jūlijs 19, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Two factions of the Old Believers organization in Riga could not agree on the future status of their organization: one, led by Ivan Mirolyubov, passed a resolution that they should become subordinate to the authority of Russia’s Orthodox church, while the other, a majority at the bifurcated meeting, opposed this and passed a resolution that Mirolyubov should be expelled from the organization. Both resolutions have been submitted to the Department of Religious Affairs, which will have to come to a resolution. Chas

Two factions of the Old Believers organization in Riga could not agree on the future status of their organization: one, led by Ivan Mirolyubov, passed a resolution that they should become subordinate to the authority of Russias Orthodox church, while the other, a majority at the bifurcated meeting, opposed this and passed a resolution that Mirolyubov should be expelled from the organization. Both resolutions have been submitted to the Department of Religious Affairs, which will have to come to a resolution. Chas

In a page-long article in Vechernaya Riga journalist Vladimir Dorofeev describes his participation in yesterday’s naturalization information day at the Naturalization Board, including taking the trial tests. He concludes that the tests are not difficult, and that almost all visitors that day had no trouble completing them. Vechernaya Riga

In a page-long article in Vechernaya Riga journalist Vladimir Dorofeev describes his participation in yesterdays naturalization information day at the Naturalization Board, including taking the trial tests. He concludes that the tests are not difficult, and that almost all visitors that day had no trouble completing them. Vechernaya Riga

National Human Rights Office Director Olafs Bruvers in an interview comments regarding police intervention with extremists. He considers that the police does a good job, but sometimes are overly zealous in their efforts, detaining or curtailing their movement without grounds. He considers that these methods are reminiscent of those used under Soviet rule. The Office has received complaints from both the Latvian National Democrats with the national Bolshevik “Barkashov” leadership, the Latvian pseudo-military grouping “aizsargi”, and Mr Garda, and the Office has requested explanations from the security police regarding their actions. Latvijas vestnesis

National Human Rights Office Director Olafs Bruvers in an interview comments regarding police intervention with extremists. He considers that the police does a good job, but sometimes are overly zealous in their efforts, detaining or curtailing their movement without grounds. He considers that these methods are reminiscent of those used under Soviet rule. The Office has received complaints from both the Latvian National Democrats with the national Bolshevik Barkashov leadership, the Latvian pseudo-military grouping aizsargi, and Mr Garda, and the Office has requested explanations from the security police regarding their actions. Latvijas vestnesis

The Integration Fund’s call for projects funded by PHARE is discussed in some detail, including a comment that the project Latvian language teaching system to adults, which is the only project of the eight ones announced that may receive full funding. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Vestnesis, LETA

The Integration Funds call for projects funded by PHARE is discussed in some detail, including a comment that the project Latvian language teaching system to adults, which is the only project of the eight ones announced that may receive full funding. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Vestnesis, LETA

Of approximately 3,000 signatures that a FHRUL youth organization was collecting, 90% of respondents indicated that they want education in their native language, of whom 40% were Latvians. Telegraf

Of approximately 3,000 signatures that a FHRUL youth organization was collecting, 90% of respondents indicated that they want education in their native language, of whom 40% were Latvians. Telegraf

jūlijs 18, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Naturalization information booths will be set up in Jelgava on 20 July and in several other locations until November this year, in a British-funded extension of last year’s naturalization information activities. BNS

Naturalization information booths will be set up in Jelgava on 20 July and in several other locations until November this year, in a British-funded extension of last years naturalization information activities. BNS

Society Integration Fund will hold a press conference today on projects for the second half of the year. LETA

Society Integration Fund will hold a press conference today on projects for the second half of the year. LETA

Comments on yesterday’s Soros Fund Latvia conference on civil society included some remarks regarding problems of Russian speakers, including FHRUL MP Boris Cilevics’s open-ended question whether there might be tension between the concept of integration and the concept of civil society with its stress on the empowerment of multifaceted groups of society. Diena’s article includes rebuts to this suggestion, stressing the close link between social integration and the development of civil society. Chas, BNS, Diena

Comments on yesterdays Soros Fund Latvia conference on civil society included some remarks regarding problems of Russian speakers, including FHRUL MP Boris Cilevicss open-ended question whether there might be tension between the concept of integration and the concept of civil society with its stress on the empowerment of multifaceted groups of society. Dienas article includes rebuts to this suggestion, stressing the close link between social integration and the development of civil society. Chas, BNS, Diena

The MP Jakov Pliner (FHRUL) writes critically about the Integration Program and its implementation in Latvia. According to Pliner, the building of a united political nation would be possible if the Framework Convention on Minority Rights would be ratified and implemented in Latvia and all residents born in Latvia would automatically be granted citizenship. He considers efforts of unification of the two language-determined information spheres to be an attempt at assimilation of the minorities, thus ensuring the acceptance of official views. Vesti Segodnja

The MP Jakov Pliner (FHRUL) writes critically about the Integration Program and its implementation in Latvia. According to Pliner, the building of a united political nation would be possible if the Framework Convention on Minority Rights would be ratified and implemented in Latvia and all residents born in Latvia would automatically be granted citizenship. He considers efforts of unification of the two language-determined information spheres to be an attempt at assimilation of the minorities, thus ensuring the acceptance of official views. Vesti Segodnja

In a special insert on the European Union in Lauku Avize, an article on the European Court of Human Rights elaborates on the functions and procedures of the court, arguing against the common misconception that it is an instrument politically used against Latvia. The author points to the fact that although presently cases from Latvia are by non-Latvians, from both Baltic neighbors there are cases both from minorities and the titular ethnic group. Lauku Avize

In a special insert on the European Union in Lauku Avize, an article on the European Court of Human Rights elaborates on the functions and procedures of the court, arguing against the common misconception that it is an instrument politically used against Latvia. The author points to the fact that although presently cases from Latvia are by non-Latvians, from both Baltic neighbors there are cases both from minorities and the titular ethnic group. Lauku Avize

Aleksandr Gurin in Panorama Latvii editorial writes about the desirability of a Russian House in Latvia, similar to the cultural centers of other minorities, which would unite Latvian Russians. Panorama Latvii

Aleksandr Gurin in Panorama Latvii editorial writes about the desirability of a Russian House in Latvia, similar to the cultural centers of other minorities, which would unite Latvian Russians. Panorama Latvii

jūlijs 17, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

The first regional Roma organization bureau was opened in Jelgava, for which MP Rudevic used earlier received state budgetary funding. The bureau is to work as a coordinating centre and assist with social, educational and employment problems of the Roma, and assist in the effort to break stereotypes about this ethnic group. All in all 12 such regional centers are planned. BNS, LETA, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

The first regional Roma organization bureau was opened in Jelgava, for which MP Rudevic used earlier received state budgetary funding. The bureau is to work as a coordinating centre and assist with social, educational and employment problems of the Roma, and assist in the effort to break stereotypes about this ethnic group. All in all 12 such regional centers are planned. BNS, LETA, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

The Naturalization Bureau is holding a naturalization information day on its premises today. BNS, LETA, Neatkariga Rita Avize

The Naturalization Bureau is holding a naturalization information day on its premises today. BNS, LETA, Neatkariga Rita Avize

An Orthodox shelter for street teenagers has been opened in a two-room apartment in the centre of Riga. It houses 20 teenagers and provides various lessons and activities.

An Orthodox shelter for street teenagers has been opened in a two-room apartment in the centre of Riga. It houses 20 teenagers and provides various lessons and activities.

Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnja publishes an interview with the leader of the Russian Community in Latvia Vjacheslav Altuhov. In his opinion Latvian Russians are resentful and humiliated by not being granted the Latvian citizenship automatically. Russians represent 30% of the population and many have lived here for generations and are more than just another minority. He is convinced that if Russia will support the effort, Russian will become a second official language in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnja publishes an interview with the leader of the Russian Community in Latvia Vjacheslav Altuhov. In his opinion Latvian Russians are resentful and humiliated by not being granted the Latvian citizenship automatically. Russians represent 30% of the population and many have lived here for generations and are more than just another minority. He is convinced that if Russia will support the effort, Russian will become a second official language in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

In an article philosopher Artis Svecs discusses politically correct terminology when dealing with racial or ethnic groups and the reluctance in Latvia to accept it. The author believes that this stems from not understanding that it is based not on censorship, but on a wish to respect others. He believes that many Latvians are racist, because they lack exposure to other cultures and races. Latvians will have to learn to focus less exclusively on their own sensitivities in order to function in a multicultural and multiethnic world, the author concludes. Diena

In an article philosopher Artis Svecs discusses politically correct terminology when dealing with racial or ethnic groups and the reluctance in Latvia to accept it. The author believes that this stems from not understanding that it is based not on censorship, but on a wish to respect others. He believes that many Latvians are racist, because they lack exposure to other cultures and races. Latvians will have to learn to focus less exclusively on their own sensitivities in order to function in a multicultural and multiethnic world, the author concludes. Diena

A discussion in Chas of Jack Mattlock’s statements when receiving an honorary doctorate in Latvia includes not only references to his contacts with Gorbachev while ambassador to the USSR, but also stresses his post-press conference opinions that Russians should more willingly trusted to be part of political life in Latvia, and that Russians in Latvia represent an advantage in keeping good relations with Russia, which he considers a priority. The paper also notes that Professor Mattlock expressed the hope that in a couple of decades all residents would be Latvian citizens, and the author comments that it is interesting that these statements are not reflected in the Latvian-language press. Chas

A discussion in Chas of Jack Mattlocks statements when receiving an honorary doctorate in Latvia includes not only references to his contacts with Gorbachev while ambassador to the USSR, but also stresses his post-press conference opinions that Russians should more willingly trusted to be part of political life in Latvia, and that Russians in Latvia represent an advantage in keeping good relations with Russia, which he considers a priority. The paper also notes that Professor Mattlock expressed the hope that in a couple of decades all residents would be Latvian citizens, and the author comments that it is interesting that these statements are not reflected in the Latvian-language press. Chas

Genady Seleznov, the speaker of the Russian Duma, yesterday called attention to Russia’s demographic crisis and argued for more intense efforts to attract able and energetic Russian-speakers, especially from the Baltic states and the CIS. BNS, LETA, Vesti Segodnya

Genady Seleznov, the speaker of the Russian Duma, yesterday called attention to Russias demographic crisis and argued for more intense efforts to attract able and energetic Russian-speakers, especially from the Baltic states and the CIS. BNS, LETA, Vesti Segodnya

jūlijs 16, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Panorama Latvii publishes a discussion with FHRUL MP Sokolovsky about the amended law on immigration, adopted in its first reading during the last session of the Parliament before the summer. According to Sokolovsky, the issue of residence rights to parents living abroad by reason of family reunion is only accepted because of pressure to comply with EU standards, while there is a risk that the national radicals try to block any extension of rights. Panorama Latvii

Panorama Latvii publishes a discussion with FHRUL MP Sokolovsky about the amended law on immigration, adopted in its first reading during the last session of the Parliament before the summer. According to Sokolovsky, the issue of residence rights to parents living abroad by reason of family reunion is only accepted because of pressure to comply with EU standards, while there is a risk that the national radicals try to block any extension of rights. Panorama Latvii

A naturalization information day will be held tomorrow at the Naturalization Board, with information and opportunities to try a test naturalization exam. Telegraf

A naturalization information day will be held tomorrow at the Naturalization Board, with information and opportunities to try a test naturalization exam. Telegraf

The conference on Latgale, held in Daugavpils, included discussions of the status of Latgallians as an ethnic group and Latgallian as a language, not a mere dialect, as officially considered presently. In the conference negative opinions were expressed about official statements on national issues and a critical presentation was made by a member of the Council of Old Believers. Panorama Latvii

The conference on Latgale, held in Daugavpils, included discussions of the status of Latgallians as an ethnic group and Latgallian as a language, not a mere dialect, as officially considered presently. In the conference negative opinions were expressed about official statements on national issues and a critical presentation was made by a member of the Council of Old Believers. Panorama Latvii

Panorama Latvii includes a section in Ukrainian, with articles on Ukrainian national symbols, an interview and a report on cultural events and an article on numismatics in Belorussian. Panorama Latvii

Panorama Latvii includes a section in Ukrainian, with articles on Ukrainian national symbols, an interview and a report on cultural events and an article on numismatics in Belorussian. Panorama Latvii

Aleksandr Shabanov interviews Sandris Tocs, vice-editor of NRA. Tocs argues that the 1940 occupation is only a virtual problem and compares Latvia to South Africa during the regime of apartheid. He considers that all residents should automatically be granted citizenship. Chas

Aleksandr Shabanov interviews Sandris Tocs, vice-editor of NRA. Tocs argues that the 1940 occupation is only a virtual problem and compares Latvia to South Africa during the regime of apartheid. He considers that all residents should automatically be granted citizenship. Chas

The leaflets of the Latvian National Democratic party, confiscated by police when the car of Yevgeny Osipov, head of the party, was briefly detained last Saturday, contained anti-state propaganda. Vechernaya Riga

The leaflets of the Latvian National Democratic party, confiscated by police when the car of Yevgeny Osipov, head of the party, was briefly detained last Saturday, contained anti-state propaganda. Vechernaya Riga

jūlijs 15, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Information regarding the Wiesenthal Centre director’s offer of USD 10,000 for information on Nazi war criminals continues, including the negative reaction to the offer of money both in Estonia and Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Telegraf

Information regarding the Wiesenthal Centre directors offer of USD 10,000 for information on Nazi war criminals continues, including the negative reaction to the offer of money both in Estonia and Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Telegraf

Political scientist Boris Kolchanov expresses his views on the state language and the incorrect comparison of Latvian to the situation of the Catalonian language in an extensive article based on an interview, noting that Latvian was not even threatened under Soviet rule, since it was allowed to exist alongside Russian, while the use of Catalonian was heavily penalized under General Franco’s rule. Latvian is threatened, and the main thing is retaining freedom of choice regarding the language of education. Vechernaya Riga

Political scientist Boris Kolchanov expresses his views on the state language and the incorrect comparison of Latvian to the situation of the Catalonian language in an extensive article based on an interview, noting that Latvian was not even threatened under Soviet rule, since it was allowed to exist alongside Russian, while the use of Catalonian was heavily penalized under General Francos rule. Latvian is threatened, and the main thing is retaining freedom of choice regarding the language of education. Vechernaya Riga

Four Latvian National Democratic party activists, including its leader Evgeny Osipov, were briefly detained in Liepaja, while on the way to an unsanctioned open meeting in Liepaja’s Cakste Square. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vechernaya Riga

Four Latvian National Democratic party activists, including its leader Evgeny Osipov, were briefly detained in Liepaja, while on the way to an unsanctioned open meeting in Liepajas Cakste Square. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vechernaya Riga

Commentator Andrei Sheremetev considers the refusal of the Enterprise Registrar to register the new leadership of the Latvian National Democratic party and the party Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM calls for the halting of the activities of the national democrats as baseless. The author explains the attempts with the fact that Russian nationalist have replaced the Latvian ones. Panorama Latvii.

Commentator Andrei Sheremetev considers the refusal of the Enterprise Registrar to register the new leadership of the Latvian National Democratic party and the party Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM calls for the halting of the activities of the national democrats as baseless. The author explains the attempts with the fact that Russian nationalist have replaced the Latvian ones. Panorama Latvii.

Vesti Segodna reports on the seminar “Russian Old-Believers in Latgale in the Context of Integrative Processes in Latvia”in Rezekne. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodna reports on the seminar Russian Old-Believers in Latgale in the Context of Integrative Processes in Latviain Rezekne. Vesti Segodnya

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