jūlijs 29, 2009

  • Two members of the Latvian Anti-fascist Committee expelled from Estonia
  • Vesti Segodnya reports about a round table discussion Practice and Perspectives of Non-Governmental Education in Russian Language
  • Latvijas Avize criticizes a book Present European Ethnocracy: Violation of Rights of Ethnic Minorities in Latvia and Estonia

Chas reports that two members of the Latvian Anti-fascist Committee were expelled from Estonia yesterday for attempt to participate in protest meeting against traditional gathering of Estonian Waffen SS legionnaires.

Vesti Segodnya reports about a round table discussion Practice and Perspectives of Non-Governmental Education in Russian Language held in Riga by the International Teachers Association in Support of Russian Language and Education. The participants of the round table – representatives of private Russian language schools from Latvia and abroad - shared their experiences.

Latvijas Avize criticizes a book Present European Ethnocracy: Violation of Rights of Ethnic Minorities in Latvia and Estonia. Latvian MP Vladimirs Buzajevs is among the editors the book. According to the newspaper, the book is tendentious and disrespectful towards Latvia.

jūlijs 28, 2009

  • Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Jerusalem Center Efraim Zuroff does not support proclamation of one date as commemoration day of victims of Nazism and Communism
  • MP Boriss Cilevics criticizes the resolution which equals Nazism and Stalinism adopted by the OSCE
Director of the

Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Jerusalem Center Efraim Zuroff does not support proclamation of one date as commemoration day of victims of Nazism and Communism. Mr. Zuroff believes that such action is an attempt to change meaning of unique tragedy of the Holocaust. Mr. Zuroff also believes that Nazism and Communism cannot be equated. As reported, the Saeima has proclaimed 23 August as commemoration day of victims of Nazism and Stalinism in Latvia. Latvijas Avize

Chas prints an interview with the representative of Latvia in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, MP Boriss Cilevics (Concord Centre) about resolution which equates Nazism and Stalinism recently adopted by the Organisation for Security in Co-operation in Europe. Mr. Cilevics criticizes the resolution arguing that Stalins regime in the USSR and Hitlers regime in Germany cannot be equated from the viewpoint of international law. According to Mr. Cilevics the resolution will not have any legal consequences but it might have destructive political role.

jūlijs 25, 2009

  • The State Employment Agency approved 779 work permits for citizens of non-EU countries in the first half of 2009
The State Employment Agency (SEA) approved 779 work permits for citizens of non-EU countries in the first half of 2009. In the first half of 2008 the SEA approved 1,728 work permits. The demand for guest workers in Latvia has decreased due to reduction in manufacturing, services and building industries.

The State Employment Agency (SEA) approved 779 work permits for citizens of non-EU countries in the first half of 2009. In the first half of 2008 the SEA approved 1,728 work permits. The demand for guest workers in Latvia has decreased due to reduction in manufacturing, services and building industries. NRA

jūlijs 24, 2009

  • Latvijas Avize prints an article about activist of Russian NGOs Viktors Guscins

Latvijas Avize prints an article about activist of Russian NGOs Viktors Guscins. According to the article, Mr. Guscins all the time stresses that ethnic Russian residents in Latvia after the fall of the Soviet Union are treated as second-rate persons, while, Russian language is treated as foreign language.

jūlijs 23, 2009

  • Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs dissociated itself from initiative of an NGO Russkie on issuing Card of Russian
  • Liepaja City Council established a commission on affairs of non-citizens and foreign citizens
Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs dissociated itself from initiative of an NGO “Russkie” on issuing “Card of Russian” to Russia’s compatriots residing in Baltic States, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Moldova. According to a representative of the Russian Ministry, such action is provocation aimed against Russia because the countries where such cards will be issued will blame Russia for establishment of “fifth column.” As reported, the NGO “Russkie” announced it started issuing “Card of Russian” which would provide various benefits for its holders.

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs dissociated itself from initiative of an NGO Russkie on issuing Card of Russian to Russias compatriots residing in Baltic States, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Moldova. According to a representative of the Russian Ministry, such action is provocation aimed against Russia because the countries where such cards will be issued will blame Russia for establishment of fifth column. As reported, the NGO Russkie announced it started issuing Card of Russian which would provide various benefits for its holders. Chas

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Liepaja City Council established a commission on affairs of non-citizens and foreign citizens. The commission includes representatives of ethnic minority NGOs. There are 29% of non-citizens and 6,500 Russias citizens among Liepajas residents.

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