Sept. 30, 2009

  • Central Statistical Bureau will try to include questions on ethnic belonging and native language in the next census
  • For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM offered cooperation memorandum to the radical nationalist party All for Latvia!
  • Government appointed new head of the State Language Centre
Representatives of the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) at the meeting with the Saeima’s faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM stated the CSB will try to include questions on ethnic belonging and native language in the next census. Due to cut of funding for the census, the CSB prepared two variations of the census questionnaires. The short and the cheapest version includes only questions set obligatory by the EU regulations and it excludes questions on ethnicity and language. The next census in Latvia will be held in 2011.

Representatives of the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) at the meeting with the Saeimas faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM stated the CSB will try to include questions on ethnic belonging and native language in the next census. Due to cut of funding for the census, the CSB prepared two variations of the census questionnaires. The short and the cheapest version includes only questions set obligatory by the EU regulations and it excludes questions on ethnicity and language. The next census in Latvia will be held in 2011. Latvijas Avize

Diena reports that the right wing party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM offered cooperation memorandum to the radical nationalist party All for Latvia! The leader of All for Latvia! Raivis Dzintars believes that principles of cooperation offered by For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM are aimed at strengthening Latvia as a nation state and therefore are appropriate for the party All for Latvia!. Raivis Dzintars considers that the number of cooperation partners should be wider and include the New Era, the Civic Union and the Society for Different Politics.

The Government appointed Maris Baltins (ex-head of the Translation and Terminology Centre) as the new head of the State Language Centre. Mr.Baltins considers that control on usage of state language should be continued despite shortage of state funding.

The Government appointed Maris Baltins (ex-head of the Translation and Terminology Centre) as the new head of the State Language Centre. Mr.Baltins considers that control on usage of state language should be continued despite shortage of state funding. Latvijas Avize

Sept. 29, 2009

  • Constitutional Court initiated proceedings on compliance of the transitional provisions of the Citizenship Law on double citizenship with the Latvian Constitution
  • MEP from Latvia Inese Vaidere criticizes usage of Russian language in Latvia
  • National radical calls on ethnic Latvians to use physical force against occupants, Zionists-speculators and other enemies
The Constitutional Court initiated proceedings on compliance of the transitional provisions of the Citizenship Law on double citizenship with the Latvian Constitution and the Declaration on the Restoration of Latvia’s Independence. The proceedings were initiated following a claim of the Senate of the Supreme Court of Latvia requesting abolition of time limitation for registration of Latvian citizenship of descendants of Latvian citizens living abroad and willing to keep double citizenship. The Constitutional Court asked the Saeima to present facts and legal arguments about the case. Number of the MPs interviewed by

The Constitutional Court initiated proceedings on compliance of the transitional provisions of the Citizenship Law on double citizenship with the Latvian Constitution and the Declaration on the Restoration of Latvias Independence. The proceedings were initiated following a claim of the Senate of the Supreme Court of Latvia requesting abolition of time limitation for registration of Latvian citizenship of descendants of Latvian citizens living abroad and willing to keep double citizenship. The Constitutional Court asked the Saeima to present facts and legal arguments about the case. Number of the MPs interviewed by Latvijas Avize believes that the double citizenship for Latvians living abroad and their descendants is now permissible because it would strengthen their ties with Latvia. Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize prints an article by the MEP from Latvia Inese Vaidere (European People's Party). Mrs. Vaidere criticizes state officials for usage of Russian language in communication with Russian-speaking mass-media and widespread usage of Russian in communication in private sphere. Mrs. Vaidere also criticises proposal of the opposition party For Human Rights in United Latvia to allow Russian as a language of instruction in re-training of unemployed as well as the call of NGOs to re-consider recent expansion of the list of professions and occupations which require language proficiency.

Leader of unregistered movement “Active Nationalists of Ventspils”, in an article published in the radical newspaper

Leader of unregistered movement Active Nationalists of Ventspils, in an article published in the radical newspaper DDD declares Latvia – for ethnic Latvians and calls all Latvian nationalists to unite in order to fight using physical force against colonists, occupants, Zionists-speculators and other enemies of ethnic Latvians. The latest issue of DDD also features articles titled Zionist insolence, No pensions to occupants and colonists! Vesti Segodnya

Sept. 28, 2009

  • Central Statistical Bureau excluded questions on ethnic belonging and native language from the next census
  • President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers does not support liquidation of the Ombudsmans Office

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) excluded questions on ethnic belonging and native language from the next census. The CSB excluded such questions arguing that it was forced to make the poll system simpler due to cut of funding for census.

The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers does not support liquidation of the Ombudsman’s Office. The President considers that liquidation of the institution would be a step back in protection of human rights in Latvia. At the same time, the President considers that if the Ombudsman Romans Apsitis was more active there would be no doubts about effectiveness of the Ombudsman’s Office. As reported, the government discussed liquidation of the Ombudsman’s Office due to economic crisis.

The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers does not support liquidation of the Ombudsmans Office. The President considers that liquidation of the institution would be a step back in protection of human rights in Latvia. At the same time, the President considers that if the Ombudsman Romans Apsitis was more active there would be no doubts about effectiveness of the Ombudsmans Office. As reported, the government discussed liquidation of the Ombudsmans Office due to economic crisis. Diena, Telegraf

Sept. 26, 2009

  • Ex-President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga: Ombudsmans Office should not be liquidated as an institution
The ex-President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga stated that the Ombudsman’s Office should not be liquidated as an institution. According to Mrs. Vike-Freiberga, it took a long time and hard work to establish the Ombudsman’s Office and it should not be destroyed in one moment. Mrs. Vike-Freiberga considers that during economic crisis it is permissible to cut Ombudsman’s Office’s budget or number of staff but it is not permissible to liquidate the institution as such.

The ex-President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga stated that the Ombudsmans Office should not be liquidated as an institution. According to Mrs. Vike-Freiberga, it took a long time and hard work to establish the Ombudsmans Office and it should not be destroyed in one moment. Mrs. Vike-Freiberga considers that during economic crisis it is permissible to cut Ombudsmans Offices budget or number of staff but it is not permissible to liquidate the institution as such. Diena, Latvijas Avize

Sept. 25, 2009

  • Government may close the Ombudsmans Office
  • Commission on affairs of foreigners and non-citizens established in the Liepaja City Council
  • Concord Centre – the most popular party in September
Newspapers report that according to unofficial information, the government is planning to close the Ombudsman’s Office due to economic crisis in the country. According to the Minister of Interior Linda Murniece, the government conceptually supported liquidation of the Ombudsman’s Office. While, the Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis asserts that no concrete decisions were taken yet and discussions on it will continue.

Newspapers report that according to unofficial information, the government is planning to close the Ombudsmans Office due to economic crisis in the country. According to the Minister of Interior Linda Murniece, the government conceptually supported liquidation of the Ombudsmans Office. While, the Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis asserts that no concrete decisions were taken yet and discussions on it will continue. Chas, Diena

Vesti Segodnya reports that the commission on affairs of foreigners and non-citizens was established in the Liepaja (city in the Western part of Latvia) City Council. The commission was established with an aim to protect interests of 27,000 non-citizens and 6,000 foreigners living in Liepaja.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by “Latvijas Fakti”, the most popular party in September is the Concord Centre – 15,6% of respondents support it. The party New Era and the Union of Greens and Farmers is supported by 6,3% and 5,8% accordingly. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of residents.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by Latvijas Fakti, the most popular party in September is the Concord Centre – 15,6% of respondents support it. The party New Era and the Union of Greens and Farmers is supported by 6,3% and 5,8% accordingly. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of residents. Diena

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