jūlijs 3, 2006

  • Vesti Segodnya features an interview with one the authors of the Latvias integration programme Elmars Vebers
  • International conference Holocaust: Memory and Lesson in Riga
  • Research on integration of Russian and Latvian youth in Latvia is conducted
  • MEP Vladimir Remek criticizes Latvia for the situation with ethnic minorities

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with Elmars Vebers, one the authors of the Latvias integration programme developed in the end of 90s. Mr. Vebers states that the new integration program (which is under development now) has to focuson promotion of tolerance in society and deal with dislike towards others.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs,  the NGO “LATO”, and the American Jewish Committee  in cooperation with the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research will hold an international conference “Holocaust: Memory and Lesson”  in Riga on 4 and 5 July.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the NGO LATO, and the American Jewish Committee in cooperation with the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research will hold an international conference Holocaust: Memory and Lesson in Riga on 4 and 5 July. Latvijas Avize, NRA

The Strategic Analysis Commission under the auspices of the President of Latvia is conducting a research on integration of Russian and Latvian youth in Latvia. The results of the research will be published in autumn.

The Strategic Analysis Commission under the auspices of the President of Latvia is conducting a research on integration of Russian and Latvian youth in Latvia. The results of the research will be published in autumn. Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the member of the European Parliament Vladimir Remek (the representative of Czech Republic) who visited Latvia as a member of the MEPs delegation last week. Vladimir Remek criticizes Latvia for the situation regarding ethnic minorities and slow integration tempo. Mr. Remek states, historical motives cannot justify discrimination of people in the EU in the nineteenth century




jūnijs 30, 2006

  • Representatives of ethnic minorities from various European countries share their experience in Riga
  • Venice Commission develops recommendations for protection of ethnic minority rights in Europe
Yesterday, members of the European Parliament’s faction “Greens/ Free European Alliance” who in many cases represent ethnic minorities in EU countries took part in a seminar “Influence on Regional Development and Promotion of Multiculturalism in the Context of European Identity” held in Riga. Participants shared experiences of ethnic minority groups regarding preservation of their ethnic identity in various European countries.

Yesterday, members of the European Parliaments faction Greens/ Free European Alliance who in many cases represent ethnic minorities in EU countries took part in a seminar Influence on Regional Development and Promotion of Multiculturalism in the Context of European Identity held in Riga. Participants shared experiences of ethnic minority groups regarding preservation of their ethnic identity in various European countries. Vesti Segodnya

The European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) is preparing recommendations on ensuring the protection of ethnic minority rights in European countries.  The MP and the Chairperson of the PACE’s (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) Sub-Committee on Rights of Minorities Boriss Cilevics said that the Venice Commission might demand several countries, including Latvia, to remove their reservations to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

The European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) is preparing recommendations on ensuring the protection of ethnic minority rights in European countries. The MP and the Chairperson of the PACEs (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) Sub-Committee on Rights of Minorities Boriss Cilevics said that the Venice Commission might demand several countries, including Latvia, to remove their reservations to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Vesti Segodnya

jūnijs 29, 2006

  • Ruling in the first ever ethnic discrimination case in employment appealed
  • Latvia and Russia signed an agreement on cooperation in combating undocumented migration
The enterprise PALSO has appealed the ruling of the Jelgava Court which established that the company violated prohibition of discrimination. As reported, the court sentenced the responding party - company PALSO - for refusal to hire a Romani woman because of her ethnicity.

The enterprise PALSO has appealed the ruling of the Jelgava Court which established that the company violated prohibition of discrimination. As reported, the court sentenced the responding party - company PALSO - for refusal to hire a Romani woman because of her ethnicity. Diena

Yesterday, Latvian Minister of Interior Dzintars Jaundzeikars and the deputy of the Russian Minister of Interior Andrey Novikov signed a mutual agreement on cooperation in combating undocumented migration. The representatives of both countries stated that illegal migration endangers public and national security, economical stability and increases the number of crimes.

Yesterday, Latvian Minister of Interior Dzintars Jaundzeikars and the deputy of the Russian Minister of Interior Andrey Novikov signed a mutual agreement on cooperation in combating undocumented migration. The representatives of both countries stated that illegal migration endangers public and national security, economical stability and increases the number of crimes. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

jūnijs 28, 2006

  • Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone meets representatives of the diplomatic corpus in Latvia
Yesterday, the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone met representatives of diplomatic corpus in Latvia - Swedish Ambassador to Latvia, Danish Ambassador to Latvia and representatives of the embassies of the U.S. and the Netherlands embassies – to discuss issues regarding tolerance and integration of society in Latvia.

Yesterday, the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone met representatives of diplomatic corpus in Latvia - Swedish Ambassador to Latvia, Danish Ambassador to Latvia and representatives of the embassies of the U.S. and the Netherlands embassies – to discuss issues regarding tolerance and integration of society in Latvia. Latvijas Vestnesis

jūnijs 27, 2006

  • PACE closed post-monitoring dialogue with Latvia
  • Member of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vasiliy Lihachov criticizes Latvia for the situation of ethnic minorities in the country
  • Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the Minister of Education Baiba Rivza and the Director of the State General Education Evaluation Agency Evija Papule
Yesterday, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) accepted the report of the Bureau of the PACE on the situation of ethnic minorities in Latvia and closed the post-monitoring dialogue. The Head of the Latvian delegation to the PACE Andris Berzins stated that the PACE’s decision shows that Latvia is a democratic state.

Yesterday, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) accepted the report of the Bureau of the PACE on the situation of ethnic minorities in Latvia and closed the post-monitoring dialogue. The Head of the Latvian delegation to the PACE Andris Berzins stated that the PACEs decision shows that Latvia is a democratic state. Chas, Vesti Segodny, Diena

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the representative of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vasiliy Lihachov who visited Latvia in the framework of the Russian delegation last week. Vasiliy Lihachov criticized Latvia for large number of non-citizens and the situation of ethnic minorities. Mr. Lihachov stated that relations between Latvia and Russia would improve only when the problems of Russian-speaking residents in Latvia are solved.

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the Minister of Education Baiba Rivza and the Director of the State General Education Evaluation Agency Evija Papule. Evija Papule stated that monitoring over implementation of the education reform in minority schools shows that academic achievement of students subjected to the reform are at the same level as the respective academic achievements of students who were not subjected to the reform. Baiba Rivza stated that monitoring reveals that minority school students have very good achievements and in several areas they are even better than students who attend schools with Latvian as main language of instruction.

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