marts 26, 2009

  • The only Russian language public radio channel and programs in Russian on public TV channel might be closed due to cuts of state expenses

Telegraf reports that due to cuts of state expenses for public TV and radio channels, LTV-7 (the only public channel producing programs also in Russian) might close its programs in Russian language. Also the only Russian language public radio channel Latvian Radio-4 Dome Square might be closed. According to ex-Minister of Integration Nils Muiznieks, considerable reduction of LTV-7 audience and closure of Dome Square will be a blow to society integration because these channels are almost the only opportunity for the state to speak to Russian speaking audience.

marts 25, 2009

  • Female members of radical organisation National Front appealed to ethnic Latvian male state officials calling on them to speak with journalists only in Latvian language
  • Vesti Segodnya: owner of security guard company complaints about toughened state language proficiency requirements for security guards
Four female members of radical organisation National Front appealed to ethnic Latvian male state officials calling on them to follow example of the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers to speak with journalists only in Latvian language. The appeal labels those state officials and politicians who do not refuse speaking Russian, as cowards, door-mat carpets and as inferior to ethnic Latvian women. According to the appeal, the only words in Russian which could be said to “journalists occupants” are: “get out!”

Four female members of radical organisation National Front appealed to ethnic Latvian male state officials calling on them to follow example of the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers to speak with journalists only in Latvian language. The appeal labels those state officials and politicians who do not refuse speaking Russian, as cowards, door-mat carpets and as inferior to ethnic Latvian women. According to the appeal, the only words in Russian which could be said to journalists occupants are: get out! Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya interviews an owner of security guard company who complaints about toughened state language proficiency requirements. Security guard candidates are required 2nd category of the state language proficiency certificate. According to the interviewee, new rules determine that candidates are no longer allowed to pass security guard certification exams in Russian. The interviewee believes that such requirements are unjustified, because a person with excellent professional skills might fail an exam due to imperfect state language proficiency. He also claims this measure is directed against Russian employees of security companies and will result in greater unemployment.

marts 24, 2009

  • Founder of the Peoples Party Andris Skele: appointing couple of ethnic Russians to the position of ministers would benefit long-term interests of ethnic Latvians
  • Telegraf: Latvian non-citizens do not hurry to receive EU permanent residents permit
Founder of the People’s Party Andris Skele stated that appointing couple of ethnic Russians to the positions of ministers would benefit long-term interests of ethnic Latvians. Andris Skele believes that at a certain moment, the principles of forming the government could be changed and those Russians, who support right-wing policies and understand the role and interests of Latvians, could be appointed. Such appointment would help representatives of ethnic minorities to understand that all people are equal in Latvia. At the same time, Mr. Skele considers that the Concord Centre cannot be included in the government coalition because some of the party’s members represent radical forces inappropriate for conservative and national Latvian policy.

Founder of the Peoples Party Andris Skele stated that appointing couple of ethnic Russians to the positions of ministers would benefit long-term interests of ethnic Latvians. Andris Skele believes that at a certain moment, the principles of forming the government could be changed and those Russians, who support right-wing policies and understand the role and interests of Latvians, could be appointed. Such appointment would help representatives of ethnic minorities to understand that all people are equal in Latvia. At the same time, Mr. Skele considers that the Concord Centre cannot be included in the government coalition because some of the partys members represent radical forces inappropriate for conservative and national Latvian policy. Chas, Telegraf

Telegraf reports that Latvian non-citizens do not hurry to receive EU permanent residents permit. Since 2006, 111 residents of Latvia received status of EU permanent resident. Among those only 22 were Latvian non-citizens, while the rest were non-EU citizens with residency permit in Latvia. According to the newspaper, the main reasons why non-citizens do not apply for the status are the state language requirements and the belief that the status is needed only if a person is planning to work and live in other European country.

marts 23, 2009

  • Vesti Segodnya reports that a Latvian TV journalist Roberts Klimovics films a documentary about a famous Latvian aviator and member the Arajs Commando Herberts Cukurs
  • 63,9% of Latvian young people are considering the option to emigrate from Latvia permanently
  • Most popular political parties in Latvia in March: Concord Centre and New Era

Vesti Segodnya reports that a Latvian TV journalist Roberts Klimovics films a documentary about a famous Latvian aviator Herberts Cukurs who in 1941 became a member the notorious Arajs Commando, responsible for many Holocaust crimes in Latvia. Roberts Klimovics believes that Herberts Cukurs has been wrongfully slandered and by making the documentary Mr. Klimovics will try to rehabilitate Herberts Cukurs, arguing that he was Latvian national hero. The newspaper also notes that in an interview with radical newspaper DDD Roberts Klimovics has stated: Holocaust is enormous industry of lies.

Telegraf reports that according to a public opinion survey held by Latvijas Fakti, 63,9% of Latvian young people are considering the option to emigrate from Latvia permanently. The most popular countries for resettlement are the EU states as well as Australia, South American and African countries.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by “Latvijas Fakti”, the most popular political parties in Latvia are the Concord Centre and the New Era – 11,5% and 10,2% of respondents accordingly would vote for these parties if the Saeima elections are held in March. The Union of Greens and Farmers is supported by 6,3% of respondents. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of Latvian citizens. However, 32,9 % of respondents have not decided whom to vote for yet, while 18,7% of respondents would not participate in the elections.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by Latvijas Fakti, the most popular political parties in Latvia are the Concord Centre and the New Era – 11,5% and 10,2% of respondents accordingly would vote for these parties if the Saeima elections are held in March. The Union of Greens and Farmers is supported by 6,3% of respondents. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of Latvian citizens. However, 32,9 % of respondents have not decided whom to vote for yet, while 18,7% of respondents would not participate in the elections. Telegraf, Diena

marts 21, 2009

  • Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the head of the Presidents Advisory Council on Ethnic Minorities Romualds Razuks
  • Education, Youth and Sports Department of the Riga City Council decided to close three Russian language schools
  • Diena prints an article by a social scientist Aija Lulle on immigration issues in Latvia

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the head of the Presidents Advisory Council on Ethnic Minorities Romualds Razuks. Mr. Razuks considers that the society is not ready yet to grant voting rights to non-citizens. Mr. Razuks also considers that Russian language should not be granted official status arguing that Russian language will force out Latvian language from its positions.

The Education, Youth and Sports Department of the Riga City Council decided to start reorganisation of school system in Riga with closure of three Russian language schools (two elementary and one secondary) which have insufficient number of students. Three Russian schools and Estonian school will not be allowed to open 10th grade. According to the head of the Department, these are not the only schools which are forced to be closed due to cut of state funds. In the meantime, none of Latvian language schools are under the threat of closures yet.

The Education, Youth and Sports Department of the Riga City Council decided to start reorganisation of school system in Riga with closure of three Russian language schools (two elementary and one secondary) which have insufficient number of students. Three Russian schools and Estonian school will not be allowed to open 10th grade. According to the head of the Department, these are not the only schools which are forced to be closed due to cut of state funds. In the meantime, none of Latvian language schools are under the threat of closures yet. NRA, Vesti Segodnya

Diena prints an article by a social scientist Aija Lulle on immigration issues in Latvia. According to the article, even now the immigration issues are ignored at the level of policy modelling. Latvia did not elaborate any policy concept on integration of new immigrants. Aija Lulle believes that although Latvia did not face serious immigrants integration problems yet, it should elaborate strategic comprehensive integration system to prevent emergence of such problems in the future.


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