jūlijs 13, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Lauku Avize interviews Professor Jack Mattlock, the last United States ambassador to the USSR. He believes that Latvia handles the Russian-speaking minorities fairly, but that the difficulty in obtaining the Latvian citizenship has created many misunderstandings. Life without political rights has created the feeling of insecurity by Latvian Russians. This is in Mattlock’s opinion also the reason for the exaggeration of the problems of Russian speakers by Latvia’s Russian-language press. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize interviews Professor Jack Mattlock, the last United States ambassador to the USSR. He believes that Latvia handles the Russian-speaking minorities fairly, but that the difficulty in obtaining the Latvian citizenship has created many misunderstandings. Life without political rights has created the feeling of insecurity by Latvian Russians. This is in Mattlocks opinion also the reason for the exaggeration of the problems of Russian speakers by Latvias Russian-language press. Lauku Avize

In her interview to Diena Anhelita Kamenska, the director of the Prison and Police Reform Program of the Soros Foundation – Latvia and the researcher of Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies, discusses the ethnic composition of prison inmates in Latvia. About 60 – 65% of all prison inmates are non-Latvians. One reason for this may be the concentration of minorities in cities, where crime rates are higher. She also mentions the difference between ethnic groups in the types of crimes committed. Sestdiena

In her interview to Diena Anhelita Kamenska, the director of the Prison and Police Reform Program of the Soros Foundation – Latvia and the researcher of Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies, discusses the ethnic composition of prison inmates in Latvia. About 60 – 65% of all prison inmates are non-Latvians. One reason for this may be the concentration of minorities in cities, where crime rates are higher. She also mentions the difference between ethnic groups in the types of crimes committed. Sestdiena

Neatkariga reports about the exhibition on the Holocaust in Riga Central library, discussing the Holocaust and Latvia and the still popular negative stereotypes of Jews, despite many books published on the history of Jews in Latvia. Neatkariga Rita Avize

Neatkariga reports about the exhibition on the Holocaust in Riga Central library, discussing the Holocaust and Latvia and the still popular negative stereotypes of Jews, despite many books published on the history of Jews in Latvia. Neatkariga Rita Avize

A seminar about the culture and integration of the old believers will take place in Rezekne district on the 15 and 16 July, in which researchers from Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Estonia will participate. There are over 90 000 old-believers in Latvia. Neatkariga Rita Avize

A seminar about the culture and integration of the old believers will take place in Rezekne district on the 15 and 16 July, in which researchers from Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Estonia will participate. There are over 90 000 old-believers in Latvia. Neatkariga Rita Avize

Professor M. Asmanis from University of Latvia in his interview to Chas expresses the opinion that the national question doesn’t really matter to anybody, except MPs and party leaders. It annoys the society, but in business circles it’s not an issue, nor is it in everyday life. Chas

Professor M. Asmanis from University of Latvia in his interview to Chas expresses the opinion that the national question doesnt really matter to anybody, except MPs and party leaders. It annoys the society, but in business circles its not an issue, nor is it in everyday life. Chas

jūlijs 12, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

The committee, which is to appoint a new director to the State Language Centre has turned down the only candidate, former deputy director Agris Timuska, on the grounds that he lacks strategic vision for the future development of the centre. A new call for candidates will be issued. Diena, Latvijas vestnesis

The committee, which is to appoint a new director to the State Language Centre has turned down the only candidate, former deputy director Agris Timuska, on the grounds that he lacks strategic vision for the future development of the centre. A new call for candidates will be issued. Diena, Latvijas vestnesis

Simon Wiesenthal Centre director Ephraim Zuroff held a press conference in Riga, announcing the “Last Chance” plan, offering USD 10,000 for information leading to the trial of a Nazi war criminal in Latvia. The local response to the initiative has been mixed, with opinions ranging from condemnation of a perceived witch hunt to supporting it, as does the new head of the Riga Council of the Jewish Communities and Congregations, Arkady Suharenko, although he criticizes the use of money as an incentive in this moral question. Nevertheless, the Riga Council will support this action. In contrast, previous long-term president Grigory Krupnikov, says that E. Zuroff’s announcement is not acceptable in its form or contents, and should be ignored. Diena, Chas, Latvijas vestnesis, Vesti segodnya, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii, Vechernaya Riga

Simon Wiesenthal Centre director Ephraim Zuroff held a press conference in Riga, announcing the Last Chance plan, offering USD 10,000 for information leading to the trial of a Nazi war criminal in Latvia. The local response to the initiative has been mixed, with opinions ranging from condemnation of a perceived witch hunt to supporting it, as does the new head of the Riga Council of the Jewish Communities and Congregations, Arkady Suharenko, although he criticizes the use of money as an incentive in this moral question. Nevertheless, the Riga Council will support this action. In contrast, previous long-term president Grigory Krupnikov, says that E. Zuroffs announcement is not acceptable in its form or contents, and should be ignored. Diena, Chas, Latvijas vestnesis, Vesti segodnya, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii, Vechernaya Riga

On 19 September 2002 the European Court of Justice in Strasbourg will review the Sisoyev family case against Latvia, which concerns the refusal of permanent residence. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnja

On 19 September 2002 the European Court of Justice in Strasbourg will review the Sisoyev family case against Latvia, which concerns the refusal of permanent residence. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnja

Aleksandr Gurin in an article discusses what in his opinion is a typical feature of Latvian Russians – political inactivity. Panorama Latvii

Aleksandr Gurin in an article discusses what in his opinion is a typical feature of Latvian Russians – political inactivity. Panorama Latvii

On Friday a conference on the problems of Latgale is being organized by the local intelligentsia, to which they have invited representatives from the capital. At the end of the summer the second world gathering of Latgallians will take place in Rezekne, and Neatkariga Rita Avize devotes an article to Latgallian poet Antons Slisans, who discusses the problems of the Latgallian language, which despite adverse conditions has managed to survive. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize

On Friday a conference on the problems of Latgale is being organized by the local intelligentsia, to which they have invited representatives from the capital. At the end of the summer the second world gathering of Latgallians will take place in Rezekne, and Neatkariga Rita Avize devotes an article to Latgallian poet Antons Slisans, who discusses the problems of the Latgallian language, which despite adverse conditions has managed to survive. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize

jūlijs 11, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

A Panorama Latvii correspondent reports on a NATO study visit of Russian-language press representatives from Latvia organized by the US Embassy in Latvia. He stresses that many NATO commentators and political analysts expressed concern regarding the number of non-citizens in Latvia. It may even be that NATO, as an unexpected source of support for the non-citizens, would be the reason the governments would have to resolve the question, reasons the author. Meanwhile, in a different article by the deputy director of the Institute of USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences writes about the double standards of the West and especially the USA when accepting Latvia and Estonia as NATO candidates while basic human rights are not observed for the Russian-speaking part of the population while these countries also make attempts to rewrite history and support fascism, which the USA should put an end to. The reason the Baltic countries want so much to be part of NATO is not security concerns, which have no basis, but political and economic advantages. According to the author the main threat to Russia if these countries will become members of NATO is that they then will be able to influence the processes from within and harm the development of partnership between NATO and Russia. Panorama Latvii

A Panorama Latvii correspondent reports on a NATO study visit of Russian-language press representatives from Latvia organized by the US Embassy in Latvia. He stresses that many NATO commentators and political analysts expressed concern regarding the number of non-citizens in Latvia. It may even be that NATO, as an unexpected source of support for the non-citizens, would be the reason the governments would have to resolve the question, reasons the author. Meanwhile, in a different article by the deputy director of the Institute of USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences writes about the double standards of the West and especially the USA when accepting Latvia and Estonia as NATO candidates while basic human rights are not observed for the Russian-speaking part of the population while these countries also make attempts to rewrite history and support fascism, which the USA should put an end to. The reason the Baltic countries want so much to be part of NATO is not security concerns, which have no basis, but political and economic advantages. According to the author the main threat to Russia if these countries will become members of NATO is that they then will be able to influence the processes from within and harm the development of partnership between NATO and Russia. Panorama Latvii

National Human Rights Office head Olafs Bruveris is reported to have commented that the temporary detention and questioning of the National Bolshevik activists during the NATO summit meeting in Riga violates their human rights, notably the right to freedom of expression and the rights to publicly express opinions. Panorama Latvii

National Human Rights Office head Olafs Bruveris is reported to have commented that the temporary detention and questioning of the National Bolshevik activists during the NATO summit meeting in Riga violates their human rights, notably the right to freedom of expression and the rights to publicly express opinions. Panorama Latvii

Simon Wiesenthal Centre representative Ephraim Zuroff held a press conference in Tallinn, announcing the “Last Chance” initiative, announcing a 10,000 USD award for information leading to an actual court case of a Nazi-era Estonian or Latvian war criminal. Panorama Latvii

Simon Wiesenthal Centre representative Ephraim Zuroff held a press conference in Tallinn, announcing the Last Chance initiative, announcing a 10,000 USD award for information leading to an actual court case of a Nazi-era Estonian or Latvian war criminal. Panorama Latvii

Lauku Avize comments on the granting of Latvian citizenship to persons for extraordinary service. Until 1998 Latvian citizenship for extraordinary service was granted to 158 persons, mostly officials, sportsmen, and entrepreneurs, but after the abolition of the window quota system for naturalization in 1998, only two persons have been granted citizenship on this basis. The article criticizes the granting of citizenship to sportsmen who don’t speak Latvian. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize comments on the granting of Latvian citizenship to persons for extraordinary service. Until 1998 Latvian citizenship for extraordinary service was granted to 158 persons, mostly officials, sportsmen, and entrepreneurs, but after the abolition of the window quota system for naturalization in 1998, only two persons have been granted citizenship on this basis. The article criticizes the granting of citizenship to sportsmen who dont speak Latvian. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize writes about problems connected to the new law on personal identity documents. Persons who have changed their last names or citizenship status may be prevented from crossing the Latvian border, as their old passports are not valid.

Lauku Avize writes about problems connected to the new law on personal identity documents. Persons who have changed their last names or citizenship status may be prevented from crossing the Latvian border, as their old passports are not valid.

Lauku Avize publishes an interview with the leaders of the “First Party” Eriks Jekabsons and Oskars Kastens. They believe that Latvia must pay special attention to the problems of minorities. An important post in their shadow cabinet is Minister of Minorities’ rights. The issue of transition to Latvian as a language of instruction in all secondary school planned for 2004 the Party leaves to experts. The position of the Party about the ratification of EC Framework Convention on National Minorities is that Latvia should ratify the Convention with reservations to ensure that the interests of the core nation are also protected. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize publishes an interview with the leaders of the First Party Eriks Jekabsons and Oskars Kastens. They believe that Latvia must pay special attention to the problems of minorities. An important post in their shadow cabinet is Minister of Minorities rights. The issue of transition to Latvian as a language of instruction in all secondary school planned for 2004 the Party leaves to experts. The position of the Party about the ratification of EC Framework Convention on National Minorities is that Latvia should ratify the Convention with reservations to ensure that the interests of the core nation are also protected. Lauku Avize

Telegraf comments on an article recently published by Financial Times Deutschland allegedly stating that anti-Semitism and the attitude towards the Holocaust could prove to be obstacles for Latvia’s, Lithuania’s and Slovakia’s joining NATO. Telegraf

Telegraf comments on an article recently published by Financial Times Deutschland allegedly stating that anti-Semitism and the attitude towards the Holocaust could prove to be obstacles for Latvias, Lithuanias and Slovakias joining NATO. Telegraf

jūlijs 10, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Professor Leo Dribins devotes an article in Diena to the question of non-Russian minorities in Latvia, noting that the use of other minority languages than Russian as native languages has substantially declined from 1989 to 2000, while the use among minorities of both Latvian and Russian at home has increased. Nevertheless, knowledge of the ethnic origin language is retained, albeit to a lesser extent. He also stresses that there is no basis for the concern that these minorities may fuse into a general Russophone group, if only basic minority rights remain respected. Diena

Professor Leo Dribins devotes an article in Diena to the question of non-Russian minorities in Latvia, noting that the use of other minority languages than Russian as native languages has substantially declined from 1989 to 2000, while the use among minorities of both Latvian and Russian at home has increased. Nevertheless, knowledge of the ethnic origin language is retained, albeit to a lesser extent. He also stresses that there is no basis for the concern that these minorities may fuse into a general Russophone group, if only basic minority rights remain respected. Diena

A Holocaust Memorial in a Jewish cemetery in Jelgava has been vandalized. Neatkariga Rita Avize, BNS

A Holocaust Memorial in a Jewish cemetery in Jelgava has been vandalized. Neatkariga Rita Avize, BNS

Chas reports that the party coalition Centre’s program includes a suggestion to postpone the transition of Russian language secondary schools to instruction in Latvian from 2004 to 2007, while demanding from graduates the highest level of Latvian language skills. Chas

Chas reports that the party coalition Centres program includes a suggestion to postpone the transition of Russian language secondary schools to instruction in Latvian from 2004 to 2007, while demanding from graduates the highest level of Latvian language skills. Chas.

Valts Erenstreits, who received his Masters degree in Tartu University on Liv language themes, discusses his Liv identity and the problem of being one out of only 30 persons who speak the Liv language fluently and his struggle to keep the language and identity from dying out. He regrets that it is not possible to receive this specialization in higher education in Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize

Valts Erenstreits, who received his Masters degree in Tartu University on Liv language themes, discusses his Liv identity and the problem of being one out of only 30 persons who speak the Liv language fluently and his struggle to keep the language and identity from dying out. He regrets that it is not possible to receive this specialization in higher education in Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize

The official gazette includes an article on Roma, discussing materials from the Misina library on Roma history in Latvia. The article notes that Roma are successfully integrated in society, with an overwhelming percentage of this minority holding the Latvian citizenship and knowing the Latvian language, but with serious socioeceonomic problems. Latvijas vestnesis

The official gazette includes an article on Roma, discussing materials from the Misina library on Roma history in Latvia. The article notes that Roma are successfully integrated in society, with an overwhelming percentage of this minority holding the Latvian citizenship and knowing the Latvian language, but with serious socioeceonomic problems. Latvijas vestnesis

Radio Free Europe President Tom Dine in an interview stresses the important role of mass media in social integration and notes several restrictions on minority languages in radio and television in Latvia. Telegraf

Radio Free Europe President Tom Dine in an interview stresses the important role of mass media in social integration and notes several restrictions on minority languages in radio and television in Latvia. Telegraf

Panorama Latvii elaborates information regarding the Tatyana Slivenko case to the European Court of Justice and her attorney’s allegations of incorrectly translated documents. Panorama Latvii

Panorama Latvii elaborates information regarding the Tatyana Slivenko case to the European Court of Justice and her attorneys allegations of incorrectly translated documents. Panorama Latvii

jūlijs 9, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Lauku Avize reports on alleged discrimination of non-citizens in connection with occupations reserved for Latvian citizens. Lauku Avize states that every country has occupations reserved for citizens, including Russia. Russian legislation is characterized as much more discriminatory than Latvian in this connection, reserving a wider range of occupations for Russian citizens, like rescue service employee, guards, customs officer, self-government employee and ship worker.

Lauku Avize reports on alleged discrimination of non-citizens in connection with occupations reserved for Latvian citizens. Lauku Avize states that every country has occupations reserved for citizens, including Russia. Russian legislation is characterized as much more discriminatory than Latvian in this connection, reserving a wider range of occupations for Russian citizens, like rescue service employee, guards, customs officer, self-government employee and ship worker.

According to Poland’s consul in Latvia Martin Knapp, in planning next year’s budget, the Polish government has committed to allocating resources to Polish language schools in Latvia. Polish diplomats are visiting locales in Latvia with Polish language schools to discuss possible co-funding from the municipal governments. Polish schools now operate in Riga, Rezekne, Daugavpils, Kraslava and Jekabpils. In Jekabpils, the school has attracted more students every year and needs larger premises. Neatkariga

According to Polands consul in Latvia Martin Knapp, in planning next years budget, the Polish government has committed to allocating resources to Polish language schools in Latvia. Polish diplomats are visiting locales in Latvia with Polish language schools to discuss possible co-funding from the municipal governments. Polish schools now operate in Riga, Rezekne, Daugavpils, Kraslava and Jekabpils. In Jekabpils, the school has attracted more students every year and needs larger premises. Neatkariga

In his letter to Lauku Avize director of Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Nils Muiznieks writes about the definition of a national minority, suggesting the following criteria: a numerical minority country-wide, in a non-dominant position, long–standing ties to the State, differ from the majority in terms of language, culture or traditions and exhibit a desire to preserve and develop their identity. Traditionally only citizens were considered as belonging to the minority, but this is changing. In the Latvian context, there are certainly many Russians, Poles, Roma and Jews who fulfill the above criteria, but without further analysis it is not possible to say whether other national minorities exist in significant number.

In his letter to Lauku Avize director of Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Nils Muiznieks writes about the definition of a national minority, suggesting the following criteria: a numerical minority country-wide, in a non-dominant position, long–standing ties to the State, differ from the majority in terms of language, culture or traditions and exhibit a desire to preserve and develop their identity. Traditionally only citizens were considered as belonging to the minority, but this is changing. In the Latvian context, there are certainly many Russians, Poles, Roma and Jews who fulfill the above criteria, but without further analysis it is not possible to say whether other national minorities exist in significant number.

Panorama Latvii writes on the definition of a minority in Latvia and asks whether Latvian Russians are a minority. On the base of objective criteria – number and length of their connection to Latvia – both citizen and non-citizen Russians belong to a national minority. But the most important criteria is subjective – whether persons want to belong to a national minority.

Panorama Latvii writes on the definition of a minority in Latvia and asks whether Latvian Russians are a minority. On the base of objective criteria – number and length of their connection to Latvia – both citizen and non-citizen Russians belong to a national minority. But the most important criteria is subjective – whether persons want to belong to a national minority.

Panorama Latvii devotes its minority supplement to articles in Ukrainian and Belarussian.

Vesti Segodnja interviews director of the Multinational Culture Centre in Daugavpils Arturs Prieditis, the author of 10 books on problems of Latvian culture. He states that culture is composed of two parts – ethnic culture (traditions, folklore, religion, etc.) and professional culture. Regarding professional culture there are no ethnic borders and no integration is needed. According to Prieditis, Latvia is trying to integrate Russians through ethnic culture, which is not possible. He criticises what he terms a fetish–like attachment to folklore.

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