maijs 26, 2010

  • Linguist Dzintra Hirsa: the Law on Electronic Mass Media should prevent spread of Russian language broadcasts in Latvia

Latvijas Avize prints an article by a Latvian linguist Dzintra Hirsa about the draft Law on Electronic Mass Media. Mrs. Hirsa believes that the Law should prevent spread of Russian language broadcasts in Latvia and it should preserve state language and strengthen its positions in the society.

maijs 25, 2010

  • Presidents Commission on Constitutional Law: draft Law on Electronic Mass Media should ensure preservation of national state interests
  • The MP Boriss Cilevics: model according to which a concrete state belongs to a concrete ethnic group gone to the past
  • Latvian Union of Regional and Rare Languages wants to clarify how many Latvian residents speak Latgalian language
  • Most popular political parties in May: the Concord Centre and the Unity

Vesti Segodnya reports that according to the Presidents Commissions on Constitution Law the draft Law on Electronic Mass Media should ensure preservation of national state interests and, in particular, interests of Latvian language. The Presidents Commission recommends developing TV and radio broadcasts in ethnic minority languages which would explain that Latvia is national state.

The MP Boriss Cilevics (Concord Centre) an interview with

The MP Boriss Cilevics (Concord Centre) an interview with Latvijas Avize states that a model according to which a concrete state belongs to a concrete ethnic group gone to the past. Mr. Cilevics considers that deputies and ministers should not act in interests of either ethnic group but in all voters and tax payers interests. Mr. Cilevics also believes that migration is an engine of progress because migrants usually are the most active part of the society. However, presently, this engine works against Latvia due to large outflow of Latvian residents abroad.

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Latvian Union of Regional and Rare Languages appealed to the Prime Minister Valids Dombrovskis asking to clarify during national census 2011 how many Latvian residents speak Latgalian language. Presently, for the question What language do you speak at home? in census questionnaire are given only four variations of answers: Latvian, Russian, Belarussian and Other.

According to the latest public opinion survey conducted by company “GfK”, the most popular political parties in Latvia are the Concord Centre and the Unity – 16% and 15,7% of respondents would vote for them accordingly if the Saeima elections are held in May. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of respondents.

According to the latest public opinion survey conducted by company GfK, the most popular political parties in Latvia are the Concord Centre and the Unity – 16% and 15,7% of respondents would vote for them accordingly if the Saeima elections are held in May. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of respondents. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

maijs 22, 2010

  • Senate of the Supreme Court upheld the acquitting ruling of a neo-Nazi Andris Jordans
The Senate of the Supreme Court upheld the acquitting ruling of a neo-Nazi Andris Jordans. As reported, in 2009, Andris Jordans was sentenced to two years and one month of imprisonment for incitement to ethnic hatred for statements that Jews and Roma people are ‘non-humans’ and it would be preferable to exterminate them made at public discussion. However, in February 2010, the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court completely acquitted Andris Jordans.

The Senate of the Supreme Court upheld the acquitting ruling of a neo-Nazi Andris Jordans. As reported, in 2009, Andris Jordans was sentenced to two years and one month of imprisonment for incitement to ethnic hatred for statements that Jews and Roma people are ‘non-humans and it would be preferable to exterminate them made at public discussion. However, in February 2010, the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court completely acquitted Andris Jordans. Vesti Segodnya

maijs 21, 2010

  • Days of Russian TV begun in Riga
Newspapers report about the “Days of Russian TV” in Riga. Experts, journalists and government officials from Latvia and Russia took part in a roundtable on Latvia and EU-Russian relations on Wednesday. Participants also discussed the lack of understanding and trust in relations between Latvia and Russia.

Newspapers report about the Days of Russian TV in Riga. Experts, journalists and government officials from Latvia and Russia took part in a roundtable on Latvia and EU-Russian relations on Wednesday. Participants also discussed the lack of understanding and trust in relations between Latvia and Russia. Chas, Telegraph, Vesti-Segodnya

maijs 19, 2010

  • Latvian millionaire Guntis Belevics: education in all Latvian schools should be only in Latvian
Latvian millionaire Guntis Belevics in an interview with

Latvian millionaire Guntis Belevics in an interview with Latvijas Avize states that education in all schools in Latvia should be only in the Latvian language in order to improve education quality. Mr. Belevics believes that the students of the Russian language schools are ready for such changes. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

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