya

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