Oct. 22, 2009

  • Study Latvian Non-citizens and Voting Rights: Compromises and Resolutions
  • President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers criticizes statement made by the Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs regarding occupation of Latvia
According to a study “Latvian Non-citizens and Voting Rights: Compromises and Resolutions” held by the political centre “Euro-Civitas”, 60% of non-citizens would be ready to vote not for so-called Russian speaking parties such as the Concord Centre and the For Human Rights in United Latvia but for various parties if granted voting rights. 46% of Latvian residents positively evaluate granting voting rights to non-citizens in municipal election, while, 20% evaluate it neutrally. Those who do not support granting voting rights to non-citizens consider that it would hinder naturalisation process or believe that non-citizens are disloyal towards Latvia or fear that Russians will gain authority in the country. Authors of the study believe that attraction of new voters would be a positive factor for development of Latvian politics and community as a whole.

According to a study Latvian Non-citizens and Voting Rights: Compromises and Resolutions held by the political centre Euro-Civitas, 60% of non-citizens would be ready to vote not for so-called Russian speaking parties such as the Concord Centre and the For Human Rights in United Latvia but for various parties if granted voting rights. 46% of Latvian residents positively evaluate granting voting rights to non-citizens in municipal election, while, 20% evaluate it neutrally. Those who do not support granting voting rights to non-citizens consider that it would hinder naturalisation process or believe that non-citizens are disloyal towards Latvia or fear that Russians will gain authority in the country. Authors of the study believe that attraction of new voters would be a positive factor for development of Latvian politics and community as a whole. Telegraf

The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers criticizes statement made by the Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs regarding occupation of Latvia. As reported, after the visit to Museum of Occupation, the Mayor stated that Latvia was incorporated into the Soviet Union in anti democratic way in 1940 but only historians should evaluate whether it was occupation. The President states that there is nothing to discuss because occupation is a fact known to every Latvian family and recognised in writing by 29 countries.

The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers criticizes statement made by the Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs regarding occupation of Latvia. As reported, after the visit to Museum of Occupation, the Mayor stated that Latvia was incorporated into the Soviet Union in anti democratic way in 1940 but only historians should evaluate whether it was occupation. The President states that there is nothing to discuss because occupation is a fact known to every Latvian family and recognised in writing by 29 countries. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Oct. 21, 2009

  • Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs visited the Museum of Occupation in Riga
  • Riga Regional Court sentenced a man to one year of suspended imprisonment for incitement of ethnic hatred
  • Number of non-citizens applying for the status of the EU permanent resident permit noticeably increased
  • Saeimas Committee on Education, Science and Culture refused proposal stipulating obligation of state and municipalities to ensure education in languages of ethnic minorities if there is sufficient demand for it
  • 143 persons received Latvian citizenship
  • Academician Feliciana Rajevska: formation of Latvian political nation would be more successful if non-citizens were granted voting rights in municipal elections
Yesterday, the Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs visited the Museum of Occupation in Riga. Replying to a question whether he agrees that Latvia was occupied by the USSR, Mr. Usakovs replied that Latvia was incorporated into the Soviet Union in anti democratic way in 1940 but only historians should evaluate whether it was occupation. The Mayor also stated that evil deed made by Joseph Stalin in Latvia cannot be forgiven but it is wrong to blame Soviet veterans for those crimes.

Yesterday, the Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs visited the Museum of Occupation in Riga. Replying to a question whether he agrees that Latvia was occupied by the USSR, Mr. Usakovs replied that Latvia was incorporated into the Soviet Union in anti democratic way in 1940 but only historians should evaluate whether it was occupation. The Mayor also stated that evil deed made by Joseph Stalin in Latvia cannot be forgiven but it is wrong to blame Soviet veterans for those crimes. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize, NRA

The Riga Regional Court sentenced a 25-year-old man to one year of suspended imprisonment for comments hostile towards ethnic Russian residents of Latvia published on the Internet.

The Riga Regional Court sentenced a 25-year-old man to one year of suspended imprisonment for comments hostile towards ethnic Russian residents of Latvia published on the Internet. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Telegraf reports that number of non-citizens applying for the status of the EU permanent resident permit noticeably increased during this year. According to a representative of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, there were only 17 persons who applied for the status in 2007, while, already 159 persons applied for the status in 2009. According to the newspaper, non-citizens became more active in receiving the status in order to have better opportunities of resettling in other EU countries.

The Saeima’s Committee on Education, Science and Culture refused proposal of the MP Igors Pimenovs (Concord Centre) stipulating obligation of state and municipalities to ensure education in languages of ethnic minorities if there is sufficient demand for it. Majority of the Committee’s members considered that there are no problems in this field in Latvia.

The Saeimas Committee on Education, Science and Culture refused proposal of the MP Igors Pimenovs (Concord Centre) stipulating obligation of state and municipalities to ensure education in languages of ethnic minorities if there is sufficient demand for it. Majority of the Committees members considered that there are no problems in this field in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday, the government accepted list of 143 new Latvian citizens who successfully went trough naturalisation process.

Yesterday, the government accepted list of 143 new Latvian citizens who successfully went trough naturalisation process. Vesti Segodnya

Prominant Latvian academician Feliciana Rajevska in an interview with

Prominant Latvian academician Feliciana Rajevska in an interview with Vesti Segodnya stated that formation of Latvian political nation would be more successful if non-citizens were granted voting rights in municipal elections. The fact that non-citizens are excluded from this process weakens municipalities and their connection with residents and separates authorities from the nation.

Oct. 20, 2009

  • Eizenija Aldermane is concerned about planned merger of the Naturalisation Board and the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs
Ex-head of the Naturalisation Board (NB) Eizenija Aldermane is concerned about planned merger of the NB and the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA). Mrs. Aldermane considers that the merger of both institutions should be full-fledged and functions of the NB should not be sidelined as something unimportant.

Ex-head of the Naturalisation Board (NB) Eizenija Aldermane is concerned about planned merger of the NB and the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA). Mrs. Aldermane considers that the merger of both institutions should be full-fledged and functions of the NB should not be sidelined as something unimportant. Chas

Oct. 19, 2009

  • Government supported conceptual decision to merge the Naturalisation Board with the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs
  • Share of ethnic minorities in Latvia decreased during 20 years
  • Vesti Segodnya reports about presentation of a documentary film Latvian Russians: Ten Centuries of History
The government supported conceptual decision to merge the Naturalisation Board with the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) with an aim to optimise funding for both institutions. According to the head of the OCMA, possible cost-saving outcome of the merger could amount the present funding of the Naturalisation Board.

The government supported conceptual decision to merge the Naturalisation Board with the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) with an aim to optimise funding for both institutions. According to the head of the OCMA, possible cost-saving outcome of the merger could amount the present funding of the Naturalisation Board. Latvijas Avize

The share of ethnic minorities in Latvia’s population decreased during the last 20 years. Presently, there are 27,8% ethnic Russians living in Latvia which is 6% fewer than in 1989. The share of Ukrainians, Belorussians and Jews also decreased, while the share of Poles, Lithuanians and Roma increased a little.

The share of ethnic minorities in Latvias population decreased during the last 20 years. Presently, there are 27,8% ethnic Russians living in Latvia which is 6% fewer than in 1989. The share of Ukrainians, Belorussians and Jews also decreased, while the share of Poles, Lithuanians and Roma increased a little. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya reports about presentation of a documentary film Latvian Russians: Ten Centuries of History. According to the author of the film historian Igors Gusevs, the film shows that Russians were living on present-day territory of Latvia for many centuries and the aim of the film is promotion of active integration of ethnic Russians in Latvian society.

Oct. 16, 2009

  • Saeimas Committee on National Economy supported proposal to ease procedure on granting residency permits for foreign investors
  • Minister of Education and Science Tatjana Koke will speak to local journalists only in Latvian language
  • 46,781 foreigners live in Latvia
  • Procession in support of Latvian non-citizens held yesterday in Riga
  • Saeima refused all draft amendments regarding widening rights of non-citizens
  • Vesti Segodnya reports about problems faced by Russian citizens who live in Latvia
  • Head of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre Efraim Zuroff: For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM glorifies Nazism
The Saeima’s Committee on National Economy supported proposal to ease procedure on granting residency permits for foreign investors. The draft amendments to the Immigration Law stipulate that foreigners who bought real estate in Latvia for more than LVL 50,000 (EUR 71,143) or invested not less than LVL 10,000 (EUR 14,228) in basic capital of enterprises and ensured at least three vacancies have right to receive residency permit for 5 years in Latvia.

The Saeimas Committee on National Economy supported proposal to ease procedure on granting residency permits for foreign investors. The draft amendments to the Immigration Law stipulate that foreigners who bought real estate in Latvia for more than LVL 50,000 (EUR 71,143) or invested not less than LVL 10,000 (EUR 14,228) in basic capital of enterprises and ensured at least three vacancies have right to receive residency permit for 5 years in Latvia. Chas

The Minister of Education and Science Tatjana Koke will speak to local journalists only in Latvian language. Such statement was made after reproach of the President Latvia Valdis Zatlers to state officials who speak with journalists in Russian.

The Minister of Education and Science Tatjana Koke will speak to local journalists only in Latvian language. Such statement was made after reproach of the President Latvia Valdis Zatlers to state officials who speak with journalists in Russian. Chas

According to the Central Statistics Bureau, there are 46,781 foreigners living in Latvia. 29,622 of them have Russian citizenship, 3,694 are Lithuanians, and 2,898 are Ukrainians.

According to the Central Statistics Bureau, there are 46,781 foreigners living in Latvia. 29,622 of them have Russian citizenship, 3,694 are Lithuanians, and 2,898 are Ukrainians. Chas

Procession in support of Latvian non-citizens devoted to 18

Procession in support of Latvian non-citizens devoted to 18th anniversary since adoption of law which divided Latvian residents into citizens and non-citizens was held yesterday in Riga. Chas, Vesti Segdonya

Yesterday, the Saeima refused all draft amendments regarding widening rights of non-citizens proposed by the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia. As reported, the draft laws abolished limitations for non-citizens in various activity categories and real estate business, and abolished requirement to prove Latvian language proficiency for those non-citizens who want to receive the status of the EU permanent resident.

Yesterday, the Saeima refused all draft amendments regarding widening rights of non-citizens proposed by the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia. As reported, the draft laws abolished limitations for non-citizens in various activity categories and real estate business, and abolished requirement to prove Latvian language proficiency for those non-citizens who want to receive the status of the EU permanent resident. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya reports about problems faced by Russian citizens who live in Latvia. According to the newspaper, a young man who was born in Latvia but has only temporary residency permit, at fourth year of studies in a professional school suddenly received a notification that he does not have right to study for free and to receive scholarship. The young man may also be required to pay for all years of studies. In another case described in the article, a man who recently received Russian citizenship but did not obtain the permanent residency permit yet was stroked off the list of patients in local health care centre and was refused help when he needed it.

Head of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre

Head of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre Efraim Zuroff in an interview with the Britain newspaper The Guardian stated that criticism made by political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM) towards the Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs for his participation in the events in commemoration of liberation of Riga from Nazi invaders should be viewed as glorification of Nazism. According to Mr. Zuroff, the FF/LNIM glorifies veterans Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires and ignores historical truth which is that Latvia would not become independent if Riga was not be liberated from Nazis by Soviet warriors in 1944. Chas

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