jūlijs 2, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies


writes about the resolution of FF/LNNK which voices the partys criticism about the citizenship promotion campaign conducted by the Naturalisation Board. The position of FF/LNNK is not supported by Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins or minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins. Researcher Ilze Brands-Kehris believes that the resolution was adopted to attract new voters and should be considered a part of FF/LNNKs pre-election campaign. The Prime Ministers spokesperson called FF/LNNKs criticism of the support of a foreign ambassador for the campaign provincialism, of, while minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins hopes that representatives of other countries will remember that this is a pre-election time in Latvia. writes about the resolution of FF/LNNK which voices the party’s criticism about the citizenship promotion campaign conducted by the Naturalisation Board. The position of FF/LNNK is not supported by Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins or minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins. Researcher Ilze Brands-Kehris believes that the resolution was adopted to attract new voters and should be considered a part of FF/LNNK’s pre-election campaign. The Prime Minister’s spokesperson called FF/LNNK’s criticism of the support of a foreign ambassador for the campaign “provincialism,” of, while minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins hopes that representatives of other countries will remember that this is a pre-election time in Latvia.

Lauku Avize

reports on re-launching of one activity of the citizenship promotion campaign – with the financial support of the British Embassy the Naturalisation Board will continue to organise information booths about the acquisition of Latvian citizenship. The newspaper publishes in-depth information about the opening of the first information booth where British ambassador Andrew Tesoriere and head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane took part. reports on re-launching of one activity of the citizenship promotion campaign – with the financial support of the British Embassy the Naturalisation Board will continue to organise information booths about the acquisition of Latvian citizenship. The newspaper publishes in-depth information about the opening of the first information booth where British ambassador Andrew Tesoriere and head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane took part.

Lauku Avize

publishes the complete list of integration projects that just received support from the Society Integration Foundation. publishes the complete list of integration projects that just received support from the Society Integration Foundation. According to the data of the company SKDS for the first time the rating of FF/LNNK has dipped below the 5% barrier. Only 3.4% of Latvian citizens would vote for FF/LNNK in June. Einars Repse’s New Era party is a stable leader – the rating of the party has grown by 3% and is now 20.8%. No major changes have taken place concerning the ratings of other political parties – the New Era party is followed by FHRUL, Latvia’s Way, the People’s Party and the Social Democrats, only the Union of Latvian Farmers and Green Party has overcome the 5%barrier for the first time.

According to the data of the company SKDS for the first time the rating of FF/LNNK has dipped below the 5% barrier. Only 3.4% of Latvian citizens would vote for FF/LNNK in June. Einars Repses New Era party is a stable leader – the rating of the party has grown by 3% and is now 20.8%. No major changes have taken place concerning the ratings of other political parties – the New Era party is followed by FHRUL, Latvias Way, the Peoples Party and the Social Democrats, only the Union of Latvian Farmers and Green Party has overcome the 5%barrier for the first time. Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Vechernaya Riga, Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii

Lauku Avize

talks to political scientist and president of the Politika Foundation from the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Nikonov. He believes that the common history, explicit orientation of the Baltic states to the West, distorted perception by both parties and many foreign policy problems Russia experiences now are the major stumbling stones in building good relations between Russia and Latvia. He admits that Latvia becomes less and less interesting for Russia. talks to political scientist and president of the “Politika” Foundation from the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Nikonov. He believes that the common history, explicit orientation of the Baltic states to the West, distorted perception by both parties and many foreign policy problems Russia experiences now are the major stumbling stones in building good relations between Russia and Latvia. He admits that Latvia becomes less and less interesting for Russia.


talks to political scientist Artis Pabriks. He states that society in Latvia is not split at all and is only a myth while we are not discussing politics, everything is fine. According to Artis Pabriks the determining factor for voters is their attitude and judgement of the events in 1940 when the Soviet Union occupied Latvia. He says that FHRUL could get 20% seats in the next Saeima, however, the party will not be in the government because they themselves do not want to be in the government. Regarding education problems, Artis Pabriks states that Russians should realise that there will never be higher education in Russian funded from the state budget or secondary education only in Russian and suggests choosing education programmes according to their quality, not language. talks to political scientist Artis Pabriks. He states that society in Latvia is not split at all and is only a myth “while we are not discussing politics, everything is fine.” According to Artis Pabriks the determining factor for voters is their attitude and judgement of the events in 1940 when the Soviet Union occupied Latvia. He says that FHRUL could get 20% seats in the next Saeima, however, the party will not be in the government “because they themselves do not want to be in the government.” Regarding education problems, Artis Pabriks states that Russians should realise that there will never be higher education in Russian funded from the state budget or secondary education only in Russian and suggests choosing education programmes according to their quality, not language.

Panorama Latvii

publishes its weekly supplement Our Latvia. In todays issue there is an article about whether Russians should be considered a national minority in Latvia. publishes its weekly supplement “Our Latvia.” In today’s issue there is an article about whether Russians should be considered a national minority in Latvia.

jūnijs 29, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies


and and Neatkariga Neatkariga report the re-launching of the naturalisation information booths where interested people will be able to receive all information concerning naturalisation and also take sample naturalisation tests. report the re-launching of the naturalisation information booths where interested people will be able to receive all information concerning naturalisation and also take sample naturalisation tests.


provides more in-depth information about the sponsors of the campaign – the Embassy of Great Britain. provides more in-depth information about the sponsors of the campaign – the Embassy of Great Britain.

Latvijas Vestnesis

publishes information about the results of the integration project tenders. Chairperson of the Board Ramona Umblija noted that the mass media was very willing to get involved in the integration process and in total submitted 16 projects for this sub-tender. In the near future the Integration Foundation will analyse the most common mistakes made by applicants and will publish the summary of mistakes on its home page in the internet. publishes information about the results of the integration project tenders. Chairperson of the Board Ramona Umblija noted that the mass media was very willing to get involved in the integration process and in total submitted 16 projects for this sub-tender. In the near future the Integration Foundation will analyse the most common mistakes made by applicants and will publish the summary of mistakes on its home page in the internet.

Lauku Avize

attended the 10th anniversary of the State Language Centre. Former director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsha, when analysing the work of the Centre, stated that the Centre has chosen the right direction and was capable of implementing its goals. However, Dzintra Hirsa doubted whether Latvia will succeed in convincing other countries about the correctness of the work of the Centre. The newspaper notes that Peoples Party MP Dzintars Abikis was the only MP who came to the presentation. attended the 10th anniversary of the State Language Centre. Former director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsha, when analysing the work of the Centre, stated that the Centre has chosen the right direction and was capable of implementing its goals. However, Dzintra Hirsa doubted whether Latvia will succeed in convincing other countries about the correctness of the work of the Centre. The newspaper notes that People’s Party MP Dzintars Abikis was the only MP who came to the presentation. 54 Russian students of Latvian universities received scholarships from Moscow Mayor Yurij Luzhkov.

54 Russian students of Latvian universities received scholarships from Moscow Mayor Yurij Luzhkov. Vesti Segodnja stresses that the government of Moscow always supports Russian compatriots in other countries. Vesti Segodnja, Diena, Panorama Latvii

jūnijs 28, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Vechernaya Riga reports on the latest activities of the Naturalisation Board. With the financial support of the embassy of Great Britain, the Board will organise a tour with information booths where interested people will be able to receive all information about citizenship acquisition procedure. The Board is planning to have 9 information booths in Riga and 16 outside Riga. Chas

The Board of Latvia’s Way has asked party’s Saeima deputy, chairman of the Roma Association in Latvia Normunds Rudevics an explanation about the usage of funding allotted for the Roma Association from the state budget. A letter from Roma representatives stating that this money is not spent for integrating Roma into society motivated Latvia’s Way to ask for an explanation.

The Board of Latvias Way has asked partys Saeima deputy, chairman of the Roma Association in Latvia Normunds Rudevics an explanation about the usage of funding allotted for the Roma Association from the state budget. A letter from Roma representatives stating that this money is not spent for integrating Roma into society motivated Latvias Way to ask for an explanation. Diena

The First Party has announced its list of ministers for the 8th Saeima. Among already existing posts of ministers, the First Party has introduced the post of the Special Purpose Minister in National Minority Affairs and has nominated for the post conductor of the orthodox choir Aleksandrs Brandavs.

The First Party has announced its list of ministers for the 8th Saeima. Among already existing posts of ministers, the First Party has introduced the post of the Special Purpose Minister in National Minority Affairs and has nominated for the post conductor of the orthodox choir Aleksandrs Brandavs. Diena

Six MPs have proposed awarding honorary Latvian citizenship to vice Rabbi Dmitry Bekker for his contribution in promoting the integration of Jews into Latvian society and fostering understanding and tolerance among nationalities in Latvia. During the 7th Saeima Latvian citizenship for special contributions was awarded to ballet dancer Andris Liepa and basketball player Bruno Peterson.

Six MPs have proposed awarding honorary Latvian citizenship to vice Rabbi Dmitry Bekker for his contribution in promoting the integration of Jews into Latvian society and fostering understanding and tolerance among nationalities in Latvia. During the 7th Saeima Latvian citizenship for special contributions was awarded to ballet dancer Andris Liepa and basketball player Bruno Peterson. Rigas Balss


provides a summary of the activities of MPs of the 7th Saeima. The majority of MPs admit that amendments to the election laws lifting the language requirement for election candidates is the key event during this Saeima. The newspaper predicts that one of the most complicated issues will be the planned switch of minority schools to the Latvian language in 2004. provides a summary of the activities of MPs of the 7th Saeima. The majority of MPs admit that amendments to the election laws lifting the language requirement for election candidates is the key event during this Saeima. The newspaper predicts that one of the most complicated issues will be the planned switch of minority schools to the Latvian language in 2004. Editors of

Editors of Vesti Segodnja talk to leader of the New Era party Einars Repse. He states that his party does not divide people according their ethnic backgrounds and does not offer any special integration programme. He believes that first of all socio-economic problems should be solved and afterwards people themselves will be able to manage integration problems.

jūnijs 27, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Diena reports that the Integration Foundation already for the second time has distributed money to integration projects. This time the Foundation supported 64 projects and total funding for these projects amounts to LVL 96 449. Among 64 projects there are 36 projects aimed at ethnic integration and LVL 37 388 will be allotted for this category of projects. In July the Foundation will announce the next tender. Neatkariga, Chas

The National Radio and TV Council concludes that the Freedom Party’s pre-election clip contains elements of racial discrimination. Thus, the Freedom Party has violated the Law on Radio and Television and a number of international conventions as well. However, this time the NTRC will issue only a warning, as broadcasting the clip went on for only several days and has already been stopped. If such violations are repeated, the broadcasting organisations will receive more severe punishments, such as closing of an organisation for several days.

The National Radio and TV Council concludes that the Freedom Partys pre-election clip contains elements of racial discrimination. Thus, the Freedom Party has violated the Law on Radio and Television and a number of international conventions as well. However, this time the NTRC will issue only a warning, as broadcasting the clip went on for only several days and has already been stopped. If such violations are repeated, the broadcasting organisations will receive more severe punishments, such as closing of an organisation for several days. Diena, Vechernaya Riga, Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf

Chas provides the opinion of economics professor Raita Karnite, who is among the supporters of the Freedom Party. She states that she does not like the clip. However, now in Latvia “two rather similar ethnic groups have difficulties with understanding. Are we ready to live with people who are not like we are?”

Chas provides the opinion of economics professor Raita Karnite, who is among the supporters of the Freedom Party. She states that she does not like the clip. However, now in Latvia two rather similar ethnic groups have difficulties with understanding. Are we ready to live with people who are not like we are?

Yesterday the Union of political parties “Centrs,” which is composed of the Latvian Democratic Party, Labour Party, Union of Latvian Farmers and Freedom to Latvia, presented its programme on education. Regarding Russian schools, the union admits that “the government and the Ministry of Education have not done anything to ensure the qualitative switch of minority secondary schools to the Latvian language as of September 1, 2004, therefore the transfer should be made gradually till 2007.”

Yesterday the Union of political parties Centrs, which is composed of the Latvian Democratic Party, Labour Party, Union of Latvian Farmers and Freedom to Latvia, presented its programme on education. Regarding Russian schools, the union admits that the government and the Ministry of Education have not done anything to ensure the qualitative switch of minority secondary schools to the Latvian language as of September 1, 2004, therefore the transfer should be made gradually till 2007. Vesti Segodnja

In co-operation with the information agency “Novosti” of the Russian Federation,

In co-operation with the information agency Novosti of the Russian Federation, Panorama Latvii launches the weekly supplement Russian Bulletin. The supplement will report on news in culture, the economy and politics in Russia.

jūnijs 26, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

The Constitutional Protection Office does not see any violations and incitement of national hatred in the clip of Freedom Party’s pre-election campaign and leaflets, which depict a dark skinned man in a Latvian military uniform standing at the Freedom Monument with a caption that reads: "Today - Latvia's Defender, Tomorrow - Your Son-In-Law?" Whereas Sandra Veinberga, a media expert currently working in Sweden, believes that BP's ad campaign is a blatant example of incitement. In the Nordic countries, the guilty parties would be held liable for such an ad, she said. Political scientist Artis Pabriks also agrees that the ad contains discriminatory features against Africans. Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Nils Muiznieks does not detect incitement, pointing out that the advertisement does not call for discrimination or violence against other races. Muiznieks called the advertisement "typical right-wing populism." Ojars Kalnins, director of the Latvian Institute, told LETA that he believes that the advertisement would not produce a broader reaction because there are parties in the European Union (EU) expressing similar views. BP does not have a high rating in Latvia and the party's ad is based on emotions and addressed to Euroskeptics, without any logical arguments, Kalnins believes

The Constitutional Protection Office does not see any violations and incitement of national hatred in the clip of Freedom Partys pre-election campaign and leaflets, which depict a dark skinned man in a Latvian military uniform standing at the Freedom Monument with a caption that reads: "Today - Latvia's Defender, Tomorrow - Your Son-In-Law?" Whereas Sandra Veinberga, a media expert currently working in Sweden, believes that BP's ad campaign is a blatant example of incitement. In the Nordic countries, the guilty parties would be held liable for such an ad, she said. Political scientist Artis Pabriks also agrees that the ad contains discriminatory features against Africans. Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Nils Muiznieks does not detect incitement, pointing out that the advertisement does not call for discrimination or violence against other races. Muiznieks called the advertisement "typical right-wing populism." Ojars Kalnins, director of the Latvian Institute, told LETA that he believes that the advertisement would not produce a broader reaction because there are parties in the European Union (EU) expressing similar views. BP does not have a high rating in Latvia and the party's ad is based on emotions and addressed to Euroskeptics, without any logical arguments, Kalnins believes. Diena, Vechernaya Riga, Vesti Segodnja, LETA

Latvijas Vestnesis

reports on a presentation of the booklet The Implementation of Language Policy in Latvia: the State Language Centre 1992-2002. The booklet is an overview of 10 years of activities of the State Language Centre. The presentation will take place today and in the framework of the presentation an informal discussion about the place and role of the Centre in Latvia will take place. The newspaper also provides the key conclusions and achievements concerning the implementation of language policy in Latvia. The final conclusion is that there are many difficult issues to be tackled concerning language policy in Latvia. However, the key goal is to create motivation to speak the state language, to bring nearer the two big language communities and to create conditions to promote and preserve the languages of ethnic minorities as well. reports on a presentation of the booklet “The Implementation of Language Policy in Latvia: the State Language Centre 1992-2002.” The booklet is an overview of 10 years of activities of the State Language Centre. The presentation will take place today and in the framework of the presentation an informal discussion about the place and role of the Centre in Latvia will take place. The newspaper also provides the key conclusions and achievements concerning the implementation of language policy in Latvia. The final conclusion is that there are many difficult issues to be tackled concerning language policy in Latvia. However, the key goal is to create motivation to speak the state language, to bring nearer the two big language communities and to create conditions to promote and preserve the languages of ethnic minorities as well.

Lauku Avize

interviews head of the European Commission Delegation in Latvia Andrew Rasbash. When asked about the future of small countries in the EU, ambassador Andrew Rasbash states that the cultures of small countries are protected in the context of the EU, however, in Latvia it is more a domestic issue, as many Russians in Latvia still believe that Riga is a city of Russians and a part of the Russian Empire. interviews head of the European Commission Delegation in Latvia Andrew Rasbash. When asked about the future of small countries in the EU, ambassador Andrew Rasbash states that the cultures of small countries are protected in the context of the EU, however, in Latvia it is more a domestic issue, as many Russians in Latvia still believe that Riga is a city of Russians and a part of the Russian Empire.


interviews FHRUL member Vladlen Dozorcev. His forecast for the 8th Saeima is the following: FHRUL will have at least 20 seats, the social democrats, FF/LNNK and Repses New Era party will get 20 seats each as well, the remaining 20 seats will be divided among the current governing parties. Vladlen Dozorcev states that Repse has shown a deep interest about the Russian electorate, but will not get their votes, as he is not going to address the top ten problems of Russian-speakers. interviews FHRUL member Vladlen Dozorcev. His forecast for the 8th Saeima is the following: FHRUL will have at least 20 seats, the social democrats, FF/LNNK and Repse’s New Era party will get 20 seats each as well, the remaining 20 seats will be divided among the current governing parties. Vladlen Dozorcev states that Repse has shown a deep interest about the Russian electorate, but will not get their votes, as he is not going to address the top ten problems of Russian-speakers.

Vesti Segodnja

talks to FHRUL deputy Alexandr Bartashavich who states that the work of the 7th Saeima should be considered completed, as MPs do not want to make any sharp moves till the 8th Saeima elections in October. He notes that MPs are very involved in getting ready for the NATO summit in Prague and under the positive influence of NATO several positive laws concerning national minorities could be adopted. He is convinced that the 8th Saeima will be more oriented to the left. talks to FHRUL deputy Alexandr Bartashavich who states that the work of the 7th Saeima should be considered completed, as MPs do not want to “make any sharp moves” till the 8th Saeima elections in October. He notes that MPs are very involved in getting ready for the NATO summit in Prague and “under the positive influence of NATO several positive laws concerning national minorities could be adopted.” He is convinced that the 8th Saeima will be more oriented to the left.

Vesti Segodnja

refers to the statements of Peoples Party MP Aleksandrs Kirshteins about Latvias readiness to join NATO. The newspaper in particular stresses Kirshteins statement that Latvia should get compensation from Russia for the losses brought by the Soviet occupation regime. refers to the statements of People’s Party MP Aleksandrs Kirshteins about Latvia’s readiness to join NATO. The newspaper in particular stresses Kirshteins’ statement that Latvia should get compensation from Russia for the losses brought by the Soviet occupation regime.
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