jūnijs 25, 2009

  • Draft amendments to the Electronic Media Law

Latvijas Avize reports that National Radio and Television Council prepared draft amendments to the Electronic Media Law which significantly reduces mandatory broadcasting time in Latvian for the commercial media. Till now 40% of all broadcasting time had to be in Latvian. If the new amendments are adopted the broadcasting in Latvian will have to be only 30% or even less because authors of the amendments also changed several terms that are included in the law. Also the Electronic Media Law has no reference anymore that covers the role of public media on promotion of Latvian language and culture, meanwhile, the previous aim - to strengthen mono-ethnic country, was changed to promotion of social integration and solidarity.

jūnijs 20, 2009

  • Reforms in the Ministry of Education and Science

Vesti Segodnya reports on planned reforms in the Ministry of Education and Science. Six agencies will be reformed and four of those agencies will be liquidated. The newspaper notes that one of the agencies to be liquidated is the State Agency for Quality Assessment of General Education, which also oversaw the transition to teaching mainly in Latvian in schools implementing minority education programmes. In a conversation one year ago, the Head of the Agency Ms. Evija Papule stated she could not share any data that would prove the change of language of instruction in these schools did not harm education quality

jūnijs 19, 2009

  • Political party „Everything for Latvia gains power

Telegraf reports that radical nationalist political party „Everything for Latvia gained 20 seats in 14 local municipalities in recent municipal election. In several municipalities „Everything for Latvia! formed coalitions with „New Era, „Civic Union, „For Fatherland and Freedom/ LNIM or „Greens and Farmers.


Due to public holydays the next issue of Integration monitor will be published on June 25.

Due to public holydays the next issue of Integration monitor will be published on June 25.

jūnijs 18, 2009

  • Ombudsman received 57 complaints on ethnic and racial discrimination in 2008
  • Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane resigned from the post
According to the Annual Report 2008, the Ombudsman’s Office received 23 written and 34 verbal complaints on ethnic and racial discrimination and 20 written and 46 verbal complaints on language discrimination.

According to the Annual Report 2008, the Ombudsmans Office received 23 written and 34 verbal complaints on ethnic and racial discrimination and 20 written and 46 verbal complaints on language discrimination. Vesti Segodnya

The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane who was elected to the Riga City Council resigned from the post. Mrs. Aldermane does not link her resignation with election to the City Council arguing that the decision was made already last year.

The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane who was elected to the Riga City Council resigned from the post. Mrs. Aldermane does not link her resignation with election to the City Council arguing that the decision was made already last year. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Diena, Latvijas Avize

jūnijs 16, 2009

  • Nils Usakovs – nominated as a candidate for the Mayor of Riga
Newspapers report that the parties the Concord Centre (SC) and Latvia’s First Party/Latvia’s Way (LFP/LW) nominated Nils Usakovs (SC) as a candidate for the post of Mayor of Riga. Leader of the LFP/LW Ainars Slesers is nominated as vice-Mayor.

Newspapers report that the parties the Concord Centre (SC) and Latvias First Party/Latvias Way (LFP/LW) nominated Nils Usakovs (SC) as a candidate for the post of Mayor of Riga. Leader of the LFP/LW Ainars Slesers is nominated as vice-Mayor. Chas reports that Mr. Usakovs and Mr. Slesers are planning to change attitude towards usage of Russian language in municipality and to find a way how non-Latvians could receive social help in their native language. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Diena, Latvijas Avize, NRA

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