maijs 29, 2012

  • Draft amendments complicating the procedure of the registration of children of non-citizens as citizens of Latvia are recalled
  • Number of applicants for naturalisation decreases
  • “Ryanair” refuses Latvian non-citizens in boarding

The draft amendments complicating the procedure of the registration of children of non-citizens as citizens of Latvia got recalled. As reported, the Ministry of Justice prepared draft amendments to the Citizenship Law proposing to apply the same rules to children of non-citizens as in relation to adult applicants for naturalisation, in particularly, to check whether they endanger national security. Vesti Segodnya

According to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, the number of applicants for naturalisation during first four months of 2012 decreased as compared with the same time period of 2011. In total, 883 persons applied for naturalisation this year compared to 1078 applicants in 2011. Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya reports about several cases when the airline “Ryanair” refused Latvian non-citizens in boarding. Latvian non-citizens entering the majority of the EU countries are not required to have visas. However, the “Ryanair” requested the passengers for visa and refused them in boarding without it.

maijs 28, 2012

  • “Movement of 13 January” renamed it self as the party “For Native Language”
  • EU Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs: Latvia does not have problems with shortcut of labour force

A political party “Movement of 13 January” renamed itself as the party “For Native Language”. The party’s board’s members are Vladimirs Lindermans, Jevgenijs Osipovs and Illarion Girs known as initiators of the referendum on granting Russian language the status of state language in Latvia. The party plans to take part in the municipal elections in 2013, to support collection of signatures for granting citizenship to Latvian non-citizens, and an initiative on dissolution of the Parliament. Vesti Segodnya

The EU Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs believes Latvia does not have a problem of labour force shortage as longs as the level of unemployment is around 11% in the country. Overall, the Commissioner thinks that Latvia most likely could expect influx of immigrants from Middle Asia and Caucasus rather than from the south of Europe. Vesti Segodnya

maijs 25, 2012

  • Aleksandrs Gaponenko: it is planned to establish the parliament of non-citizens

 Vesti Segodnya interviews one of the initiators of the referendum for granting Russian language status of a state language in Latvia. Mr Gaponenko believes that despite the fact that the majority of Latvian citizens did not support the proposal on the status of Russian language, the referendum was very successful and its result is consolidation of Russian community on the basis of the value of native language. According to Mr Gaponenko, at present, there is active work on informing various international organisations about the problems of Russian speakers and non-citizens in Latvia. Also it is planned to establish the parliament of non-citizens in order to realise the rights of Russian community for representation in various structures. Mr Gaponenko also calls Russian speaking residents to actively fight for their rights, for instance, by boycotting companies un-friendly to Russian language. 


maijs 24, 2012

  • President of Latvia Andris Berzins: Russian community is an important part of the society
  • Prime Minister’s adviser on integration issues Sarmite Elerte wants to introduce the days of ethnic minorities in Latvia
  • 20% of ethnic Latvians are married to representatives of other ethnicities

Yesterday, at the opening of the Days of Russian culture in Latvia organisers of the event read the greeting of the President of Latvia Andris Berzins. According to the President, Russian community is an important part of the society which has deep historical ties with Latvian state. “Russian community enriches our society by its contributions in culture, art and economy. Understanding cultural values in relations between nations is a key element to find a common language and mutual understanding in its wide sense. Therefore, the Days of Russian Culture in Latvia helps to establish the basis for good mutual relations of two nations” – believes the President. Chas

Chas reports that the Prime Minister’s adviser on integration issues Sarmite Elerte wants to introduce the days of ethnic minorities in Latvia. If the Cabinet of Ministers grants funding for such aim, the days of ethnic minorities might be conducted later this year. Mrs Elerte believes such event would promote integration and consolidation of the society.

Neatkariga reports that about 20% of ethnic Latvians are married to representatives of other ethnicities and this proportion does not change for many years. Among ethnic minorities, 40% of ethnic Russian residents are married to representatives of other ethnicities. Among other ethnic minorities, ethnically mixed marriages are even more widespread.

maijs 23, 2012

  • Days of Russian Culture in Latvia start today

The Days of Russian Culture in Latvia start today. According to organisers of the events, the aim is to emphasize Russian cultural heritage, because traditions of ethnic Russians living in Latvia differ from traditions of Russia and Russians living in other countries. Within the framework of the Days of Russian Culture more than 100 various events will be held until 6 June – exhibitions, thematic excursions, concerts and others. Latvijas Avize

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