maijs 25, 2009

  • Latvijas Avize reports about a study Languages in the Eastern Part of Latvia

Latvijas Avize reports about a study Languages in the Eastern Part of Latvia conducted by the Rezekne Higher Education Institution. According to the study, 46,7% of residents of Eastern Latvia feel their belonging to Latvian language, 29,3% to Russian language, 21,1% to Latgalian language, 0,4% to Polish language and 0,2% to Belarusian language. At the same time, 40,7% of residents feel their belonging to ethnic Latvian identity, 25,9% to Russian, 27% to Latgalian, 1,5% to Polish and 3,5% to Belarusian.

maijs 23, 2009

  • Political scientist Kristians Rozenvalds: ethnic Latvians should become tolerant towards celebrations of 9 May
  • Study: emigration is perceived positively in Latvia, while, immigration – negatively
Political scientist Kristians Rozenvalds in an interview with

Political scientist Kristians Rozenvalds in an interview with Vesti Segodnya states that in order to decrease confrontation between ethnic Latvians and Russian speaking residents, ethnic Latvians should become tolerant towards celebrations of 9 May (Victory Day). Mr. Rozenvalds believes that Russian and ethnic Latvian residents need a common ideology for successful integration. Vesti Segodnya

According to a study on impact of migration on Latvian national economy held by “The Centre of Economy Predictions”, emigration is perceived positively in Latvia, while, immigration – negatively. The authors of the study consider that Latvia should promote immigration in order to solve bad demographic situation instead of attempting to decrease emigration.

According to a study on impact of migration on Latvian national economy held by The Centre of Economy Predictions, emigration is perceived positively in Latvia, while, immigration – negatively. The authors of the study consider that Latvia should promote immigration in order to solve bad demographic situation instead of attempting to decrease emigration. Latvijas Avize

maijs 22, 2009

  • Saeima has refused proposal of the FF/LNIM to set obligatory requirement for candidates to the EP from Latvia to provide their own evaluation of state language proficiency
  • Nationalists launched a new action against disloyal residents
  • Owners of the cars which photos were placed on the Internet site in the framework of the action Recognize the Fifth Column will appeal to the court
  • Alferds Rubiks (the Concord Centre) and Tatjana Zdanoka (For Human Rights in United Latvia) will not co-operate if both are elected to the EP
Yesterday, the Saeima has refused proposal of the For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM) to set obligatory requirement for candidates to the European Parliament (EP) from Latvia to provide their own evaluation of state language proficiency. The members of the FF/LNIM believed that the candidates who are not proficient in Latvian cannot represent country in the EP.

Yesterday, the Saeima has refused proposal of the For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM) to set obligatory requirement for candidates to the European Parliament (EP) from Latvia to provide their own evaluation of state language proficiency. The members of the FF/LNIM believed that the candidates who are not proficient in Latvian cannot represent country in the EP. Chas, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya reports about a new action Go Home started by radical nationalistic party All for Latvia! The initiators of the action collect signatures against disloyal residents calling them to leave Latvia and to go to Russia. All for Latvia! believes that Russian flags and ribbons of St. George (used as commemoration of victory in WWII) on the streets in Latvia remind that there are aggressive and dangerous persons among Latvian residents.

Telegraf reports that owners of the cars which photos were placed on the Internet site in the framework of the action Recognize the Fifth Column launched by Latvian radicals are preparing to appeal to the court for violation of privacy. As reported, the aim of the action is to reveal the owners of the cars decorated with Russian or Soviet symbols by picturing such cars and their registration numbers.

Candidates for deputies in the European Parliament from Latvia Alferds Rubiks (the Concord Centre) and Tatjana Zdanoka (For Human Rights in United Latvia) in an interview with

Candidates for deputies in the European Parliament from Latvia Alferds Rubiks (the Concord Centre) and Tatjana Zdanoka (For Human Rights in United Latvia) in an interview with Diena stated that they will not co-operate with each other if both are elected. According to the newspaper, the candidates do not want to co-operate, even though, both are planning to fight for non-citizens voting rights in municipal and the EP elections and to strengthen rights of Russian language.

maijs 21, 2009

  • The time of work of citizens and non-citizens outside of Latvia in former Soviet republics will not be included into the total length of service
  • Number of non-citizens who register their children as Latvian citizens has noticeably decreased
  • Group of young people have torn off ribbons of St. George from a car in Jurmala
  • Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights reviewed a case of a former Red partisan Vasilijs Kononovs
The Cabinet of Ministers decided to introduce common approach for calculations of length of service for citizens and non-citizens: the time of work of citizens or non-citizens until 31 December 1991 outside of Latvia and on military enterprises in former Soviet republics will not be included into the total length of service. Previously, this time of work was included into the total length of service of Latvian citizens only.

The Cabinet of Ministers decided to introduce common approach for calculations of length of service for citizens and non-citizens: the time of work of citizens or non-citizens until 31 December 1991 outside of Latvia and on military enterprises in former Soviet republics will not be included into the total length of service. Previously, this time of work was included into the total length of service of Latvian citizens only. Chas, Telegraf

According to the Naturalisation Board (NB), the number of non-citizens who register their children as Latvian citizens has noticeably decreased during the last couple of years. Only 625 children of non-citizens were recognized as citizens in 2008 as compared with 1,795 children recognized as citizens in 2004. The Head of the NB Eizenija Aldermane explains this by luck of motivation of parents and insufficient civil education in schools. The Saeima’s Human Rights Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs support proposal to ease process of registration of newborn children as Latvian citizens.

According to the Naturalisation Board (NB), the number of non-citizens who register their children as Latvian citizens has noticeably decreased during the last couple of years. Only 625 children of non-citizens were recognized as citizens in 2008 as compared with 1,795 children recognized as citizens in 2004. The Head of the NB Eizenija Aldermane explains this by luck of motivation of parents and insufficient civil education in schools. The Saeimas Human Rights Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs support proposal to ease process of registration of newborn children as Latvian citizens. Chas, NRA

Vesti Segodnya reports that a group of young people torn off ribbons of St. George (used as commemoration of WWII) from a car in Jurmala and spitted the car. The owners of the car saw what is happening and managed to detain the persons before the police arrived. The police initiated a criminal process.

Yesterday, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) reviewed a case of a former Red partisan Vasilijs Kononovs against Latvia. The ruling will be announced within the next two to six months. As reported, Latvia appealed the ECHR’s ruling issued in July 2008 which was in favour of Vasilijs Kononovs and obliged Latvia to pay him EUR 30,000 as moral compensation.

Yesterday, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) reviewed a case of a former Red partisan Vasilijs Kononovs against Latvia. The ruling will be announced within the next two to six months. As reported, Latvia appealed the ECHRs ruling issued in July 2008 which was in favour of Vasilijs Kononovs and obliged Latvia to pay him EUR 30,000 as moral compensation. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

maijs 20, 2009

  • Number of Internet comments inciting to ethnic hatred grows because of economic crisis
  • Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis: politics in Latvia is divided along ethnic lines
  • President of Russia Dmitriy Medvedev established a commission to combat history falsification attempts

Chas reports that the number of Internet comments inciting to ethnic hatred grows because of economic crisis as commentators blame Russians or ethnic Latvians for deepening crisis in the country. Presently, the Security Police is investigating a case against two persons for placing threatening comments against Russians. According to a representative of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Electronic Government Affairs, the state does not have its own program for fighting ethnic hate speech on the Internet, therefore, NGOs are more active in this field.

Chas prints an interview with the Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis. According to Mr. Dombrovskis, politics in Latvia is divided along ethnic lines. At the same time, while possible inclusion of the Concord Centre into the governing coalition was seriously evaluated, some right-wing parties opposed it. The Prime Minister believes that problem of non-citizenship in Latvia should be solved by more active naturalisation. Mr. Dombrovskis believes that the naturalisation process and the tests are not complicated.

The President of Russia Dmitriy Medvedev established a commission to combat history falsification attempts. Russian government also is preparing a draft law on combating rehabilitation of Nazism, Nazi criminals and their accomplices in ex-Soviet republics. The draft law stipulates punishment for Russian citizens and foreigners, while foreign countries arbitrary revising results of WWII might face diplomatic sanctions.

The President of Russia Dmitriy Medvedev established a commission to combat history falsification attempts. Russian government also is preparing a draft law on combating rehabilitation of Nazism, Nazi criminals and their accomplices in ex-Soviet republics. The draft law stipulates punishment for Russian citizens and foreigners, while foreign countries arbitrary revising results of WWII might face diplomatic sanctions. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Latvijas Avize

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