Oct. 8, 2009

  • Latvijas Avize reports about a conference of Russian NGOs held in Riga
  • Federation of Free Latvians calls on the President of Latvia and the Prime Minister to protect state language

Latvijas Avize reports about a conference of Russian NGOs held in Riga. The participants of the conference discussed tactics on how to achieve granting of voting rights in municipal and EP elections to Latvian non-citizens. Part of the participants considers that the pressure on the government about this issue should be made trough Russian and various international organisations. While, other part believes that it should be done trough discussions with ethnic Latvian organisations and intellectuals who are open to discuss such issues. Latvijas Avize

The World Federation of Free Latvians (WFFL) appealed to the President of Latvia and the Prime Minister asking not to lower effective state language proficiency requirements for certain posts and professions and state language requirements for permanent residency permit. The WFFL considers that Latvian language’s positions should be strictly protected because the language still is insufficiently strengthened in the country.

The World Federation of Free Latvians (WFFL) appealed to the President of Latvia and the Prime Minister asking not to lower effective state language proficiency requirements for certain posts and professions and state language requirements for permanent residency permit. The WFFL considers that Latvian languages positions should be strictly protected because the language still is insufficiently strengthened in the country. Latvijas Avize

Oct. 7, 2009

  • The Saeimas Committee on Mandates, Submissions and Ethics gave a verbal warning to the MP Juris Dobelis
  • Prosecutors Office forwarded to the court a criminal case against a 21-year-old man suspected in incitement to ethnic hatred
  • Naturalisation Board probably will be forced to close all regional branches
  • FHRUL elaborated the draft law allowing state higher education establishments to teach in Russian language
  • Publication Latvias Jews and Soviet Power 1928-1953 presented today in Riga
The Saeima’s Committee on Mandates, Submissions and Ethics gave a verbal warning to the MP Juris Dobelis (FF/LNIM) for his statements made from the Saeima’s tribune “Occupant, shut up your mouth!” and “Death to occupants!” The Committee reviewed the case after a complaint of the MP Aleksandrs Golubovs (Concord Centre) who considers that the statements were addressed personally towards him.

The Saeimas Committee on Mandates, Submissions and Ethics gave a verbal warning to the MP Juris Dobelis (FF/LNIM) for his statements made from the Saeimas tribune Occupant, shut up your mouth! and Death to occupants! The Committee reviewed the case after a complaint of the MP Aleksandrs Golubovs (Concord Centre) who considers that the statements were addressed personally towards him. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Diena

The Prosecutor’s Office forwarded to the court a criminal case against a 21-year-old man suspected in incitement to ethnic hatred. The person published insulting statements towards activists of the radical nationalistic organisation Latvian National Front (LNF) commenting their pictures placed in the Internet on which they lay flowers with crape beneath the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders during celebrations of 9 May (Victory Day.) Both activists of the LNF Liene Apine and Liga Muzikante claim for moral compensation in amount of LVL 50,000 (EUR 71,144)

The Prosecutors Office forwarded to the court a criminal case against a 21-year-old man suspected in incitement to ethnic hatred. The person published insulting statements towards activists of the radical nationalistic organisation Latvian National Front (LNF) commenting their pictures placed in the Internet on which they lay flowers with crape beneath the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders during celebrations of 9 May (Victory Day.) Both activists of the LNF Liene Apine and Liga Muzikante claim for moral compensation in amount of LVL 50,000 (EUR 71,144) Vesti Segodnya

Telegraf reports that the Naturalisation Board (NB) probably will be forced to close all regional branches due to cut of funding. According to the head of the NB Eriks Baranovskis, it is very important to preserve branches in the biggest Latvian cities, however, further cut of funding will endanger existence of the NB as such. The MP Boriss Cilvecs (Concord Centre) considers that reduction of the NB structure down to only one branch in Riga would have catastrophic consequences because it would deprive naturalisation to large number of people living outside of Riga.

The Saeima’s faction For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) elaborated the draft law allowing state higher education establishments to teach in Russian language. According to the FHRUL, studies in Russian language would attract more students from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries which is very important for Latvia’s higher education establishments during economic crisis.

The Saeimas faction For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) elaborated the draft law allowing state higher education establishments to teach in Russian language. According to the FHRUL, studies in Russian language would attract more students from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries which is very important for Latvias higher education establishments during economic crisis. Chas

Publication “Latvia’s Jews and Soviet Power 1928-1953” edited by the Philology and Sociology Faculty of the University of Latvia is presented today in Riga. The publications provide insight about relations between ethnic Latvians and Jews in recent history.

Publication Latvias Jews and Soviet Power 1928-1953 edited by the Philology and Sociology Faculty of the University of Latvia is presented today in Riga. The publications provide insight about relations between ethnic Latvians and Jews in recent history. Latvijas Avize

Oct. 6, 2009

  • MP Juris Dobelis: statement Occupant, shut up your mouth! was addressed to all occupants
The MP Juris Dobelis in an interview with

The MP Juris Dobelis in an interview with Latvijas Avize explains the circumstances of his statement Occupant, shut up your mouth! made from the Saeimas tribune. According to Mr.Dobelis, he was going to express his view about proposed amendments to Animal Protection Law, when he heard the word occupation and this induced him to make his statement. After the Saeimas speaker warned him, Mr.Dobelis decided to strengthen the values and therefore shouted Death to occupants! In the interview Mr.Dobelis informs that the statement was addressed to all occupants and the person who got offended by the statement probably admits that he is occupant. Today, the Saeimas Committee on Mandates, Submissions and Ethics will review the case against Mr. Dobelis after a complaint of the MP Aleksandrs Golubovs (Concord Centre) who considers that the statements Occupant, shut up your mouth! and Death to occupants! were addressed personally towards him.

Oct. 5, 2009

  • Ombudsmans Office will not be closed
  • UKs Foreign Secretary David Milliband criticized British conservative politicians for their co-operation with Latvian party which supports Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires

Diena reports that the government decided not to liquidate the Ombudsmans Office. As reported, the government discussed the possibility to close to the Ombudsmans Office due to economic crisis in the country. The government decided to cut the present budget of the Office (LVL 1,000,000 or EUR 1,422,871) per year by LVL 200,000 (EUR 284,574).

Newspapers report that the UK’s Foreign Secretary David Milliband criticized some British conservative politicians for their co-operation with Latvian political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM because the latter supports Latvian

Newspapers report that the UKs Foreign Secretary David Milliband criticized some British conservative politicians for their co-operation with Latvian political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM because the latter supports Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires. In response, the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that such statements are inappropriate for Latvia. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Oct. 2, 2009

  • Saeimas Committee on Mandates, Submissions and Ethics initiated a case on violation of deputys ethics by the MP Juris Dobelis
  • Picket against violation of human rights in Latvia for the President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek
  • Minister of Justice Mareks Seglins replied to an appeal of the Russian speaking oppositions parties for explanation why naturalisation rate is so low in Latvia
The Saeima’s Committee on Mandates, Submissions and Ethics initiated a case on violation of deputy’s ethics by the MP Juris Dobelis (FF/LNIM). The case is initiated after a complaint of the MP Aleksandrs Golubovs (Concord Centre). As reported, Juris Dobelis targeted personally Aleksandrs Golubovs when making his insulting statements from the Saeima’s tribune such as “Occupant, shut up your mouth!” and “Death to occupants!” The Committee will review the incident during its next session.

The Saeimas Committee on Mandates, Submissions and Ethics initiated a case on violation of deputys ethics by the MP Juris Dobelis (FF/LNIM). The case is initiated after a complaint of the MP Aleksandrs Golubovs (Concord Centre). As reported, Juris Dobelis targeted personally Aleksandrs Golubovs when making his insulting statements from the Saeimas tribune such as Occupant, shut up your mouth! and Death to occupants! The Committee will review the incident during its next session. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Yesterday, during the visit of the President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek to Latvia, the party For Human Rights in United Latvia held a picket near the Saeima’s building with an aim to point the EP’s President at problems with human rights in the country. Organisers of the picket also sent a letter to Mr. Buzek which points at large number of non-citizens in Latvia, slow speed of naturalisation, refusal to grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections and other problems.

Yesterday, during the visit of the President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek to Latvia, the party For Human Rights in United Latvia held a picket near the Saeimas building with an aim to point the EPs President at problems with human rights in the country. Organisers of the picket also sent a letter to Mr. Buzek which points at large number of non-citizens in Latvia, slow speed of naturalisation, refusal to grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections and other problems. Chas

The Minister of Justice Mareks Seglins replied to an appeal of the Russian speaking opposition’s parties for explanation why naturalisation rate is so low in Latvia. According to Mr. Seglins, lowering of naturalisation rate is caused by drop of patriotism due to economic and political situation in the country; by discussions on possibility of double citizenship in Latvia; and discussions on granting voting rights to non-citizens in municipal elections. At the same time, the Minister states that decrease of number of persons without citizenship and number of non-citizens is among the Latvia’s aims.

The Minister of Justice Mareks Seglins replied to an appeal of the Russian speaking oppositions parties for explanation why naturalisation rate is so low in Latvia. According to Mr. Seglins, lowering of naturalisation rate is caused by drop of patriotism due to economic and political situation in the country; by discussions on possibility of double citizenship in Latvia; and discussions on granting voting rights to non-citizens in municipal elections. At the same time, the Minister states that decrease of number of persons without citizenship and number of non-citizens is among the Latvias aims. Vesti Segodnya

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