Oct. 28, 2009

  • For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM: primary and secondary education should be only in Latvian language
  • Concord Centre: merger of the Naturalisation Board and the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs might hinder naturalisation process
  • Russias State Duma discussed problems of Russian compatriots in Baltic States
Party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM) is planning to form a working group to elaborate proposals for gradual transition of primary and secondary education into Latvian language only.  The FF/LNIM considers that only full transition of education in state language can solve the integration problems in Latvia.

Party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM) is planning to form a working group to elaborate proposals for gradual transition of primary and secondary education into Latvian language only. The FF/LNIM considers that only full transition of education in state language can solve the integration problems in Latvia. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The Concord Centre considers that merger of the Naturalisation Board and the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs might hinder naturalisation process. According to a member of the party, the MP Boriss Cilevics, reorganisation of the Naturalisation Board is a signal to the society that the state is curtailing integration programs

The Concord Centre considers that merger of the Naturalisation Board and the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs might hinder naturalisation process. According to a member of the party, the MP Boriss Cilevics, reorganisation of the Naturalisation Board is a signal to the society that the state is curtailing integration programs. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday the Russia’s State Duma discussed problems of Russian compatriots in the Baltic States and the case of former Red Partisan Vasilijs Kononovs. The MPs criticized prosecutions on WWII veterans in Latvia and Estonia and the fact that large number of residents still does not have citizenship. The Vice Speaker of the State Duma Vladimir Zhirinovskiy stated that if Latvia does not need ethnic Russians as citizens, Russia is entitled to propose ceding to Russia territories inhabited by Russian-speakers.

Yesterday the Russias State Duma discussed problems of Russian compatriots in the Baltic States and the case of former Red Partisan Vasilijs Kononovs. The MPs criticized prosecutions on WWII veterans in Latvia and Estonia and the fact that large number of residents still does not have citizenship. The Vice Speaker of the State Duma Vladimir Zhirinovskiy stated that if Latvia does not need ethnic Russians as citizens, Russia is entitled to propose ceding to Russia territories inhabited by Russian-speakers. Chas

Oct. 27, 2009

  • Belgium newspaper La Libre Belgique published a critical article about Latvia honouring former Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires
  • Telegraf: merger of the Naturalisation Board and the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs might slow down naturalisation and have other more negative consequences
  • Latvijas Avize prints an article about movement of Russias compatriots in Latvia
  • State Language Centre punished several deputies of Daugavpils and Rezekne City Councils for insufficient state language proficiency

Vesti Segodnya reports that Belgium newspaper La Libre Belgique published a critical article about Latvia honouring former Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires. Reporter of the Belgium newspaper visited three Latvian museums – Museum of Occupation, Museum of War, and Museum of History of Latvian Jews. According to Vesti Segodnya, the reporter was shocked by the level of involvement in the Nazi war machine and stated that respectful attitude towards those who directly or indirectly contributed to mass extermination of Jews, prisoners of war and civil population should not be permissible in the European society.

According to the

According to the Telegraf, merger of the Naturalisation Board (NB) and the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) might slow down naturalisation and have other more negative consequences. According to a representative of the NB, officials of the NB do not have clear picture about the merger because it happens very hastily and secretly. The representative believes that the merger is not well justified because in the end the state will save only LVL 100,000 (EUR 142,287) and there is no confidence about the OCMAs ability to implement the functions of the Naturalisation Board

Latvijas Avize prints an article about movement of Russias compatriots in Latvia. According to the newspaper, the movement propagates anti-governmental ideas and it is sponsored by Russia and possibly managed by Russian special services. Head of the Eastern European Policy Research Centre considers that the movement becomes better organised and managed and uses new tactics trying to find among representatives of ethnic Latvian intelligentsia those who share their ideas such as granting non-citizens voting rights.

The State Language Centre punished several deputies of Daugavpils and Rezekne City Councils for insufficient state language proficiency. The deputies are fined with LVL 25 – 50 (EUR 36 – 71) and given five months to improve their language proficiency.

The State Language Centre punished several deputies of Daugavpils and Rezekne City Councils for insufficient state language proficiency. The deputies are fined with LVL 25 – 50 (EUR 36 – 71) and given five months to improve their language proficiency. Diena

Oct. 26, 2009

  • Ex-Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis: Latvia will have ethnic Russian prime minister if ethnic Latvian parties do not reach agreement for co-operation
  • Concord Centre continues to be the most popular political party in Latvia
  • Members of nationalistic party All for Latvia! call young people to join their party
According to

According to Telegraf, the ex-Prime Minister, MP Aigars Kalvitis (Peoples Party) stated that, the Concord Centre, most probably, will form governing coalition after the next Saeimas elections and Latvia will have ethnic Russian prime minister. Experts interviewed by the newspaper consider that such statement is aimed at scaring ethnic Latvian electorate by Russians are coming slogan.

According to the latest public opinion survey, the Concord Centre continues to be the most popular political party in Latvia – 15,7% of Latvian residents support it. The Union of Greens and Farmers is supported by 7,4% and the New Era by 5,8%. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of residents.

According to the latest public opinion survey, the Concord Centre continues to be the most popular political party in Latvia – 15,7% of Latvian residents support it. The Union of Greens and Farmers is supported by 7,4% and the New Era by 5,8%. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of residents. Diena

Vesti Segodnya reports that members of nationalistic party All for Latvia! held meetings with students of Latvian schools and call them to join the party.

Oct. 24, 2009

  • Government conceptually supported reorganisation of the Naturalisation Board and its merger with the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs
The government conceptually supported reorganisation of the Naturalisation Board and its merger with the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs under the subordination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the Saeima supports the decision, the Naturalisation Board will be reorganised on 1 January 2010.

The government conceptually supported reorganisation of the Naturalisation Board and its merger with the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs under the subordination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the Saeima supports the decision, the Naturalisation Board will be reorganised on 1 January 2010. Vesti Segodnya

Oct. 23, 2009

  • Concord Centre calls on all residents of Latvia to celebrate truly two up-coming national holidays – the Day of Lacplesis and the Independence Day of Latvia
The Saeima’s faction the Concord Centre (CC) appealed to all residents of Latvia calling on them to celebrate truly two up-coming national holidays – the Day of Lacplesis (or commemoration day of victory in the Riga battle over the Bermontians in 1918 celebrated on 11 November) and the Day of Independence of Latvia (celebrated on 18 November.) The CC calls not to turn these two the most important days for Latvia into mono-ethnic celebrations and to allow national radicals to raise again ethnic issues that split the society. The CC believes that the two holidays should finally become celebrations for all Latvian residents.

The Saeimas faction the Concord Centre (CC) appealed to all residents of Latvia calling on them to celebrate truly two up-coming national holidays – the Day of Lacplesis (or commemoration day of victory in the Riga battle over the Bermontians in 1918 celebrated on 11 November) and the Day of Independence of Latvia (celebrated on 18 November.) The CC calls not to turn these two the most important days for Latvia into mono-ethnic celebrations and to allow national radicals to raise again ethnic issues that split the society. The CC believes that the two holidays should finally become celebrations for all Latvian residents. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

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