Oct. 15, 2009

  • President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers: state officials should speak with journalists only in Latvian
The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers at a congress of the World Federation of Free Latvians (WFFL) criticized state officials who speak with journalists in foreign languages. The President believes that state officials should speak with journalists only in Latvian language in order to gain respect. Also, head of the WFFL stated that there is hidden process of russification in Latvia and one of its indicators is the fact that state officials speak Russian publicly.

The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers at a congress of the World Federation of Free Latvians (WFFL) criticized state officials who speak with journalists in foreign languages. The President believes that state officials should speak with journalists only in Latvian language in order to gain respect. Also, head of the WFFL stated that there is hidden process of russification in Latvia and one of its indicators is the fact that state officials speak Russian publicly. Vesti Segodnya

Oct. 14, 2009

  • Mayor of the Riga City Council Nils Usakovs took part in the events in commemoration of liberation of Riga from Nazi invaders
  • Vesti Segodnya prints an article about non-citizens in Latvia
The Mayor of the Riga City Council Nils Usakovs took part in the events in commemoration of liberation of Riga from Nazi invaders. Nationalistic politicians criticized the Mayor for participation in the events arguing that for Latvia the day of liberation of Riga was the beginning of occupation.

The Mayor of the Riga City Council Nils Usakovs took part in the events in commemoration of liberation of Riga from Nazi invaders. Nationalistic politicians criticized the Mayor for participation in the events arguing that for Latvia the day of liberation of Riga was the beginning of occupation. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya prints an article about non-citizens in Latvia. According to the newspaper, 18 years passed since large part of Latvian residents were deprived of political rights and became non-citizens. The MP Boriss Cilevics (Concord Centre) believes that widening of political rights for non-citizens such as granting them voting rights is untouchable issue for ethnic Latvian politicians because they know that it will lead to changes in composition of ruling elite. For 1 January 2009 there were 15,8% non-citizens among Latvian residents

Oct. 13, 2009

  • For Human Rights in United Latvia prepared seven draft laws stipulating widening rights of non-citizens
  • Civic Union elaborated a draft law stipulating fines or imprisonment for denial of occupation of Latvia
  • Inspectors of the State Language Centre consider that state language proficiency of the substitute of the Mayor of Daugavpils Grigorijs Nemcovs does not comply with language proficiency level required for the post
  • Latvijas Avize: poster advertising NGO Russian Community of Rezekne violates the Law on State Language
  • According to a study of academician of the University of Latvia Juris Rozenvalds intolerance towards representatives of visibly different groups increased three-fold since 1996
  • Riga City Council is planning to allocate LVL 21,000 for society integration in 2010
The Saeima’s faction For Human Rights in United Latvia prepared seven draft laws stipulating widening rights of non-citizens. The draft laws abolish limitations for non-citizens in various activity categories and real estate business, and abolish requirement to prove Latvian language proficiency for those non-citizens who want to receive the status of the EU permanent resident. The Saeima will review the draft laws on Thursday.

The Saeimas faction For Human Rights in United Latvia prepared seven draft laws stipulating widening rights of non-citizens. The draft laws abolish limitations for non-citizens in various activity categories and real estate business, and abolish requirement to prove Latvian language proficiency for those non-citizens who want to receive the status of the EU permanent resident. The Saeima will review the draft laws on Thursday. Chas

The Civic Union elaborated a draft law stipulating fines or imprisonment for denial of occupation of Latvia by the USSR and Nazi Germany. The draft law is elaborated after the example of Lithuania where denial of occupation can be punished with imprisonment up to two years.

The Civic Union elaborated a draft law stipulating fines or imprisonment for denial of occupation of Latvia by the USSR and Nazi Germany. The draft law is elaborated after the example of Lithuania where denial of occupation can be punished with imprisonment up to two years. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Inspectors of the State Language Centre consider that state language proficiency of the substitute of the Mayor of Daugavpils Grigorijs Nemcovs does not comply with language proficiency level required for the post. The inspectors will check Mr. Nemcovs’ state language proficiency repeatedly after few months.

Inspectors of the State Language Centre consider that state language proficiency of the substitute of the Mayor of Daugavpils Grigorijs Nemcovs does not comply with language proficiency level required for the post. The inspectors will check Mr. Nemcovs state language proficiency repeatedly after few months. Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize reports that a poster placed at the front of a building in Rezekne (town in the Eastern part of Latvia) advertising NGO Russian Community of Rezekne violates the Law on State Language. According to the newspaper, the poster was placed there illegally without permission of the City Council and text on the poster is written only in Russian language.

According to a study of academician of the University of Latvia Juris Rozenvalds on indications of democracy in Latvia, intolerance towards homosexuals noticeably decreased since 1996, while, intolerance towards representatives of visibly different groups increase three-fold. Such conclusion is based on the data of the World Values Survey according to which only 4,5 % of Latvian residents questioned in 1996 and 13,5% questioned in 2008 would not like to live in the same neighbourhood with representatives of other race. Negative responses to the same question regarding homosexuals were given by 59,2% in 1996 and 42,2% in 2006.

According to a study of academician of the University of Latvia Juris Rozenvalds on indications of democracy in Latvia, intolerance towards homosexuals noticeably decreased since 1996, while, intolerance towards representatives of visibly different groups increase three-fold. Such conclusion is based on the data of the World Values Survey according to which only 4,5 % of Latvian residents questioned in 1996 and 13,5% questioned in 2008 would not like to live in the same neighbourhood with representatives of other race. Negative responses to the same question regarding homosexuals were givenby 59,2% in 1996 and 42,2% in 2006. Chas (12.10)

The Riga City Council is planning to allocate LVL 21,000 for society integration in 2010. According to the head of the Education, Youth and Sports Department Eizenija Aldermane, funding for society integration will be allocated by the City Council for the first time. The money will be spent on materials for dissemination of information in the society and various events.

The Riga City Council is planning to allocate LVL 21,000 for society integration in 2010. According to the head of the Education, Youth and Sports Department Eizenija Aldermane, funding for society integration will be allocated by the City Council for the first time. The money will be spent on materials for dissemination of information in the society and various events. Telegraf (12.10)

Oct. 12, 2009

  • Survey data on non-citizens
SKDS survey shows that Latvian non-citizens, if given the right to vote, would be willing to vote also for so called “ethnic Latvian” parties. Only 35% of Latvian permanent residents would be willing to vote only for so called “Russian speaking” parties, while 65% would choose different political angle.The same study shows that 27,5% of non-citizens are not applying for naturalization because they hope the legislation will be changed, granting them citizenship automatically. 18,3% believe they are not able to pass language and history exams, while 10,2% are refusing “in principle” to take naturalization exams.

SKDS survey shows that Latvian non-citizens, if given the right to vote, would be willing to vote also for so called ethnic Latvian parties. Only 35% of Latvian permanent residents would be willing to vote only for so called Russian speaking parties, while 65% would choose different political angle.The same study shows that 27,5% of non-citizens are not applying for naturalization because they hope the legislation will be changed, granting them citizenship automatically. 18,3% believe they are not able to pass language and history exams, while 10,2% are refusing in principle to take naturalization exams. Telegraf

Oct. 9, 2009

  • One more criminal case on incitement to ethnic hatred is forwarded to the court
  • Concord Centre asks the Minister of Education to explain why part of non-citizens with valid state language proficiency certificates must go trough language proficiency re-examination in order to receive status of the EU permanent resident
  • Ombudsman Romans Apsitis: Ombudsmans Office will not be able to continue its work if the funding is cut
  • Saeima refused proposal to allow state higher education establishments to teach in Russian language
  • Telegraf: about 30,000 Latvians will leave Latvia during this year
  • Union of Greens and Farmers refused consolidation with right wing nationalistic parties For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM and All for Latvia!
The Prosecutor’s Office forwarded to the court one more criminal case on incitement to ethnic hatred. According to a representative of the Security Police, the criminal case is initiated against a young man who published insulting statements towards Russians on two Internet portals.

The Prosecutors Office forwarded to the court one more criminal case on incitement to ethnic hatred. According to a representative of the Security Police, the criminal case is initiated against a young man who published insulting statements towards Russians on two Internet portals. Chas

The Saeima’s faction Concord Centre appealed to the Minister of Education Tatjana Koke asking to explain why non-citizens who received state language proficiency certificate in time period from year 1992 to 2001 must go trough language proficiency re-examination in order to receive status of the EU permanent resident. The Concord Centre believes it is absurd that persons who have valid certificates are forced to go trough examination again. As reported, those non-citizens who want to receive status of the EU permanent resident must prove their Latvian language proficiency.

The Saeimas faction Concord Centre appealed to the Minister of Education Tatjana Koke asking to explain why non-citizens who received state language proficiency certificate in time period from year 1992 to 2001 must go trough language proficiency re-examination in order to receive status of the EU permanent resident. The Concord Centre believes it is absurd that persons who have valid certificates are forced to go trough examination again. As reported, those non-citizens who want to receive status of the EU permanent resident must prove their Latvian language proficiency. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The Ombudsman Romans Apsitis stated that the Ombudsman’s Office will not be able to continue its work if the funding is cut. According to Mr. Apsitis, the government is planning to grant to the Office only LVL 770,000 (EUR 1,095,611) for the next year which is not sufficient for successful functioning.

The Ombudsman Romans Apsitis stated that the Ombudsmans Office will not be able to continue its work if the funding is cut. According to Mr. Apsitis, the government is planning to grant to the Office only LVL 770,000 (EUR 1,095,611) for the next year which is not sufficient for successful functioning. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya reports that yesterday, the Saeima refused proposal of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia to allow state higher education establishments to teach in Russian language.

According to

According to Telegraf, about 30,000 Latvians will leave Latvia during this year. According to experts interviewed by the newspaper, outflow of residents abroad became higher during 2009 and number of emigrants continues to grow. The experts indicate a new tendency that people are leaving Latvia with whole families.

The political party Union of Greens and Farmers (UGF) refused consolidation with right wing nationalistic parties For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM and “All for Latvia!” The UGF considers that union with these parties would worsen its popularity among Latvian citizens.

The political party Union of Greens and Farmers (UGF) refused consolidation with right wing nationalistic parties For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM and All for Latvia! The UGF considers that union with these parties would worsen its popularity among Latvian citizens. NRA

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