maijs 31, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The Saeima Juridical Commission started to discuss draft laws that stipulate a radical increase of accessibility of the Satversme (Constitutional) Court. The amendments have been prepared basing on the experience of other countries and in close co-operation with EU experts, and they expand the circle of persons holding the right to submit an application to this court.

The Saeima Juridical Commission started to discuss draft laws that stipulate a radical increase of accessibility of the Satversme (Constitutional) Court. The amendments have been prepared basing on the experience of other countries and in close co-operation with EU experts, and they expand the circle of persons holding the right to submit an application to this court. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

On Tuesday Prime Minister A.Berzins, answering to a journalist’s question, said that if citizens constituted 75% of the total number of electorate, there was no reason not to grant non-citizen the municipal election right. He just added that this was his personal opinion. EU officials had not interested about this issue during Prime Minister’s visit to Brussels.

On Tuesday Prime Minister A.Berzins, answering to a journalists question, said that if citizens constituted 75% of the total number of electorate, there was no reason not to grant non-citizen the municipal election right. He just added that this was his personal opinion. EU officials had not interested about this issue during Prime Ministers visit to Brussels. Diena

Russia once again criticised the statements, made by Latvian President V.V.Freiberga to the German magazine “Der Spiegel”, and announced that the tone of the President when speaking about Russia “was aggressive” and therefore “with no perspective”. This opinion was voiced in the official MFA announcement, made by its representative A.Jakovenko.

Russia once again criticised the statements, made by Latvian President V.V.Freiberga to the German magazine Der Spiegel, and announced that the tone of the President when speaking about Russia was aggressive and therefore with no perspective. This opinion was voiced in the official MFA announcement, made by its representative A.Jakovenko. Diena, Neatkariga, Respublika, Chas,

Latvian Prosecutor’s General Office Press Secretary Dz.Shubrovska informed that, disregarding the fact that a high Russian Federal Security Service official had expressed readiness of this Service to provide Latvia materials on Nazi war time criminals, the repeated requests of the Office for assistance had not been answered. Latvia had several times requested information on K.Kalejs and K.Ozols’s cases, but no answers were received.

Latvian Prosecutors General Office Press Secretary Dz.Shubrovska informed that, disregarding the fact that a high Russian Federal Security Service official had expressed readiness of this Service to provide Latvia materials on Nazi war time criminals, the repeated requests of the Office for assistance had not been answered. Latvia had several times requested information on K.Kalejs and K.Ozolss cases, but no answers were received. Diena, Neatkariga, Respublika

On Tuesday Estonian Government adopted a Regulation to combine the Estonian language graduation exam in non-Estonian schools with the state language exam for receiving Estonian citizenship. This will essentially ease the possibilities to acquire Estonian citizenship.

On Tuesday Estonian Government adopted a Regulation to combine the Estonian language graduation exam in non-Estonian schools with the state language exam for receiving Estonian citizenship. This will essentially ease the possibilities to acquire Estonian citizenship. Diena

Prime Minister A.Berzins finds his first foreign visit to be successful. EU Expansion Commissioner G.Verheugen had promised that the candidate states would not be divided into groups any more, but A.Berzins in his turn had promised that Latvia would be ready to start joining negotiations in 10 - 12 more topics in the next half a year.

Prime Minister A.Berzins finds his first foreign visit to be successful. EU Expansion Commissioner G.Verheugen had promised that the candidate states would not be divided into groups any more, but A.Berzins in his turn had promised that Latvia would be ready to start joining negotiations in 10 - 12 more topics in the next half a year. Neatkariga, Respublika

Publicist V.Avotins in

Publicist V.Avotins in Neatkariga writes about the campaign of collecting signatures under the call to organise a referendum to grant municipal election right to non-citizens and finds it to be a political action. It will show whether Latvia is a two- community state and whether the society is ready to overcome this. Neatkariga


informs that the first six Latvian citizens have signed the call for a referendum to grant municipal election right to non-citizens. The action is organised by a public organisation Union of Citizens and Non-citizens, and they need 10 000 signatures to organise a referendum. The Chairman of Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs analyses the political situation in Latvia and states that Latvians have got the President, Prime Minister and Saeima deputies what they deserved.

The Chairman of Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs analyses the political situation in Latvia and states that Latvians have got the President, Prime Minister and Saeima deputies what they deserved. Neatkariga

According to the Central Statistics Board data the population number in Latvia in 1999 decreased for 15 200 people. 13 400 persons passed away but 1800 migrated.

According to the Central Statistics Board data the population number in Latvia in 1999 decreased for 15 200 people. 13 400 persons passed away but 1800 migrated. Neatkariga

The Saeima deputy J.Vidins informed about a person from Middle East, who was staying in Latvia in the Centre for Illegal Immigrants saying that he probably was connected with terrorism. German and Turkish special services had showed their interest about this person.

The Saeima deputy J.Vidins informed about a person from Middle East, who was staying in Latvia in the Centre for Illegal Immigrants saying that he probably was connected with terrorism. German and Turkish special services had showed their interest about this person. Neatkariga

Today President V.V.Freiberga is visiting Daugavpils and meeting with the City Mayor A.Vidauskis.

Today President V.V.Freiberga is visiting Daugavpils and meeting with the City Mayor A.Vidauskis. Jauna Avize

The Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins announced that the Minister of Communications A.Gorbunovs would continue to head the intergovernmental delegation for negations with Russia.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins announced that the Minister of Communications A.Gorbunovs would continue to head the intergovernmental delegation for negations with Russia. Jauna Avize, Respublika, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Riga Organisation of the party “Equality and Latvian Human Rights Committee published an article criticising the draft law on the State language Centre that would grant the officials of this Centre practically unlimited rights to punish. They may test any employee’s state language knowledge at his/her work place or ask him/her to come to the Centre. Adopting of such a regulation on the State language Centre would open the road to mass reprisals, briberies, create an atmosphere of total reporting and escalate the already tense interethnic relations.

Riga Organisation of the party Equality and Latvian Human Rights Committee published an article criticising the draft law on the State language Centre that would grant the officials of this Centre practically unlimited rights to punish. They may test any employees state language knowledge at his/her work place or ask him/her to come to the Centre. Adopting of such a regulation on the State language Centre would open the road to mass reprisals, briberies, create an atmosphere of total reporting and escalate the already tense interethnic relations. Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Vestnesis

published a sociologic research on a person and his rights in Latvia.

maijs 30, 2000

Press Report

Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Linda announced that the OSCE Missions to Latvia and Estonia had fulfilled their tasks and Sweden supported the idea of closing them down. She pointed out that Latvia and Estonia had fulfilled practically all recommendations put forward by the OSCE High Commissioner High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. Mission mandates expire on June 30, and a discussion has started whether they should be prolonged. Latvian MFA Press Secretary L.Bergmane, answering to the question on Latvia’s position said that a discussion had not developed so far to close the Mission on June 30.

Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Linda announced that the OSCE Missions to Latvia and Estonia had fulfilled their tasks and Sweden supported the idea of closing them down. She pointed out that Latvia and Estonia had fulfilled practically all recommendations put forward by the OSCE High Commissioner High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. Mission mandates expire on June 30, and a discussion has started whether they should be prolonged. Latvian MFA Press Secretary L.Bergmane, answering to the question on Latvias position said that a discussion had not developed so far to close the Mission on June 30. Diena, Lauku Avize

According to the SKDS data there is decrease in the popularity rating of President V.V.Freiberga and leaders of the New Party, but it has increased for People’s Party leader A.Skele. The top three still are the President, Latvian Bank President E.Repse and the Saeima Speaker J.Straume.

According to the SKDS data there is decrease in the popularity rating of President V.V.Freiberga and leaders of the New Party, but it has increased for Peoples Party leader A.Skele. The top three still are the President, Latvian Bank President E.Repse and the Saeima Speaker J.Straume. Diena, Neatkariga, Respublika, Panorama Latvii

Estonian Prime Minister M.Lars at last week Baltic Assembly meeting gave a positive evaluation for the co-operation of the Baltic States. Commenting this statement, Prime Minister’s Press Secretary P.Peiklik said that it did not mean any changes in Estonian foreign policy, but these words were very significant.

Estonian Prime Minister M.Lars at last week Baltic Assembly meeting gave a positive evaluation for the co-operation of the Baltic States. Commenting this statement, Prime Ministers Press Secretary P.Peiklik said that it did not mean any changes in Estonian foreign policy, but these words were very significant. Diena

D.Rietuma writes in

D.Rietuma writes in Diena about the new citizen passports. German company Giesecke&Devrient that won the tender will print them. It is planned that new passports would be valid from January 1, 2001, and they could cost about 4 million Ls. It is also planned that Latvian residents will be able to receive also ID cards. Diena

During the meeting with Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins, EU Expansion Commissioner G.Verheugen prised Latvian successful foreign policy, leading to EU expansion,. G.Verheugen stated that if Latvia would continue like that it could catch up with the first group states.

During the meeting with Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins, EU Expansion Commissioner G.Verheugen prised Latvian successful foreign policy, leading to EU expansion,. G.Verheugen stated that if Latvia would continue like that it could catch up with the first group states. Diena, Neatkariga

On Monday at a press briefing in Moscow Russian Security Council Secretary S.Ivanov said that Russia would not use military force to oppose the Baltic States joining NATO. Russia would use only political and diplomatic means in her fight the NATO expansion eastwards.

On Monday at a press briefing in Moscow Russian Security Council Secretary S.Ivanov said that Russia would not use military force to oppose the Baltic States joining NATO. Russia would use only political and diplomatic means in her fight the NATO expansion eastwards. Diena, Neatkariga, Respublika, Chas, Panorama Latvii

On May 26 an 85 years old man was taken to the Airport Riga police office where he asked for asylum in Latvia. He turned out to be Byelorussian resident Ilya S.

On May 26 an 85 years old man was taken to the Airport Riga police office where he asked for asylum in Latvia. He turned out to be Byelorussian resident Ilya S. Diena


correspondent in Moscow P.Shirovs writes that this year most probably will be the last when the ethnic Russians still residing outside Russia will return to their fatherland in huge numbers. But according to Russian Federation Migration Service data less and less people want to migrate to Russia. The Baltic States, opposite to Russias statements about the discrimination of Russian speakers there, have never been the leading ones in this field. And nobody waits for immigrants from the Baltic already for a long time. Diena

EU Commissioner A.Diamantopoul meeting Latvian Minister of Well-fare A.Pozarnovs acknowledged the great progress in the field of social sphere and said that reforms were taking place rapidly, but still Latvian authorities should work to develop the social dialogue.

EU Commissioner A.Diamantopoul meeting Latvian Minister of Well-fare A.Pozarnovs acknowledged the great progress in the field of social sphere and said that reforms were taking place rapidly, but still Latvian authorities should work to develop the social dialogue. Neatkariga

In her interview to the German magazine “Der Spiegel” Latvian President V.V.Freiberga spoke also about Latvian – Russian relations. They have always been very tense. When Putin became the President of Russia, there were hopes that the relations could improve, but the situation did not show it. V.V.Freiberga said that Russia had always been an unpredictable country and there were no strong grounds for democracy.

In her interview to the German magazine Der Spiegel Latvian President V.V.Freiberga spoke also about Latvian – Russian relations. They have always been very tense. When Putin became the President of Russia, there were hopes that the relations could improve, but the situation did not show it. V.V.Freiberga said that Russia had always been an unpredictable country and there were no strong grounds for democracy. Lauku Avize , Latvijas Vestnesis

Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins acknowledged existence of some large economic groups in Latvia, but he was sure that none of them could influence his Government. At the same time he did not go into details how many and what there groups were.

Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins acknowledged existence of some large economic groups in Latvia, but he was sure that none of them could influence his Government. At the same time he did not go into details how many and what there groups were. Respublika, Panorama Latvii


writes that due to a mistake in the Mathematics exam for 12 graders Russian speaking students had more complicated text problem than the original one for Latvian students. Russian teachers are still thinking whether to send a protest letter to the Ministry of Education. writes that due to a mistake in the Mathematics exam for 12 graders Russian speaking students had more complicated text problem than the original one for Latvian students. Russian teachers are still thinking whether to send a protest letter to the Ministry of Education. Russian speaking newspaper

Russian speaking newspaper Vesti Segodnya had learned that yesterday, during the Moscow negotiation with EU President R.Prodi and Prime Minister of Portugal A.Gutterishem, Russian President V.Putin spoke about the situation in Latvia. Russian President expressed his concern about the situation of national minorities there and the fate of the former red guerrilla man V.Kononov. R.Prodi answered that Latvia was an EU candidate state and that during the negotiation process there would be a careful examination of the conformity of all Latvian legal norms to EU standards.

maijs 29, 2000

Press Report

Since January 1, 1999 the total number of persons who have submitted an application of giving up Latvian citizenship is 136. These are data from the Naturalisation Board. In its turn the Naturalisation Board has plead the court to deprive 36 persons of Latvian citizenship.

Since January 1, 1999 the total number of persons who have submitted an application of giving up Latvian citizenship is 136. These are data from the Naturalisation Board. In its turn the Naturalisation Board has plead the court to deprive 36 persons of Latvian citizenship. Diena, Chas, Respublika

Russian Compatriots Congress that has been postponed from last year is planned for this September in Moscow. There will gather the representatives of Russian speaking organisations from the CIS and Baltic States.

Russian Compatriots Congress that has been postponed from last year is planned for this September in Moscow. There will gather the representatives of Russian speaking organisations from the CIS and Baltic States. Diena

A new deputy – M.Emsins has joined People’s Party faction in the Saeima to replace K.Greiskalns, who became the Minister of Education.

A new deputy – M.Emsins has joined Peoples Party faction in the Saeima to replace K.Greiskalns, who became the Minister of Education. Diena

Latvian – Australian draft agreement on persons extradition could be signed not sooner that after three weeks. So far the agreement has been accepted at the meeting of State Secretaries.

Latvian – Australian draft agreement on persons extradition could be signed not sooner that after three weeks. So far the agreement has been accepted at the meeting of State Secretaries. Diena

Representatives of the Latvia’s Russians Party were present at the foundation congress of the Russian public political organisation Yedinstvo. As the LRP co-chairman M.Gavrilov informed that during the meeting with Yedinstvo representatives they discussed their future co-operation.

Representatives of the Latvias Russians Party were present at the foundation congress of the Russian public political organisation Yedinstvo. As the LRP co-chairman M.Gavrilov informed that during the meeting with Yedinstvo representatives they discussed their future co-operation. Neatkariga

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga in her interviews to foreign mass media continues to express her worry about the unstable situation in Russia.

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga in her interviews to foreign mass media continues to express her worry about the unstable situation in Russia. Jauna Avize, Chas, Panorama Latvii

The Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane told the newspaper Jauna Avize about the latest activities of this institution. Speaking about the naturalisation process, she said that the tendencies remained in the same level – about 1000 1200 people passed naturalisation every month. E.Aldermane also stressed that no corruption could be permitted during this process and people with poor command of the Latvian language should not pass the language test.

The Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane told the newspaper Jauna Avize about the latest activities of this institution. Speaking about the naturalisation process, she said that the tendencies remained in the same level – about 1000 1200 people passed naturalisation every month. E.Aldermane also stressed that no corruption could be permitted during this process and people with poor command of the Latvian language should not pass the language test. Jauna Avize

The Central Election Commission refused the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia to provide information on the number of signatures collected during the campaign to propose a referendum on the future of the Power Company “Latvenergo”. The Head of CEC thinks that publicising of such information would be political propaganda.

The Central Election Commission refused the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia to provide information on the number of signatures collected during the campaign to propose a referendum on the future of the Power Company Latvenergo. The Head of CEC thinks that publicising of such information would be political propaganda. Panorama Latvii

The Chairman of Russian Duma Commission on CIS and Compatriots Affairs B.Postuhov and some more Russian MPs are likely to visit Jurmala in June to participate in the “Baltic Forum” organised by the Latvian Friendship and Co-operation Foundation and the Council of Foreign and Defence Policy of Russia.

The Chairman of Russian Duma Commission on CIS and Compatriots Affairs B.Postuhov and some more Russian MPs are likely to visit Jurmala in June to participate in the Baltic Forum organised by the Latvian Friendship and Co-operation Foundation and the Council of Foreign and Defence Policy of Russia. Respublika

maijs 27, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Ukrainian Ambassador to Latvia V.Mihailovsky presented high awards of the Ukrainian State and the President to the Director of Riga Ukrainian School L.Kravchenko and folk group Dnipro for their input in the development of Ukrainian culture in Latvia.

Ukrainian Ambassador to Latvia V.Mihailovsky presented high awards of the Ukrainian State and the President to the Director of Riga Ukrainian School L.Kravchenko and folk group Dnipro for their input in the development of Ukrainian culture in Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins said that the statement of the EU Presidency state Portugal where EU condemned Russia’s accusations against Latvia “was precise and strong.” This statement proved that Latvia was a future EU country and this organisation took care of Latvia and its safety.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins said that the statement of the EU Presidency state Portugal where EU condemned Russias accusations against Latvia was precise and strong. This statement proved that Latvia was a future EU country and this organisation took care of Latvia and its safety. Diena, Neatkariga

On Friday the representatives Latvian Interior Ministry and Russian Migration Office signed a protocol on co-operation in the fields of migration and the rights of migrants. Both parties agreed to hold a meeting in June to discuss different issues of the migration process and improvement of migrant rights.

On Friday the representatives Latvian Interior Ministry and Russian Migration Office signed a protocol on co-operation in the fields of migration and the rights of migrants. Both parties agreed to hold a meeting in June to discuss different issues of the migration process and improvement of migrant rights. Diena

Russian Embassy Press Secretary informed that Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov had not invited Russian Grand Duke L.Romanova to the opening ceremony of the monument to Peter the Great.

Russian Embassy Press Secretary informed that Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov had not invited Russian Grand Duke L.Romanova to the opening ceremony of the monument to Peter the Great. Diena

During a press conference before returning home Grand Duke L.Romanova said that she had to do her utmost to renew good relations between Latvia and Russia.

During a press conference before returning home Grand Duke L.Romanova said that she had to do her utmost to renew good relations between Latvia and Russia. Chas

The campaign of collecting signatures will start in Riga in order to propose amendments to the law to grant municipal election rights to non-citizens. Non-citizen rights activists have been collecting signatures under such a call already for several months, but the public organisation Union of Citizens and Non-citizens will start collecting signatures of citizens in Riga, Bruninieku Street 35 from May 30.

The campaign of collecting signatures will start in Riga in order to propose amendments to the law to grant municipal election rights to non-citizens. Non-citizen rights activists have been collecting signatures under such a call already for several months, but the public organisation Union of Citizens and Non-citizens will start collecting signatures of citizens in Riga, Bruninieku Street 35 from May 30. Diena

According to unofficial information German company Giesecke&Devrient; has won the tender on printing Latvian citizens passports. All together 6 firms participated in this tender. This was already the third such tender. Both previous ones were won by Finnish company Setec but both V.Kristopans and A.Skele’s governments found some ungrounded excuses not to affirm the results of these tenders.

According to unofficial information German company Giesecke&Devrient has won the tender on printing Latvian citizens passports. All together 6 firms participated in this tender. This was already the third such tender. Both previous ones were won by Finnish company Setec but both V.Kristopans and A.Skeles governments found some ungrounded excuses not to affirm the results of these tenders. Neatkariga

Information Agency LETA informs that the former USSR President M.Gorbachov is against imposing economic sanctions on the Baltic States and wants let these countries could live peacefully and co-operate with Russia. He points out that he is against the revenge carried out by Latvian politicians to oppress national minorities and persecute WW II veterans.

Information Agency LETA informs that the former USSR President M.Gorbachov is against imposing economic sanctions on the Baltic States and wants let these countries could live peacefully and co-operate with Russia. He points out that he is against the revenge carried out by Latvian politicians to oppress national minorities and persecute WW II veterans. Neatkariga

maijs 26, 2000

Press Review

Press Review

Latvia in the EU accession negotiations yesterday provisionally finished five of the earlier opened negotiation topics: common foreign and security policy, statistics, education and training, science and research, small and medium-size businesses.

Latvia in the EU accession negotiations yesterday provisionally finished five of the earlier opened negotiation topics: common foreign and security policy, statistics, education and training, science and research, small and medium-size businesses. Diena

EU presiding country Portugal released a statement in the name of the EU saying that over the last months Russia has seriously condemned Latvia and Estonia by using a very strong language. The statement calls this policy unproductive and simply unacceptable for today’s Europe. The statement is an answer to the speech of the Russian representatives at the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna where Latvia was reproached of human rights violations and imprisonment of Mihail Farbtuh who was sentenced for genocide. EU statement refuses to comment on Farbtuh’s case and says that it proceeded in compliance with Latvia’s judicial system. EU has decided that Latvia has met the Copenhagen political criteria.

EU presiding country Portugal released a statement in the name of the EU saying that over the last months Russia has seriously condemned Latvia and Estonia by using a very strong language. The statement calls this policy unproductive and simply unacceptable for todays Europe. The statement is an answer to the speech of the Russian representatives at the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna where Latvia was reproached of human rights violations and imprisonment of Mihail Farbtuh who was sentenced for genocide. EU statement refuses to comment on Farbtuhs case and says that it proceeded in compliance with Latvias judicial system. EU has decided that Latvia has met the Copenhagen political criteria. Diena

Yesterday, Saeima’s presidium and the faction council decided that the Saeima would be in recess from June 22 to September 4. The last session will take place on June 20. The presidium will work all summer and, if necessary, will announce extraordinary sessions. Saeima, according to the schedule, has passed all laws necessary for the movement towards the EU. Saeima’s commissions resume their work in August.

Yesterday, Saeimas presidium and the faction council decided that the Saeima would be in recess from June 22 to September 4. The last session will take place on June 20. The presidium will work all summer and, if necessary, will announce extraordinary sessions. Saeima, according to the schedule, has passed all laws necessary for the movement towards the EU. Saeimas commissions resume their work in August. Diena

Latvia has set to bilateral negotiations with Russia about its accession to WTO. As the main principle for these negotiations Latvia has raised abolishing of the decisions discriminating Latvia.

Latvia has set to bilateral negotiations with Russia about its accession to WTO. As the main principle for these negotiations Latvia has raised abolishing of the decisions discriminating Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas

June 1 to 30, in 640 places in Latvia citizens may sign in support to the draft law initiated by trade unions prohibiting privatization and division of the national electricity utility Latvenergo.

June 1 to 30, in 640 places in Latvia citizens may sign in support to the draft law initiated by trade unions prohibiting privatization and division of the national electricity utility Latvenergo. Diena

Within the framework of the Year of Baltics announced by Sweden the least has informed about the support of 150,000 Swedish crones to the Saeima’s information center to be spent on EU information campaign in the local newspapers. 100,000 more was allotted to the translation of EU informative materials in Russian.

Within the framework of the Year of Baltics announced by Sweden the least has informed about the support of 150,000 Swedish crones to the Saeimas information center to be spent on EU information campaign in the local newspapers. 100,000 more was allotted to the translation of EU informative materials in Russian. Diena

In an article about the concepts on passports and ID cards recently passed by the government,

In an article about the concepts on passports and ID cards recently passed by the government, Neatkariga quotes opinions of experts who try to establish the possible technical, economic, social and political risks, comparing the approach of the concepts in Latvia and international requirements.

In an interview to

In an interview to Vesti the former USSR president Gorbachov suggests that instead on NATO expansion the European countries should turn the OSCE in a real force, reform it so that the organization could solve all problems connected with collective security in Europe.

In a meeting in Riga on multicultural society in Latvia, one of the speakers, Director of the Council of Europe Center of Information and Documentation Uldis Krastins said that Latvia is ready to ratify the Convention On Protection of Minority Rights, a procedure already completed by Lithuania and Estonia. Ratification is possible with commentaries referring to the specific situation in Latvia.

In a meeting in Riga on multicultural society in Latvia, one of the speakers, Director of the Council of Europe Center of Information and Documentation Uldis Krastins said that Latvia is ready to ratify the Convention On Protection of Minority Rights, a procedure already completed by Lithuania and Estonia. Ratification is possible with commentaries referring to the specific situation in Latvia. Vesti

An article in

An article in Chas tells about the initiative of volunteers from the NGO center to restore a possibility to choose alternative service instead of the mandatory military service. Young ethnic Russians often choose to delay undergoing naturalization and becoming Latvian citizens until they become older than the conscription age to avoid military service. Among the reasons are fear of harassment on ethnic grounds and unwillingness to consider the country of their ethnic origin as the potential enemy. These reasons along with religious motivation could also be as a legitimate motivation to choose the alternative service.

Further NATO expansion is possible only with approval from Russia to avoid unnecessary growth of tension. This statement was made by the major-general of the joint North-Eastern NATO headquarters Jung yesterday in Tallinn.

Further NATO expansion is possible only with approval from Russia to avoid unnecessary growth of tension. This statement was made by the major-general of the joint North-Eastern NATO headquarters Jung yesterday in Tallinn. Panorama Latvii

After ruling of the Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins, Latvian Society Integration Council shall have the following membership:

After ruling of the Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins, Latvian Society Integration Council shall have the following membership:
Justice Minister Ingrida Labucka, Education Minister Karlis Greiskalns, Culture Minister Karina Petersone, Welfare Minister Andrejs Pozarnovs. Latvijas Vestnesis

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