aprīlis 8, 2009

  • Fret about the future of national minority schools
Yesterday, the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers at the Presidents Advisory Council on Ethnic Minorities stated that „we should think of a mechanism to protect national minority schools in the present conditions, when the principle money follows the student is applied. Around ten national minority schools are under the threat of closure. Meanwhile Chair of the Council Romanlds Ražuks stated that this reform will not harm Russian schools, although some of them will have to be merged. Jakov Pliner added that „we will bring thousands of people out on the streets again if under the disguises of educational reform or budget cuts minority schools will be closed. Yesterday, the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers at the President’s Advisory Council on Ethnic Minorities stated that „we should think of a mechanism to protect national minority schools in the present conditions, when the principle “money follows the student” is applied”. Around ten national minority schools are under the threat of closure. Meanwhile Chair of the Council Romanlds Ražuks stated that this reform will not harm Russian schools, although some of them will have to be merged. Jakov Pliner added that „we will bring thousands of people out on the streets again if under the disguises of educational reform or budget cuts minority schools will be closed”. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas AvizeVesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize 

aprīlis 7, 2009

  • Baltic Russian youth conference took place in Riga
  • Lithuania wants to take part in Kononov case
  • SS legionaries as the topic for the European Parliament elections
TelegrafTelegraf reports that Baltic Russian youth conference took place in Riga. The main question of the conference was: „Who we are - Russian youth in the Baltic countries? One of the main conclusions of the conference: there is no contradiction between acknowledgment of ones relation to Russia and acknowledgment of ones relation to the citizenship of the European Union. This gives Russian-speaking youth great opportunities reports that Baltic Russian youth conference took place in Riga. The main question of the conference was: „Who we are - Russian youth in the Baltic countries?” One of the main conclusions of the conference: there is no contradiction between acknowledgment of one’s relation to Russia and acknowledgment of one’s relation to the citizenship of the European Union. This gives Russian-speaking youth great opportunities 

Vesti Segodnya reports that Lithuania expressed its will to participate as a third party in the appeal process launched by Latvia in the case of Kononov v. Latvia in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Lithuanian government wants to present its own remarks concerning evaluation of legal and historical aspects of the Second World War for the Baltic States. As reported, Latvia appealed the ECHR judgment in the case Kononov v. Latvia which established that Latvia violated Article 7 (no punishment without law) of the European Convention on Human Rights and awarded Kononov 30 000 Euros in respect of non-pecuniary damage.

Vesti Segodnya also reports that political party „Everything for Latvia as part of the EP election campaign will request to exonerate Latvian and Estonian SS legionaries at the European level. The newspaper anticipates that most likely this party will not be elected to the European Parliament.

aprīlis 6, 2009

  • Baltic Forum will take place in Riga next week

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Baltic Forum is scheduled to take place in Riga next week. The newspaper notes that while relations between Latvia and Russia are not very good, it is time for the peoples diplomacy between the two countries. The Baltic Forum will involve prominent journalists and cultural experts from both countries.

aprīlis 4, 2009

  • 186 candidates will stand in the European Parliament elections in Latvia

Latvijas Avize reports that 186 candidates representing 17 lists are standing in the European Parliament elections in Latvia. The newspaper also presents the most topical priorities according to the parties programmes. Political party Everything for Latvia will focus on the evaluation of risks for the European security from Russia by increasing its influence on former Soviet Republics. Everything for Latvia also promises that it will claim Russia to compensate the losses of the Soviet occupation. Political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM will continue to explain Europe the special Baltic historic situation. Political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) is going to improve EU relations with Russia as that will help to overcome the crisis. FHRUL also wants to ensure Latvias non-citizens the right to vote in the European Parliament elections in next five years. Concord centre points out that human rights are fundamental value of the EU and they will foster the elimination of the discrimination based all grounds.

aprīlis 3, 2009

  • The EU Parliament recommends granting non-citizens the right to take part in local elections
  • Deputies of Jurmala City Council are trying to arrange school bus for Tuckums children
  • Education Committee of Riga City Council will re-consider planned closure of two Russian schools
  • International conference of Baltic Russian-speaking youth organizations held in Riga
Yesterday, the EU Parliament approved “Report on Problems and prospects concerning European Citizenship”. The Report recommends granting Latvia’s non-citizens the right to take part in local elections.

Yesterday, the EU Parliament approved Report on Problems and prospects concerning European Citizenship. The Report recommends granting Latvias non-citizens the right to take part in local elections. Chas

Deputies of Jurmala City Council are trying to arrange school bus for Tuckums children. As reported, Tukums City Council refused to open the first grade class with Russian language of instruction for 15 children who applied for this class. While the nearest Russian school (in Jurmala) is ready to accept these children, it is situated 30 kilometers away from Tukums. Deputies of Jurmala City Council are calling upon parents of all children of Tukums who were refused education in Russian to write applications to the Jurmala City Council, so that the municipality could arrange school buses for the children.

Deputies of Jurmala City Council are trying to arrange school bus for Tuckums children. As reported, Tukums City Council refused to open the first grade class with Russian language of instruction for 15 children who applied for this class. While the nearest Russian school (in Jurmala) is ready to accept these children, it is situated 30 kilometers away from Tukums. Deputies of Jurmala City Council are calling upon parents of all children of Tukums who were refused education in Russian to write applications to the Jurmala City Council, so that the municipality could arrange school buses for the children. Vesti Segodnya

Education Committee of Riga City Council will re-consider planned closure of two Russian schools. According to the head of the Committee Juris Zakis, deputies representing the Concord Centre asked the Committee to consider the issue again, because two of the schools are small basic education schools complete with children and provide high-quality education.

Education Committee of Riga City Council will re-consider planned closure of two Russian schools. According to the head of the Committee Juris Zakis, deputies representing the Concord Centre asked the Committee to consider the issue again, because two of the schools are small basic education schools complete with children and provide high-quality education. Chas

NGO “We are travel companions!” organizes an international conference “The role of youth Russian-speaking organizations of the Baltic states in preservation and development of Russian culture” on 3-5 April.

NGO We are travel companions! organizes an international conference The role of youth Russian-speaking organizations of the Baltic states in preservation and development of Russian culture on 3-5 April. Chas

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