jūnijs 5, 2009

  • Jose Heavier Mansur – Garcia receives Latvian citizenship due to special contribution to Latvia
  • Decision on the Centre of State Language of Riga City Council
  • Situation of the citizens of Russian Federation in Latvia
Yesterday, The Saeima adopted decision to honour with Latvian citizenship Mr. Jose Heavier Mansur – Garcia due to his special contribution to Latvia. Mr. Mansur – Garcia was working as a chef in several Mexican restaurants in Latvia since 1992. He also made great contribution to the Latvian and Mexican relations as well as introduced Mexican culture to the Latvian society. Mr. Mansur-Garcia can also keep his Mexican citizenship.

Yesterday, The Saeima adopted decision to honour with Latvian citizenship Mr. Jose Heavier Mansur – Garcia due to his special contribution to Latvia. Mr. Mansur – Garcia was working as a chef in several Mexican restaurants in Latvia since 1992. He also made great contribution to the Latvian and Mexican relations as well as introduced Mexican culture to the Latvian society. Mr. Mansur-Garcia can also keep his Mexican citizenship. Telegraf

Yesterday, Riga City Council decided to keep the Centre of State Language of Riga City Council.  Previously some members of the Riga City Council suggested to liquidate this institution.

Yesterday, Riga City Council decided to keep the Centre of State Language of Riga City Council. Previously some members of the Riga City Council suggested to liquidate this institution. Chas, Latvijas Avize

Conference of the Russian citizens in Latvia recently took place in Riga. Chair of the Latvian-Russian cooperation association Mr. Boris Katkov claims that the right to vote in municipal elections has to be granted to those citizens of Russia who live permanently in Latvia as it is already the case in Lithuania and Estonia. He also claims that citizens of Russia permanently living in Latvia are as much foreigners to Latvia as they are to their native country. Passports are another difficult issue, because citizens of Russia have to change their passports every five years.

Conference of the Russian citizens in Latvia recently took place in Riga. Chair of the Latvian-Russian cooperation association Mr. Boris Katkov claims that the right to vote in municipal elections has to be granted to those citizens of Russia who live permanently in Latvia as it is already the case in Lithuania and Estonia. He also claims that citizens of Russia permanently living in Latvia are as much foreigners to Latvia as they are to their native country. Passports are another difficult issue, because citizens of Russia have to change their passports every five years. Chas.

jūnijs 4, 2009

  • Latgalian Radio will probably cease transmissions

Diena reports that Latgalian Radio will probably cease its transmissions after 5 June 2009 due to financial problems and disagreements within its management. Latgalian Radio is the only Latgalian radio station in Latvia.

jūnijs 3, 2009

  • Latvijas Avize criticises Amnesty International Report 2009

Latvijas Avize criticizes Amnesty International Report 2009, calling it biased and claiming the authors of the report did not take into account the Latvias historic situation. Latvijas Avize is also concerned that as references for the report Amnesty uses two other so called biased reports by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) and the UN Special Rapporteur on Racism. Latvijas Avize is concerned that Amnesty report has many mistakes concerning the situation of non-citizens. President of Latvia Mr. Valdis Zatlers asked Ombudsman Mr. Romans Apsitis to give an official opinion about the Amnestys criticism on Latvia.


jūnijs 2, 2009

  • Registration rejected to so called „Lindermans list
Riga Central District Election Commission rejected registration to so called „Linderman’s list”, because all candidates on this list are non-citizens. Vladimir Linderman, leader of the party promised that he will file the case to European Court of Human Rights.

Riga Central District Election Commission rejected registration to so called „Lindermans list, because all candidates on this list are non-citizens. Vladimir Linderman, leader of the party promised that he will file the case to European Court of Human Rights. Chas

maijs 30, 2009

Saturday, 30 May

Saturday, 30 May

  • Tatyana Zdanoka scored the highest ranking among Latvian MEPs in terms of promoting democracy
Independent think tank Open Europe has published a ranking of all 785 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), scoring their record on promoting transparency, democracy and reform in the European Union over the last five-year term. Tatyana Zdanoka scored the highest ranking among Latvian MEPs. She is in the 45th place out of 785.

Independent think tank Open Europe has published a ranking of all 785 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), scoring their record on promoting transparency, democracy and reform in the European Union over the last five-year term. Tatyana Zdanoka scored the highest ranking among Latvian MEPs. She is in the 45th place out of 785. Vesty Segodnya

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