jūlijs 8, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

In a new development in the case of Tatyana Slivenko against Latvia before the European Court of Human Rights, Slivenko’s lawyer Vitaly Portnov has charged that Latvia has submitted falsified documents to the court. The accusation was seconded by Russia’s representative to the court Pavel Laptev, but denied by the Latvian representative before the court Kristine Malinovska. Russia has taken an active part in defending Slivenko, who is challenging her deportation from Latvia to Russia several years ago. Slivenko’s lawyer had an analysis of the allegedly falsified documents conducted by a special unit within the Russian Justice Ministry. Slivenko’s lawyer hopes that the court will have another analysis done and has also demanded that the case be tried openly, not in chamber. Diena, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Telegraf, Vesti segodnja

In a new development in the case of Tatyana Slivenko against Latvia before the European Court of Human Rights, Slivenkos lawyer Vitaly Portnov has charged that Latvia has submitted falsified documents to the court. The accusation was seconded by Russias representative to the court Pavel Laptev, but denied by the Latvian representative before the court Kristine Malinovska. Russia has taken an active part in defending Slivenko, who is challenging her deportation from Latvia to Russia several years ago. Slivenkos lawyer had an analysis of the allegedly falsified documents conducted by a special unit within the Russian Justice Ministry. Slivenkos lawyer hopes that the court will have another analysis done and has also demanded that the case be tried openly, not in chamber. Diena, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Telegraf, Vesti segodnja

Chas commentator Leonid Fedoseyev wonders why Latvian voters continue to vote for the same ruling parties that have created such severe social problems. He argues that the Latvian language media have created the image of the enemy in the “leftist” parties, particularly the “pro-Russian” and “pro-Moscow” FHRUL. He further asserts that the “consistent Russophobia of the ruling parties has pushed away even the most liberal Russians.” According to Fedoseyev, political parties have consolidated along ethnic lines and no real integration is taking place.

Chas commentator Leonid Fedoseyev wonders why Latvian voters continue to vote for the same ruling parties that have created such severe social problems. He argues that the Latvian language media have created the image of the enemy in the leftist parties, particularly the pro-Russian and pro-Moscow FHRUL. He further asserts that the consistent Russophobia of the ruling parties has pushed away even the most liberal Russians. According to Fedoseyev, political parties have consolidated along ethnic lines and no real integration is taking place.

Chasinterviews former US national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was in Riga over the weekend for the summit of NATO aspirant countries. Asked about the probable number of new NATO countries after the Prague summit, Brzezinski predicts “probably four, possibly five, but it cannot be excluded that there will be seven.” He argues that Russia now looks at expansion differently, that it is not very happy about it, but opposition is formal and Russia is ready for closer co-operation. He argues that the Baltic is now a zone of stability and that this is a consequence of approaching NATO.

Chasinterviews former US national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was in Riga over the weekend for the summit of NATO aspirant countries. Asked about the probable number of new NATO countries after the Prague summit, Brzezinski predicts probably four, possibly five, but it cannot be excluded that there will be seven. He argues that Russia now looks at expansion differently, that it is not very happy about it, but opposition is formal and Russia is ready for closer co-operation. He argues that the Baltic is now a zone of stability and that this is a consequence of approaching NATO.

Diena’s person of the day is Stephen Larrabee, director of the section of European security in the Rand Corporation, prominent American think tank. He states that Europe can’t be complete without the Baltic States and that their role in NATO has traditionally been underestimated. He admits that he wasn’t sure about the European identity of Latvia before he visited it. Larrabee stresses the importance of spending 2% of GDP on defence, continuing reforms and evaluating the past, including the Holocaust.

Dienas person of the day is Stephen Larrabee, director of the section of European security in the Rand Corporation, prominent American think tank. He states that Europe cant be complete without the Baltic States and that their role in NATO has traditionally been underestimated. He admits that he wasnt sure about the European identity of Latvia before he visited it. Larrabee stresses the importance of spending 2% of GDP on defence, continuing reforms and evaluating the past, including the Holocaust.

jūlijs 6, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Russia has submitted a memorandum to the European Court of Justice in Strasbourg charging that Latvia has falsified documents in the case Slivenko against Latvia by a biased translation. Latvia’s representative, Kristine Malinovska, denied the accusation. BNS, Diena

Russia has submitted a memorandum to the European Court of Justice in Strasbourg charging that Latvia has falsified documents in the case Slivenko against Latvia by a biased translation. Latvias representative, Kristine Malinovska, denied the accusation. BNS, Diena

Chas writes about voluntary ethnicity entry in the new passports. It is predicted that the majority of ethnic Latvians will choose to preserve their ethnicity entry in a passport but non-Latvians would like not to indicate their ethnicity, since Latvian ethnicity is considered an advantage on the labor market, especially in civic service. Chas

Chas writes about voluntary ethnicity entry in the new passports. It is predicted that the majority of ethnic Latvians will choose to preserve their ethnicity entry in a passport but non-Latvians would like not to indicate their ethnicity, since Latvian ethnicity is considered an advantage on the labor market, especially in civic service. Chas

Lauku Avize writes critically about the process of appointing a new State Language Centre director, questioning the competence and of the three-person committee, which on 11 July will evaluate the single candidate for the post, Agris Timuska, who heretofore held the position of deputy director. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize writes critically about the process of appointing a new State Language Centre director, questioning the competence and of the three-person committee, which on 11 July will evaluate the single candidate for the post, Agris Timuska, who heretofore held the position of deputy director. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize reports that Fatherland politician Juris Dobelis has met with publicist Vilis Lacis, who recently appeared on the Latvian Agrarian Party candidate list, positively commenting his national program published in Lauku Avize on 4 July. Dobelis expresses concern that Latvian people increasingly rarely speak of national issues and hopes to initiate some nationally oriented legal proposals to the next Parliament.

Lauku Avize reports that Fatherland politician Juris Dobelis has met with publicist Vilis Lacis, who recently appeared on the Latvian Agrarian Party candidate list, positively commenting his national program published in Lauku Avize on 4 July. Dobelis expresses concern that Latvian people increasingly rarely speak of national issues and hopes to initiate some nationally oriented legal proposals to the next Parliament.

FHRUL parliamentarian Jakov Pliner gave an interview on education in Panorama Latvii. Pliner suggests several alternatives regarding the future of Russian language schools, including retaining instruction in the mother tongue while increasing the share of Latvian language subjects. The MP considers that bilingual education is viable, but not yet sufficiently elaborated alternative. Panorama Latvii

FHRUL parliamentarian Jakov Pliner gave an interview on education in Panorama Latvii. Pliner suggests several alternatives regarding the future of Russian language schools, including retaining instruction in the mother tongue while increasing the share of Latvian language subjects. The MP considers that bilingual education is viable, but not yet sufficiently elaborated alternative. Panorama Latvii

Youth organization Solidarity, led by Ivan Staljnoj, has initiated a new action against the transition to secondary school education in Latvian in 2004, organizing a signature collection on the right to education in one’s native language, reports Lauku Avize. The newspaper claims that behind this stands FHRUL, and describes four more youth organizations, which it claims has close ties to this political coalition: Latvian Youth Club with its leader Viktor Jolkin, Search Unit Union, which focuses on issues of World War II, Club 13, founded in January 2002 and FHRUL Youth Association, founded in March 2002. Lauku Avize

Youth organization Solidarity, led by Ivan Staljnoj, has initiated a new action against the transition to secondary school education in Latvian in 2004, organizing a signature collection on the right to education in ones native language, reports Lauku Avize. The newspaper claims that behind this stands FHRUL, and describes four more youth organizations, which it claims has close ties to this political coalition: Latvian Youth Club with its leader Viktor Jolkin, Search Unit Union, which focuses on issues of World War II, Club 13, founded in January 2002 and FHRUL Youth Association, founded in March 2002. Lauku Avize

jūlijs 5, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human rights and Ethnic Studies

Latvijas vestnesis contains summaries of various meetings between Latvian officials and foreign dignitaries taking place in the context of the gathering of NATO candidate country presidents, including the full English-language text of the address of President Vaira Vike-Freiberga at the Riga Jewish Synagogue on Latvian Holocaust Memorial Day. At the meeting, which was attended by visiting US senators, the President states that We in newly freed, independent Latvia denounce the mass murders of the Shoah as particularly heinous crimes against humanity… We welcome any additional evidence that could help us to initiate criminal proceedings agaisnt any untried individual suspected of committing war crimes in Latvia.

Rigas Balss

talks to the president of the Radio Free Europe Tom Dine. In his opinion Latvia has to work actively to reduce the gap between Latvians and the Russian–speaking population. The process of integration is closely followed abroad and the participation of Latvia in international organisations will largely depend on progress in this area. talks to the president of the Radio Free Europe Tom Dine. In his opinion Latvia has to work actively to reduce the gap between Latvians and the Russian–speaking population. The process of integration is closely followed abroad and the participation of Latvia in international organisations will largely depend on progress in this area.


interviews FHRUL leader Janis Jurkans. He argues that citizenship should be granted to all persons born in Latvia who speak Latvian. He predicts that soon, some sort of zero option in citizenship will be adopted because of international imperatives and that non-citizens will have the right to vote in the next municipal elections. He also criticises the president for doing very little in the realm of societal integration. He claims that one of the reasons for the growth in the influence of FHRUL is that societal integration no longer scares anyone or evokes negative emotions. He predicts that FHRUL will have 20 seats in the next parliament. interviews FHRUL leader Janis Jurkans. He argues that citizenship should be granted to all persons born in Latvia who speak Latvian. He predicts that soon, some sort of zero option in citizenship will be adopted because of international imperatives and that non-citizens will have the right to vote in the next municipal elections. He also criticises the president for doing very little in the realm of societal integration. He claims that one of the reasons for the growth in the influence of FHRUL is that societal integration no longer scares anyone or evokes negative emotions. He predicts that FHRUL will have 20 seats in the next parliament. One of today’s topics in

One of todays topics in Chas is the controversial advertisement of the Freedom Party, a small, new party competing for seats in the next elections. The newspaper interviews the black musicians who were deceived and appeared in the racist ads. The newspaper also publishes an article about a mixed-race couple consisting of Julia (Russian) and Gilford Belfore (African-American). Belfore reports that he has faced intolerance from neighbours and others in Latvia.


interviews Tatyana Shlychkova, director of Russias Federal Migration Service office in Riga. The interview took place after a meeting between Russian officials and Russian residents of Ventspils who work in the old transit business but are concerned about losing their jobs due to Russias planned diversion of transit trade to Russian ports. Shlychkova states that each year 2500-2700 persons who wish to move from Latvia to Russia register in her office. The migration service based in Latvia has an agreement with those in Leningrad, Murmansk and Arhangelsk regarding provision of port workers, though medical doctors and nurses are in demand everywhere in Russia. interviews Tatyana Shlychkova, director of Russia’s Federal Migration Service office in Riga. The interview took place after a meeting between Russian officials and Russian residents of Ventspils who work in the old transit business but are concerned about losing their jobs due to Russia’s planned diversion of transit trade to Russian ports. Shlychkova states that each year 2500-2700 persons who wish to move from Latvia to Russia register in her office. The migration service based in Latvia has an agreement with those in Leningrad, Murmansk and Arhangelsk regarding provision of port workers, though medical doctors and nurses are in demand everywhere in Russia.

jūlijs 4, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

All newspapers report that yesterday the first 5 residents of Riga received a new type of Latvian passport. The interest in receiving new passports is very high. Since July 1 the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs has received already 3560 applications for new passports, out of which 998 are applications for non-citizen passports.

All newspapers report that yesterday the first 5 residents of Riga received a new type of Latvian passport. The interest in receiving new passports is very high. Since July 1 the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs has received already 3560 applications for new passports, out of which 998 are applications for non-citizen passports.

July 4 is Holocaust memorial day in Latvia. The commemoration of the Holocaust will take place at the Wall of Tears in Riga at noon. An exhibition devoted to the Holocaust is opened in the Central Library of Riga.

July 4 is Holocaust memorial day in Latvia. The commemoration of the Holocaust will take place at the Wall of Tears in Riga at noon. An exhibition devoted to the Holocaust is opened in the Central Library of Riga. Diena, Neatkariga, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii

Diena analyses the decline in the popularity ratings of FF/LNNK. According to a number of experts, the decline is linked to troubles in the Ministry of Welfare which has been led by FF/LNNK ministers, the strike of medical workers, and to the departure from FF/LNNK of several well known and popular party members. However, one of the major reasons for the slide in popularity dip could be that the party’s declared ethnic policy goals have not been implemented in practice.

Diena analyses the decline in the popularity ratings of FF/LNNK. According to a number of experts, the decline is linked to troubles in the Ministry of Welfare which has been led by FF/LNNK ministers, the strike of medical workers, and to the departure from FF/LNNK of several well known and popular party members. However, one of the major reasons for the slide in popularity dip could be that the partys declared ethnic policy goals have not been implemented in practice.

Yesterday two dark skinned musicians of the pop band “Los Amigos” filed a claim in court against the authors of the pre-election ad of the Freedom Party for defamation of character, racism and other crimes.

Yesterday two dark skinned musicians of the pop band Los Amigos filed a claim in court against the authors of the pre-election ad of the Freedom Party for defamation of character, racism and other crimes. Neatkariga talks to Peter Mensaha – one of the Los Amigos musicians. He says that before the filming, nobody told them that this would be a pre-election ad of the party and that it would be against EU membership. When asked whether he has experienced racism in Latvia before, he says that in their concerts there is no expression of racism. He believes that there is only passive racism in Latvia.

Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Nils Muiznieks believes that the ad does not contain incitement for discrimination or violation, but it does portray racism - “it is a typical approach of extreme right wing parties.” According to Muiznieks, the ad is “the attempt by a bankrupt politician to resuscitate his fortunes using racism.”

Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Nils Muiznieks believes that the ad does not contain incitement for discrimination or violation, but it does portray racism - it is a typical approach of extreme right wing parties. According to Muiznieks, the ad is the attempt by a bankrupt politician to resuscitate his fortunes using racism. Chas, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii

Today a presentation of a book on bilingual education translated and compiled by language professor Ina Druviete will take place in Riga. The Soros Foundation in Latvia in co-operation with the publishing house Nordika has published 500 copies of the book.

Today a presentation of a book on bilingual education translated and compiled by language professor Ina Druviete will take place in Riga. The Soros Foundation in Latvia in co-operation with the publishing house Nordika has published 500 copies of the book. Neatkariga


interviews history professor Aivars Stranga about the holocaust and Jews in Latvia. He states that Latvia should formulate its definition of a national minority in Latvia. According to Stranga, a national minority is a minority which is loyal towards its country of residence and second, it does not dictate rules and regulations for its homeland - the problem of many Russians is that they are not able to accept that they are not the dominant nation in a free country. When they accept that, the problem disappears. He is convinced that the status of non-citizens should be preserved in the given circumstances in Latvia. interviews history professor Aivars Stranga about the holocaust and Jews in Latvia. He states that Latvia should formulate its definition of “a national minority” in Latvia. According to Stranga, a national minority is a minority which is loyal towards its country of residence and second, it does not dictate rules and regulations for its homeland - “the problem of many Russians is that they are not able to accept that they are not the dominant nation in a free country. When they accept that, the problem disappears.” He is convinced that the status of non-citizens should be preserved in the given circumstances in Latvia.


reports that the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies will organise a seminar on the Council of Europes l Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities in Daugavpils. The discussion topics will be the possible ratification of the Convention and its consequences. The seminar is organised with the financial support of the embassy of Great Britain. reports that the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies will organise a seminar on the Council of Europe’s l Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities in Daugavpils. The discussion topics will be the possible ratification of the Convention and its consequences. The seminar is organised with the financial support of the embassy of Great Britain.


editorial is about the summit of NATO aspirant countries in Riga. Columnist Laila Pakalnina refers to the criticism and negativism voiced by the Russian language press that expenses affiliated with Latvias NATO membership and troubles caused for public is already getting on the nerves. The columnist argues that these troubles are a small price to pay for the countrys security and being an open city for both guests and residents. editorial is about the summit of NATO aspirant countries in Riga. Columnist Laila Pakalnina refers to the criticism and negativism voiced by the Russian language press that expenses affiliated with Latvia’s NATO membership and troubles caused for public is already “getting on the nerves.” The columnist argues that these “troubles” are a small price to pay for the country’s security and being an open city for both guests and residents.

jūlijs 3, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga has asked the Constitution Protection Office and the General Prosecutor’s Office for a clear explanation about what kind of activities and which cases constititute incitement of national hatred. The President decided to ask for such an explanation in regard to the recent controversial pre-election campaign ads of the Freedom Party. The President finds such ads unacceptable.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga has asked the Constitution Protection Office and the General Prosecutors Office for a clear explanation about what kind of activities and which cases constititute incitement of national hatred. The President decided to ask for such an explanation in regard to the recent controversial pre-election campaign ads of the Freedom Party. The President finds such ads unacceptable. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf

Only one applicant has applied for the post of the director of the State Language Centre. The Commission will review the suitability of the applicant for the post next week. Although the applicant has asked not to disclose his/her name, BNS reports that it is current deputy director of the State Language Centre Agris Timuska. However, he has also noted that not only the left wing parties, but also the governing parties excert pressure on the State Language Centre. In his opinion, the real restriction of the rights of the Centre was amendments to the Statutes of the Centre adopted at the end of the last year which provide that language inspectors do not have the right to re-examine a person’s state language proficiency.

Only one applicant has applied for the post of the director of the State Language Centre. The Commission will review the suitability of the applicant for the post next week. Although the applicant has asked not to disclose his/her name, BNS reports that it is current deputy director of the State Language Centre Agris Timuska. However, he has also noted that not only the left wing parties, but also the governing parties excert pressure on the State Language Centre. In his opinion, the real restriction of the rights of the Centre was amendments to the Statutes of the Centre adopted at the end of the last year which provide that language inspectors do not have the right to re-examine a persons state language proficiency. Neatkariga

Vechernaya Riga

journalist Yelena Slusareva talks to FHRUL deputy Yakov Pliner about the quality of education in Latvia. He states that the termination of higher education in Russian funded from the state budget has brought only losses for Latvia and believes that it is possible to re-start providing higher education in Russian as there are international documents which recommend providing education in languages of national minorities. journalist Yelena Slusareva talks to FHRUL deputy Yakov Pliner about the quality of education in Latvia. He states that the termination of higher education in Russian funded from the state budget has brought only losses for Latvia and believes that it is possible to re-start providing higher education in Russian as there are international documents which recommend providing education in languages of national minorities.


reports that the Valmiera Town Council has decided to move the Latvian evening school to the building of the only Russian school in the town. Some local Russians claim this is a political decision to get rid of the only Russian school in the town. reports that the Valmiera Town Council has decided to move the Latvian evening school to the building of the only Russian school in the town. Some local Russians claim this is a political decision to get rid of the only Russian school in the town.

Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

and and TelegrafTelegraf report that the campaign of collecting signatures for supporting education in the Russian language is going well. The youth movement Solidarnostj led by Ivan Stalnoy is conducting the campaign. The newspaper notes that during yesterdays campaign at the City Department Store the majority of those who signed in support of education in the Russian language were Latvians. report that the campaign of collecting signatures for supporting education in the Russian language is going well. The youth movement “Solidarnostj” led by Ivan Stalnoy is conducting the campaign. The newspaper notes that during yesterday’s campaign at the City Department Store the majority of those who signed in support of education in the Russian language were Latvians.


talks to Chief Rabbi Natan Barkan. He talks about the activities of the Jewish religious community in Riga. talks to Chief Rabbi Natan Barkan. He talks about the activities of the Jewish religious community in Riga.
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