jūlijs 4, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

A group of Latvia's scientists who developed a report on ethnic policy in Latvia called on the government to allocate appropriate financing to promote culture development of national minorities and set up a mechanism of dialogue between the government and minorities. Authors of the research -- a group of outstanding Latvian scientists --believe last year no society integration measures have taken place but rather public rallies splitting society. Authors of the research Ethnic Policy in Latvia also recommend the Latvian parliament to ratify the Council of Europe convention on protection of national minorities, defining limitations underscoring specific circumstances in Latvia. University of Latvia Philosophy and Social Sciences Institute researcher Leo Dribins said the convention is a "time bomb and the question should be raised at the level of general politics". He said the Convention is not a political ultimatum and Latvia should present to the Council of Europe possible objections Latvia may have to certain provisions under the convention. The authors of the research consider the ruling coalition parties centrist Latvia's Way and right-to-the-centre People's Party so far have not revealed their ethnic political views. The ethnic policy direction is most vividly expressed in programs of Social Democrats, leftist National Harmony Party and nationalist Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK party. The research Ethnic Policy in Latvia said Latvians in Latvia do not have ethnic public organisation aimed at ethnic policy. But Russian minorities, especially in Latvia's regions, have several such organisations, including politicised non-governmental organisations that are attempting to take involvement in decision making process. Editor-in-chief of the research and project manager philosopher Elmars Vebers said Latvian media do not show much interest in opinions of national minorities on a variety of issues, thus not promoting process of mutual understanding and integration in society. Authors of the research underscored there is no mechanism in Latvia at the government level for building dialogue between a variety of ethnic groups. The law on national minorities actually has not been implemented, it is "over-protocolled" and should be improved. Recommendations to report said Latvia should raise investment into projects aimed at retaining and improving national minorities culture, language and traditions, thus enriching Latvia's common culture environment. The authors of the research, including Ilga Apine, Leo Dribins, Arturs Jansons, Elmars Vebers, Vladislavs Volkovs and Sigita Zankovka have gathered and analysed data about social, culture and political activities of Latvia's national minorities as well as solution of ethnic policy issues in the areas of language, culture, education and society information.

A group of Latvia's scientists who developed a report on ethnic policy in Latvia called on the government to allocate appropriate financing to promote culture development of national minorities and set up a mechanism of dialogue between the government and minorities. Authors of the research -- a group of outstanding Latvian scientists --believe last year no society integration measures have taken place but rather public rallies splitting society. Authors of the research Ethnic Policy in Latvia also recommend the Latvian parliament to ratify the Council of Europe convention on protection of national minorities, defining limitations underscoring specific circumstances in Latvia. University of Latvia Philosophy and Social Sciences Institute researcher Leo Dribins said the convention is a "time bomb and the question should be raised at the level of general politics". He said the Convention is not a political ultimatum and Latvia should present to the Council of Europe possible objections Latvia may have to certain provisions under the convention. The authors of the research consider the ruling coalition parties centrist Latvia's Way and right-to-the-centre People's Party so far have not revealed their ethnic political views. The ethnic policy direction is most vividly expressed in programs of Social Democrats, leftist National Harmony Party and nationalist Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK party. The research Ethnic Policy in Latvia said Latvians in Latvia do not have ethnic public organisation aimed at ethnic policy. But Russian minorities, especially in Latvia's regions, have several such organisations, including politicised non-governmental organisations that are attempting to take involvement in decision making process. Editor-in-chief of the research and project manager philosopher Elmars Vebers said Latvian media do not show much interest in opinions of national minorities on a variety of issues, thus not promoting process of mutual understanding and integration in society. Authors of the research underscored there is no mechanism in Latvia at the government level for building dialogue between a variety of ethnic groups. The law on national minorities actually has not been implemented, it is "over-protocolled" and should be improved. Recommendations to report said Latvia should raise investment into projects aimed at retaining and improving national minorities culture, language and traditions, thus enriching Latvia's common culture environment. The authors of the research, including Ilga Apine, Leo Dribins, Arturs Jansons, Elmars Vebers, Vladislavs Volkovs and Sigita Zankovka have gathered and analysed data about social, culture and political activities of Latvia's national minorities as well as solution of ethnic policy issues in the areas of language, culture, education and society information. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Respublika

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga had a brief informal meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov as part of Salzburg Economic Forum and invited him to visit Latvia. The two officials met in a reception held by Austrian president Monday evening and the conversation lasted for some five minutes. The conversation focused mainly on economic co-operation and Vike-Freiberga reported to Kasyanov about latest economic developments in Latvia. The two officials also spoke about co-operation in Central and Eastern Europe underscoring the forum was useful as it provided a chance for politicians and business people to meet and discuss regional and bilateral co-operation issues. The president on Tuesday joined a thematic dinner that was attended by some 100 guests and to which Kasyanov was the main speaker. Rozenberga said Vike-Freiberga in Salzburg also met leader of Russian party Yabloko, Grigory Yavlinsky, who underscored the important role of relations between Russia and the Baltic states in Russia's democratisation process as well as in the dialogue of Russia with Nordic states and the rest of Europe. Yavlinsky told the president that accession of the Baltic states, including Latvia, to NATO is the right of sovereign countries to choose security guarantees for the future.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga had a brief informal meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov as part of Salzburg Economic Forum and invited him to visit Latvia. The two officials met in a reception held by Austrian president Monday evening and the conversation lasted for some five minutes. The conversation focused mainly on economic co-operation and Vike-Freiberga reported to Kasyanov about latest economic developments in Latvia. The two officials also spoke about co-operation in Central and Eastern Europe underscoring the forum was useful as it provided a chance for politicians and business people to meet and discuss regional and bilateral co-operation issues. The president on Tuesday joined a thematic dinner that was attended by some 100 guests and to which Kasyanov was the main speaker. Rozenberga said Vike-Freiberga in Salzburg also met leader of Russian party Yabloko, Grigory Yavlinsky, who underscored the important role of relations between Russia and the Baltic states in Russia's democratisation process as well as in the dialogue of Russia with Nordic states and the rest of Europe. Yavlinsky told the president that accession of the Baltic states, including Latvia, to NATO is the right of sovereign countries to choose security guarantees for the future. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Respublika

The Latvian government in general has accepted the model of administrative territorial reform envisaging forming 102 local authorities, which was supported by majority of society. The government though did not express support to any concrete terms for the reform implementation - either 2003 or 2005. Currently Latvia has 552 local authorities and 26 district authorities.

Diena, Jauna, Respublika Draft Law on Citizenship presented to Russian State Duma by President V.Putin does not foresee giving citizenship to the persons residing in the former republics of the USSR and the Baltic Countries only on the basis that the persons were citizens of the former USSR.

Draft Law on Citizenship presented to Russian State Duma by President V.Putin does not foresee giving citizenship to the persons residing in the former republics of the USSR and the Baltic Countries only on the basis that the persons were citizens of the former USSR. Vesti Segodnja

The ruling coalition is ready to give up the agreement with Russia just to cock a snook to non-citizens. Coalition Council of the ruling parties did not support the norm in the agreement foreseeing recalculation of pensions for non-citizens.

The ruling coalition is ready to give up the agreement with Russia just to cock a snook to non-citizens. Coalition Council of the ruling parties did not support the norm in the agreement foreseeing recalculation of pensions for non-citizens. Vesti Segodnja

Russian Government approved federal programme “Russian Language 2002- 2005”, which foresees provision of support to the development of the Russian language in Russia, former Soviet Republics and Baltic States.

Russian Government approved federal programme Russian Language 2002- 2005, which foresees provision of support to the development of the Russian language in Russia, former Soviet Republics and Baltic States. Vesti Segodnja, Respublika

At tomorrow’s extra Saeima’s session the Law on Integration Foundation has to be adopted.

At tomorrows extra Saeimas session the Law on Integration Foundation has to be adopted. Respublika

State Language Centre is going to re-examine Latvian language skills of Daugavpils City mayor R.Eigims. This time State Language Centre director Dz.Hirsha is not sure about Eigims writing skills.

Panorama Latvii

jūnijs 30, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Even though the ratio of ethnic Latvians in Latvia has been gaining for the past decade, now reaching 57 percent, their numbers continue the 0o dwindle. Latvians are still a minority in 14 of the country's 77 cities and in 45 of the 481 counties. The number of ethnic Russians in Latvia is also on the fall. "This can mainly be explained by a rather large portion of ethnic Russians returning to their ethnic homeland or moving abroad after Latvia regained independence," announced the Latvian statistics office Friday in relation to last year's population census. In the last population census in 1989, Latvia was populated by 52 percent ethnic Latvians and 34 percent ethnic Russians with a population of 2.6 million. This was the lowest ratio of ethnic Latvians recorded in four population censuses since 1935. Of the seven largest Latvian cities, the most ethnic Latvians are found in Ventspils (51.6 percent) and Jelgava (51 percent), while rural areas show a higher rate of Latvians, for example, 91.9 percent in the Talsi district, 91.2 in the Kuldiga district and 89.9 percent in the Ventspils district. The smallest ratio of ethnic Latvians in major cities is found in Daugavpils with 15.9 percent, Rezekne on 42.6 percent and only 41 percent in the capital Riga. Ethnic Latvians are a minority also in Liepaja and Jurmala.

Even though the ratio of ethnic Latvians in Latvia has been gaining for the past decade, now reaching 57 percent, their numbers continue the 0o dwindle. Latvians are still a minority in 14 of the country's 77 cities and in 45 of the 481 counties. The number of ethnic Russians in Latvia is also on the fall. "This can mainly be explained by a rather large portion of ethnic Russians returning to their ethnic homeland or moving abroad after Latvia regained independence," announced the Latvian statistics office Friday in relation to last year's population census. In the last population census in 1989, Latvia was populated by 52 percent ethnic Latvians and 34 percent ethnic Russians with a population of 2.6 million. This was the lowest ratio of ethnic Latvians recorded in four population censuses since 1935. Of the seven largest Latvian cities, the most ethnic Latvians are found in Ventspils (51.6 percent) and Jelgava (51 percent), while rural areas show a higher rate of Latvians, for example, 91.9 percent in the Talsi district, 91.2 in the Kuldiga district and 89.9 percent in the Ventspils district. The smallest ratio of ethnic Latvians in major cities is found in Daugavpils with 15.9 percent, Rezekne on 42.6 percent and only 41 percent in the capital Riga. Ethnic Latvians are a minority also in Liepaja and Jurmala. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja

Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga will be participating in the Salzburg Economic Forum in Austria from July 1 - 3. The forum's main topic this year is EU expansion and future development perspectives.

Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga will be participating in the Salzburg Economic Forum in Austria from July 1 - 3. The forum's main topic this year is EU expansion and future development perspectives. Diena

A part of people who left Russian Party are planning to establish a new organisation for Russians in Latvia – the new political movement will be called “Latvia – Our Home”. At the moment the main principles of the movement are very similar to the programme of FHRUL.

A part of people who left Russian Party are planning to establish a new organisation for Russians in Latvia – the new political movement will be called Latvia – Our Home. At the moment the main principles of the movement are very similar to the programme of FHRUL. Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnja

The heads of National Human Rights Office and State Police admitted that the lack of interpreters in police is violation of human rights as legal proceedings takes place only in the state language.

The heads of National Human Rights Office and State Police admitted that the lack of interpreters in police is violation of human rights as legal proceedings takes place only in the state language. Vesti Segodnja

Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said in a newspaper interview that to ensure the rights of ethnic minorities, Estonia and Latvia must more observe norms effective in the European Union. "We demand no special conditions for our compatriots, different from those that ethnic minorities enjoy in other European countries," Ivanov told the Russian daily

Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said in a newspaper interview that to ensure the rights of ethnic minorities, Estonia and Latvia must more observe norms effective in the European Union. "We demand no special conditions for our compatriots, different from those that ethnic minorities enjoy in other European countries," Ivanov told the Russian daily Pravda. "We are convinced Estonia and Latvia, aspiring to become members of the European Union, have to stick to EU norms." The Russian foreign minister said observation of minority rights would contribute to the Baltic countries' good relations with Russia, as Russia pays a lot of attention to humanitarian issues in those countries. "We cannot regard as normal a situation where one third of a country's residents have no citizenship, where their rights to education in their native language are being restricted, where they are being crowded into the back yard of public and political life," Ivanov said. Vesti Segodnja, BNS

Latvian prosecutor general ordered Constitution Protection Office (CPO), top national security agency, to check out if a book of essays from controversial contest, published by Vieda publishing company, contains inciting to national hatred for the second time. The book contains essays sent in to the publishing company as part of the essay contest, criticised by Russia. CPO deputy chief Uldis Dzenitis told BNS the CPO received order from Prosecutor General Janis Maizitis several days ago and, it is Maizitis' own initiative. He asked to assess if the publication of the book should not be regarded as inciting to national or racial hatred.

Vesti Segodnja

Vesti Segodnja

provides comments on the visit of Riga City Council mayor G.Bojars to Moscow. The real purpose of the visit was not the one announced officially – to present Rigas 800 years anniversary – but to present Social Democrats as the future ruling party, with which Moscow will have to build relationship. provides comments on the visit of Riga City Council mayor G.Bojars to Moscow. The real purpose of the visit was not the one announced officially – to present Riga’s 800 years anniversary – but “to present Social Democrats as the future ruling party, with which Moscow will have to build relationship”.  

jūnijs 29, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Representatives of Latvia's southeastern city of Daugavpils and western Russian city of Pskov signed a protocol of intention for cooperation of the city municipal institutions and businesses on Thursday. The Daugavpils City Council executive director and Pskov deputy mayor signed the protocol with the aim of promoting the economic environment of both cities. The two cities agreed upon co-operation between municipal institutions and businesses, as well as the possibility of establishing a co-operative Support Fund.

Representatives of Latvia's southeastern city of Daugavpils and western Russian city of Pskov signed a protocol of intention for cooperation of the city municipal institutions and businesses on Thursday. The Daugavpils City Council executive director and Pskov deputy mayor signed the protocol with the aim of promoting the economic environment of both cities. The two cities agreed upon co-operation between municipal institutions and businesses, as well as the possibility of establishing a co-operative Support Fund. Vesti Segodnja

United States Air Force General Joseph Ralston said Thursday in Riga following a meeting with Latvia's President that "no one is concerned over the capability of [Latvia's] armed forces to co-operate on the same level as the alliance forces," mentioning as an example the participation of Latvian soldiers in peace-keeping operations in the Balkans. "Latvian military forces are already operating as part of NATO procedures and using NATO tactics," and Latvian soldiers will bring this experience home, he said. Ralston said he as a military cannot make specific promises concerning the admission of Latvia to NATO, saying that the decision will be made by politicians. But military and expert assessment on the readiness of countries for alliance membership will go side by side with political considerations. Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga also agreed that this "political issue" was a dialogue between political and military aspects. The Latvian president said Ralston had examined the situation in the Latvian armed forces and praised the progress achieved in raising the country's defence capacity, saying he would like to continue supporting Latvia on its way to NATO.

United States Air Force General Joseph Ralston said Thursday in Riga following a meeting with Latvia's President that "no one is concerned over the capability of [Latvia's] armed forces to co-operate on the same level as the alliance forces," mentioning as an example the participation of Latvian soldiers in peace-keeping operations in the Balkans. "Latvian military forces are already operating as part of NATO procedures and using NATO tactics," and Latvian soldiers will bring this experience home, he said. Ralston said he as a military cannot make specific promises concerning the admission of Latvia to NATO, saying that the decision will be made by politicians. But military and expert assessment on the readiness of countries for alliance membership will go side by side with political considerations. Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga also agreed that this "political issue" was a dialogue between political and military aspects. The Latvian president said Ralston had examined the situation in the Latvian armed forces and praised the progress achieved in raising the country's defence capacity, saying he would like to continue supporting Latvia on its way to NATO. Diena, Neatkariga, Rigas Balss, Chas

After the break of eight years, the first railway carriage to run on a direct route between Russian city Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea cost and the Latvian capital Riga departed from Kaliningrad Thursday. At the same time Russian Government approved draft amendments to the Federal Law on the Procedure of Entrance to Russia. Now Russian Government has a possibility to establish visa free entrance for those foreigners who reside in the countries, which have no visa requirements for Russians.

After the break of eight years, the first railway carriage to run on a direct route between Russian city Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea cost and the Latvian capital Riga departed from Kaliningrad Thursday. At the same time Russian Government approved draft amendments to the Federal Law on the Procedure of Entrance to Russia. Now Russian Government has a possibility to establish visa free entrance for those foreigners who reside in the countries, which have no visa requirements for Russians. Vesti Segodnja, Chas

Rigas Balss

interviews Daugavpils City Council mayor R.Eigims. He talks about his plans regarding development of the city. When asked about language situation in the city, the mayor informs that in Daugavpils people have a possibility to attend Latvian language courses free of charge and although the number of non-citizens in Daugavpils among other Latvian cities is the highest, he hopes that after some time there will not be such problems. R.Eigims and his party Latgales Gaisma are planning to run for Saeima elections. interviews Daugavpils City Council mayor R.Eigims. He talks about his plans regarding development of the city. When asked about language situation in the city, the mayor informs that in Daugavpils people have a possibility to attend Latvian language courses free of charge and although the number of non-citizens in Daugavpils among other Latvian cities is the highest, he hopes that after some time there will not be such problems. R.Eigims and his party “Latgales Gaisma” are planning to run for Saeima elections. Yesterday several national bolshevists were picketing at the City Council demanding to return to the streets of Riga the names of “noble Russians”, such as J.Gagarin, which they had during Soviet times.

Yesterday several national bolshevists were picketing at the City Council demanding to return to the streets of Riga the names of noble Russians, such as J.Gagarin, which they had during Soviet times. Vesti Segodnja, Chas, Panorama Latvii

In regard to the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the provisions of the Law on State Pensions providing for that the years till 1991 which foreign citizens and stateless persons worked outside Latvia are not taken into account when pensions of the above mentioned persons are calculated, as a solution to the problem the Court suggested to sign international agreements with Russia and other countries. The newspaper

In regard to the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the provisions of the Law on State Pensions providing for that the years till 1991 which foreign citizens and stateless persons worked outside Latvia are not taken into account when pensions of the above mentioned persons are calculated, as a solution to the problem the Court suggested to sign international agreements with Russia and other countries. The newspaper Vesti Segodnja suggests another solution – as of 1 July all individuals are eligible to apply to the Constitutional Court then if the number of claims is high the attention of Europe and the world would be attracted. Vesti Segodnja

Weekly newspaper

Weekly newspaper The Baltic Times of June 28 - July publishes an article about the possible closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia.The Permanent Council of the OSCE has voted to extend the term of its missions to Latvia and Estonia for another 6 months. As Estonia and Latvia prepare for the accession to the EU, both governments are eager to see the removal of the missions – commonly associated with doubts about countrys ability to function as a democracy. But the Head of the Mission to Latvia P.Semneby said the OSCE would not compromise its standards. A.Pildegovich, foreign policy adviser to Latvian President, said that the decision to extend Missions mandate is the last of its kind as the Government has technically implemented all necessary steps for its closure. But, cautioned Semneby, closure of the Mission is not a foregone conclusion. The OSCE must see a commitment to a sustained effort to integrate Latvian society, he said. We are not striving for a static goal. This is a dynamic process, which will last forever. It is necessary to get the direction right.

In order to encourage further integration, the OSCE will undertake various projects with the Naturalisation Board and UNDP. These will include free language training and a campaign to encourage people to become citizens. The budget of the campaign amounts to USD 200,000. “It is necessary to give all 550,000 non-citizens all the information they need to make an informed choice on obtaining citizenship”, said Semneby. “There is currently a lot of uncertainty about what the choice means, due to lack of trust in state institutions – something which is seen both among citizens and non-citizens. According to the Naturalisation Board 20% of non-citizens have said they want to apply for citizenship and a further 20% would like to do so in the future. This represents 200,000 in total. The remaining 60% are probably beyond the reach of campaign like this, but maybe some will apply”. He added that Latvia’s language law – which regulates language use in various areas – fulfils “International minimal requirements”, but changes are still necessary to regulations stipulating the language skills required of election candidates. “Our position is that these requirements are not justified. It is a sovereign right of a voter to elect a representative, who-ever he wants, who may be handicapped in any way”. L.Raihman, chairman of Latvian Human Rights Committee, said the OSCE Mission to Latvia should remain in Latvia until 2004, when, under a new education law, Russian language schools will begin to be phased out.

In order to encourage further integration, the OSCE will undertake various projects with the Naturalisation Board and UNDP. These will include free language training and a campaign to encourage people to become citizens. The budget of the campaign amounts to USD 200,000. It is necessary to give all 550,000 non-citizens all the information they need to make an informed choice on obtaining citizenship, said Semneby. There is currently a lot of uncertainty about what the choice means, due to lack of trust in state institutions – something which is seen both among citizens and non-citizens. According to the Naturalisation Board 20% of non-citizens have said they want to apply for citizenship and a further 20% would like to do so in the future. This represents 200,000 in total. The remaining 60% are probably beyond the reach of campaign like this, but maybe some will apply. He added that Latvias language law – which regulates language use in various areas – fulfils International minimal requirements, but changes are still necessary to regulations stipulating the language skills required of election candidates. Our position is that these requirements are not justified. It is a sovereign right of a voter to elect a representative, who-ever he wants, who may be handicapped in any way. L.Raihman, chairman of Latvian Human Rights Committee, said the OSCE Mission to Latvia should remain in Latvia until 2004, when, under a new education law, Russian language schools will begin to be phased out.

jūnijs 28, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh, whose country is holding the European Union's rotating presidency, said it is possible that the missions of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in Estonia and Latvia will be closed already this year. In her remarks to the OSCE Permanent Council on Wednesday, Lindh called the work of the OSCE missions in Estonia and Latvia a success story.

Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh, whose country is holding the European Union's rotating presidency, said it is possible that the missions of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in Estonia and Latvia will be closed already this year. In her remarks to the OSCE Permanent Council on Wednesday, Lindh called the work of the OSCE missions in Estonia and Latvia a success story.

She said that as a result of close and fruitful co-operation by the two countries' governments with the missions and the OSCE high commissioner on national minorities, a closure of the missions by the end of this year now seems feasible.

She said that as a result of close and fruitful co-operation by the two countries' governments with the missions and the OSCE high commissioner on national minorities, a closure of the missions by the end of this year now seems feasible.

The U.S. envoy to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has voiced recognition of the achievements of Estonia and Latvia in integrating their ethnic minorities while calling on the two countries to continue their efforts.

The U.S. envoy to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has voiced recognition of the achievements of Estonia and Latvia in integrating their ethnic minorities while calling on the two countries to continue their efforts.

"We congratulate Estonia and Latvia on recent progress and call for continued work on social integration, since there is still work to be done," U.S. Ambassador David T. Johnson said in a statement on minority rights delivered on June 22 in Vienna to the OSCE Permanent Council. "The letter and the spirit of language laws must be respected, and we encourage continued progress on the processes of naturalisation,"

"We congratulate Estonia and Latvia on recent progress and call for continued work on social integration, since there is still work to be done," U.S. Ambassador David T. Johnson said in a statement on minority rights delivered on June 22 in Vienna to the OSCE Permanent Council. "The letter and the spirit of language laws must be respected, and we encourage continued progress on the processes of naturalisation,"

Johnson said in his statement following a report by High Commissioner for National Minorities Max van der Stoel. He added that the progress to date in both countries on improved legal frameworks and in fostering greater social harmony was in no small part due to the tireless efforts by OSCE. The OSCE mission's mandate in Latvia has been extended by the end of the year because the mission believes it has not fulfilled its mandate completely yet. The OSCE is focusing on naturalisation and citizenship issues and currently it has taken involvement in ombudsman institution formation process and strengthening of other human rights institutions, mission head Peter Semneby told BNS previously. The mission head underscored the OSCE mission's goal currently also is monitoring implementation of the state language law in the country. According to a widespread opinion, OSCE missions are sent to countries of potential for a conflict. The Latvian government had been accepting the mission's presence since 1993. Its mandate envisages dealing with citizenship and related issues as well as providing advice to the government. Previously the mission took active involvement in the process of Russian army withdrawal and monitoring of implementation of Latvian-Russian agreement on the Skrunda radar which was located in western Latvia

Johnson said in his statement following a report by High Commissioner for National Minorities Max van der Stoel. He added that the progress to date in both countries on improved legal frameworks and in fostering greater social harmony was in no small part due to the tireless efforts by OSCE. The OSCE mission's mandate in Latvia has been extended by the end of the year because the mission believes it has not fulfilled its mandate completely yet. The OSCE is focusing on naturalisation and citizenship issues and currently it has taken involvement in ombudsman institution formation process and strengthening of other human rights institutions, mission head Peter Semneby told BNS previously. The mission head underscored the OSCE mission's goal currently also is monitoring implementation of the state language law in the country. According to a widespread opinion, OSCE missions are sent to countries of potential for a conflict. The Latvian government had been accepting the mission's presence since 1993. Its mandate envisages dealing with citizenship and related issues as well as providing advice to the government. Previously the mission took active involvement in the process of Russian army withdrawal and monitoring of implementation of Latvian-Russian agreement on the Skrunda radar which was located in western Latvia. BNS

Latvia this year has fallen to 59th place in Transparency International corruption perception index which is the worst result for Latvia during the last three years and also considerably worse than for other Baltic states. This year the index includes 91 country, from them Latvia this year ranks 59th against 57th place last year and 58th a year before. Estonia this year has slipped one place lower to 28th from 27th last year but is nevertheless still regarded as least corrupt state in Central and Eastern Europe. Lithuania meanwhile has made progress moving to 38th place this year from 43rd-47th in the previous years. Russia ranks (2,3 points out of 10) 75th and Ukraine - 77th (2,1 points).

Latvia this year has fallen to 59th place in Transparency International corruption perception index which is the worst result for Latvia during the last three years and also considerably worse than for other Baltic states. This year the index includes 91 country, from them Latvia this year ranks 59th against 57th place last year and 58th a year before. Estonia this year has slipped one place lower to 28th from 27th last year but is nevertheless still regarded as least corrupt state in Central and Eastern Europe. Lithuania meanwhile has made progress moving to 38th place this year from 43rd-47th in the previous years. Russia ranks (2,3 points out of 10) 75th and Ukraine - 77th (2,1 points). Diena, Jauna, Neatkariga, Respublika

United States President George W. Bush has decided to nominate career diplomat Brian Carlson as the U.S. ambassador to Latvia, the White House said in a statement Tuesday. Carlson's previous assignments include London, Madrid, Belgrade and Oslo, reported Reuters. His nomination as the US ambassador to Latvia is subject to the approval of the US Senate.

Diena, Chas The Constitutional Court ruled out that the provisions of the Law on State Pensions providing for that the years till 1991 which foreign citizens and stateless persons worked outside Latvia are not taken into account when pensions of the above mentioned persons are calculated are in accordance with the Constitution of Latvia and European Convention. The deputies of FHRUL and Social Democrats applied to the Constitutional Court with the claim to rule the provisions discriminating for non-citizens. FHRUL deputy M.Mitrafanovs says that “there are no real grounded legal basis for such ruling and it just proves that the differences for citizens and non-citizens exist not only in the field of political rights but also in social economical sphere”. There are three solutions – first, Russian- Latvian agreement on social issues is effective, but for many non-citizens working place till 1991 was not Russia but other former USSR republics; second – deputies have to try to enter the amendments to the Law itself; third – make the problem important on the European scale.

The Constitutional Court ruled out that the provisions of the Law on State Pensions providing for that the years till 1991 which foreign citizens and stateless persons worked outside Latvia are not taken into account when pensions of the above mentioned persons are calculated are in accordance with the Constitution of Latvia and European Convention. The deputies of FHRUL and Social Democrats applied to the Constitutional Court with the claim to rule the provisions discriminating for non-citizens. FHRUL deputy M.Mitrafanovs says that there are no real grounded legal basis for such ruling and it just proves that the differences for citizens and non-citizens exist not only in the field of political rights but also in social economical sphere. There are three solutions – first, Russian- Latvian agreement on social issues is effective, but for many non-citizens working place till 1991 was not Russia but other former USSR republics; second – deputies have to try to enter the amendments to the Law itself; third – make the problem important on the European scale. Chas, Neatkariga

Vesti Segodnja

gives an article where A.Rubiks, ex-leader of Communist Party, presents his book I Demand to Find Me Innocent. gives an article where A.Rubiks, ex-leader of Communist Party, presents his book “I Demand to Find Me Innocent”. After several scandals within Russian party its leader M.Gavrilovs provides his point of view on the situation. He says that the decision to join FHRUL coalition at Riga City Council was wrong as Russian Party supports centric ideas and is not left-wing party.

After several scandals within Russian party its leader M.Gavrilovs provides his point of view on the situation. He says that the decision to join FHRUL coalition at Riga City Council was wrong as Russian Party supports centric ideas and is not left-wing party. Vesti Segodnja reproaches M.Gavrilovs that in Partys pre-election campaign the main emphasis was put on the perseverance of Russian schools, however, now he is involved in the commissions dealing with privatisation and financial issues and not education. Vesti Segodnja

jūnijs 27, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

A blast occurred last night outside the office of a publishing company recently having organised a scandalous youth essay contest in Latvia, causing damage to the publisher's door, reported the publishing company's director. The blast occurred at around 1:30 a.m. with a force equal to around 100 grams of TNT. The police have filed a criminal case for hooliganism with damage or destruction of property. An essay contest organised by Vieda aroused controversy in Latvia and was criticised by Russia and Russian means of mass media in Latvia. On June 13 a book was published containing 75 selected essays in which youths urged to protect their Latvian rights and Latvian language. Chas newspaper, top Russian language newspaper in Latvia, asked law enforcement authorities to check out if the contest should not be regarded as inciting national hatred, while Latvia's top national security agency believed there are no grounds to open a criminal case because Latvia pursues freedom of speech. The book, printed in 3,000 copies, is expected to be presented to top Latvian officials and also expected to be available on sale.

A blast occurred last night outside the office of a publishing company recently having organised a scandalous youth essay contest in Latvia, causing damage to the publisher's door, reported the publishing company's director. The blast occurred at around 1:30 a.m. with a force equal to around 100 grams of TNT. The police have filed a criminal case for hooliganism with damage or destruction of property. An essay contest organised by Vieda aroused controversy in Latvia and was criticised by Russia and Russian means of mass media in Latvia. On June 13 a book was published containing 75 selected essays in which youths urged to protect their Latvian rights and Latvian language. Chas newspaper, top Russian language newspaper in Latvia, asked law enforcement authorities to check out if the contest should not be regarded as inciting national hatred, while Latvia's top national security agency believed there are no grounds to open a criminal case because Latvia pursues freedom of speech. The book, printed in 3,000 copies, is expected to be presented to top Latvian officials and also expected to be available on sale. Diena, Jauna, Panorama Latvii, Respublika

Diena quotes Tuesday’s British newspaper

Diena quotes Tuesdays British newspaper Financial Times, saying integration of the Baltic States into NATO is Russias main problem. The newspaper writes, it would be a national humiliation for Russia. NATO enlargement policy in general is not very well developed.

Daugavpils mayor’s party Latvia’s Light ceased the coalition agreement with FHRUL and Social Democrats. The decision was taken because FHRUL faction in Daugavpils without any agreement with coalition partners distributed to the local means of mass media a note stating that the residents of Daugavpils are not satisfied with the work of the present Council. However, Daugavpils’ mayor Eigims still has a majority at the Council.

Daugavpils mayors party Latvias Light ceased the coalition agreement with FHRUL and Social Democrats. The decision was taken because FHRUL faction in Daugavpils without any agreement with coalition partners distributed to the local means of mass media a note stating that the residents of Daugavpils are not satisfied with the work of the present Council. However, Daugavpils mayor Eigims still has a majority at the Council. Diena, Chas

Jekabpils City Council deputies have decided to merge two Russian schools and establish one primary school. Teaching staff of both Russian schools disagrees with the deputies and is ready to organise protest activities.

Jekabpils City Council deputies have decided to merge two Russian schools and establish one primary school. Teaching staff of both Russian schools disagrees with the deputies and is ready to organise protest activities. Diena

Tuesday Latvian MP from Social Democrat party who is member of the parliament group for support of repatriation of people of other nationalities to their ethnic homeland handed 1000 US dollars to an ethnic Russian family willing to move to live in St. Petersburg. Janis Leja called on families willing to return to their ethnic homeland to apply. Leja said in a news conference numerous people are willing to return to their ethnic homeland and, longing for homeland is "sublime longing". "Allocation of money is my internal protest against turning repatriation of people to their ethnic homeland into a source of slops because there is nothing bad in it that people want to leave," said Leja. Head of the group of deputies, Juris Vidins, voiced a hope there would be more wealthy people in Latvia ready to extend financial assistance to people of other nationalities.

Tuesday Latvian MP from Social Democrat party who is member of the parliament group for support of repatriation of people of other nationalities to their ethnic homeland handed 1000 US dollars to an ethnic Russian family willing to move to live in St. Petersburg. Janis Leja called on families willing to return to their ethnic homeland to apply. Leja said in a news conference numerous people are willing to return to their ethnic homeland and, longing for homeland is "sublime longing". "Allocation of money is my internal protest against turning repatriation of people to their ethnic homeland into a source of slops because there is nothing bad in it that people want to leave," said Leja. Head of the group of deputies, Juris Vidins, voiced a hope there would be more wealthy people in Latvia ready to extend financial assistance to people of other nationalities. Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

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