Dec. 11, 2009

  • National Radio and Television Council accuses famous TV presenter Andrejs Mamikins of incitement to ethnic hatred
  • Equal Rights Trust urged Latvian government to uphold the equality of all persons
  • Saeima refused to grant citizenship to all residents born in Latvia and voting rights to non-citizens
  • Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with political scientist Nils Muiznieks on crisis and inter-ethnic relations in Latvia
The National Radio and Television Council (NRTC) accuses famous TV presenter Andrejs Mamikins of incitement to ethnic hatred. The reason for this is TV-viewers’ public opinion poll held during live broadcast “Un-censored” presented by Mr. Mamikins on the Independence Day 18 November. During the broadcast, the viewers could vote to answer a question: “What was Latvia’s acquisition of independence?” One of the offered answers was “it was a fatal mistake.” The NRTC considers that such variant of answer is an intentional incitement to ethnic hatred and violation of journalist’s ethics. 

The National Radio and Television Council (NRTC) accuses famous TV presenter Andrejs Mamikins of incitement to ethnic hatred. The reason for this is TV-viewers public opinion poll held during live broadcast Un-censored presented by Mr. Mamikins on the Independence Day 18 November. During the broadcast, the viewers could vote to answer a question: What was Latvias acquisition of independence? One of the offered answers was it was a fatal mistake. The NRTC considers that such variant of answer is an intentional incitement to ethnic hatred and violation of journalists ethics. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize, Diena

On the occasion of 10 December, Human Rights Day, international human rights organisation Equal Rights Trust (ERT) addressed Latvian government urging it to uphold the equality of all persons under its jurisdiction in respect to their pension rights and do not reduce the current levels of social security. Particularly, the organisation states that Latvia should implement the ruling of the European Court for Human Rights in case of “Andrejeva vs. Latvia” on discrimination of Latvian non-citizens in calculating their pensions.

On the occasion of 10 December, Human Rights Day, international human rights organisation Equal Rights Trust (ERT) addressed Latvian government urging it to uphold the equality of all persons under its jurisdiction in respect to their pension rights and do not reduce the current levels of social security. Particularly, the organisation states that Latvia should implement the ruling of the European Court for Human Rights in case of Andrejeva vs. Latvia on discrimination of Latvian non-citizens in calculating their pensions. Chas

Yesterday, the Saeima refused draft amendments to the Citizenship Law and the Constitution proposed by the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia. The faction proposed to grant citizenship to all residents who were born in Latvia and who are more than 60 years old and to grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections.

Yesterday, the Saeima refused draft amendments to the Citizenship Law and the Constitution proposed by the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia. The faction proposed to grant citizenship to all residents who were born in Latvia and who are more than 60 years old and to grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with political scientist Nils Muiznieks on crisis and inter-ethnic relations in Latvia. Mr. Muiznieks considers that ethnic relations deteriorate in during economic hardships. According to Mr. Muiznieks, ethnic minorities, young and people in pre-retirement age are the first to get dismissed from job, while self-isolation of groups leads to the growth of stereotypes and prejudices.

Dec. 10, 2009

  • Number of applicants for Russias citizenship among Latgales residents four times exceeds number of applicants for Latvian citizenship
  • Deputy of Russias State Duma: ethnic Russians who live abroad should be issued governments certificates of Russian compatriots
  • Latvian Human Rights Committee celebrated its 17th anniversary
According to

According to Telegraf, number of applicants for Russias citizenship among Latgales (Eastern region of Latvia) residents four times exceeds number of applicants for Latvian citizenship. Consul General of Russia in Daugavpils states that number of applicants for Russias citizenship grown 4,5 times during this year and now there about 200 persons applying for citizenship each month. Mostly those are Latvian non-citizens in pre-retirement or retirement age. Representatives of the Daugavpils City Council believe that such interest towards Russias citizenship particularly in this city is based on hard economic situation in the region and opportunities to receive better pensions.

Deputy of Russia’s State Duma Konstantin Zatulin in an interview with

Deputy of Russias State Duma Konstantin Zatulin in an interview with Vesti Segodnya states that ethnic Russians who live abroad should be issued governments certificates of Russian compatriots in order to receive various advantages from Russia. Mr. Zatulin considers that possible advantages could include temporary residence in Russia without quotas applied to foreigners, free-of-charge visas to Russia, free-of-charge entrance to Russias museums and archives and opportunities to study and work in Russia.

Yesterday, NGO Latvian Human Rights Committee (LHRC) celebrated its 17

Yesterday, NGO Latvian Human Rights Committee (LHRC) celebrated its 17th anniversary. The LHRC also presented a book in Russian language Problems of Rights of Ethnic Minorities in Latvia and Estonia; English version of the book is presented today in the European Parliament. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Dec. 9, 2009

  • Saeimas Committee on Education, Science and Culture rejected proposal to abolish the norm stipulating that Latvian is the only language of instructions in state higher education establishments
  • The council of the ruling coalition parties considers that conditions for granting residence permits to foreign investors should more severe
Yesterday, the Saeima’s Committee on Education, Science and Culture rejected proposal of the party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) to abolish the norm stipulating that Latvian is the only language of instructions in state higher education establishments. The FHRUL based its proposal on the opinion of rectors of the biggest Latvian higher education establishments that opportunity to teach in foreign languages particularly in Russian would attract foreign students to Latvia and improve financial situation of universities.

Yesterday, the Saeimas Committee on Education, Science and Culture rejected proposal of the party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) to abolish the norm stipulating that Latvian is the only language of instructions in state higher education establishments. The FHRUL based its proposal on the opinion of rectors of the biggest Latvian higher education establishments that opportunity to teach in foreign languages particularly in Russian would attract foreign students to Latvia and improve financial situation of universities. Vesti Segodnya

The council of the ruling coalition parties sent back to the Saeima’s Committee on National Economy the draft amendments to the Immigration Law which envisaged easing requirements for granting residence permits to foreign investors. The proposed draft amendments stipulated that a foreigner who bought real estate in Latvia for over LVL 100,000 and invested in the nominal capital of an enterprise registered in Latvia at least LVL 24,000 can be grated permanent residence permit. However, the coalition’s council considers that the conditions for granting residence permits should more severe.

The council of the ruling coalition parties sent back to the Saeimas Committee on National Economy the draft amendments to the Immigration Law which envisaged easing requirements for granting residence permits to foreign investors. The proposed draft amendments stipulated that a foreigner who bought real estate in Latvia for over LVL 100,000 and invested in the nominal capital of an enterprise registered in Latvia at least LVL 24,000 can be grated permanent residence permit. However, the coalitions council considers that the conditions for granting residence permits should more severe. Vesti Segodnya

Dec. 8, 2009

  • Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilze Brands Kehris receives the French National Order of the Legion of Honour
  • President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers: word occupant should not be used anymore in Latvia
Today, director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilze Brands Kehris receives the French National Order of the Legion

Today, director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilze Brands Kehris receives the French National Order of the Legion of Honour in Chevalier degree. The prestigious French decoration is presented to Mrs. Brands Kehris for her contribution to Latvian and French relations and promotion of dialogue on issues regarding citizenship, minorities, discrimination, multiculturalism and migration. Latvijas Avize

The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers responding to questions of

The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers responding to questions of Telegraf readers stated that Latvian residents do not need integration but unity and common understanding that recognition of Latvian state, its symbols, laws and language guarantees personal freedom in respect of ethnic affiliation of a person. The President also stated that today in Latvia people should agree that word occupant should not be used anymore because occupation of Latvia ended with departure of last representative of Soviet troops. Telegraf (7.12)

Dec. 5, 2009

  • Study on humanitarian influence of Russia on residents of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
Recently, Centre of the Eastern European Policy Studies (CEEPS) produced a study on Russia’s humanitarian influence on people in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. This influence is targeted through different cultural activities, as well as through Russia’s and local Russian speaking mass media. According to CEEPS, the people in those countries are speaking very good Russian and therefore are receptive towards this information. CEEPS warns about the long term plans of a neighbouring country, although Russian culture in general should not be seen negatively.

Recently, Centre of the Eastern European Policy Studies (CEEPS) produced a study on Russias humanitarian influence on people in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. This influence is targeted through different cultural activities, as well as through Russias and local Russian speaking mass media. According to CEEPS, the people in those countries are speaking very good Russian and therefore are receptive towards this information. CEEPS warns about the long term plans of a neighbouring country, although Russian culture in general should not be seen negatively. Vesty Segodnya

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