jūlijs 13, 2007

  • Latvian Human Rights Committee has sent a letter to the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers with an appeal to support a proposal to grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections
Yesterday, the Latvian Human Rights Committee (LHRC) has sent a letter to the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers with an appeal to support a proposal to grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections. The LHRC expressed its belief that the President would be able to explain to the residents of Latvia that allowing non-citizens to participate in municipal elections would not cause conflict between state and municipalities but would ease interethnic tensions.

Yesterday, the Latvian Human Rights Committee (LHRC) has sent a letter to the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers with an appeal to support a proposal to grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections. The LHRC expressed its belief that the President would be able to explain to the residents of Latvia that allowing non-citizens to participate in municipal elections would not cause conflict between state and municipalities but would ease interethnic tensions. Vesti Segodnya

jūlijs 12, 2007

  • Latvijas Avize reports that Knut Vollebaek has been appointed for the post of the OSCEs High Commissioner on National Minorities

Latvijas Avize reports that Knut Vollebaek from Norway has been appointed for the post of the new OSCEs (Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe) High Commissioner on National Minorities. In official letter to the High Commissioner The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Artis Pabriks has stated that Latvia has done a lot for society integration, democratisation and protection of human rights and is ready to share with its positive experience with Georgia, Moldova and others OSCEs members states.

jūlijs 11, 2007

  • Latvijas Avize prints an article on influx of guest workers to Latvia

Latvijas Avize prints an article on influx of guest workers to Latvia. According to the article guest workers are arriving to Latvia despite governments statements that Latvian labour market will not be opened for cheep labour force. The columnist believes that attraction of guest workers would promote further migration of Latvian residents to other countries.

jūlijs 10, 2007

  • Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the head of the NGO Russian Community of Liepaja Valerijs Kravcovs

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the head of the NGO Russian Community of Liepaja (city in the Western part of Latvia) Valerijs Kravcovs. Mr. Kravcovs has stated that although the NGO unites 2,000 members, the Liepaja City Councils financial support for the organizatio is negligible. According to Valerijs Kravcovs, non-citizens should be granted voting rights in municipal elections in order to promote a dialog between minorities and municipal councils.

jūlijs 9, 2007

  • Newspapers report on inauguration of the new President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers held yesterday
  • Chas reports that 10 guest workers from Moldova and Georgia are legally employed in a factory near Kuldiga
Newspapers report on inauguration of the new President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers held yesterday. In his speech in the Saeima, Mr. Zatlers has promised to promote tolerance in society towards variety of opinions. The President has also stated that it is a big achievement of Latvia that its residents of various ethnic backgrounds co-operate together successfully as well as various religious confessions live in harmony with each other.

Newspapers report on inauguration of the new President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers held yesterday. In his speech in the Saeima, Mr. Zatlers has promised to promote tolerance in society towards variety of opinions. The President has also stated that it is a big achievement of Latvia that its residents of various ethnic backgrounds co-operate together successfully as well as various religious confessions live in harmony with each other. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Diena, Latvijas Avize, NRA

Chas reports that 10 guest workers from Moldova and Georgia are legally employed in a factory near Kuldiga (a town in the Western part of Latvia). According to the director of the factory, attraction of guest workers was expensive and not easy, but they were invited due to the lack of local labour force willing to work.

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